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About froggyluv

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    African, Middle-eastern Hand-Drumming, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Quantum Physics, Chess, Russian Authors,
  • Occupation
    Strength Coach

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    Chicks dig me as I rarely wear underware to bed

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  1. froggyluv

    HIVE_AI A3

    Hi I briefly tried the Mission version and since the AIO was around a peninsula area- allota of the move waypoints (i was playing subordinate soldier role) were out at Sea
  2. froggyluv

    [SP] HIVE Battle Generator A3

    Pretty cool to get a compliment from Rydygier -guys stuff was legend. Havent tried it yet -but can i just ask -do the AI generals take into account "Total known strength" ie amount of armor/troops/Air that the enemy has in total and plan accordingly? Part of the reason ive always been against just randomly spawning units is that takes away the cohesive planning stage of battle -how can one plan for magically appearing troops (rhetorical not real question)
  3. froggyluv

    HIVE_AI A3

    So is this like a Meta-AI? Determining groups and planting waypoints like a HAL? Is it meant to be played with tactical AI mods aor does it conflict? I couldnt really find a clean overview anywhere
  4. One thing I didnt notice and maybe you already have it planned is the Skill level or type of troop. Meaning, all troops "feel" the same in Vanilla all running around with their scopes up with a few guys sent to flank. Maybe scale the degree of effectiveness to Spec Ops as compared to a totally untrained Militia
  5. Sounds overwhelmingly good -but gotta be honest -is this a pipe dream wishlist orfeatures youve actually completed on some level because thats a monumental amount of work
  6. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    as I stated - as far as these forums are concerned essentially dead. And why if anything come here to correct me and not help the man with his problem -at the very least steer him in the direction of where to get actual help.
  7. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Basically (as you can see) -there is nothing but radio silence and as far as these forums are concerned essentially dead -. Sadly.
  8. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I dont even have Arma 3 installed anymore but pretty sure this mod is no longer supported -at least i havent seen any movement on it in a loooong time
  9. Yes, you can. There are videos of testing AI's knowsAbout of you before and after you break line-of-sight, you can even see where the AI expects you to go by last trajectory perceived. This however isnt perfect as the knowsAbout doesnt just return to Zero right away so there are some niggles in what amount of realistic level perception it should have when it "kinda knows about you" I expect this will be improved in Reforger but its a hard thing to get right
  10. Havent played these games in forever but pretty cool your still developing - 👊
  11. What is IMS -the Melee mod? This place barely has a pulse -you're much better off asking specifically at the mods discord or Steam site
  12. You do realize the age of this thread...no?
  13. Holy smokes theres still people here...this is like coming to an old plane crash landing and seeing movement among the debris. What happened to this forum - its literally spam bombed everytime I take a peek
  14. Havent typed a piece of code in years now but you'd need to determine the Condition that stops the the AI and use something like switchMove "" or something of the type