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Changed on purpose, it's in one of the change logs.

Oh no. Why was it changed? :-(


EXE rev. 106951

New: Interface Layout configuration tool added to Game Options

Multiplayer missions sometimes failed with "All players have died" ending, even though some players were still alive and respawn slots available. Problem potentially hotfixed, but might still occur (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10324)

Fixed: AMV map icon too small (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=9950)

Switching weapon modes doesn't require two key presses when the weapon info IGUI is hidden anymore

So when you want to check your ammo or stance, your weapon mode is changed automatically? NOT!!!! ARGH!

Is there another way/key to check ammo/stance WITHOUT changing weapon mode?

I'll make a deal with BIS. Revert this change, and I'll pre-order Take On Mars! ;) :rolleyes:

Edited by OMAC

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Oh no. Why was it changed? :-(

It was sooo annoying trying to switch to full auto sometimes, only to realize it's still on semi. Or trying to switch to full auto, switching to launcher, because the weapon info was still on.

That was a mess. Now there is logic.

Press F = switch weapon mode. As it should be.

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Is there another way/key to check ammo/stance WITHOUT changing weapon mode?

needs 2 be answered

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The stance indicator should be separated from the ammo\weapon box and highlight whenever you switch stances or adjust; a quick display.

And yes, only way to check ammo (shouldn't exist) is doing that. Suggestion: Clean the HUD, add a key to show it, including the squadmates diamonds.

OPFOR helmets are really better now, nice. Why regular troops have 2 displays and spec ops have only one? Shouldn't be the other way?


ackbJ3ku.jpg acupcEbW.jpg

These damn things are back. Oh well, guess I'm a minority and have to live with it. Whatever.

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It was sooo annoying trying to switch to full auto sometimes, only to realize it's still on semi. Or trying to switch to full auto, switching to launcher, because the weapon info was still on.

That was a mess. Now there is logic.

Press F = switch weapon mode. As it should be.

Two quick F key presses to switch weapon modes when info box is not displayed is too much trouble and "illogical"? NOT! Especially as A2 hipsters have been doing that for YEARS! That change is crap.

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Maybe introduce hold "F" to show HUD.

Exactly. It's a good change because pressing the button you bound to something and that something not happening when it should happen is much worse. Imagine if it was something like the left click acting the same way, "first click to show the hud, second one to fire".

So the correct form of this:

So when you want to check your ammo or stance, your weapon mode is changed automatically? NOT!!!! ARGH!

should be:

So when you want to change your firemode, your your hud gets displayed instead and you have to press it again? NOT!!!! ARGH!

Proper solution should be to implement it correctly, as Minoza is suggesting, not it happening as a side effect of some other thing.

Edited by Sniperwolf572

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Took me a while until I realized you were talking about the NVGs.

I personally like it the way it is now and maybe the AI will learn to take them off during day at some point.

After all: Survive, adapt, win.

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Two quick F key presses to switch weapon modes when info box is not displayed is too much trouble and "illogical"? NOT! Especially as A2 hipsters have been doing that for YEARS! That change is crap.

A2 hipsters. :D

I don't pay attention to weapon info/stance that much. So in a situation when I have to change the weapon mode quickly, I DO NOT want to check is it on or hidden, to know should i press F two times or one. I just want to switch mode.

And yes, there has to be some button to show info when needed. It just shouldn't be the one that switches mode.

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The old Arma 2 way: worked perfectly, fast, already implemented, users are used to it, perfectly logical. The new way is crap unless there is some other intuitive way to show ammo/stance without changing weapon mode. Holding F to show IGUI is a good idea, or whole IGUI could be redesigned as suggested by Smurf.

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Press F = switch weapon mode. As it should be.

Yep exactly. That's what F is supposed to do. It actually works correctly now.

Thanks for the WIP fire selector switch BI. Very nice surprise to wake up and see it today.

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The old Arma 2 way: worked perfectly, fast, already implemented, users are used to it, perfectly logical.

If I remember correctly, that thing didn't feel right in Arma 2 either. And I have played it a lot. I got used to it, I guess. That little annoyance.

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I am glad the opfor displays are gone but what the hell are they for? Changelog says "retract", so how do you get them to protract? Is there any purpose for them?

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I like this development branch because, there is new function or problem with the latest exemple of F.

But we can be considered probably in the future, to have the choice to keep or not the key, to customize its controls thereafter. Arma, it's not the game that can provide a useful set of keys and joking for everyone. But at least, one can configure the GUI, keys, then what else :)

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Mounted night vision goggles are visible now, which is realistic and cool. Good job BI!

Someone might wanna learn how to use the inventory or simple script commands(e.g. this unassignItem "NVGoggles"; )

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The new way is crap unless there is some other intuitive way to show ammo/stance without changing weapon mode.

There is. Just enable permanent extendet HUD info.

This key should have the immediate action it is bound to.

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Just enable permanent extendet HUD info.

Ridiculous. I don't want extended HUD info and haven't played with it for 3 years.

Allowing user to change key mapping between old and new F key functionality, as suggested by GranolaBar, is another good idea.

Edited by OMAC

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Ridiculous. I don't want extended HUD info and haven't played with it for 3 years.

Your just going to have to count then buddy, or wait for the dreaded dead mans click! :p

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Your just going to have to count then buddy, or wait for the dreaded dead mans click! :p

Or when in a long range engagement, you'll see that the last 3(?) bullets of the magazine are tracer bullets and thus know that you should reload soon

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So when you want to check your ammo or stance, your weapon mode is changed automatically? NOT!!!! ARGH!
As Azzur33, Sniperwolf572, PurePassion and DaRkL3AD3R all pointed out, the keybind is not "check stance/fire mode/HUD", it's "next weapon"/fire mode. This change is consistent with that and I would like to encourage any BI devs reading this page to keep this change.
It was a bad implementation before, now it's fixed. Just because we were used to it, doesn't mean it should stay.
This person understands the approach to Arma 3 -- as has already been shown with the infamous "G is (now) for grenade" -- and is a good poster. Edited by Chortles

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users are used to it, perfectly logical.

That is a terrible excuse.

It was a bad implementation before, now it's fixed. Just because we were used to it, doesn't mean it should stay.

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IF it releates to multicore support, it probally means the handling of assests in a way that is more efficent.

multicore in very simple terms is a predecessor system, where any action that depends on a previous action, can't happen at the same time as said action. but if 2 actions require a single to be preformed before hand, they can both happen on separate cores, at the same time, once the predecessor occurs

an improvement in synchronization probally means making things that are required to be done, happen just before they are needed.

if any one here has done/understands Gnatt charts for project managment in microsoft project, thats what multicoring tries to do, the most work in the least amount of time

Concurrent and/or parallel computing is not a "predecessor system". What you said is kinda true though. In general, the less there is stuff to synchronize the better. If you have to synchronize two (or more) threads all the time, your application effectively becomes a single threaded application.

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I wish BI would go back to previous mk20 animations :/

Doesn't look like the current is finished, but the previous looked much better.

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I wish BI would go back to previous mk20 animations :/

Doesn't look like the current is finished, but the previous looked much better.

and mainly the previous one is realistic - i wonder why they trying to change good animations and not trying to fix the bugged ones

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OPFOR helmets are really better now, nice. Why regular troops have 2 displays and spec ops have only one? Shouldn't be the other way?
Personally my impression back when the displays were extended was that the OPFOR SOF decided that the right display got in the way of their cheek weld (whereas non-SOF OPFOR may have been okay with it or stuck with it) but liked the left display enough to keep that on their helmets.
These damn things are back. Oh well, guess I'm a minority and have to live with it. Whatever.
#1: What are you talking about?

#2: "Oh well, guess I'm a minority and have to live with it. Whatever." Joking: Welcome to the post-DayZ era. :lol: Not-so-joking: People have been saying this since 2011 about Arma 3's 2035 setting, so I'm not sympathetic...

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