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Everything posted by ravenholme

  1. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    Very minor issue, but if you happen to play Old Man alongside any addons, the Insurgent tab on your phone gets overriden with the Addon Credits tab that appears on the normal map interface. It also appeared only to do so after I delivered some items to the insurgents and so gained some reputation/bonuses with them (Which I can't check now) Edit: Hmm, nevermind. It seems to be a UI bug that resolved itself on restarting the game.
  2. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    He'll call you a bit after 0630. I went off to start doing Dr Drabek's request and got the call halfway there.
  3. ravenholme

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    Looks awesome, can't wait guys 🙂
  4. ravenholme

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Your loss, its fantastic. Easily the best campaign BIS have ever done. Thanks for the update Vafana, looking forward to playing it again once I finish my current Livonia Pilgrimage run
  5. ravenholme

    Project Livonia

    I would maybe suggest the Neophron instead, because if I remember correctly, the Polish do actually use a licensed variant of the real world equivalent. It would also differentiate them from the AAF a bit.
  6. I assume it is for gameplay limitation reasons, probably related to the (inevitable) Warlords Livonia so that they can act as the AAF stand-in.
  7. ravenholme

    Project - Vertical Lift 2035

    Fairly sure that's the Valor
  8. My bad, skipped that one in the known issues list.
  9. Looter (Rifle) and Looter (Shotgun) units are coming with AAF uniforms by default, which they definitely shouldn't have. And yes, I agree with Lexx, the CBRN gear is stunning.
  10. We haven't had the UGV's staged but one thing that would be nice and relatively low effort is a full combat variant based off TALON units. Basically just a small, articulated clamp with an LMG in it for use as a squad level fire support drone. For BLUFOR/GREENFOR this could be the Mk 200 LMG and for the CSAT one, the Zafir would be perfect. Would increase the roles that the new UGV could fill and increase its utility for combat deployment. Likewise, if at all possible, underslung shotguns for at least the MX and Katiba family rifles would be nice, if not the Mk20s as well.
  11. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Yep, although as with Apex, you need to own the DLC to play with the new terrain. From the FAQ on arma3.com/contact/
  12. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Did you switch to the dev branch through steam's beta tab?
  13. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Yes, according to both the steam page and the BIS page for Contact.
  14. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    The steam page has a spoilered section which will tell you the extent of the Alien assets.
  15. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Yep, looks good to me. Awesome terrain, some new factions, and an alternate-timeline campaign by the Laws of War team, I'm down. My only real disappointment is the lack of new military vehicles for the Livonian Defence Force - Russia re-using CSAT vehicular assets I'm fine with because those were all Russian anyway, but it'd have been nice to have one or two unique pieces for Livonia (Tank based off that silly Polish Stealth Tank Concept, maybe? Since Livonia would appear to be Armaverse not!Poland, and maybe the AW-129 Mangusta for a gunship as it is one of the contenders for the Polish Gunship procurement that is ongoing)
  16. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Heh, delayed due to logistical issues.
  17. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    You're right, so it almost definitely is a CBRN suit. Makes me wonder if the working title of "Contact" is a dark reference to how nerve agents can affect humans.
  18. ravenholme

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Yeah, my first thought upon seeing him was that it was someone wearing a CBRN-like smock with some kind of weird mask. Good catch on the weapon being an MXSW, it definitely is that.
  19. Yeah, I'm sorry to hear that, I've been quietly following ASTFOR since its inception way back when. I tend to prefer things with an Armaverse flavour to the tacticool/realistic/contemporary US/Russia stuff that is very much the norm amongst the community, so very sad to see this mod go under.
  20. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    That's great news, I had been thinking that the two mods would complement each other really well.
  21. Great stuff as always guys, got a few bugs though from this evening's game with some friends - if I remember/have time in the morning I'll make a ticket on the CUP Bug tracker but I'll just quickly lay it out here before hopping off for the night. BMP-2 has issues with the passenger seats sitting on the hull, when players start to FFV (maybe before, I wasn't the one experiencing this bug) they get a view of the interior of the BMP and other weirdness. Pictured Here. Similarly, the BMP-2 variant with the ZSU on the top, the gun can't actually be used because when you attempt to you just end up FFVing with your rifle (Happens to both gunner and loader)
  22. ravenholme

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Aha, that explains why it hasn't been done. Absolute shame, it is one of those things that feels like a developer oversight, really (No offence intended).
  23. ravenholme

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    I actually have a request for potentially the first time ever. Would anyone be willing to make a variant of the AH99 Blackfoot with the EFAMS the original RAH66 was going to have to extend its ability to carry ordnance/fuel? They were just little stub wings that would have been mounted above the existing weapon bays. Managed to find an old, archived mock-up of them from Boeing that should give an idea Would basically allow the AH99 to go into full attack helicopter mode.
  24. Have to agree, a generic Arma-verse NATO skin would be perfect, since it fits quite well into the existing NATO lineup of mostly fictionalised variants of real vehicles.