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In the VR Arsenal, once you have tried (press Try), how do you go back to further configure your guy ? Esc makes you leave the Arsenal entirely (if you accept) or you can Restart which erases all your customizations

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Old_Painless: Press ESC and then hit the button on the bottom. It is missing it's label.

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Thanks Brisse, (the blank button under the Field Manual button)

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I think I might have to chime in with my observation that performance has taken a bit of a hitwith the last couple of dev releases. FPS is a bit lower (maybe 15-20%) and the framerate seems a little choppier when looking around. Anyone else seeing something similar?

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I have a small request for VR:

please add tire/track textures ("footprints") like for regular tarmac, to help seeing what a vehicle is doing while driving. Without it, it's hard to judge if it is sliding around, or if it has full traction.

VR is a very nice addition for modding, a simple mission in it loads almost as fast as bulldozer. Thumbs up, BIS.

Edited by Fennek

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Tweaked: Spatialization of loud sounds

It's great that you reduced the stereo downmix on loud sounds, it has made the direction detection much easier. But you may have gone over the top; intense close-by battle is too disorienting now because there's almost no downmix at all. Your right ear is deaf to a gunshot 5m to your left. Feels unnatural.

AND this has broken at least the aircraft engine sound: do a quick turn and observe the sound source lag behind. I.e. turn left and the engine moves to the right.

Edited by Greenfist

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old and still not fixed >> Hidden Sections on the HEMTT are not working

>> Tempest has the same issue!

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The VR suits should have variants in texture. For example, the AAF, NATO, and CSAT suits should use their respective camouflages, while the Civilian one will stay black. Just an idea, BIS. :)

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Latest devbranch says increased max memory to 3072MB. Has anyone tried this?

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Latest devbranch says increased max memory to 3072MB. Has anyone tried this?

I bet everyone following this thread has tried it by now.

But at least I couldn't reach any higher than usual memory usage with my moderate efforts. That doesn't mean it doesn't work though.

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The VR suits should have variants in texture. For example, the AAF, NATO, and CSAT suits should use their respective camouflages, while the Civilian one will stay black. Just an idea, BIS. :)

Erm, I don't think that the AAF can afford these things.

CSAT probably prefers training soldiers by sending them to the local villages for target practice, seeing as they're evil-looking people/aliens.

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I bet everyone following this thread has tried it by now.

But at least I couldn't reach any higher than usual memory usage with my moderate efforts. That doesn't mean it doesn't work though.

I tried it yesterday, managed to get the game to use >2.2GB, but only by flying over Altis with 12km view+object distance and terrain+object details maxed out.

Probably would have gone higher if I had thought to add some different AI units. It definitely works though.

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I tried it yesterday, managed to get the game to use >2.2GB, but only by flying over Altis with 12km view+object distance and terrain+object details maxed out.

Probably would have gone higher if I had thought to add some different AI units. It definitely works though.

You're speaking about process virtual memory, right?

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You're speaking about process virtual memory, right?

Yeah, I was just looking at the task manager on my second monitor.

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The VR suits should have variants in texture. For example, the AAF, NATO, and CSAT suits should use their respective camouflages, while the Civilian one will stay black. Just an idea, BIS. :)

I don't want to sound like one of those "BIS Y U MAKE THIS WHEN U COULD MAKE [my favourite thing]" guys, but if there's anything that doesn't need different variants, it's the VR suit. That's time that could be better spent making new civilian variants, for example. Even if they're just more reskins of the Rangemaster.

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The VR suits should have variants in texture. For example, the AAF, NATO, and CSAT suits should use their respective camouflages, while the Civilian one will stay black. Just an idea, BIS. :)

Yes, because VR suits are usually used in actual combat, and therefore need to be camouflaged :rolleyes:

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I don't want to sound like one of those "BIS Y U MAKE THIS WHEN U COULD MAKE [my favourite thing]" guys, but if there's anything that doesn't need different variants, it's the VR suit. That's time that could be better spent making new civilian variants, for example. Even if they're just more reskins of the Rangemaster.

I'd welcome a police version of the rangemaster ( after all we already have a vest and cap ).

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As NorX_Aengell said, ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; is broken and makes the game crash. It works fine with "spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal". I don't know if it's a known issue...

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Is anyone else getting this error in the editor when hitting Preview? image

It seems to happen only when I have a Game Logic unit Zeus and the required zeus modules inserted.

This is without any mods activated. No Steam cache integrity errors either.

Edited by Wathagan
changed the screen cap to a better one showing only the three objects I've inserted to my mission to reproduce the error.

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Where do you call ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal from? Doesn't crash my Steam dev build.

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please more gears for CSAT and fix the texture issue on the assassin black helmet


Edited by Zukov

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Can you still use the insigna in the VR Arsenal since the last update ?

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

The crash happened only when I use ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal from the debug console during preview. I just tried with a trigger, and no crash.

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Can you still use the insigna in the VR Arsenal since the last update ?

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 ----------

The crash happened only when I use ["Open",true] call BIS_fnc_arsenal from the debug console during preview. I just tried with a trigger, and no crash.

no doesn't work

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I'm afraid the unit insignia function is broken today, should be fixed in the next dev build update.

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The sad work of developer... The less importants features are the most problematical :bounce3:

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