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Seems a bit slower to throw a second grenade - looks like heading in the right direction;-)

Still can't resume showcases

Still cant get gunner in land vehicle to fire at empty vehicle when commanded

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Problem with the old system was that grenade tossing was suicide since you were locked into an animation for seconds. But, you had realistic frequency of throwing, and more control. So here's how I would envision a good grenade throwing system could be done with little effort and little changes to the existing one:

The grenade key toggles between grenade and main weapon. If you press it, you get a grenade in your hand with the finger on the pin. Pressing the left mouse button "charges" the throw. You toss the grenade like it is now when you release the mouse button. When you press the right mouse button the throw gets cancelled. That way, you are not locked in a throw anim.

However, pressing the RIGHT mouse button has a similar "charge up" effect, only that when you release the button, you throw in a low arc. Again, pressing the other mouse button cancels the throw.

To recap:

Press and hold left mouse button -> Charge up and throw high arc

Press and hold right mouse button -> Charge up and throw low arc (through doors for example)


- No more crazy spamming. You need to hold the mouse a while

- More control over the length of the toss

- More control over the arc of the toss

- Throw can be cancelled at any time with opposite mouse button


- Cancelling a throw will switch back to weapon immediately

How does that sound?

Nice idea! Not really sure how anyone could be against 'charging' to better control the throw. As it is now is much more of a spastic flick...

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Improved transitions in pistol tactical movement
Which means what in actual changes?

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No more nade spam?

Now there's ~2,5-3s delay. There's one little tweak needed maybe. When you run out of one type of nades you can throw instantly another kind of nade. Not that bad thing because there isn't much different throwable explosives but you can spam different smokes for example.

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189mb of something coming down....

189 MB?

For me it's 1.4 GB today and I was updated yesterday, Steam's update function is a PITA!

Hearing (AI): speed makes a bigger difference

However, this one sounds promising!


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No more nade spam?

Seems like it. Around 4 seconds of cooldown until you can toss the next one. Better than nothing, but still hardly any control over where it lands. Still, not complaining, this is a step in the right direction.

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We're back to game design. A bunch of static AI standing around an open area not reacting and no patrols. If you had sentries positioned intelligently that player would have been killed long before being able to do that.

Also, if some guy wants to pack a bag up with 60 grenades and hide behind a rock, more power to him. What difference does that make? If it's PvP you'll walk around the rock and shot the goofball in the face while he spams his G key. If it's Single player, who cares? Let him play how he wants. If it's co-op, shoot him in the face anyway and tell him to learn to play.

Oh, so lets say I wanted to make a mission.

The things I need to keep in mind while making the mission are:

-I need to remove all the FAKs from friendly units, from ammoboxes, vehicles, enemy units and additional enemies that get spawned in. Just so my mission is not broken with magical FAKs that make the medic useless.

-I need to make sure that there is only 1 grenade for each player in the ammobox. Then I need to remove ALL the grenades from enemy units/vehicles, to prevent players from picking up grenades and storing them. And I need to place the enemy units carefully, so that there is absolutely no way that players can abuse grenades.

-I need to remove snipers from the mission because they are "overpowered" (wind doesnt affect them).

-I also need to avoid CQB areas in my mission at all cost because if I dont I risk a player picking up an enemy Zafir and using it in CQB with no penalties whatsoever (weaponhandling).

If I dont keep these things in mind, then my mission is badly designed and the people that would play my mission are "idiots". Or I just ignore these things and "pretend" that everything is fine. Because this is definetly not the game being broken, it must be bad mission design.

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Tweaked sorting of sections when optimizing shape


Don't know what the hell this one is about.

Think it's about texture+material optimisation during LOD transitions ("optimising shape" would suggest resolution LOD changes).

In O2, "sections" are the combined texture and rvmat pair applied to various faces accross the model model, so I assume they've done something to optimise how the game goes about updating which textures and materials are stored in memory when transitioning between different LODs. Not all LODs on one model use the same .rvmats, so some LODs have more sections than others.

Having large numbers of sections in a model has always been more of a drain on performance than high polycount or texture resolution alone. There are various tricks you have to do in O2 to reduce the section count sometimes.

I guess they need to sort out which sections will be used used more frequently in a scene or are just more important, so that they remain in memory and can load more quickly when the LODs transition.

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Think it's about texture+material optimisation during LOD transitions ("optimising shape" would suggest resolution LOD changes).

In O2, "sections" are the combined texture and rvmat pair applied to various faces accross the model model, so I assume they've done something to optimise how the game goes about updating which textures and materials are stored in memory when transitioning between different LODs. Not all LODs on one model use the same .rvmats, so some LODs have more sections than others.

Having large numbers of sections in a model has always been more of a drain on performance than high polycount or texture resolution alone. There are various tricks you have to do in O2 to reduce the section count sometimes.

I guess they need to sort out which sections will be used used more frequently in a scene or are just more important, so that they remain in memory and can load more quickly when the LODs transition.

Ah, so by "shape" they probably mean "LOD". That makes much more sense, especially in connection with "sections". :)

The main thing I know about sections is that a lower section count means fewer render passes and thus improved performance.

Your explanation/theory on the "sorting of sections" certainly sounds more logical than anything I could come up with.

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Hmm, one change that could reduce the grenade spam capability and generally improve the inventory would be to disable the backpack from being considered as "ready storage", that way you could throw a grenade or two fast, but you'd have to pause to "refill" your vest/uniform so you could toss a few again.

For example:

  • Magazines could only be reloaded quickly ("R" key or action menu action) if they are in the uniform or vest, if the ammo is in the backpack it's not accessible unless moved to "ready storage"
  • Any throwable items could only be thrown if they're in the uniform or vest
  • You could still reload the weapons with magazines from the backpack if you dragged and dropped the stuff from the backpack to the magazine slot
  • Rocket launchers should probably be able to load their ammo from the backpack as their missiles do not fit into the uniform or vest and it would be a nuisance to have to drag and drop missiles every time then wait for the reload animation
  • This would need to be explained to the player

Just to mention that I've added and expanded these suggestions on the feedback tracker in this ticket. Feedback, opinions and criticism welcome there.

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I wonder if we ever see those grenade launcher animations / M320 bolt action anim

and iron sight zeroing is bugged when you take a weapon from any crate

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Just to mention that I've added and expanded these suggestions on the feedback tracker in this ticket. Feedback, opinions and criticism welcome there.

Read, agreed and voted, very nice suggestion with nothing to disagree!

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No more nade spam?

You can still spam smoke grenades and chemlights.

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  • ‘Handgun On’ with launcher selected doesn't go back to launcher anymore

I assume Vespa or Smookie are the ones to ask about this:

This was the bug where if you had a handgun, then transitioned to the launcher using the "Switch gun / launcher" key, then pressed the "Switch gun / handgun" key to transition away from the launcher, the unit would draw their handgun again then immediately put it away and switch back to the launcher, right? Is there any possibility that pressing "Switch gun / handgun" when holding a launcher could be made to transition you straight back to rifle instead if you were carrying a pistol to begin with?

As it stands, if you hold a handgun then switch to a launcher, both the "Switch gun / launcher" key, and the "Switch gun / handgun" key will transition you from the launcher back to the handgun so you can only transition between those two weapons - getting back to the rifle requires pressing the "Switch gun / handgun" key again, so two keystrokes are needed. However, if you start with a rifle and switch to a launcher, the "Switch gun / launcher" key will allow you transition back to the rifle, but pressing the "Switch gun / handgun" key instead will allow you to transition from the launcher to the handgun - meaning you can cycle directly between any of the three weapons in one keystroke.

Somehow it just makes more sense to me if the "Switch gun / handgun" key determines whether the handgun or rifle/smg is your active primary weapon and the "Switch gun / launcher" key is what is used to transition back and forth between the launcher and whatever you have selected as your active primary weapon.

  • Added configurable muzzle flash light color

This is a nice addition. I hope Abs can now configure his Type 2 Phaser with a nice blue lighting effect.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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You can still spam smoke grenades and chemlights.

Only if they are different. You just can't spam the same type.

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Only if they are different. You just can't spam the same type.

You are correct. :)

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they are fine, see nothing to repair.

Sounds are way off. Try using brakes and let me know if you can hear anything.

Also, the bug where you can turn off the engine and can go at constant 30kmph with your engine off is still there from the early Alpha :/

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oh I mean only the model. Right sill? is missing and the front left bumper is broken.

I know there is a animation

Pickup animate ["Destruct", 0];
but its still not work. Edited by V-zwo_Null

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Steam Workshop quick-news:

We have just found out that the "Multiplayer" tag went missing for some published scenarios. This tag is required for a mission to be listed while creating a new Multiplayer game.

This seems to be a Valve issue related to a server failure and it might fix itself soon(-ishâ„¢).

Current workaround: when a mission is updated with a Multiplayer tag included, it seems to work fine.

Technicians have been dispatched to monitor the issue.

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Fix: Zeroing is now in steps 30, 100, 200, 300, 400

And, there's a difference between 30 and 100?

vehicles like the F-38 (as we called it), were only ever placeholder assets taken from Arma 2, and used to showcase flight and the new clouds, as well as to test fixed-wing PhysX. They were meant to be significantly updated or re-done to match, but due to a shift in priorities, not finished in time.


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And, there's a difference between 30 and 100?

This part was related to zeroing of SDAR, I'm sorry that it hasn't been corrected to more clear format :icon_evil:

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