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TeamSwitch doesn't work anymore, tested on Briefing Map. Rev.09344

Working fine for me in the editor with 09344. What mission is "briefing map"?

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I made a simple mission with 2 AI, one switchable, and doesn't work.

Same after verify integrity.

No mod, no addon.

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Is this in the multiplayer editor? So you have 2 units on the map, one Playable, one Non-Playable and no Player unit?

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upload the mission somewhere or create freedback tracker ticket with it and upload into it and post url here ... ty

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Very simple in Editor SP, one player and one AI switchable. Preview and play.

Map, team, when i click on "team switch"(unit 2) nothing happens.

Edited by EricFr

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Hmm.. I was pressing U, the TeamSwitch button and it was working. Never tried to use the map to team switch. :)

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Yes it works with U, but doesn't work anymore on the map.

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Yes it works with U, but doesn't work anymore on the map.

That's a different issue than "TeamSwitch doesn't work". That's "TeamSwitch via map click doesn't work". :)

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What kind of crash frequency are people getting at this stage of development?

I still have regular crashes, unfortunately.

I dont think I have had a single crash yet. I dont remember ever having one.

To any Devs who may read this: When I got arma 3 Alpha on the day of its release I remember playing with the weather effects in the editor and noticing that in-game the weather would effect the wave height of the sea. Are there any plans to add this back into the game at any point? Also will rain effects be making a return before the game releases?

EDIT: Actually I just tested and the waves are still working so ignore that bit.

Edited by insumsnoy

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I didn't even know you could team switch via map


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when your next to a team mate, you can hear the radio more than the actual unit talk.

i thought it would be the other way around?

anyone else agree? at the moment..unless you turn off radio sounds, you cannot tell this is actually working.

well it seems no different to me because i cant hear any soldier talk like they are next to me.

is this intentional?

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when your next to a team mate, you can hear the radio more than the actual unit talk.

i thought it would be the other way around?

anyone else agree? at the moment..unless you turn off radio sounds, you cannot tell this is actually working.

well it seems no different to me because i cant hear any soldier talk like they are next to me.

is this intentional?

Your radio is in your ear (or very very close to it)... your team mate is at least 0.25m+ away.

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will rain effects be making a return before the game releases?

Yes, I'd expect it to be re-enabled on dev branch very soon.â„¢

There has been some small improvements to near and distant rain textures and new sounds. Overall, they're fairly modest, as our guys didn't have much scope for bigger improvements without more significant underlying changes, which we wouldn't want to risk at this stage, but it's now in a better state for Launch.

I dont think I have had a single crash yet. I dont remember ever having one.

Glad to hear that :yay:



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Yes, I'd expect it to be re-enabled on dev branch very soon.â„¢

Glad to hear that :yay:



its the stablest alpha i've every seen, some other things i'm doing at the moment will crash every 15min in the debug mode (and we are ~3 months from release)

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Yes, I'd expect it to be re-enabled on dev branch very soon.â„¢

Glad to hear that :yay:



More info about the partership with Nvidia about news contents in the game ?

  • particles : fire, rain or other effects,...
  • movements,...
  • objects animations : paper, canvas,...
  • water,...
  • and more

  • About Physx crash since Alpha,...
  • How they can be help you about the improvement of performance,...
  • If Nvidia Card could be help to have an advantage and had an better graphical playing experience,...
  • And more...

Edited by GranolaBar

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when your next to a team mate, you can hear the radio more than the actual unit talk.

i thought it would be the other way around?

This doesn't really work yet. To me it sounds as if the 'nearby' voice still has some kind of radio filter applied to it, which makes sense because when you drop your radio, you can't hear your guys talk at all except in the old fragmented Arma 2 fashion (ask for a SITREP and you hear them say a few random numbers from their grid ref). So It's as if it's tied to the radio channel at the moment.

However, BIS has said that they want to improve this so you can actually hear AI properly in the 3D space, including enemies shouting out commands, etc.

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im glad rains coming back shortly :D

and yeah the 3D space will improve a lot of things :)

maybe if we take the radio from our inventory out into our backpacks we can still hear our leader shout commands :P

now that's realistic

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Rain is back in the new DEV-version! :)

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The new re-introduced rain looks the same as in Arma 2...

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The new re-introduced rain looks the same as in Arma 2...

They did say the changes would only be minor for now. A much bigger rework of the rain is planned for a later date.

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I have some feeling that rain isnt properly working - because i have tried a default day with 100 % rain - it was sunny and raining :D

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