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ArmA is just ... awesome!

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I had quite a blast playtesting yesterday when I found out that AI in loose groups with tank support conducts some area covering maneuvers to get you from all possible angles. I know it´s been overused, but the guard waypoint with area guarded by makes a hell of a bunnyhunt, that got me caught at close distance from an angle I didn´t watch for some seconds. Quite stressy smile_o.gif

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yap for me is ArmA the best game i ever player "not to forget OFP"

Get new addons or mod so the game never end biggrin_o.gif

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Simple enjoy some atmosphere of the game and the next developments, e.g. patches, upgrades, tools, mission+campaigns. Hope the team has enough coffee, pizza....good beer wink_o.gif

Would be nice to see football match (Sahrani Cup?) ingame too!!

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My squad (that strives for reality) has 'their' base on S. Sahrani all decked out - AI taking off, flying, trucks moving in and out of base, troops patrolling, bunkers, wire, complete shooting ranges - the whole shmeal. When we train, I have to just look for a moment, and take it all in. In OFP just having those elements would have stunned my comp, much less having the complete mission as well. Arma's scalability rocks!

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With the other ArmA "haters" thread growing fast, i thought id post in this camp. Despite a few bugs which are being worked on, I think ArmA is one of the best games ive ever played. The scalability is just jaw dropping, the graphics aren't really that bad at all, the game play is a blast and the realism is some of the best in any mil-sim ive ever played. I haven't even tried the latest beta patch yet, so im on 1.05. I used to be a pretty hard core Ghost Recon player. When friends ask me what ArmA is like, i say "imagine GR but on a grand scale". That usually is enough for them to try it. And i usually hear shortly after that they are sold on it and love it. I mean, the editor in itself is a addicting game! lol Overall, to me, ArmA is a winner and im glad i bought it way back when Sprocket first offered it for DL. Im not the hugest fan of Sprockets system but even a flawed ArmA is worth it.

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I've been hating AI's performace in defence in both OFP and ArmA... So i started to upgrade it:

First builded better take cover method, but i wasn't happy about it: AI could take cover behind hill -> no LOS to killzone which is bad thing for overall defence performance -> under work

Then started to build script that calculates soldier's LOS (terrain's form not objects) to killzone and if they don't have LOS they search better spot where they can see it. They have secondry positions calculated with same method if enemy flanks them. Should make this also to staticvehicles... This script also can be used to pop-up and shoot&scoot manuvers (which are underwork)

Next i moved to script that clears killzone from cover -> enemy gets plain open if it's movement route goes from there... Well can't remove objects, so some spots can turn out to be even better cover than before "clearing".

Fortifications are still under thinking, but they are somewhat doable, just should find objects that allow defender to be in cover but still see to killzone, as usually case is that attacker sees fortified defender earlier -> defender dies.

Platoon and company co-operation. Counterattacks, patrols, flanks' observationposts -> Under work if ever finished.

This is the thing why i love ArmA: if something is flawed just fix it and learn new stuff + refresh olds while doing so smile_o.gif

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I just want to say that the graphic engine coupled with the environment/weather effects and the scale of the island make the game world a masterpiece. This is one aspect where ArmA hasn't dropped the ball.

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If I perform following mental exercise:

- ommmm...I forget the past

- ommmm...I do not know OFP

- ommmm...I just bought ArmA V 1.05beta yesterday

- ommmm...I try to find something similar on the market

- ommmm...there are no bugs


I must agree that this is the most exciting "almost" military simulator.

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If I perform following mental exercise:

- ommmm...I forget the past

- ommmm...I do not know OFP

- ommmm...I just bought ArmA V 1.05beta yesterday

- ommmm...I try to find something similar on the market

- ommmm...there are no bugs


I must agree that this is the most exciting "almost" military simulator.

I haven't laughed this much since my doctor told me he had to amputee both my legs. huh.gif

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Nah, I thought the time I had my teeth pulled out was funnier.

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I just bought ArmA today. I knew in advance that the game would be buggy as hell on release. OFP had that problem, and I thought it unlikely that things would be different for ArmA. I thought it would be wise to wait a bit.

When the game was released, it appeared my hunch was right on the mark. Dozens of "disappointment" threads popped up, from newcomers and OFP veterans alike. I decided to wait a little longer and upgrade my rig in the meantime. The US ArmA demo was the first thing I installed.

Unfortunately, the demo was very disappointing. The HDR lighting, the voices, the general controls... It was 'meh'. I was beginning to lose all hope.

Still, my love for OFP-style games prevailed and I finally forked over the money. When I installed it SECUROM started bitching, which didn't exactly improve my mood nor expectations. I finally got the damn thing to work and launched ArmA. And then...

...all was well again. The first thing I did in-game was take a walk through the woods. Let me tell you... I have yet to come across a game with this amount of immersion. The trees cast deep shadows on the ground, the undergrowth squelches familiarly under my boots, the butterflies flutter from flower to flower and the sun shone brightly through the trees' crowns. I was AMAZED.

I then pitted two squads against eachother some two clicks away from my position. The sounds were just fantastic. Deep booms echoing through the mountains, while I merrily enjoyed nature. Fantastic stuff.

Certainly, the game needs polishing. The guns have weird sounds, the soldiers still sound rather funky, there are quite a few graphical glitches but THE FOUNDATIONS are in place. I always felt that OFP was more about immersion and scale than anything else. There are many games out there that do a better job at simulating tactical warfare. However, the sheer size, un-scripted immersion and dynamics of ArmA remain unparalleled.

My reservations are gone. I'm loving it.

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What have your posts to do with this thread? Nothing, just the usual pointless spam as always.

Cleansweep here too and be warned. This topic is about why people like ArmA.

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I wouldn't get too disconcerted with the size of the dissappointment thread compared to this one. It's only natural that the haters have nothing better to do than to join a forum and knock this game. While the people who enjoy it are spending more time actually playing it.

Hop on an Arma server, and you won't find many unhappy folks there.

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Initially, I didn't like ArmA at all. it's pertenant, so bear with me. The AI seemed to be just far too good and I couldn't get much past the spawn in on some missions. I'd mever even heard of OFP before so I had assumed ArmA to be another game along the lines of GRAW, et al. Normally, I'd have binned it and cut my losses, after all not fun is not fun. The thing that kept me from binning it was the community. You see with so many folks talking about the good, I just couldn't let it drop.

So, I decided to play around with the editor and work up some missions for myself, which takes me to why I love ArmA now. The freedom is simply unparalleled. I've overcome the AI problem by building scenarios I think are fun and I am having a blast. So much so that I've dropped all other gaming sofware, cancelled my MMO accounts and now spend my gaming time playing and exploring the possibilities. I've even convinced someone else to get ArmA. This person was dead against it, based on the demo. I showed him what you can do and now he's got the bug.

So, what I like most about ArmA is the massive amount of freedom, the more than sufficient content and the ease with which you can create. Once you dive into it, it is pretty awesome.

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I originally bought the game through Sprocket which was a nightmare because the MP simply didn't work.

Now I have the Atari version wich works perfectly, and there are no reinstalation, reactivation, MP issues at all.

Best of all, after getting my refund for the bad Sprocket version I was able to give most of my money to support Atari. biggrin_o.gif

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Arma is my top game at the moment (although STALKER comes close).

It's the way the weapons are represented. fantastic. it's how the caracters move and the slower speed (no terminnator robots here). it's how running out of ammo can screw up your dayy badly. yes its hard but then once you get the hang of it it is challenging and satisfying and a very tactical experience.

Arma's modability is amazing as well and i check for new mods daily - and even without the mod tools (please get them out in as feature rich versions as possible BIS) people are releasing some great mods.

the future is really looking good. and Arma is just getting momentum!

good one BIS and the mod/mission/map makers.

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I knew I would love this game even before I tried the demo. I tried the demo and I loved it. I bought the full game (english version) and I love it. xmas_o.gif

You know when in, lets say, Call of duty, you want to flank the enemy but you can't because there's a jeep wrack just in the middle of the small street you need to use in order to get around the enemy? No such thing in ArmA (or OFP). That's why I love it.

Edit: Of course, they can flank you too biggrin_o.gif

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I find it hard to put into words how much I love this game and OFP. I started playing OFP in july 2001... and haven't stopped. Every single day since I've done 'something OFP/ArmA related' be it playing/editing/modding or just trawlling news sites.

I am a GOD in this game! I can control time, space and matter. I can go from spawning battalions of opposing forces to controlling the movements of an individual soldier. I can play the role of a democratic military or an aggressive militia. Thankyou BIS for consuming 6 years of my life. I am in your debt. tounge2.gif

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Thought I woudl throw my THANKS in as well.

This is the very best simulation of modern combat any where.

Its a joy to play this game.

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Bohemia have our spendula and continue to fix, improve and add to thier product.

Bohemia's history of doing this is why ive stuck with Armed Assualt and i will buy any future FPS game they release.

Thankyou team Bohemia !

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I'm creating a mission that takes place in Chantico, and to test it I put myself on the roof of the hotel there. I was watching everything going on, and everything seemed fine. When I got back to the editor, I thought "Hrm, let's set this mission in the evening, so that you have to take the approaching darkness into consideration." I set the time and 19:30 and tried it out.

I was amazed. The position I was in, looking out from Chantico across the ocean from the top of the hotel, was perfect to see a glorious setting sun. It really was an excellent visual, with a red sky, twilight fast approaching. I had to just watch it for a minute. The graphics in this game continue to astound me. Good job BIS.

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Gotta agree with above, sometimes the graphics are georgeous. Reviewers that complain about Armas graphic should try it with a good PC with settings on very high and play around with time, not just day/night but sunsets and sunrises.

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Yeah right, when game testers would only test sunset/sunrise simulation and cool landscape presentation ARMA would get best scores but they are testing also gameplay and other aspects of the game, ooohhh so pity for ARMA. biggrin_o.gif

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Gotta agree with above, sometimes the graphics are georgeous. Reviewers that complain about Armas graphic should try it with a good PC with settings on very high and play around with time, not just day/night but sunsets and sunrises.

Indeed, in terms of graphics 'magic hour' starts around noon, got the sun shining brightly provided the skies are clear, and the shadows both going to work at the same time.

Night and sundown/sunrise have their own graphic beauty's, night giving you a different view of how things look, and shaders are actually still activated at night. Just not that easy to see, unless again, you play during a rainy night.

Sunset I'd have to say is what interests me most due to the shader that causes all objects to have a bit of a red/pink tint,I find myself curious if this can be done with other things. Much like the flare given off when certain vehicle lights are on, helicopter nav lights, M1A1, BMP, M113, M163, BRDM, several vehicles but for some strange reason, not all. I wonder if it make be possible to enhance the distance and possibly power at which they effect the color of things nearby..

I know this is not a combat photography but many don't play at night and therefore won't understand what I mean, so the following images display it, feel free to skip if desired.


Red light refracts off the surface of the tank near it, a bit on the tracks too.

http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/3579/abramslight2xk4.jpg Green lights refracting off the armor and its crew, the effect weakening the further it gets, as it should.

http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6281/redtrucknj9.jpg Dsplaying tail lights refracting off the surface of a truck

http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6601/greentruckaz5.jpg Same truck but this time the other way around, note how the wihte light also cancels out the green.

I'm somewhat convinced that the flares can also have different strengths, as seen on air units, the red is less powerful then the green since its not as brilliant a color.

And for last, the AV-8's green light.


I won't post anymore images on it but you can bet that nearly all vehicles have this, the Su-34 even has white lights on the verticle tail fins. Strangely not all vehicles use this..such as the 5ton truck, UAZ, humvee and so on. Just another game enhancement that you don't see often if at all, just like night itself.

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As a testament to the fact everyone who complains will tell everyone about it and everyone who loves it will only tell someone they like it if they're asked is the fact that I waited so long to even look in this thread, let alone post in it. I'm surprised this thread isn't even shorter and the other thread isn't longer.

That of course means I love this game and will net even attempt to enumerate the reasons why. ArmA is Arther to OFP's Uther. I have one problem with this game and it is the same one I had with OFP: it has RUINED my enjoyment of other games. This may be because I'm old but when I try to play something else, I always wish the game was more like OFP/ArmA. I then come to the conclusion that I might as well play OFP/ArmA.

Remember love is passive and hate is active. If you're content, why act out. This is proven by the fact that so many threads are hijacked by those unsatisfied.


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