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Latest ArmA2 & ArmA2:OA Press Coverage | NO discussion here!

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Did I hear the word "SecuROM"? I think I did close to the end of the video. Hopefully he was talking about there being no SecuROM.

Oh god...

Deer BIS:

i promise 2 buy the game like i always do

just don't use this SecuROM!

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AI still get a some distance from vehicle to get in. And also some LOD problems... I hope they'll fix it.

Chernarus is piece of wonderful land IMO.

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There is a lot of information in video. I can give you shortly info.

Base you see its name Manhatan. About time 11:40 you can see quest list. In game will be main quests and secondary quests. Mostly you don't need solve secondary quest,but you don't get new gun and etc.

In the begining you are part of team razor, later in game you can use high command mod.

After complain about starforce, copy protection will be securom. :)

Moding tool will be realese later, date is not stated. First they want concentrate on finishing game.

Edited by BoboCZ

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please at max solution la STEAM, Impulse and GamersGate own preload systems as these prevent pre-release leaks ...

SecuROM,StarFORCE,SafeDISC,Tages are IMHO waste of cash going into pocket of some unknown firm while the product is safe only some hours to days

positives of these software protections ? none

negatives ? angry customers, additional manhours to prepare and test patches, costy licence

game should be fun, w/o bugs and have huge replayability ... that sells

Edited by Dwarden
nicely said what i think about certain software protection methods

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Heh.. :omg: ,

I wish I could join the doomsday-brigade today as well , but all I am seeing is a video about the new interface and for that I say thank you to everyone involved.

It gets better as well , it could possibly be that BIS has a seperate context-sensitive command menu , the old indirect menu

and a seperate context-sensitive action menu which as far as I am concerned would be great improvements.

- Try leading a bunch of AI in ArmA , now try doing so against some enemy , then do so against a human trying to lead his AI. The description "Epic Fail" couldn't be more apt.

- Try standing next to an bunch of ammo boxes wanting to pick the right one.

It is a shame we didn't get to see what "Attack/Target-Options" the new context sensitive menu has , because that in my opinion is vitally important how useful or useless leading AI in Arma2 will be. (My suggestion for switching to those on PC version at the moment would be holding down the CTRL Key)

On thing I didn't like at least for the computer version is the middle section of the context-sensitive command menu.

It seems very pointless considering I have a keyboard with which I can quickly select my individual guys and then give them the same action via the indirect menu/context-sensitivie menu.

I think what you guys would be better off for the PC version to have commands that are sensitive to the status of the unit-selection (previously called "Quick Commands") in the middle ("Engine Off" or "Hold Fire" would be examples) and have things that are context-senstive on the location of your mouse button at the top.

Furthermore I suggest that you an "Actions" entry at the very end of that top-list then , which leds you to actions you can perform on that location (Same as 6 in indirect menu but context-sensitive and perhaps could even pass the position to the individual action scripts -> Setting up a mounted MG comes to mind).

That all said , I still would like to see more of the command bar to see how commanding vehicles and fireteams is handled (or more specifically selecting the aforementioned)

Edit: Apparently you have something called "Interactions" which would be just about the same as Actions I assume. Lovely

Edited by lwlooz

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I got the same feeling after watching the vid. Especially when he started driving the humvee, it looks just as clumsy as in ArmA1.

I hate to quote this. The models and landscape looks superb! but the gameplay seems way too much....arma....I could thought,it would be much ....better than that? Maybe little different and much improved or something *more CQC friendly? remade sway animations? less clunky swing? no more annoying back-forward scope sway during side-walking? :(

Edited by Raphier

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According to what Jan Prazak said in germany ~2 weeks ago, yes.....

Could you find the the thing with the open-able doors on GC 08?

from 2:40

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from 2:40

In this old video http://n-joy.cz/video/jan-hovora-bohemia-interactive-studio/wVk98ekjAJ6y4ngI Ohara says that Arma II is ready for getting in-out from vehicles, but it's a lot of work. If you have 100 vehicals with about five seats, and if you multiplay it twice (geting in-out), you get 100x5x2=1000 motion capture animations. Which take about 0,5 GB of date. So it's not so easy. And if they made animation only for some vehical, someone will certainly complaint about it. ;)

Edited by BoboCZ

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I think ARMA's basic gameplay is proven to some extent. I'm pretty impressed with how the game is turning out so far, although changed/additional animations would be nice. However, once you're actually playing the game, in a battle they won't matter so much. It's the AI and story that will make the game what it is.

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from 2:40

Damn it, your right!!!

He says "so now we have also some additional animations on vehicles, for example, there are doors opening......"

In this old video http://n-joy.cz/video/jan-hovora-boh...k98ekjAJ6y4ngI Ohara says that Arma II is ready for getting in-out from vehicles, but it's a lot of work. If you have 100 vehicals with about five seats, and if you multiplay it twice (geting in-out), you get 100x5x2=1000 motion capture animations. Which take about 0,5 GB of date. So it's not so easy. And if they made animation only for some vehical, someone will certainly complaint about it. ;)
As much as i love Ohara, i think that he is wrong with that and everything is better than the current one-animation-for-everything "solution"....

So they will have now certainly more people complaining about that one "climb on something animation", than when you have for instance a general "get in side-door-of-car" animation, together with doors opening and closing....

I mean if that could please me, one of the most critical/remarking/complaining person, i don't know who would complain about such a very big improvement? :rolleyes::confused:

Don't get me wrong guys, but Arma2 appears to me (according to this footage) like a Ferrari from outside, with a Skoda Engine inside.....

In many "inner" parts still odd/no improvements since 2001, but from outside a pretty damn good looking blender.... :p:D

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I think ARMA's basic gameplay is proven to some extent. I'm pretty impressed with how the game is turning out so far, although changed/additional animations would be nice. However, once you're actually playing the game, in a battle they won't matter so much. It's the AI and story that will make the game what it is.

actually arma at launch did break everything it had.

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I found on youtube new preview from games.tiscali.cz. Its 18 minute long and have some nice new shots.

Very very nice graphic almost like real.

Thank you for finding and posting some info about it as I can't understand anything. Some interesting bits in it.

But one thing struck my eyes when I watched it:

The shading seems bad in some situations. I think there is a old thread somewhere about it being a bit over the top, but the new videos and screens so far looked better.

Although this seems to be just a coincidence and maybe it was because of chosen day/weather.

Watch the video again at 14:31 and 14:52. Glaring cows! :eek:

Also you're unable to watch through the Aimpoint because of the sun at 14:28.

Hopefully this is removed when I disable post processing.

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I don't think entrance and exit animations are such a big thing as you say, mr.g-c. More important is how it affects the gameplay, like getting out of a vehicle on the side that's not being shot at. Obviously I wouldn't complain about having better/more animations as it can certainly be improved, but I expect they've spent time on other things, hopefully. Wait until we see some good, detailed gameplay videos. Isn't there a new trailer coming soon?

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Copy protections systems that need weeks to crack are kinda effective AFAIK. I wouldn't want to wait 3 freakin' weeks to get a highly anticipated and already released game. I guess a lotta ppl think the same way.

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Damn it, your right!!!

He says "so now we have also some additional animations on vehicles, for example, there are doors opening......"

As much as i love Ohara, i think that he is wrong with that and everything is better than the current one-animation-for-everything "solution"....

So they will have now certainly more people complaining about that one "climb on something animation", than when you have for instance a general "get in side-door-of-car" animation, together with doors opening and closing....

I mean if that could please me, one of the most critical/remarking/complaining person, i don't know who would complain about such a very big improvement? :rolleyes::confused:

Don't get me wrong guys, but Arma2 appears to me (according to this footage) like a Ferrari from outside, with a Skoda Engine inside.....

In many "inner" parts still odd/no improvements since 2001, but from outside a pretty damn good looking blender.... :p:D

You are right, I also would like have this animations. But I only want notice, that can exist some reason for no animation. And Arma is not maistream game and probably never sell more then 1 million games, so somebody must pay development.

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I don't think entrance and exit animations are such a big thing as you say, mr.g-c.

Together with opening of doors, they add a lot of immersion for me...

Of course you are right and they should open/close at the point you exit and you should be able to exit at any door you wish, that would be a ultimate solution gameplay-wise of course.

Still i'm not demanding one animation for each door on each vehicle, or something like that...

As i said, only one animation to make, you can mirror this one and can get it solved for 50% of all vehicles.... At least this will look a hundred times better than what we saw in that video...

If people don't think thats perfect nor accurate enough, they can mod it and thus fix it how they like, but i'm sure this one animation i said, would add a lot (together with open-able doors).

Copy protections systems that need weeks to crack are kinda effective AFAIK. I wouldn't want to wait 3 freakin' weeks to get a highly anticipated and already released game. I guess a lotta ppl think the same way.
In my opinion a clever made cd-key system, with frequently changes by banning cracked ones with the dedicated server updates, is worth more - just like done with Arma1.

But im a guy which evaluates the Multiplayer Part X-Times over any SP campaign... i think i differ here with the Developers/Publishers opinion... :p:)

You are right, I also would like have this animations. But I only want notice, that can exist some reason for no animation. And Arma is not maistream game and probably never sell more then 1 million games, so somebody must pay development.

Well OFP1 sold more than 1.7 Million copies..... I think Arma2 would be able to sell more these days (so many new markets/evolving countries......).

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Wow, again with the ancilliary animations meaning more than the gameplay? The movement is crisp and sharp. Same with the AI, no more pauses, yes some routes a BIT (understated) wide, but goes and moves very well. VD is HUGE for the nice framerate and beautiful stuff on screen. IIRC, he was driving the hummer with keyboard, (scratch that he has 2 mice on his desk :( ) so of course it'll be a little akward looking. Anyone notice the variable downwash of the Osprey in the grass? Not lagging to beat hell like in #1? The command interface is downright seamless! Looks very easy to use. Just get the final FUNCTIONAL aspects nailed down (reticles and range adjustments?) and most will be so totally enthralled, a little animation won't even be noticed.

mr.g-c, in my opinion, you have it backwards. This thing is a Ferrari -engine, chassis, body, suspension- Just with a skoda mirror, hubcaps.. maybe ashtray and steering wheel too, lol. It should be a BEAST with the => 4x processing power available to it. Can't wait.

I really like what I see BIS. Sold solid. If it gets better than this latest vid, I'll need an ambulance and oxygen mask.

Edited by Scrub#2

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sadly every game which deployed SecuROM in past year got huge loss in sales ...

ask EA why they drop it completely and The Sims 3 are w/o such software protection

i consider latest SecuROMs to be like malware rootkit due to way how theirs driver and protection behave

not to mention genial features like Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on the Dark Athena ... 3 installs /fails and you can trash it

these protections are just plain waste of time ...

some are useless even before protected game reach retail stores ...

e.g. if my memory serves me right SecuROM for Bioshock cost 200 000 USD ...

imagine if half of that money was spent into QA instead and it got 'less bugs' and rest to new features

Edited by Dwarden
nicely said

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if Bis wants to make a sequel to Flashpoint, they better make the gameplay flashpoint :)

What I see here is that of Arma's (atmosphere gives good vibe, but..), not exactly what I have been waiting for, so to speak....

and abou SecuRom, as long as they keep the install limits out of the box, I am happy with it.

Edited by Raphier

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I am still waiting to finally see the micro-AI in action. The only thing we saw yet about micro-AI was that 2 years old Tiscali video, nothing since then. Pretty odd considering that this is supposed to be a major feature of Arma II ('the' major feature for me). They are either still working to get it to a presentable state (which would be worrisome) or are about to drop a big PR bomb on us. Let's hope it is the latter.

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Please refrain from discussing copy protections as it contravenes forums rules, as you all well know.

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:/ Bah, Placebo fixed his avatars /

Edited by Raphier
destructicon mobohome!

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*Post deleted, for I think that it goes against the forum rules*

Edited by Stimpak_Addict
Read Placebo's post about forum rules

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