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ShackTac Fireteam HUD (STHUD)

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Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and positive feedback, it's good to see that people are enjoying this. :) I've pulled the suggestions together and thought it'd be useful to give an update on what might possibly be added in the future, versus what is out of the scope of the project or not something we're planning to investigate further.

Possible features/changes:

  • Set corner placements (UL, UR, LL, LR, LC, etc)
  • Arrow indicating direction of group leader once off-radar
  • Readout showing current heading, based off of head angle
  • Display of group number for each unit on the list
  • Toggle names on/off
  • Possible coloration of names/icons
  • User customized config (ie, placement, usage of group numbers, coloring, sizes, etc)

In addition to that, there are also the potential future features mentioned in the original post.

Now, as far as the stuff that is not currently under consideration:

  • Range readout showing estimated distance to current cursor target
  • Color-coded indications of unit health
  • Marker change on death
  • Indication of where shots are coming from
  • Lines etc pointing to spotted enemies

That's not to say that any of those are bad ideas, they're just not in the scope of what we've planned for the STHUD.

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Another thing that could be useful is even when names are turned off to still get some kind of an indication that someone joined your group to replace an AI (for example, make it enable names for a few seconds and light his name with a different color for the duration so that you can see he joined).

Also, as already said, for some reason this does not seem to work with team switch, at least in single player.

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* Set corner placements (UL, UR, LL, LR, LC, etc)

* Arrow indicating direction of group leader once off-radar

* Readout showing current heading, based off of head angle

* Display of group number for each unit on the list

* Toggle names on/off

* Possible coloration of names/icons

* User customized config (ie, placement, usage of group numbers, coloring, sizes, etc)

These are a great shortlist and would make this a dream to have, I know the other list are to be thought about but the ones from that I think are again must haves would be:

* Indication of where shots are coming from

* Lines etc pointing to spotted enemies

Great work BTW .. cant wait to see this shape up even further :)

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I would honestly rather not have the HUD become a representation of ALL your senses. I'd rather just have them keep it as something that saves you from hitting the freelook button every 2 seconds when trying to move in a formation, since freelook in the game is much more difficult to use than glancing your view left and right IRL. Even with trackIR it's still probably not nearly as easy to look around to see your position in relation to your teammates as it would be IRL.

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I would honestly rather not have the HUD become a representation of ALL your senses.
* User customized config (ie, placement, usage of group numbers, coloring, sizes, etc)

Which means you can have the option to have it like that :)

I see your point but id rather see it expanded with on/off elements for personal pref.

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Love this mod.

Looks like the idea has already been brought up about being able to set colors. I always play with friends never AI and it would be great to be able to set a color to their icon to know exactly who is who.


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I unpbo's and key searched for the above but found nothing ... how can this be implemented correctly?

I asked for a similar thing for head movement also a few pages back, any tips would be good :) Unless this code is for the author to implement in an update?

It should replace current "getDir player" stuff AFAIK

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this is a great addon. I was looking for something improving the situational awareness ingame.

Thanky you for making this.

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The only problem I see with this is that the HUD uses colors for several reasons. First of all, your fireteam leader is white while other teammates are green. Also, your marker will turn red if you bunch up to close to other players (i.e. frag kill zone).

It would be nice if there was some sort of config file where you can define various colors though.

  • The M67 has a casualty radius of 15 meters, with a fatality radius of 5 meters.

  • The RGO has a lethal radius of between 6 and 20 meters.

Can someone confirm that the red icon has something to do with the group spaces?

Because in game the icon turns red within ~3m around a player.

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I think it's more of a guide that you're too close to someone rather than a set grenade distance rule.

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Yes it only turns red at extremely close distances and thus you can't rely on it telling you that you're too close - It'll only tell you if you're WAY WAY too close.

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Plese add official support for Celle, its quite a popular island, and we are playing the hell out of it on Tactical Gamer.

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Any chance for CAA1 islands + Razani and Avgani/Afghan village? How difficult is this thing to configure?

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Any chance for CAA1 islands + Razani and Avgani/Afghan village? How difficult is this thing to configure?

Check the list on the first post, all of those are already set up.

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Tested it and this is great, the direction update great


Set corner placements (UL, UR, LL, LR, LC, etc)

i'm for Bottom Right and i consider names usefull

The other thing is the marker icon type (launchers and machingunners), i tried to figure out with my poor skill testing machinegunners icon with command iskindof, typeof, counttype with any success at all.

Hope you can solve that soon, because after that you can really manage your small squad well and fast, instanly recongnising your mates, their status and make them respect the formations if necessary, etc...

Maybe instead of icon type the solution can be on different colors, i don't know, a suggestion...

Really a must have. Thanks for your work!

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I find this very useful. However there are situations where I'd like to see more people in the "radar". For example, when two fireteams had casualties (i.e. people that have to leave the server because they have to work tomorrow^^), we sometimes merge the remaining people into one team during the mission. Or someone is alone in one team and is being added to an otherwise full team (e.g. when 9 guys play a mission made for three 4-man-teams). Or if a downed pilot is being extracted.

In these cases it would be great if there was some kind of option to add another team or players. I have no idea how difficult that would be to implement, so I'm not demanding anything of course, but it would be cool if you could think about that for a minute or two.

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I find this very useful. However there are situations where I'd like to see more people in the "radar". For example, when two fireteams had casualties (i.e. people that have to leave the server because they have to work tomorrow^^), we sometimes merge the remaining people into one team during the mission. Or someone is alone in one team and is being added to an otherwise full team (e.g. when 9 guys play a mission made for three 4-man-teams). Or if a downed pilot is being extracted.

In these cases it would be great if there was some kind of option to add another team or players. I have no idea how difficult that would be to implement, so I'm not demanding anything of course, but it would be cool if you could think about that for a minute or two.

We use an in-house developed group management system for this in ShackTac. There are A2 MP missions around that have this kind of capability accessible in them in some capacity, IIRC. However, it's not something that I can see us adding to the FTHUD itself - it'd open up a can of worms in general that would probably have a net negative effect overall. It's the same basic reason for why we don't release our group management addon to the general public - it's too easy for someone to misuse it and screw things up. With great power, etc etc. ;)

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Some kind of easy (for the mission maker) to implement system that allows people to join/merge/split groups (especially if it's addon-free or at least doesn't require everyone on the server to have the addon) would be awesome, but not as a part of STHUD.

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The EULA of this addon does not allow any modifications without permission, hence all discussion about this have been removed.

If you want to modify this addon, seek permission first.

Usage of STHUD requires agreement with the following terms. The STHUD may NOT be modified, included in other mods in whole or part, used for military training or any commercial purposes whatsoever, without prior permission from the authors (zx64 and dslyecxi). Redistribution of the addon via YAS etc is permitted only if it is unmodified and free of charge. Modifications are forbidden without prior permission from the authors.

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zx64 and dslyecxi: would it be possible to modify STHUD so that it would work with TrackIR?

W0lle: thx for the warning

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zx64 and dslyecxi: would it be possible to modify STHUD so that it would work with TrackIR?

W0lle: thx for the warning

That's the plan. zGuba has contributed some code regarding that, and we're looking at it as well as adding some additional islands to the HUD. We may have a new release at some point this week to include both of those aspects.

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That's the plan. zGuba has contributed some code regarding that, and we're looking at it as well as adding some additional islands to the HUD. We may have a new release at some point this week to include both of those aspects.

Would this also mean that its locked to head movement direction via ALT button too? Im guessing "yes"?

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Would this also mean that its locked to head movement direction via ALT button too? Im guessing "yes"?



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