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ArmA is just ... awesome!

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the game is great but there are some issues i have

-delay when switching to map to player

-tanks flying in the air bouncing of rocks

-not counting Tank and air kills properlly

few others i can't think of im sure those will be fixed

but over i Rate ArmA 93/100 MUST BYE game of the year again notworthy.gif

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have u tried to shoot a soldier with AT??

If not do that ASAP and have a laugh tounge2.giftounge2.giftounge2.gif

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i'd started to annoy my friends by ranting about how great Arma is.

It wasn't until they came over for some Arma multiplayer that they got it.

Didn't stop for 12 hours.

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lol Ben... nice.. 12 hours.. yea.. I can't believe I'm friggin 30 years old and yet theres still a game that drives me to not sleep for 2 days..lol.. GO ARMA!

Hey I pay my bills and work..lol.. I'm just tired alot..lol..

Map editing, scripting.. love it.. theres just no limit to what you can do.. and when there is.. someone makes a mod to break it..and the bar goes higher..

don't want to play as a solider?.. well, you can turn into a zombie and kill people.. sahrani virus..

you start as an solider.. if you die, you turn into a zombie.. or in my newest revision to that mod you can stay a solider fighting zombies..

I edited it for over 3 weeks and have compiled a 13 objective massive zombie board and i love it and it has had great reviews from players.. wish i could host more than 6-8 but it's all I can handle.. (and im always expanding and changing it so it's always kind of new and different things happen).

I can fly?! I can driver armor i can stay on foot, i can recon and laser target things for bombers.. i can i can i can.. and if i can't do something.. well someone makes it so i can with a script or something.. new skins, phenominal.. i can put my real life face on my character..

the map is huge for a multiplayer like this.

everything looks great. (when it works right) but still looks great..

huge variation of weaponry and vehicles..

all kinds of playable servers (even if they all run evolution) lol..

don't like evolution? make your own map.. get a template and go to it.. it's not that hard..

ok it is hard..lol.. but man once you figure it out it's just... awsome..

best military simulation game I have ever played. No question.. I'm all about military simulation games..Yes, it has quirks, but in the end, I think it will all work out.

and yet again.. same thing in here as in the complaint section..lol..

people just have to make sure everyone hears them..

I hope the rules are enforced and infractions given out for posting negative things in a positive thread layout and vice versa.. rules are rules for a reason.

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rofl.gif   Good ones D007.  Shining example of what ArmA is.  

The scale you mentioned reminded me of back in December, when I first tried to convince my brother that his hopes for ArmA were not dashed.  I showed him the island in the MH-6.  Even though it took us a looooong time to fly across and around it, looking and stopping at points of interest, he commented on how small the map seemed.  I told him 'speed makes the world a smaller place, and the view distance is distracting because you're not use to see 3k out in a game.'  he said 'Yeah, well, it just seems to be little bigger than BF2, I thought it would be more'.  Shocked at the comparison, I made him promise to go on foot from the NE tip of the island up on top of the tallest mountain, get to arcadia, and find where I parked the littlebird.  I dropped him off, took my time and parked the helo behind some bushes near the shore...  I then went out to get something to eat, returned almost an hour later to find him lost in cayo - looking for the littlebird.  Just imagine what he thinks of Arma now.  biggrin_o.gif

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oh thats rich..lol... he was lost? lmao.. oh you gotta love that. rofl.gif

me and my brother play ARMA everynight..lol.. like we might want to make the first church of ARMA and get tax exempt status..lol.. feel free to pop in on the D007 on UNLEASHED server if u want to have some zombie fun.. On weekends my 6-8 spots fill up very quick.. biggrin_o.gif

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Yup, I'm hooked again just like I was back in 2001 when OFP first came out, I'm like a friggin little kid in a candy store playing in the editor. Guess I had some good timing between me building my new killer SLI system, and patch 1.08. I never saw what the game was like before the latest patch, but from what I've seen so far from the game in it's current state and the community modding scene, it's very impressive. I especially like the new OpenAL Audio Engine which uses occlusions when behind objects, and other effects. That while using the latest drivers for my Xfi Gamer and Chammy's Sound Mod, makes for one hell of an awesome immersive experience.

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ill give it a 8.9 its great ... could have better rating .. but FLYING PLANES  is HORRIBLE banghead.gif

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Hey I pay my bills and work..lol.. I'm just tired alot..lol..

Me too, or is that a symptom of your Sahrani virus?

ArmA is simply the best, The only thing they can add is even more modality and making the engine more customizable!

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I gotta say that I love the game for giving me a channel to express my dark side in mission making.

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I loved OFP and I love ArmA.

Improvements in the graphics engine.

Improved net code and multiplayer aspects.

Very good overall physics.

Immense scale.

Still easily customizable.

Remains my FPS of choice.

Best of luck to you all.

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Was playing 1 vs. 1 LAN on the weekend. (CTF-sand all around) - cracking mission. Commanding AI teamies is sweet. Mission is sweet - we need more like it. (Larger scale, maybe some armour).

Didn't think the game could be such fun with only 2 players. Lovin' it and lovin' it more!


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Nothing beats having 120 soldiers, fill them all up in trucks under your command, and fielding them in the fields of Bagango against another "General" player playing against you, RTS never got so much fun, get bored? Get down there with your men!

The ARMA engine is nuts. notworthy.gif

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This is the only game where an entire battle can be waged by one part of your unit, while the remaining squads secured the other areas, oblivious to the action going on - then getting a call to support their operations, set up a med tent for a critically hurt soldier, or just get in ther and help them bug out. With the right template, the land becomes yours. Your units base, all kitted out, your units training course, the nearby towns and approaches. All alive with sentries, even civvies, all roaming about. Even add some random generated incursions or rescue ops to spice the training up. No other game allows you to do this so easily, to such a degree. Awesome.


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Hehe, I kinda wish I was unemployed for awhile. I played ARMA last Saturday from 8am till 4am sunday, and I was only playing 2 of my own missions smile_o.gif

I use to classify good games as "dusk till dawn" because of the amount of time I played em, now it's dawn till dawn with ARMA wink_o.gif

I need more free time damn it!

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what is awesome...

the hdr/lighting and shadow effects... imho it truly looks beautiful... just watching a squad move along in a fullmoon night without clouds is breathtaking...

the same goes for daylight operations and changing sunlight..nothing short of amazing ...congrats BIS!!!!! smile_o.gif

- the color selection *drool*... love it! imho the best implementation of realistic lighting and colors in a game up to date (i said IMHO *lol*)...

- the SOUND effects (i know... i am probably the only one who likes them but anyway)... GREAT!!! i love the small arms stuff... all those crackles and whizzing bullets...neat stuff... imho those are really adequate when compared to the more hollywood like sounds used in other games... sure if people want more "meatier" sounds they might sound thin... but then again if you use more "meatier" sounds and have a couple of units firing you get a freaking bad sound imho (just like mixing music actually). i think BIS found a nice middle ground setting for that smile_o.gif

- the island... highly detailed... beautiful scenery...only downside is the somewhat unlogical setup with the two complete different enviroments...but that was probably included/chosen to allow for more gaming options/scenarios

- the overhauled engine... it´s amazing that the engine can actually display much more complex enviroments with less lag than the old opf engine could archive with less complex enviroments... BUT (!!!wink_o.gif quite alot of that new potential was somewhat wasted (IMHO...please don´t flame me to death *lol*) when BIS decided to directly compete with normal fps games in terms of eyecandy... at least for todays generation of gaming computers *sigh*... right now the new optimizations get somewhat eaten up by extreme texture & shading/object details... well i can still see it as an investment for the future... smile_o.gif

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ArmA is a great game, it has some problems, but nothing to bad.Every game has it's share of problems.Hopefully bugs will be sorted out soon

In my opinion, it really is the ultimate combat simulator what you can buy for 40$.I think we can't expect to much from ArmA, we (ok, me atleast) wanted a game whit better graphics an new features, and well, we got it.We can't compare it with VBS2, because:firstly VBS2 is mainly a military simulator for military personel, not fot avrage PC gamer.And secondly it's price is 40.times higher than ArmA.

Keep up the good work BIS, and good luck for making the game even better.

//Jätkake samas vaimus! Edu

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....that it's stable enough to play 9 straight days, only left due to finishing EVO.

..... mfcti is working w/ArmA.

.....my Vista64 works with ArmA.


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ArmA creates so many little microcosms, so many tiny moments of gaming bliss that you can quite easily forget when trying to define the game in terms of something greater. For all the annoying bugs, immersion breaking nonsense and graphical difficulty (getting the game running smoothly and to an acceptable visual standard on the rig stated in my sig was a momentous task) there is a memorable event to equal it.

From getting picked up on deserted beach by a team mate in his LB after holding on to a 'lucky gun' in Evolution (that had racked up 30+ kills) rather than respawning, to silently running through the night towards Pita as the RACs commandos in the Perpetua campaign, to dropping in low down a valley in my Cobra to stay out of a Shilka's radar range, to emerging over the horizon to relieve dug in troops getting overwhelmed... There are so many excellent moments.

Getting dropped on a roof via LB insertion, landing vertically in a Harrier, the first time I had a proper running battle in the woods... The time myself and 3 (AI) RACs commandos took out 30+ enemy AI by firing and moving, setting up an ambush, retreating, then setting up again, taking cover behind (and underneath) our 4WD, it catching fire, frantic mag changes by the light from the flames...

Going hull-down in an Abrams while pounding an enemy encampment, headshotting a running SLA with a Barret at 1000m, hearing both miniguns buzzing while piloting a Blackhawk, lying on a PBX skirting the waves under a full moon...

Slotting incoming forces with a .50cal on a Hummer at 40mph, covering a corner for the squad with my MP5 - dropping 4 SLA as they rounded it potentially catching a squadmate unawares as he reloaded... Hearing rounds ping off the bonnet as the truck pulls in to evacuate a base...

There are so many moments that I only remember when taking the time to do so. It's easy to think of ArmA in terms of what it leaves out - that its fidelity as a 'simulation' of modern warfare is so high, it makes all the more obvious what is missing - but what it does provide is 100% solid gold. There is simply no other game that comes close to the atmosphere, the variety, and the possibility.

ArmA is a worthy successor to OFP, and that is itself a fantastic feat.

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Great read indeed Cannon Fodder, but would all this happen in SP, i highly doubt it. And this is what irkes me the most. Oh well, maybe i'll have to venture into the unknown, the world of MP..... wow_o.gif

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Its incredible. Endless possibilities. Especially with the Mission Editor. Endless possibilities for scenarios, like the other day i made a US outpost, complete with tents, helicopter pad, vehicles etc, set the time to night, and had a night time invasion with multiple groups of Guerrilla fighters from Vilas addon packs.

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I already posted to disappointed thread that soldiers animations aren't much improved from OFP and rifle movability when running is impaired in ArmA. But my main complaint was that this game was too heavy to be able to run with smooth framerates, after that I overclocked my CPU and got ArmA running without so much stuttering with low and very low settings. There are also many good points in ArmA which I collected here.

1. Flying with helicopters, now I can finally say there is something simulator like in ArmA. In OFP helicopters were much easier than airplanes, which wasn't realistic. I haven't tried airplanes in ArmA yet, but atleast helicopters are much harder and realistic now, this is big improvement. I finally have some reason to dig out my old and dusted Saitek flightcontroller to be able to fly properly biggrin_o.gif

2. Graphics is great, there are leaves in trees and lot of grass where to hide, I am eagerly waiting for good forest addons.

3. Waves in sea are very realistic, you can drive and swim also in water, too bad diving was left out it should be very obvious to be able to dive also.

3. Light effects, eye light sensitivity is simulated very good in this game, you are blinded momentarily when watching directly to bright light.

4. 3D Weapon sights are moving when you move, this is good and makes you shoot more carefully.

5. Smoke and particle effects are great. Particle effects when you shoot near enemy and from explosions and tanks are more realistic than ever.

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