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About reconghost

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  1. reconghost


    Hey Im getting this error where it says there is a script not found. Can anyone help me. The mission file is altis on the map lakeside with all the correct mods just need some help with this missing script and where to put it
  2. reconghost


    Hello I'm having a problem where when I connect to my server I get connect fine the first time but when I connect for a second time I get validating on my screen. When I delete my character from the data base it works fine but when I join after the first time it just gets stuck at that screen I've tried using extdb three but that just doesn't connect to the database
  3. Is there anyway to select a certain area using a lasso tool in the edit terrain tab instead of the square so I can raise the elevation of the island then smooth out the coast in bulldozer
  4. I need some help... so when I put the map into terrain builder I have all the layers, but when I lower the elevation to get the ocean/water to show up it covers the island and there are a lot small little islands in the water. I have all the correct terrain files from the source. the map is kelleysisland btw
  5. reconghost

    [WIP] Kelley's Island v0.6

    I need some help... so when I put the map into terrain builder I have all the layers, but when I lower the elevation to get the ocean/water to show up it covers the island and there are a lot small little islands in the water. I have all the correct terrain files from the source.