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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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A bit OT, but I had a good laugh with that! :D

Do you read and watch what even bigger companies (with multi-million dev budget) have released in the past month? Nice... isnt it?

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ArmA 2 was a critically acclaimed, has a good reputation and had (imho)

much more sales than ArmA 1 so how can it be a failure?

It made more sales because people had higher expectations, but nearly everyone who bought it at the start, said it was unplayable

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It made more sales because people had higher expectations, but nearly everyone who bought it at the start, said it was unplayable


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Arma2 release wasn't that bad like Armed Assault was.

What do you know about BIS project management, time/release plan and contracts with publishers?

Do you read and watch what even bigger companies (with multi-million dev budget) have released in the past month? Nice... isnt it?

Seems that some (pvp-) players arent able to see the choices they have with Arma2. Kinda "we need someone who forces us to play together or we cant play and enjoy our gameplay style".

All am saying is, Arma will not make BIS a lot of money, and so people will keep coming up with this excuse "oh they dont have enough money and resources to be big and successful"

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Because it wasn't their f****** decision!

Maybe it was the decision of the publishers? What if they wanted a rushed release? I really don't know. But considering the releases of ArmA I and II I hope every involved faction has learned its lesson.

I will buy Operation Arrowhead, but not from Morphicon Ltd., and definatly not shortly after the release if it's a bugged release again.

Considering that BIS is working on OPA since January 2009 I guess it's enough time to create an addon. However I wouldn't mind if the release would be in late 2010.

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raizjames: lol dude. Your just confused. Dont speak out of your butt please. Cant even be arsed to name the flaws in your comment. Move on if this doesnt suit you. Simple.

I dont need you to name the flaws in my comment, Its my opinion, whether you like it or not!

---------- Post added at 03:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 PM ----------


I think you need to check the first posts on the release date:)

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Okay people you can't make money of a product untill it's released, right?!

And BIS employees still have to pay bills like everyone else.

So if a publisher doesn't want to pay the company any more than X amount they have to release something after all that money is gone.

Stop being so arogant and think they are making this game exactly how YOU want it. We don't know what BIS their goals are during the development stages and we don't know if they would release the game even if some of those goals aren't reached yet. All we know is they released innovative games with enhanced technologies over the pasted years and there where consumers who found flaws in there. BIS did put effort in fixing those flaws and fixing mistakes they've probably overlooked or haven't come accross.

But that isn't such a strange thing is it? How many people where complaining about X being broken? How many other people responded saying they've not come accross such a bug or error or whatever? The game works perfect for some and lacks some stuff for others, now let's just hope that BIS their pc's all played the game perfect and thought that they could release it because of that.


Now onto something completely different.

I LOVED the two or three videos BIS made showing how to control troops and such, that would be something I would love to see before the release of the game as it shows the engine in a different light than the trailers do, which I do enjoy aswell.

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There are countless threads which are more appropriate for people to whine in if that's their need, this is not one of them, if you have nothing on topic to say go find another thread to post in please, if the trolling/whining/counter whining doesn't stop then infractions will be needed.

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Oh my arm it F***** Hurtssss!! ;)

Why has this beautiful thread gone up in a flame war?

So you expect the vehicles to instantly heat up, and even be remotely visible to the FLIR cameras? Have you gone mad sir? I wish thats how the real world worked, but it simply doesnt work like that.

Im sure the mess at the beggining with Arma 2 was because the publishers needed to get Arma 2 out to make some money off it seeing that was their top investment, they need to pay bills and makes some profit too.

All we can hope for is that Idea/got game give BIS some breathing room till they feel that they've ironed out good amount of bugs and to MAKE SURE the campaign is playable from start to finnish without needing a single patch.

I do agree to a certain extent but saying the game was a failure at launch is ignorant. Lets look at the steam sales chart theres your proof!

@Now trolls get out!

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I'm sure BIS will get it right this time.

Looking back at the trailer (

for anyone who completely missed it :D), I noticed 2 guns on the czech car thingy (0:56), this looks awesome! (There were multiple guns on humvees in ACE for ARMA1 but not in vanilla ARMA2), I wonder how they'll implement their support in the campaign.

Also the high mountains at 1:57 look beautiful!

On the OA website it says

1 war... 2 armies... 24 hours... Only you can make a difference!
Players will enlist into various roles within the US Army

Does this mean we won't be able to play as the allies in the campaign? :butbut:

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I'm sure the alliance is a nato-like pact between USA (thus US Army), Czechia, Germany and maybe some other nations as well. I guess the alliance will kick some takistani dictator's butt in the campaign. Taliban-like insurgents may ally with the alliance or the takistani regime depending on the actions of the players. That how would set it up :)

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Certainly "...a minor part of the story will be played by the czech army..."

min 1:50

but i guess there will be parts where we will play with other factions

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I don't suppose any of the admin or devs can tell us when we can expect the OA main page to change from the placeholder with screenshots to an actual page with video links and game info (faction, weapons, vehicles).?

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Yeah :D Or ... call it Czech Republic ... that's what Google translator told me :p There will be some units from this country in Operation Arrowhead.

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Isn't "Czechia" what the Czech's chant when watching their football team? Seem to remember it from the last world cup.

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Hello there,

lovely trailer. Good work art, content design team!

Considering you are starting advertising for this now , I suppose you guys got a fair idea of what is going to be in the end product.

As there is a current lack of radio shows to host Q&A sessions with you guys, I wonder if I can ask about my 4 main issues with this engine in here , hoping that this engine upgrade will benefit my use of it , unlike the last few upgrades.

1. Is the AI fully controllable again?

2. Were you able to tweak HDR from an "I am blinded!"-gameplay feature to an "The screen adapts itself to maximum visiblity like my eyes do"?

3. Can you save/load missions on a dedicated server?

4. Is there dynamic script handling of playable characters in MP [slot Creation/Deletion, Player Character Switching]?

Thank is advance for any answer , not terribly sad or surprised if there isnt go to be any.

I do hope that one of these days this game series will be more than an fps shooter and the tactical aspect of leading AI will play a major part , but I understand it is difficult and will likely support you guys getting there by getting OA , even tho I will probably sit there and be terribly annoyed at the AI again :biggrin_o:

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Placebo: That it's maybe "Čechy", or "Češi" what they shout. Never heard about using the word "Czechia" for describing the Czech Republic. Maybe it was created by google, when they wanted translate the word "Česko"

"ÄŒesko" is a way to say the word "ÄŒechy", and in english it is translated "Bohemia"

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sorry,maybe alredy asked...but will Arma2 addons be compatible with Operation Arrowhead ?



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sorry,maybe alredy asked...but will Arma2 addons be compatible with Operation Arrowhead ?

The last newswas "Yes" but that things like FLIR and whatnot would not be functional.

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Czechia? :confused:

I remember there was a discussion to use this as a synonym for Czech Republic (because it is much shorter) but it never seemed to have caught on. A shame in my opinion.

sorry,maybe alredy asked...but will Arma2 addons be compatible with Operation Arrowhead ?



Most likely yes.

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Czechia is correct as a shortage for Czech republic

"ÄŒesko" "Äeský", ÄŒechy (Bohemia) the other Czechs in Moravia and Silezia don't like the word "ÄŒesko" etc...

Edited by ShadowY

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After testing VBS2 US Army Lite (yes anyone can use it - EULA was wrong) i really like the simple effects they have. From small explosions to large they have camera shake (quick shake 0.5s to bigger). Even when a big caliber weapon fires close to you (especially sniper rifle ammo) your screen flashes 1 time darker and the camera kinda "flinches" once hard. Made me shat my pants when it happened (and everytime since). Simple effects that make you jump so its effective. Also explosions too close to you will blind you in the way that the image you see when it explodes stays in your vision for a while slowly fading away (black and white image). So driving when IED goes off makes it impossible to see the road for a while. Awesome. Ringing ears is there as well ofcourse.

May we see some of this in OA?

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Sounds great, let me know how we go about securing this multi million $ developing budget that DICE gets? :yay:

It's simple. Find a gimmick(destruction) and build an abortion of an action game around it. And then let us use knives to open doors and BOOM! Million dollar budget.

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It's simple. Find a gimmick(destruction) and build an abortion of an action game around it. And then let us use knives to open doors and BOOM! Million dollar budget.

Haha, yeah those wooden doors that collapse like straw don't seem to stop much. Wouldn't like to live in those neighborhoods.

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