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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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At least one person a few pages back remarked on certain supposed flaws in the FLIR, specifically a moving vehicle showing up cold, while the engine of a stationary vehicle appears hot.

I'm sure they can fix this easy enough.

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I'm sure they can fix this easy enough.

Someone already replied about this, and the possibility of it being dependent on how long the engine has been running.

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I'm sure they can fix this easy enough.


@Flash: The scratched record is getting a bit boring now. 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! 64bit! :j:

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Did u guy see the new trailer its awesome :yay:

Trailer looks awsome, however I hope they release a game this time that is playable from the start. I dont want to wait 6 months for patches to be released.

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@Flash: The scratched record is getting a bit boring now. 64bit!


Anyone want to start a new discussion seeing how this thread is beyond dead?

Who thinks BIS will actually fix the AI for once?

Edited by Flash Thunder

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Anybody advocating that BIS apply 64-bit support to their products is completely out of their mind because everybody knows that 16-bit computers are the future of gaming. :D

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"640 kb should be enough" :D .... even for Operation Arrowhead :) Sorry, just kidding.

Right now, I'd like to see a new trailer showing the other factions. Does anyone know if more trailers will be published in the near future?

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Trailer looks awesome, however I hope they release a game this time that is playable from the start. I don't want to wait 6 months for patches to be released.

My game was playable from the start . I played the campaign in version 1.01 and no game braking bugs stopped me from almost finishing it. Oh, and I ran( still do ) the game on a mid range PC that I bought in late 2007 or early 2008 ( cant remember exactly) .

Not saying the game did not have bugs , but I don't know how some people could not play the game from start :confused:

On topic :

Are the guys that get out of the little bird's Delta Force ?

Edited by Maio

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Are the guys that get out of the little bird's Delta Force ?

They could be, but they don't always have to be. Little Birds are used by many different groups.

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Fairly sure theres references to [ZOMG] Delta Force in some of the preview material.

Almost 100% positive last months PCGamer has it in...

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Fairly sure theres references to [ZOMG] Delta Force in some of the preview material.

Almost 100% positive last months PCGamer has it in...

Delta in my ArmA? I do say I like the sounds of that.

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Surprised nobody has really mentioned this yet.

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Surprised nobody has really mentioned this yet.


New optics? Hnnng!

Edited by Laqueesha

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Trailer looks awsome, however I hope they release a game this time that is playable from the start. I dont want to wait 6 months for patches to be released.

Funny enough was ArmA 2 playable for me and a lot of other people since the demo :eek:

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An airborne infantryman, a helicopter pilot, a tank commander and a Delta Force operator... that sounds a lot like David Armstrong, Jack Nichols, Robert Hammer and James Gastowski... :p

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More then the aircraft HUDs? Very nice. I just hope they are accurate, because I'm not sure the T-90 sight was. I also hope that the proportions (size) of OA units are proper. I have a strange feeling that some of the equipment in ArmA 2 is out of place. In any case, hopefully some of these changes will be transfered to ArmA 2 as well, but that's only a wish.

Thanks, DM :)

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Surprised nobody has really mentioned this yet.

2nd page :D

Edited by W0lle
quoted images

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David Armstrong, Jr. Jack Nichols, Jr. Robert Hammer, Jr. and James Gastowski, Jr.

Fixed. :D

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Yeah well it was confirmed that Delta Force would be ingame in the KoprCon 2009 videos.

I was just wandering if those soldiers were delta or just airborne.

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Yeah well it was confirmed that Delta Force would be ingame in the KoprCon 2009 videos.

I was just wandering if those soldiers were delta or just airborne.

Their insignia is the 82nd Airborne Division. OMFGDELTA doesn't wear unit insignia when deployed.

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