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Found 19 results

  1. Hello, I am looking for a few people to join my community Derbyshire RP Altis Life, I have little experience with Arma 3 editing however I am willing to work alongside any potential candidates and learn how to do things myself also.
  2. Hello everyone, Since the official repository is down, I created an archive repository. But with the new version of Arma, we have now a 64 bits server for Linux. As far as I know, nobody compiles extDB3 for 64 bits, so I decided to make it. Before that, I need to know how it works, so I decided to rebuild it on Windows. The DLL is compiled and works with the test tool (I replaced it and use a new TBBMalloc), but on my Arma 3 server, I have this error: the application is not a Win32 application. What I am missing here? I don't understand this, if anyone had already this problem in the past and resolve it, please answer me. Steez EDIT: maybe it's not the best category for this post
  3. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework) I have a problem with backpacks not showing the correct max capacity in game (Its well above it) - Here is the bp statement in my fn_survival.sqf : /* Adjustment of carrying capacity based on backpack changes */ if (backpack player isEqualTo "") then { life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight"); _bp = backpack player; } else { if (!(backpack player isEqualTo "") && {!(backpack player isEqualTo _bp)}) then { _bp = backpack player; life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight") + round(FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,"CfgVehicles",_bp,"maximumload") / 4); }; }; and further down - { private["_bp","_load","_cfg"]; while{true} do { waitUntil {backpack player != ""}; _bp = backpack player; _cfg = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (backpack player) >> "maximumload"); _load = round(_cfg / 8); life_maxWeight = life_maxWeight + _load; if(playerSide == west) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,""];}; // <---- Sac invisible chez les flics if(playerSide == independent) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,""];}; // <----- Sac Invisible chez les Medics waitUntil {backpack player != _bp}; if(backpack player == "") then { life_maxWeight = life_maxWeight; }; }; }; Thank you
  4. Hi V.5 Altis Life - Ported to the Australia map. I have ported to the Australia map i have it running on my PC through TADST for testing. Everything runs fine. I have transfered the mission.pbo (AU_Remastered_AU.australia) and the Life_server.Pbo to the server. Added all the keys to the server key folder. Mod setup on the server as follows - @extDB3;@JSRS SOUNDMOD;@life_server;@Australia 5.0.9;@D3S Cars pack;@CUP Weapons;@CBA_A3;@ace;@CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons; The game loads - but it just stays on a black screen. looking at the logs it does not seem to be loading the required mods - I have added a custom difficulty (see file below) I have changed the config file to - Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. Using Altis Life v5.0.0 I have tried to set the texture to global (so everyone sees it). So far the player can see it on their screen but everyone else on the server cannot see it, They see the base uniform used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. //Set jail uniform hint "Your gear has been placed in the evidence locker!"; old_gear = getUnitLoadout player; removeUniform player; removeHeadgear player; removeVest player; removeGoggles player; removeBackpack player; removeallWeapons player; //removeallAssignedItems player; player forceAddUniform "U_IG_Guerilla2_1"; player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\prisonuniform.paa"];
  6. FuRixX Lamborghini

    Addons question

    Hi everyone, hi need help, i want to put in safe my script in my Altis Life server to avoid script stealing, I wanna to create a addon like life_server and put my script there, but i dont know how to do that, please, any can help me?
  7. Working with Altis life 5.0.0 I have a marker being created and working as intended but the Text does not show up. I am wondering how to set the text color also. The Text was fine until i changed the marker color. Heres the original that works - i want a red ellipse as i would like it to be a Kill On Sight zone - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; }; I adapted it to this and it shows the ellipse but no text - if(_Create_Markers) then { _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [625,625]; Thank you Tried this - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "STR_Airdrop_Items"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; AND _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "AIRDROP"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; Did not work I went back to the original and only changed the marker shape to an ELLIPSE - this seems to be the problem of the text disappearing - _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [600,600];
  8. I am using Altis life Framework V5.0.0 I am trying to set of an alarm when using bolt cutters on - 1.house and 2. FED. I have successfully got the sound activating when a lock pick breaks on a vehicle with - [_curTarget,"caralarm"] remoteExec ["life_fnc_say3D",RANY]; and i have an alarm set off when robbing a gas station with - [_shop,"firealarm"] remoteExec ["life_fnc_say3D",0]; I have tried variations of these both and can not seem to get it to work. See spoiler below for the ways i have tried to implement it. any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  9. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 I am trying to lock multiple doors - e.g. in the Police station building - this building has 15 doors. I would like only the Police to be able to open and close them. I have got this working in the init of the building, but it only works on one door - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", 1, false];} I am unsure what the format is to add the rest of the doors, I have tried the following with no success - BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", && "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", && "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot" || "Door_4_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2" || "bis_disabled_Door_4", 1, false];} Thank you
  10. FuRixX Lamborghini

    Code question

    Any one can help my with this code that is a name filtering. script example: _letrasFuRixX = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","ñ","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","Ñ","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z"]; jugadorFu = name player; { checkeoFuRixX = [_x, jugadorFu, false] call BIS_fnc_inString; if (!checkeoFuRixX) exitWith { sleep 2; hint "You name is not valid in this server"; endMission "END1"; }; } count _letrasFuRixX; The problem is that I need to sparete the name player letter to letter like a string or anything: ["P","e","t","e","r"];
  11. I have been customising a version of Altis Life (5.0.0) and i seem to have executed this command - life_carryWeight = 0; over global instead of local through the debug console. This has given all the in game testers a backpack which goes well over the default limit. Is there a way to reset the carry weight back to its default values across the entire server? Thanks.
  12. Hi, I am trying to add 5 public Medic slots on top of the already listed Whitelisted slots. I have this code in the initMedic.sqf : #include "..\script_macros.hpp" /* File: fn_initMedic.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine Description: Initializes the medic.. */ waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 46))}; if (!(str(player) in ["medic_1", "medic_2", "medic_3", "medic_4", "medic_5"])) then { if ((FETCH_CONST(life_medicLevel) isEqualTo 0) && (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) isEqualTo 0)) then { ["NotWhitelisted",false,true] call BIS_fnc_endMission; sleep 35; }; }; player setVariable ["rank",(FETCH_CONST(life_mediclevel)),true]; [] call life_fnc_spawnMenu; waitUntil{!isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be open. waitUntil{isNull (findDisplay 38500)}; //Wait for the spawn selection to be done. After doing extensive research i have been looking in my mission.sqm file (as directed to from my research) and after scrolling through the 100k so lines have not found where to make the adjustments - add the public medic slots. Am i looking in the wrong file or did i just not see it? Thank you. ** I have solved it - I went back to the Editor and on spawn island i added another 5 Medic Players... Hooked them up to the inital player (the medic_1) (Hold Ctrl select the new player and drag a blue line to player 1) Then i changed players 1 - 5 from whitelisted to public slots (double click on each and changed the text value)... Cheers
  13. hey, i really searched for a long time on how to get gamemaster module for players over the database adminlevel, and i found nothing. So i ended up here and hope for more help. I am running Altis_Life 5.0 (idk if that matters) so on my MP Server, i want to klick a button in the dialog, and if i do that, it should call for a certain function. In this function it should start like this: #include "..\..\script_macros.hpp" if (FETCH_CONST(life_adminlevel) < 3) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; closeDialog 0; //from here i need help... //call BIS_fnc_moduleCurator; and from this function, it should enable the player on the server, that has adminlevel 3 or higher, the zeus game master module with all the addons. the only thing i found a little bit similiar is another forum post from 2014, but unsolved...: It would be really great if someone has a solution to this problem...
  14. I was wondering if anyone knows how to create a script for crafting guns and vehicles? Like a player would need to gather materials to create steel from Iron and Coal. 15 steel to create a MXM and other materials to create attachments. Vehicles the same way. If you know how to and could help me i would appreciate it. If need payment we can talk about it.
  15. Hello! I have a Problem with my Altis server in Config_weapons.hpp In line 53 { encountered instead of "," /* * Format: * level: ARRAY (This is for limiting items to certain things) * 0: Variable to read from * 1: Variable Value Type (SCALAR / BOOL / EQUAL) * 2: What to compare to (-1 = Check Disabled) * 3: Custom exit message (Optional) * * items: { Classname, Itemname, BuyPrice, SellPrice } * * Itemname only needs to be filled if you want to rename the original object name. * * Weapon classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons * Item classnames can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Items * */ class WeaponShops { //Armory Shops class gun { name = "Billy Joe's Firearms"; side = "civ"; license = "gun"; level[] = { "", "", -1, "" }; items[] = { { "hgun_Rook40_F", "", 6500, 500 }, { "hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F", "", 9850, -1 }, { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 11500, -1 }, { "hgun_PDW2000_F", "", 20000, -1 } }; mags[] = { { "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 25 }, { "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 50 }, { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 45 }, { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 75 } }; accs[] = { { "optic_ACO_grn_smg", "", 2500 } }; }; class rebel { name = "Mohammed's Jihadi Shop"; side = "civ"; license = "rebel"; level[] = { "", "", -1, "" }; items[] = { { "arifle_TRG20_F", "", 350000, 2500 }, { "arifle_Katiba_F", "", 300000, 5000 }, { "srifle_DMR_01_F", "", 800000, -1 }, { "arifle_SDAR_F", "", 380000, 7500 }, { "hgun_ACPC2_F", "", 45000, -1}, { "SMG_01_F", "", 220000, -1}, { "arifle_MXC_Black_F", "", 860000, -1}, { "arifle_MX_Black_F", "", 780000, -1}, { "arifle_MXM_Black_F", "", 890000, -1}, { "arifle_MXC_F", "", 860000, -1}, { "srifle_LRR_LRPS_F", "", 1200000, -1}, { "srifle_EBR_F", "", 820000, -1}, { "LMG_Zafir_F", "", 900000, -1}, { "srifle_GM6_F", "", 1500000, -1} }; mags[] = { { "10Rnd_762x54_Mag", "", 500 }, { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 125 }, { "5Rnd_127x108_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "150Rnd_762x51_Box", "", 1000 } { "100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", "", 1000 }, { "7Rnd_408_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "20Rnd_762x51_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_45ACP_Mag_SMG_01", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_9x21_Mag", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "", 1000 }, { "6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder", "", 1000 }, { "20Rnd_556x45_UW_mag", "", 1000 }, { "9Rnd_45ACP_Mag", "", 1000 }, { 11Rnd_45ACP_Mag"", "", 1000 }, { "B_45ACP_Ball_Green", "", 1000 }, { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red", "", 1000 } }; accs[] = { { "optic_ACO_grn", "", 3500 }, { "optic_Holosight", "", 3600 }, { "optic_Hamr", "", 7500 }, { "optic_LRPS", "", 18000 }, { "muzzle_snds_M", "", 3000 }, { "muzzle_snds_L", "", 4000 }, { "muzzle_snds_H", "", 2000 } }; }; .....
  16. I have a own Windows Server and i want to make an Arma3 Server on it. Everytime i start it comes to this error Can you say me how i can fix it? [sry for my bad english :)] I hope you can help me
  17. Arma 3 Altis Life - TS3 - Zythum Gaming - Altis Life - 30k Start {Active Admins} {Public Cop} Zythum gaming is a community start with a group of friends! We are starting to expand to let everyone enjoy our custom Altis Life mission! We are looking for APD! If you think you have what it takes, Join our teamspeak and find out ;) (High ranks available, must have good background) Admins are important to every server. I'm looking for down to earth people to help monitor the server and the ts server! Lmk if you're interested. Arma 3 Altis Life - TS3 -
  18. Hi there! Altis life project (which is almost finished) is widening our team. Im currently looking for scripters, frontend/backend devs, 2D/3D moddelers. All jobs are paid. Contact me via steam for more info http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197998865632/
  19. reconghost


    Hey Im getting this error where it says there is a script not found. Can anyone help me. The mission file is altis on the map lakeside with all the correct mods just need some help with this missing script and where to put it