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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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as a hole i dont think

Don't be too hard on yourself... ;)

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As far as I know from what we have been told, OA is more than just an expansion. It pretty much doubles what Arma 2 has to offer, so at least imo, it earns it's right as a new game, rather than an "Expansion".

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It's the BIS way. Don't treat anything as a new game unless it revolutionalises the game. Just look at ArmA 1. BIS were parading it as Operation Flashpoint 1.5 and always wanted to sell it as that (which I'm sure they would have if they had the rights to the name still), and ArmA was a large step ahead of Operation Flashpoint.

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I don't think BIS consider it a new game, I'm just saying, it's probably going to be big enough to class as one.


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I really would love to know (in case the KSK units are playable) if there will be spoken German language in the game, like there was Russian and Czech in Arma 2 (beside English).

I'd imagine they will; this game is being distributed throughout Europe and Germany is one of the main 'buyers'.

It'd make the units look more respectable and tough if they didn't speak so much imo; the best and most loyal fighters are the silent ones :p

I'd love to see a cutscene where you come across some elite German dudes after capturing a highly-valued target, who 'steal' (A bit like in the film green zone which I haven't seen but I heard of) him and everything turns sour :D

A bit like when the racs turned on blufor in the ARMA1 campaign


I'm hoping for a well thought-out campaign with twists and turns which is so good it attracts new players.

When BIS say '24 hours', does it mean the campaign can last up to 24 hours?, and is there any info on the structure of the campaign? (Is it like the previous ARMAs where your actions have consequences and can lead to different outcomes, or will it be more 'direct' this time around?)


Ooh this thread was finally made a sticky :icon_mrgreen:

Edited by SASrecon

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A bit like when the racs turned on blufor in the ARMA1 campaign

In the mission, the RACS didn't "turn" on the BLUFOR, as they were SLA soldiers dressed up in RACS uniforms and equipment.

In real life, there was a similar attack on U.S. soldiers in Iraq back in January 2007, where insurgents disguised as U.S. Army soldiers attacked a U.S. military base.

Edited by Laqueesha

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In the mission, the RACS didn't "turn" on the BLUFOR, as they were SLA soldiers dressed up in RACS uniforms and equipment.

In real life, there was a similar attack on U.S. soldiers in Iraq back in January 2007, where insurgents disguised as U.S. Army soldiers attacked a U.S. military base.

Ohhhhhhh :oops:

That makes sense :D

A little OT here, but did anyone actually find the ARMA2 campaign replayable?

I mean the first few missions were immersive and fun, I played them at least three times, but near the end I really disliked the warfare and it seems like the designers just gave up on the detail (no offence, I'm trying to keep this fairly constructive criticism).

I don't think I would mind warfare in OA's campaign as long as you played as a commander, not fight at the same time; and had many resources to plan with such as uav and detailed intel, with recognisable infantry groups (not random unnamed units which you have to buy). People are much more valuable if they have a name and a story to themselves

Edited by SASrecon

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Ohhhhhhh :oops:

That makes sense :D

A little OT here, but did anyone actually find the ARMA2 campaign replayable?

I mean the first few missions were immersive and fun, I played them at least three times, but near the end I really disliked the warfare and it seems like the designers just gave up on the detail.

I don't think I would mind warfare in OA's campaign as long as you played as a commander, not fight at the same time; and had many resources to plan with such as uav and detailed intel, with recognisable infantry groups (not random unnamed units which you have to buy). People are much more valuable if they have a name and a story to themselves

Warfare would be nice outside of the campaign, in multiplayer. The average ArmA 2 gamer wants to play a military simulation, not a real-time strategy/real-time tactics game.

Without bugs, the campaign would've been decently re-playable. The first half, that is. The second half was fairly un-replayable, mainly due to the inclusion of the Warfare mode.

no offence, I'm trying to keep this fairly constructive criticism

Constructive criticsm? That word is unknown to BIS-fanboys. Prepare to be innundated with fanboy hate mail. :D

Edited by Laqueesha

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As far as I know from what we have been told, OA is more than just an expansion. It pretty much doubles what Arma 2 has to offer, so at least imo, it earns it's right as a new game, rather than an "Expansion".

Wow i got my facts wrong dont I? :o

Anyways exactly richie OA is more than an expansion pack in my eyes, I would call it a New game.

New Sound engine, 2 new islands, New factions more features crazy amounts of content and its being sold lower than full game retail! :D

Many thanks goes out to Bohemia Interactive!

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Those editor tabs that Flash Thunder mentioned earlier would be really, I mean REALLY nice. Im in the editor 98% of the time and having an option to choose the layout for a unit would be SOOO helpful. I cant understand those long scripts, so right now Im stuck with placing down a ammo crate and giving each soldier his weapon then telling him to pick it up. Very time consuming. Another editor feature that would be helpful would be something like you can exit the mission and add some things in a then continue the mission. That would be great.

I gotta agree with all the things being said. Plus, the new wallpaper for ArmAIIOfficial's Youtube page is great! I would LOVE to see some spec ops guys in that sort of layout. :o

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Don't be too hard on yourself... ;)

LOL! Too stressed at work... *whole*

Done is done. :D


The commands for adding weapons is not hard. Add one to a text document (notepad) and then just copy a couple of them and change the gear in each. That way you can just copy/paste the whole thing into your unit(s). I keep a big text doc with vanilla and ACE2 weps (and backpack loads for the latter).

Loadout easier in the editor would ofcourse make me happy to though. But just in case that doesnt happen - make your own little stash to grab from. ;)

I guess you know how it works and say what you say because it would be nicer to have a loadout option in the editor, but in case you want some help just PM me and i can hand over an example you can just exchange classnames in to your likings.

Sorry for some OT so i'll just say what many others said already: Hope the 3D editor is activated with smooth working function in OA. That would indeed let us create missions with custom bases and what not so much faster and easier. More quality would come from it in missions probably. :)

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I already opened a thread a few months ago,which i cant find anymore, about the not present relaod animation.

Is it possible that this animation is now visible to everyone in OA?

In the trailer at 1:30 sec a lying soldier is doing a kind of reload anim,which he cant finish due a movei cut.

What i your interpretation to that?

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I can't see anything special about that animation, it looks like the usual vague waving :P

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he AI sometimes pulls a weapon out, say a RPG and fires it really quickly, taking very little time to aim if any....
Will be better in Arrowhead by introducing "weapon lock delay" so the advanced guidance systems will neeed some time to get lock for player and also AI.

I must have missed this... this is indeed a grat news.

However i have three related issues here to notice :):

1. Give AI please also "Aiming-time/weapon lock delay" for normal RPGs/AT4s... Current behavior is extremely annoying, unrealistic and destroying the believability of the game, seeing AI selecting their RPG and once the animation to put on shoulder is finished, they instantly fire without any delay :rolleyes::(

Reference Ticket: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/9686

2. Please Please Please, currently missing Rockets fired by AI, do explode in mid-air like an airburst Round. This looks very odd and is very unrealistic. Change it back to Arma1 type, or the "realism-type" where it explodes on impact and/or after some distance (selfdestruction).

Roughly related Ticket is: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/8429

3. Make "FuseDistance" config command working (for Modders!) for anything else than only Grenades/Underbarrel fired Grenades.

Reference Ticket is: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/9614

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I missed the point and quickly became irrelevant.:p

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I would have to agree with mr.g-c, please put a weapon lock delay on everything not just "Advanced guidance systems". There should also be a delay before the AI put it on their back as well. At the moment the second they fire a shot they would reload instantly making it look a bit silly.

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Updating the editor so noobs can use it just not gonna cut it. It does not matter how much rep they have with the community, it's with the amount of games you sale. A good campaign is the best selling point. I will not buy AO or make any more campaigns with out the inspiration from BI leading the way.

P.S. the truth is I know they will make a great campaign.

SEAL Team six 4 is coming pretty soon!!

It will be the best single player campaign to date. You will see:)

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Mr.g.c: 1. Give AI please also "Aiming-time/weapon lock delay" for normal RPGs/AT4s

I agree with this one a lot. I dont know if its a gameplay balance thing with AI shooting instantly, but it loses some realism for sure and would be superb if its possible to do.

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It will be the best single player campaign to date. You will see:)

I'm sure.

Not everyone concentrates so heavily on the campaign. In fact, I can only recall a few games that I bought and play because of the campaign. The majority I buy because of the multiplayer and what you can do with it, which is the case with ArmA II.

Frankly I think the editor is great how it is. Significantly better than any other game I've seen. It's not that hard to create a basic scenario and have a few seconds/minutes/hours of fun, and it's also not that hard to learn the basics of the scripting languages if you want to go that far. I'd like to see the core concepts of the mission editor remain the same, but positive improvements are always welcomed. :D

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but positive improvements are always welcomed.

Like the 3D editor. :) just imagine being able to build big bases and complex sites that easy and fast. And a button you click when done that just bakes it into the 2D mission.sqm. Switch to 2D in the menu per normal and voila - there it is. Start putting out enemies etc. Nice...

However if the editor get any new parts/functions i will be pleasantly surprised. Im hoping just a little bit cause i dont want to make my self too disapointed. If you really can be disapointed by the editor that is? Nah, not me cause it is in fact the best ive seen so far.

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Like the 3D editor. :) just imagine being able to build big bases and complex sites that easy and fast. And a button you click when done that just bakes it into the 2D mission.sqm. Switch to 2D in the menu per normal and voila - there it is. Start putting out enemies etc. Nice...

That would be a dream come true, i have spent many hours doing editor->preview and back again to see if thing were properly lined up :o

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That would be a dream come true, i have spent many hours doing editor->preview and back again to see if thing were properly lined up :o

Since were on dreams -mine would also include said 3d editor for easier AI placement including special functions and waypoints for interiors/windows :bounce3:

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Can I dream too ? :

- Ingame simple Briefing editor

- Functional 3D editor

- Virtual camera placement/editing in 3D editor to make nice cutscenes (with waypoints and targets than could be enough)

- Gear and loadout panel

- More modules : MP respawns, halo...

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What I really would be happy about, would be some simple (at least I think they are simple ;) ) improvements to big guns.

- Rangefinders, maybe even some kind of fire control system;

- introdution of 4th tank member (loader) in western tanks;

- mobile artillery like M109 Paladin or 2S3 Akatsiya

- bombardement mode for artillery (using map coordinates)

Edited by boota

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I am curious about how often this vids/new information will be released. will it be like the first time around with a new vid every week/2?

think we will see something new and exciting on monday?

BIS did not set a time table or release schedule, so i think updates will come a little more sparatically

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