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ArmA is just ... awesome!

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Wow, only 8 pages of "awesome" vs. 33 pages of "disappointing"!!

It's easy to gibber on and on about how things aren't right. When things are right, they just are, and it's almost superfluous to talk about it. It's just human nature.

Not to mention several pages of the 'dissapointed' thread contain the same thing over and over and over and over again. Likes birds chirping a song already sung to death. Oh well, can't please everyone I guess, and not all of them are bad, some of them do have real problems and do get them fixed and become happy..its the ones that are helped yet never pleased that bugs me.

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People stop whining about the whiners and say something about how Arma is ,,, ekhm, awesome.

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I saw the 'Dissappointed' thread about to implode upon it's own negativity, and decided to try this gem in the editor:

I made a 'mongo' squad of 15 T-72s and 30 infantry, placed a circular WP pattern with Cycle. Copied and pasted over 30 of the suckers across Saharani. That's over 450 tanks and 900 infantry.. Over 1350 total units ingame. Took 1.5 minutes to load, expecting it to crash out, and got 9 FPS flying over the lot in my AH-6 (before a WALL of 12.7mm slapped me from the sky with slideshow abandon). Exited got rid of 5 squads and retried. The FPS went to 14 with limited action going on in the south, 8 in the north with 2500m VD and most everything on high or very high. Got close to 25FPS in the south dropping everything down to low, with a veritable carpet of units firing at me. That's still over 1000 units (several hundred were visible within the 2500m VD) all moving and ready to engage. Awesome!

AMD 4400x2

2gb memory

Nvidia 7950gt

SB Audigy2 zs

Definately a lower midrange computer by todays standards.

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While not perfect, ArmA is still the only game that lets me and my group play 60+ player scenarios any way we want, with custom missions, mods, etc.

I'm having a great time in it so far. There's room for improvement, no doubt, but what we have right now is quite solid.

As to what walker hinted at... from what I've seen, people are in for a treat. Take the CoC stuff, throw it in with ACE, then get VOIP fixed and you suddenly have something even more amazing than what we're playing right now. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Oh... as an example of how cool ArmA can be, take a look at my signature image. That's taken from a ~60 person "Charge of the Light Brigade" server test we did. 60 people charging across open ground in one huge line formation and smashing against an enemy town as artillery, machineguns, and AGS grenade launchers attempted to stop us. It was epic. biggrin_o.gif

The other ShackTac sigs are from the same mission, just different perspectives:




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As OFP server populations began to dwindle I began to dabble in some other games as I waited for ArmA.

Aside from obvious differences in the environment and gameplay, the WAY people played stood out to me.

For example, in BF games people didn't play as medics for the good of the team...they did it for points.

So nothing is more enjoyable for me than playing on a public server where few people are on a voice channel...and natural team play evolves.  

Someone picks medic on a coop...so the team will survive.

Someone with 30 points, lases targets on Evolution for the guy in the jet who already has 300.

Why?  To work as a team to complete the objective.

In public MP madness its not common for unit cohesion to just naturaly occur.  When it dose, I love to be there.

PS  xnodunitx your post is useless...both of them rofl.gif

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Recently I found out again why Armed Assault is so awesome...

I got shot in the back while playing a mission in Ortego using Kronzky's Urban patrol script.


while making a new video and performing a 300-500 meter above sea level in-flight shot of the A-10, I could see blurred, transparent land mass underneath the shores and water. ~Awesome.

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Its just beautiful

It would be even better if the bush fps issue could be improved somehow but it still looks great with medium settings and the gameplay is unique.

Thanks BIS and keep up the great work.

(looking forward to Game2 wink_o.gif)

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ArmA is awesome for me.. despite it's flaws and sometimes poor performance, I get hours of enjoyment out of Arma.

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The experience gained while making missions in OFP has obviously paid off for certain people when turning out work for ARMA as I am playing Perpetua once again and enjoying it very much. The quality of some user made missions is at a level that took OFP a couple of years to achieve. The mission makers seem to get less credit than addon makers as they do not feature as prominently in screenshot threads, but I very much appreciate their efforts. notworthy.gif



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arma is friggen AWESOME

and the good points about the game

1.model quality and lighting-PERFECT

2.the sun is afected by the clouds now that was cool

3.gun jam from water-very clever

4.the fact that when you are laying down and you go over plants the plants bend

5.the new gear system is perfect

6.gun view-real smart and cool

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A few days ago i was more likely to post in the Arma hate thread because the damn thing was running like a slideshow on my new pc but now i bought a new graphics card and i can finally run the game fluid in high wow_o.gif

Damn this game is beautyfull but i had hoped a few more of the old ofp limitations would be gone like choppers chrashing eachother but instead a few new ones are introduced like losing your weapons in the water huh.gif Come on BIS:wall:

But Arma still has alot of things that vastly improves it over Ofp and looks absolutely awesome thumbs-up.gif

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I shall tackle this point from a different angle me thinks.

I love ArmA let me put that out there first.

But I don't love all of it.

Instead of me writing half a page of rant which will get me nowhere I have figured out the best balance for myself. Others may agree.

I play ArmA for multilayer. It is a lot better than OFP online, just because of JIP and the larger environment.

However I play OFP for single player, just because it's story line and quick missions still get me every time.

So ArmA for Multi awesomeness, OFP for Single Player immersion.

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Don't like all of it, but overall it is thumbs-up.gif

It has come a long way since the last February. User addons and missions have taken the basic game to new heights and the best is yet to come.

I like the fact that mission designers and addon makers can do a lot of stuff for and with the engine.

NOTE: After playing the demo I almost passed ArmA as a piece of crap definately not worth of getting into.

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Yep it's the ONE.

After Flashpoint Arma is King.

No doubt about it. As many have said its awesome with the fact your limited by your imagination. You can get the sim to do anything you want with the right tweaking and scripts etc.



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I just got a new computer from Cyberpower and I love ARMA now.  My old pc and graphics card could not do it justice.  

ARMA has the same great feel of OFP and the updated graphics are incredibly realistic.  I mainly make my own missions so it is great that the editior has not dramatically changed.

One point I think may have helped was I reinstalled the software from scratch.  I bought the german online version.  When I set it back up there was no need to patch, it was already up to 1.08.

It also made sure I had removed all the user mods.  If you got a blazing rig and your still slow, I would recommend a reinstall.

My new rig is an Intel 6700 2.66 gig and running 2 Nvidia 8800 in SLI on Vista so it smokes my old pc.


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Same here ,I got a whole new rig just to play this game. And it kicks ass! Realism and beautiful graphics are things that rarely make it into mil sims at the same time.

Bis is the only military sim maker out there worth their salt....and OFP is this games only true competition. So to anyone sitting on the fence, just think OFP but with photo realism with the right system ......it's the closest I ever wanna get to real war.

With all that said the only thing I can say to Bis is. Release the tools when your ready. And please don't whore the game out with little addon packs like EA does with their games.

I'd pay for a good / big pack of goodies, but I just get turned off when official packs trickle out over a period of years just to milk the fans. EA is the leader when it comes to this kind of GIMPED GAME marketing sad_o.gif

Bis is not....and hopefully never will be.

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This is an excellent game.

I will play it for years to come, now that's a real ROI (return on investment).


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lolo it's Monk. o/

And yea, ArmA is is a rough diamond. Better AI is badly needed though.

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Well, i just recently got ArmA. The 1st demo did not impress me, but the 2nd did.

As a real OFP fan i was wondering, will ArmA have me put OFP away forever?

The answer is, nope. For the campaign i liked OFP's better and the quick single missions where more fun too.

I do like the JIP in multiplayer, but after playing a few days i am already sick of "evolution". I hope some CTF and Flagfights maps will come and some tutorials so i can make my own. (I made alot for OFP, but somehow ArmA's mission editor seems allot different and with fewer options when making a multiplayer Flagfight mission)

Still, the graphics of ArmA are awesome and the game is just fun to play. I remember playing OFP at launch and it had more bugs then my car's windscreen. But BIS continued to support the game until it was nearly perfect (and it is for me). So i just stay playing both OFP and ArmA (OFP for my LAN-parties until i can convince my buddies to buy ArmA too) and see what BIS has in stock.

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Hey, i think arma is truly awsome!!

I mean, i got the game and loved it, beautiful everything.

and now that i work with chammy and use his sounds, even fricken better, gosh.. so happy i have this game.

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3.gun jam from water-very clever

I've never experienced that in the game. What do you mean?

he means guns unable to to be fire in water, i think confused_o.gif

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Hey, i think arma is truly awsome!!

I mean, i got the game and loved it, beautiful everything.

and now that i work with chammy and use his sounds, even fricken better, gosh.. so happy i have this game.

yep this game went to new level with sammys mod. I love the fact that this is the best (and probly only) infantry sim around. No more skimming thru gamespot to find me a war game pistols.gifpistols.gifpistols.gif

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Well i thought i'd add my first comment in this thread whistle.gif .

I was just messing in the editor having just installed chammys sound mod (superb it is too i may add) and i accidently shot one of my squad members. Now after a short time, maybe 3 seconds or so, the command of the entire squad went to #2.

So not just getting targeted by the squad for friendly kills anymore you actually lose command. Superb in its implementation, but it could prove troublesome in SP missions if you have a blue on blue incident which was unavoidable.

Awsome addition nontheless.

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