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ShackTac Fireteam HUD (STHUD)

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I do think this is such a useful addon that many people want different things from - a config file seems to be the best way to achieve this?

I really love the addon though! And yes, the game was crying out for it!! :)

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Looks excelent. Anything to increase situational awareness. Any chance that this could show FT's to the SL, and Squads to the PL?

I'm not saying each member of the FT or Squad. Just the general direction and distance.

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Nice, very nice, good work guys.

;1593595']Looks excelent. Anything to increase situational awareness. Any chance that this could show FT's to the SL' date=' and Squads to the PL?

I'm not saying each member of the FT or Squad. Just the general direction and distance.[/quote']

+1 to that

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Great little gadget, loving this. Will it be possible or is it in your plans to number the icons so that we know which icon is referring to which player or AI?

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Which corner - top or bottom? We plan to add at least one alternate placement option (was thinking to do upper-right personally). We may implement the ability to have it in any corner, based on demand. Do you have a preference?

Bottom right.

Excellent addon.

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Bottom Right.

On/Off Names.

On/Off HUD.

The fact that it disappears when killed/re-spawn, in SP is problematic.

Myself, I can never quite keep in formation, this has solved the problem !


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Which corner - top or bottom? We plan to add at least one alternate placement option (was thinking to do upper-right personally). We may implement the ability to have it in any corner, based on demand. Do you have a preference?

I was just about to say, an option to relocate it to the top, or bottom right corner would be perfect :D

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Bottom right for a position option :)

Thanks for the update ... 12's more than enough.

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Thanks for the update.

Maybe you could include a user config that would allow people to choose where they want to position the HUD.

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Cool stuff. I'll find a use for this somehow.

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Hi, that looks to me as a very good idea, i'll place it on the bottom center of the screen or on the bottom left, so i could keep a clear view of the weapon on the hands or the actions menu; a good thing that i don't know if it's possible as i don't know how is this made will be, to add different colours to the units in the radar depending on their health; so if a man is wounded but still able of return fire his/her icon on the radar will turn yellow, and if a man/woman is seriously wounded and unable to return fire (aka incapacitated) his/her icon will turn red. Also may be pimp to add a red X icon that fades out when a unit dies. That will make it perfect. Let's C ya

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It would be good if the rotation of the minimap was based on the direction you are looking, rather than the direction you are facing. So that when using alt-look/TrackIR/FreeTrack to look around, the minimap is easier to read.

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Simple, elegant and useful. Great work all involved. Can't wait for the version without names.

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It would be good if the rotation of the minimap was based on the direction you are looking, rather than the direction you are facing. So that when using alt-look/TrackIR/FreeTrack to look around, the minimap is easier to read.

_lookvec = [(positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]),(positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1])] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff;
_lookdir = (( _vec select 0) atan2 (_vec select 1)) + 360) % 360)


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This looks like a really nice little addition to situational awareness, and totally within the realms of realism IMO. This is what ingame realism should strive to achieve, appropriate solutions to real-world problems.

---------- Post added at 07:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

As an implementation suggestion, I think center of screen is fine, but as observed it clashes with larger group unit icons. How about raising it toward the middle, but making the display elliptic? I'm sure it'd just be a matter of scaling in one axis, and the effect would be of a circle leaning away from the player.

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_lookvec = [(positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]),(positionCameraToWorld [0,0,1])] call BIS_fnc_vectorDiff;
_lookdir = (( _vec select 0) atan2 (_vec select 1)) + 360) % 360)


I unpbo's and key searched for the above but found nothing ... how can this be implemented correctly?

I asked for a similar thing for head movement also a few pages back, any tips would be good :) Unless this code is for the author to implement in an update?

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I think raising it to top of screen might be a good option so it does not clash with anything else and is out of the way.

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Zeus has started using this and it does make a big difference to gameplay, so

Thanks Dyslexi and highly recommended addon.

A few points.

  • 1) I have my interface size set as small and I find the icons for the units too large. (Clutters the display up when units are too close to me). Perhaps reduce the icon size or change it to a narrow triangle, which will still make it possible to appreciate the direction the individual unit is facing
  • 2a) If the unit is not a player, display A.I. instead of the AI's name )or perhaps the class display name, which may be more useful)
  • 2b) Also display the unit's group number.
    So the display would look like
    1: Terox
    2: A.I. (or Auto Rifleman)
    3: Dyslexi
    5: Mondkalb
    8: A.I (or Corpsman)
    This would help to somewhat declutter the unit name list
    To save you looking for or writing the function, the following (which is not my work) will return the correct unit number, as seen in the command menu
    // Called using	: 	[_unit] call Tx_fget_UnitNumber
    // Description	:	Returns the Unit's group number as seen in the command gui
    //			creates an array from the groupname,removes  elements from that array and then recompiles as a string
    /////		PRELIMS				/////
    #define ASCII_SPACE 32
    private["_unit", "_vehVarName", "_unitName", "_groupName", "_unitNumber"];
    // Original solution props go to Spooner and General Barron
     _unit = _this select 0;
     // save original vehicle var name
     _vehVarName = vehicleVarName _unit;
     _unit setVehicleVarName "";
     _unitName = toArray(str(_unit)); 		// Ex: B 1-1-A:2
     _groupName = toArray(str(group _unit)); // Ex: B 1-1-A
     _unitNameLen = count(_unitName);
     _groupNameLen = count(_groupName);
    _unitNumber = [];
     for [{ _i = (_groupNameLen + 1) }, { _i < _unitNameLen }, { _i = _i + 1 }] do
    if ( _unitName select _i == ASCII_SPACE ) exitWith {};
    _unitNumber set [count _unitNumber, _unitName select _i]
     // turn to original veh var name
     _unit setVehicleVarName _vehVarName;

    To aid in target recognition and contact reports (I hate having to put away my bino's etc to get my compass out to give a bearing for a contact report).
    Might I suggest

  • 3a) Display the direction the player is facing (rounded to nearest integer or nearest compass direction ( 1 of 16) , N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, etc))
  • 3b) Display the approximate player distance to player's cursor target
    (rounded down to nearest "STEP")
    "STEPS" being:
    • 50m if less than 201m
    • 100m from 301m to 500m
    • 200m if between 500m and say 800m

    and increasing in Inaccuracy as the range increases

    (This could then simulate the guessing of ranges that you would do in the real world and give a contact report when looking down your sights)

    [*]4) Reposition the overlay to bottom right.(or make it draggable)

    The overlay is then not interfering with


    Command menu

    Long chat messages

    Action menu's etc

    As we tend to have our eyes most of the time on the horizon or foreground or chat kmessage area, to have it at the top of the screen (In the sky) would make it less useful and cause unecessary eye movement to the top of the screen

    [*] 5) When the leader is out of the radar area, have an arrow pointing to him, this would alleviate "Where are you" on teamspeak and constantly explaining to folks what double escape will show you.

The display would then look something like

N.E: 500m

1: Terox

2: A.I.

3: Dyslexi

5: Mondkalb

8: A.I

Further experimentation with the display could include

having a different colour for each unit, but tie that colour to the unit number, so

1: Terox, could have is icon in colour A and his name in colour A

2) A.I. could have his name and icon in colour B

This may be more appropriate than having different icons, you can then reduce the size of the icon to make the radar overlay clearer and at a glance the commander of the group can see Ah, its number 8 thats gone for walkies, get back here No.8.

Edited by Terox

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