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@Gemini: is there any way to adjust/raise the chance of spawning vehicles? A nice BTR here and there to spice up the mission would be nice.  Here is my custom enemy faction:


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//		- IF YOU WANT TO REPLACE DEFAULT CONTENT WITH A CUSTOM ONE, DEFINE THE VARIABLE WITH "=" (example: OPEX_enemy_transportTrucks = ["myCustomEnemyTruck01", "myCustomEnemyTruck02"]) /!\ only when the variable is defined with an array
//		- IF YOU WANT TO ADD CUSTOM CONTENT TO THE DEFAULT ONE, DEFINE THE VARIABLE WITH "append" (example: OPEX_enemy_transportTrucks append ["myCustomEnemyTruck01", "myCustomEnemyTruck02"]) /!\ only when the variable is defined with an array
// 		- ADD PATH TO THIS FILE INTO THE "settings\mods" FILE (example: execVM "settings\custom\myEnemyMod.sqf")

OPEX_enemy_side1 = east;
//OPEX_enemy_side2 = "east";

OPEX_enemy_detection = "EAST D";

OPEX_enemy_factionName1 = "ISIS"; // e.g.: The islamic State
OPEX_enemy_factionName2 = "the bad guys"; // e.g.: the islamic state
OPEX_enemy_factionName3 = "Fuckers"; // e.g.: Daesh
OPEX_enemy_fighters = "mother fuckers"; // e.g.: islamists

OPEX_enemy_AIskill = [0.50, 0.70]; // [lowest possible level (0.00), highest possible level (1.00)]

OPEX_enemy_flag = "FlagCarrierTKMilitia_EP1";

OPEX_enemy_names = ["Ahmed"]; // e.g.: ["John Doe", "Jane Doe"]

// UNITS (below classes MUST be under the same side as defined in the FACTION section)
OPEX_enemy_rifleman = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman";
OPEX_enemy_teamLeader = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_SL";
OPEX_enemy_grenadier = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_GL";
OPEX_enemy_MG = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_AR";
OPEX_enemy_AT = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_AT";
OPEX_enemy_AA = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_AT";
OPEX_enemy_marksman = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_Marksman";
OPEX_enemy_crewman = "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Infantry_Rifleman";

OPEX_enemy_transportTrucks append ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Truck"];
OPEX_enemy_fuelTrucks = ["RHS_Ural_Fuel_VDV_01"];
OPEX_enemy_transportCars = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Offroad", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Landrover", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_M1025_D"];
OPEX_enemy_combatCars = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Offroad_M2", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_M1025_W_Mk19", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_M1025_W_M2", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Landrover_M2", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Landrover_SPG9"];
OPEX_enemy_zodiacs = ["O_G_Boat_Transport_01_F"];
OPEX_enemy_ships append [];
OPEX_enemy_armored = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_BMP1", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_BTR60"];
OPEX_enemy_MGstatics = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_DSHKM", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Kord_High"];
OPEX_enemy_GLstatics = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_AGS30_TriPod"];
OPEX_enemy_ATstatics = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_SPG9", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_AT4"];
OPEX_enemy_AAstatics = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_M2", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_ZU23"];
OPEX_enemy_mortarStatics = ["O_G_Mortar_01_F"];
OPEX_enemy_AAbatteries = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Igla_AA_pod", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_ZU23"];
OPEX_enemy_artilleryBatteries = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_AGS30_TriPod"];
OPEX_enemy_commonHandguns = ["rhs_weap_makarov_pm"];
OPEX_enemy_specialHandguns = ["rhs_weap_pya"];
OPEX_enemy_commonRifles = ["rhs_weap_akm", "rhs_weap_aks74", "rhs_weap_aks74"];
OPEX_enemy_specialRifles = ["LOP_Weap_LeeEnfield"];
OPEX_enemy_GLrifles = ["rhs_weap_akm_gp25"];
OPEX_enemy_MGrifles = ["rhs_weap_pkm"];
OPEX_enemy_precisionRifles = ["LOP_Weap_SVDS"];
OPEX_enemy_sniperRifles = ["LOP_Weap_SVDS"];
OPEX_enemy_ATlaunchers = ["rhs_weap_rpg7", "rhs_weap_M136"];
OPEX_enemy_AAlaunchers = ["rhs_weap_rpg7"];

OPEX_enemy_handGrenades = ["HandGrenade"];
OPEX_enemy_smokeGrenades_white = ["SmokeShell"];
OPEX_enemy_explosives = ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"];
OPEX_enemy_binoculars = ["Binocular"];
OPEX_enemy_toolKits = ["Toolkit"];
OPEX_enemy_medikits = ["FirstAidKit"];
OPEX_enemy_radiosShortDistance append [];
OPEX_enemy_radiosLongDistance append [];
OPEX_enemy_cacheCrates = ["AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium"];

OPEX_enemy_commonUniforms = ["LOP_U_ISTS_Fatigue_14", "LOP_U_ISTS_Fatigue_12", "LOP_U_ISTS_Fatigue_17", "LOP_U_ISTS_Fatigue_09"];

OPEX_enemy_commonVests = ["LOP_V_CarrierLite_TAN", "LOP_V_CarrierLite_OLV"];
OPEX_enemy_beltVests = ["V_Rangemaster_belt"];
OPEX_enemy_grenadierVests = ["LOP_V_CarrierLite_TAN"];

OPEX_enemy_tankCrewHelmets = ["LOP_H_Shemag_BLK"];
OPEX_enemy_headgears = ["LOP_H_Shemag_BLK", "LOP_H_Turban", "LOP_H_Turban_mask"];
OPEX_enemy_officerHeadgears = ["LOP_H_Turban", "LOP_H_Pakol"];

OPEX_enemy_balaclavas = ["G_Balaclava_blk", "G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F"];
OPEX_enemy_bandanas append [];
OPEX_enemy_glasses append [];
OPEX_enemy_sunglasses append [];

OPEX_enemy_commonBackpacks = ["LOP_ISTS_FalconII_SVD", "LOP_ISTS_Fieldpack_PKM"];


OPEX_enemy_commonUnits = [OPEX_enemy_rifleman];
OPEX_enemy_specialUnits = [OPEX_enemy_grenadier, OPEX_enemy_MG, OPEX_enemy_AT, OPEX_enemy_AA, OPEX_enemy_marksman];
OPEX_enemy_units = OPEX_enemy_commonUnits + OPEX_enemy_commonUnits + OPEX_enemy_specialUnits;
OPEX_enemy_boats = OPEX_enemy_zodiacs + OPEX_enemy_ships;
OPEX_enemy_motorizedVehicles = OPEX_enemy_transportTrucks + OPEX_enemy_transportCars + OPEX_enemy_combatCars;
OPEX_enemy_statics = OPEX_enemy_MGstatics + OPEX_enemy_GLstatics + OPEX_enemy_ATstatics + OPEX_enemy_AAstatics + OPEX_enemy_mortarStatics;
OPEX_enemy_facegears = OPEX_enemy_balaclavas + OPEX_enemy_bandanas + OPEX_enemy_glasses + OPEX_enemy_sunglasses;

Btw is the "Faction" section correct? No "" around east?

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Here is also my friendly faction (template_friendly.sqf) for 3CB BAF UK units + RHS. That works so far (I think) but any advice would be appreciated. 



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//        - IF YOU WANT TO REPLACE DEFAULT CONTENT WITH A CUSTOM ONE, DEFINE THE VARIABLE WITH "=" (example: OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksOpened_woodland = ["myCustomFriendlyTruck01", "myCustomFriendlyTruck02"]) /!\ only when the variable is defined with an array
//        - IF YOU WANT TO ADD CUSTOM CONTENT TO THE DEFAULT ONE, DEFINE THE VARIABLE WITH "append" (example: OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksOpened_woodland append ["myCustomFriendlyTruck", "myCustomFriendlyTruck02"]) only when the variable is defined with an array
//         - ADD PATH TO THIS FILE INTO THE "settings\mods" FILE (example: execVM "settings\custom\myFriendlyMod.sqf")

OPEX_friendly_factionName = "UK"; // e.g.: "USA", "NATO"...

OPEX_friendly_AIskill = [0.70, 1.00]; // [lowest possible level (0.00), highest possible level (1.00)]

OPEX_friendly_flag1 = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_nato_CO.paa"; // e.g.: NATO
OPEX_friendly_flag2 = "\A3\Data_F\Flags\Flag_us_CO.paa"; // e.g.: USA
OPEX_friendly_flag3 = "pictures\flag_lyon.paa"; // e.g.: camp Lugdunum

// IDENTITIES (to be defined in scripts\Gemini\hpp_identities.hpp)
//OPEX_friendly_identities = [];

OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksOpened_woodland = ["rhsusf_M1078A1P2_WD_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_M2_WD_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy"];
OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksOpened_desert = ["rhsusf_M1083A1P2_B_D_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_D_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1083A1P2_B_M2_D_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy"];
//OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksOpened_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksCovered_woodland = ["rhsusf_M1083A1P2_WD_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1083A1P2_B_M2_WD_fmtv_usarmy","rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_WD_fmtv_usarmy"];
OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksCovered_desert = ["rhsusf_M1083A1P2_B_M2_D_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1083A1P2_B_D_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1083A1P2_D_fmtv_usarmy"];
//OPEX_friendly_transportTrucksCovered_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_fuelTrucks_woodland = ["rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M978A4_BKIT_usarmy_wd"];
OPEX_friendly_fuelTrucks_desert = ["rhsusf_M978A4_BKIT_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_BKIT_M2_usarmy_d"];
//OPEX_friendly_fuelTrucks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_logisticTrucks_woodland = ["rhsusf_M977A4_BKIT_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M1084A1P2_B_M2_WD_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1083A1P2_WD_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_B_WD_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_WD_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M977A4_BKIT_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M977A4_BKIT_M2_usarmy_wd"];
OPEX_friendly_logisticTrucks_desert = ["rhsusf_M977A4_BKIT_M2_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_BKIT_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M1084A1P2_B_M2_D_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1084A1P2_D_fmtv_usarmy", "rhsusf_M1078A1P2_D_flatbed_fmtv_usarmy"];
//OPEX_friendly_logisticTrucks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_medicalTrucks_woodland = ["rhsusf_M1085A1P2_B_WD_Medical_fmtv_usarmy", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Amb_Green_A", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Hard_FFR_MERT_A", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Soft_MERT_A", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Soft_FFR_MERT_A"];
OPEX_friendly_medicalTrucks_desert append ["rhsusf_M1085A1P2_B_D_Medical_fmtv_usarmy", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Amb_Sand_A"];
//OPEX_friendly_medicalTrucks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_repairTrucks_woodland append ["rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_BKIT_M2_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_BKIT_usarmy_wd"];
OPEX_friendly_repairTrucks_desert append ["rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_BKIT_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_BKIT_M2_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_REPAIR_usarmy_d"];
//OPEX_friendly_repairTrucks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_ammoTrucks_woodland append ["rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_BKIT_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_BKIT_M2_usarmy_wd", "rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_usarmy_wd"];
OPEX_friendly_ammoTrucks_desert append ["rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_BKIT_M2_usarmy_d", "rhsusf_M977A4_AMMO_BKIT_usarmy_d"];
//OPEX_friendly_ammoTrucks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_transportCars_woodland append ["UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Snatch_FFR_Green_A_DPMW", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Hard_FFR_Green_B_DPMW", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Soft_FFR_Green_B_DPMW"];
OPEX_friendly_transportCars_desert append ["UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Hard_FFR_Sand_A_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Snatch_FFR_Sand_A_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_Soft_FFR_Sand_A_DDPM"];
//OPEX_friendly_transportCars_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_combatCarsMG_woodland append ["UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Logistics_L111A1_W", "UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Passenger_L111A1_W", "UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_L111A1_W", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GPMG_FFR_Green_A", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_HMG_Green_B"];
OPEX_friendly_combatCarsMG_desert append ["UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Logistics_L134A1_D", "UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Passenger_L134A1_D", "UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_L134A1_D", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GMG_Sand_A", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GPMG_Sand_A"];
//OPEX_friendly_combatCarsMG_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_combatCarsGL_woodland append ["UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Logistics_L134A1_W", "UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_L134A1_W", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GMG_Green_B", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GMG_FFR_Green_A"];
OPEX_friendly_combatCarsGL_desert append ["UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Logistics_L111A1_D", "UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Passenger_L111A1_D", "UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_L111A1_D", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_HMG_FFR_Sand_A", "UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GPMG_FFR_Sand_A"];
OPEX_friendly_combatCarsGL_snow = ["UK3CB_BAF_LandRover_WMIK_GMG_FFR_Sand_A_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_Jackal2_GMG_D_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Passenger_L134A1_D_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_Coyote_Logistics_L134A1_D_DDPM"];
OPEX_friendly_vtt_woodland append [];
OPEX_friendly_vtt_desert append [];
//OPEX_friendly_vtt_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_tanks_woodland = ["rhsusf_m1a1aimwd_usarmy", "rhsusf_m1a1aim_tuski_wd"];
OPEX_friendly_tanks_desert = ["rhsusf_m1a1aimd_usarmy", "rhsusf_m1a2sep1tuskiid_usarmy"];
//OPEX_friendly_tanks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_quads_woodland append [];
OPEX_friendly_quads_desert append [];
//OPEX_friendly_quads_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_zodiacs append [];
OPEX_friendly_ships append [];

OPEX_friendly_aircrafts = ["B_ZSmulti_F16C_Fighting_Falcon_01", "B_ZSmulti_FA_18E_Super_Hornet_01", "B_ZSmulti_A10A_Warthog_01"];
OPEX_friendly_smallCombatHelicopters_woodland = ["B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F", "RHS_MELB_AH6M"];
OPEX_friendly_smallCombatHelicopters_desert = ["B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F", "RHS_MELB_AH6M"];
//OPEX_friendly_smallCombatHelicopters_snow = [];

OPEX_friendly_mediumCombatHelicopters_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_Apache_AH1_DynamicLoadout", "UK3CB_BAF_Apache_AH1_CAS", "UK3CB_BAF_Apache_AH1", "UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_AH1_CAS_6A", "UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_AH1_CAS_6D"];
OPEX_friendly_mediumCombatHelicopters_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_Apache_AH1_DynamicLoadout", "UK3CB_BAF_Apache_AH1_CAS", "UK3CB_BAF_Apache_AH1", "UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_AH1_CAS_6A", "UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_AH1_CAS_6D"];
//OPEX_friendly_mediumCombatHelicopters_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_smallTransportHelicopters_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_HMA2_TRN_8A", "UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_AH1_TRN_8A", "B_ZSmulti_MH_6M_Little_Bird_01", "RHS_MELB_MH6M"];
OPEX_friendly_smallTransportHelicopters_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_HMA2_TRN_8A", "UK3CB_BAF_Wildcat_AH1_TRN_8A", "B_ZSmulti_MH_6M_Little_Bird_01", "RHS_MELB_MH6M"];
//OPEX_friendly_smallTransportHelicopters_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_mediumTransportHelicopters_woodland = ["RHS_UH60M_d", "UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_HC3_24","UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_HC3_18_GPMG", "B_ZSmulti_Merlin_HC_3GPMG_01"];
OPEX_friendly_mediumTransportHelicopters_desert = ["RHS_UH60M_d", "UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_HC3_24","UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_HC3_18_GPMG", "B_ZSmulti_Merlin_HC_3GPMG_01"];
//OPEX_friendly_mediumTransportHelicopters_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_bigTransportHelicopters_woodland = ["RHS_CH_47F"];
OPEX_friendly_bigTransportHelicopters_desert = ["RHS_CH_47F_light"];
//OPEX_friendly_bigTransportHelicopters_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_UAVs = ["B_UAV_01_backpack_F"];
OPEX_friendly_UGVs append [];
OPEX_friendly_portableDrones append [];
OPEX_friendly_portableDronesBackpack append [];

OPEX_friendly_MGstatics = ["UK3CB_BAF_Static_L7A2_Deployed_Mid_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_Static_L111A1_Deployed_High_DDPM"];
OPEX_friendly_GLstatics = ["UK3CB_BAF_Static_L134A1_Deployed_High_DDPM"];

OPEX_friendly_ATstatics append [];
OPEX_friendly_AAstatics append [];
OPEX_friendly_mortarStatics append [];

OPEX_friendly_commonHandguns = ["UK3CB_BAF_L131A1"];
OPEX_friendly_specialHandguns append [];
OPEX_friendly_commonRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_SUSAT", "UK3CB_BAF_L119A1", "UK3CB_BAF_L85A2"];
OPEX_friendly_specialRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L129A1", "UK3CB_BAF_L1A1"];
OPEX_friendly_GLrifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L85A2_UGLLAD_SUSAT", "UK3CB_BAF_L119A1_UKUGL"];
OPEX_friendly_MGriflesLight = ["LMG_mas_ukl_02_F", "UK3CB_BAF_L86A2_TA648", "UK3CB_BAF_L110A1"];
OPEX_friendly_MGriflesHeavy = ["UK3CB_BAF_L7A2", "UK3CB_BAF_L7A2_FIST"];
OPEX_friendly_compactRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L22"];
OPEX_friendly_precisionRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L129A1", "UK3CB_BAF_L119A1"];
OPEX_friendly_sniperRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L118A1_Covert_DE", "UK3CB_BAF_L115A3_Ghillie", "UK3CB_BAF_L135A1"];
OPEX_friendly_ATlaunchers = ["UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AP_Launcher", "UK3CB_BAF_NLAW_Launcher"];
OPEX_friendly_AAlaunchers = ["rhs_weap_fim92"];
OPEX_friendly_shotguns = ["UK3CB_BAF_L128A1"];
OPEX_friendly_diverRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L92A1"];

OPEX_friendly_closeCombatOptics = ["UK3CB_BAF_Eotech", "RH_eotech553", "RH_eotech553mag"];
OPEX_friendly_distantCombatOptics = ["RH_ta01nsn", "RKSL_optic_LDS", "UK3CB_BAF_TA31F"];
OPEX_friendly_sniperOptics = ["RKSL_optic_PMII_312_sunshade", "ACE_optic_SOS_2D"];
OPEX_friendly_flashlights = ["acc_flashlight"];
OPEX_friendly_rifleSilencers = ["UK3CB_BAF_Silencer_L85"];
OPEX_friendly_handgunSilencers = ["muzzle_snds_L"];
OPEX_friendly_pointers = ["UK3CB_BAF_LLM_IR_Black"];
OPEX_friendly_bipods = ["UK3CB_underbarrel_acc_bipod"];

OPEX_friendly_handGrenades = ["HandGrenade"];
OPEX_friendly_stunGrenades = ["rhs_mag_mk84"];
OPEX_friendly_smokeGrenades_white = ["SmokeShell"];
OPEX_friendly_smokeGrenades_colors = ["UK3CB_BAF_SmokeShellRed", "UK3CB_BAF_SmokeShellGreen", "UK3CB_BAF_SmokeShellBlue"];
OPEX_friendly_paintSprays = ["ACE_SpraypaintGreen", "ACE_SpraypaintBlue", "ACE_SpraypaintRed"];
OPEX_friendly_chemlights = ["Chemlight_green", "Chemlight_red", "Chemlight_blue", "Chemlight_yellow"];
OPEX_friendly_IRs = ["B_IR_Grenade"];
OPEX_friendly_explosives = ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"];
OPEX_friendly_NVGs = ["UK3CB_BAF_HMNVS"];
OPEX_friendly_commonBinoculars = ["Binocular"];
OPEX_friendly_spotterBinoculars = ["Leupold_Mk4", "Rangefinder"];
OPEX_friendly_laserDesignators = ["Rangefinder", "Laserdesignator"];
OPEX_cableTies = ["ACE_CableTie"];
OPEX_friendly_toolKits = ["ToolKit"];
OPEX_friendly_medikits = ["ACE_fieldDressing"];
OPEX_bioScans append [];
OPEX_spyMicros = ["MCC_videoProbe"];
OPEX_friendly_mineDetectors = ["MineDetector"];
OPEX_friendly_radiosShortDistance = ["tf_anprc152"];
OPEX_friendly_radiosLongDistance append [];
OPEX_friendly_droneTerminals = ["B_UavTerminal"];
OPEX_friendly_tablets = ["ItemcTab", "ItemAndroid"];
OPEX_friendly_earplugs = ["ACE_EarPlugs"];
OPEX_friendly_mapTools = ["ACE_MapTools"];
OPEX_friendly_rangeCards = ["ACE_RangeCard"];
OPEX_friendly_sniperPDAs append [];
OPEX_friendly_weatherPDAs append [];
OPEX_friendly_advancedGPS append [];
OPEX_friendly_sandbags append [];
OPEX_friendly_tripods append [];
OPEX_friendly_HuntIRs append [];
OPEX_friendly_altimeters = ["ACE_Altimeter"];
OPEX_friendly_ladders append [];

///////OPEX_friendly_commonUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_DPMW", "UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_DPMW_ShortSleeve"];
OPEX_friendly_commonUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP", "UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_ShortSleeve"];
OPEX_friendly_commonUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_DDPM_RM", "UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_RM", "U_mas_ukl_B_CombatUniform_multi", "UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_DDPM_RM"];
//OPEX_friendly_commonUniforms_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_specialUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_JumperUniform_MTP", "U_mas_ukl_B_CombatUniform_S_multi", "U_mas_ukl_B_CombatUniform_m1"];
OPEX_friendly_specialUniforms_desert = ["U_mas_ukl_B_CombatUniform_d2", "U_mas_ukl_B_CombatUniform_S_aor1", "U_mas_ukl_B_CombatUniform_multi", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DDPM_A"];
//OPEX_friendly_specialUniforms_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_ghillieUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_Ghillie_RM"];
OPEX_friendly_ghillieUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_DDPM_Ghillie_RM"];
//OPEX_friendly_ghillieUniforms_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_heliPilotUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_HeliPilotCoveralls_Army"];
OPEX_friendly_heliPilotUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_HeliPilotCoveralls_Army"];
//OPEX_friendly_heliPilotUniforms_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_aircraftPilotUniforms_woodland = ["U_B_PilotCoveralls"];
OPEX_friendly_aircraftPilotUniforms_desert = ["U_B_PilotCoveralls"];
OPEX_friendly_aircraftPilotUniforms_snow append [];
OPEX_friendly_tankPilotUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_Smock_MTP_OLI"];
OPEX_friendly_tankPilotUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_Smock_DDPM"];
OPEX_friendly_tankPilotUniforms_snow append [];
OPEX_friendly_medicUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_JumperUniform_MTP", "UK3CB_BAF_U_RolledUniform_MTP"];
OPEX_friendly_medicUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_JumperUniform_MTP", "UK3CB_BAF_U_RolledUniform_MTP"];
OPEX_friendly_medicUniforms_snow append [];
OPEX_friendly_instructorUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"];
OPEX_friendly_instructorUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"];
OPEX_friendly_instructorUniforms_snow append [];
OPEX_friendly_tshirtUniforms_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt_RM", "UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt"];
OPEX_friendly_tshirtUniforms_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_U_CombatUniform_MTP_TShirt_RM"];
OPEX_friendly_tshirtUniforms_snow append [];
OPEX_friendly_diverUniforms = ["U_B_Wetsuit"];

////////OPEX_friendly_commonVests_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DPMW1", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DPMW2", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DPMW3", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DPMW4", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DPMW5", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DPMW6"];
OPEX_friendly_commonVests_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_A" ,"UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_B", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_C", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_D", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_E", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Rifleman_F", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_A", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_C", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Grenadier_A","UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Grenadier_B", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_D"];
OPEX_friendly_commonVests_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DDPM1", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DDPM2", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DDPM3", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DDPM4", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DDPM5", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_DDPM6"];
//OPEX_friendly_commonVests_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_specialVests = ["V_mas_ukl_PlateCarrier1_civ", "V_mas_ukl_PlateCarrier1_green", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Medic_A", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_MG_A"];
OPEX_friendly_beltVests = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_PLCE_Webbing_MTP", "V_Rangemaster_belt"];
OPEX_friendly_shoulderVests = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_PLCE_Webbing_MTP"];
OPEX_friendly_lightVests = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_PLCE_Webbing_Plate_MTP", "UK3CB_BAF_V_PLCE_Webbing_MTP"];
OPEX_friendly_grenadierVests = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Grenadier_A", "UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_Grenadier_B"];
OPEX_friendly_EODvests = ["UK3CB_BAF_V_Osprey_SL_B"];
OPEX_friendly_diverVests = ["V_RebreatherB"];

/////OPEX_friendly_commonHelmets_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DPMW_Wdl_A", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DPMW_B", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DPMW_C", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DPMW_D", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DPMW_E","UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DPMW_F"];
OPEX_friendly_commonHelmets_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_A", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_B", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_CESS_C", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Camo_CESS_D", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_A", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_D", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_E", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_F", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_ESS_A", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_ESS_B", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk7_Scrim_ESS_C"];
OPEX_friendly_commonHelmets_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DDPM_A", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DDPM_B", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DDPM_C","UK3CB_BAF_H_Mk6_DDPM_D"];
//OPEX_friendly_commonHelmets_snow = [];
/////OPEX_friendly_specialHelmets_woodland = ["H_mas_ukl_opscore_aor2", "H_mas_ukl_opscore_gog_aor2", "H_mas_ukl_opscore_gog_g"];
OPEX_friendly_specialHelmets_woodland = ["H_mas_ukl_opscorn", "H_mas_ukl_opscorn_gog", "H_mas_ukl_opscore_gog_t"];
OPEX_friendly_specialHelmets_desert = ["H_mas_ukl_opscore_aor1", "H_mas_ukl_opscore_c", "H_mas_ukl_opscore_gog_aor1", "H_mas_ukl_opscore_gog_t"];
//OPEX_friendly_specialHelmets_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_EODhelmets_woodland append ["rhsusf_ach_bare_headset"];
OPEX_friendly_EODhelmets_desert append ["rhsusf_ach_bare_des_headset"];
//OPEX_friendly_EODhelmets_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_heliPilotHelmets = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_PilotHelmetHeli_A"];
OPEX_friendly_aircraftPilotHelmets = ["RHS_jetpilot_usaf"];
OPEX_friendly_tankCrewHelmets = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_CrewHelmet_B"];
OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets_woodland = ["rhsusf_opscore_fg_pelt_cam"];
OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets_desert = ["rhsusf_opscore_paint_pelt_nsw_cam"];
//OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets_snow = [];
////OPEX_friendly_hats_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_DPMW", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_DPMW_PRR", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Wool_Hat"];
OPEX_friendly_hats_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP_PRR", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Wool_Hat"];
OPEX_friendly_hats_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_DDPM_PRR", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Wool_Hat"];
//OPEX_friendly_hats_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_beanies_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_MTP_PRR", "H_Watchcap_camo"];
OPEX_friendly_beanies_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Boonie_DPMW_PRR", "H_Watchcap_cbr"];
//OPEX_friendly_beanies_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_berets = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_LG", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_LG_PRR", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_LG_PRR_Over", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Beret_PR"];
OPEX_friendly_caps = ["H_Cap_khaki_specops_UK"];
OPEX_friendly_bandanas = ["G_Bandanna_khk", "G_Bandanna_sand"];
OPEX_friendly_shemags = ["rhsusf_shemagh_tan","rhsusf_shemagh_od", "rhsusf_shemagh2_tan", "rhsusf_shemagh2_grn"];
OPEX_friendly_headsets = ["UK3CB_BAF_H_Earphone", "UK3CB_BAF_H_Headset_PRR"];

OPEX_friendly_balaclavas append ["G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F"];
OPEX_friendly_scarfs append ["rhs_scarf"];
OPEX_friendly_glasses append ["UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear"];
OPEX_friendly_sunglasses = ["G_Shades_Green", "G_Shades_Blue", "G_Shades_Black"];
OPEX_friendly_tacticalGlasses = ["UK3CB_BAF_G_Tactical_Clear"];
OPEX_friendly_diverGlasses = ["G_B_Diving"];

OPEX_friendly_mediumBackpacks_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Kitbag_MTP"];
OPEX_friendly_mediumBackpacks_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Kitbag_DDPM", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Kitbag_TAN"];
//OPEX_friendly_mediumBackpacks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_bigBackpacks_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Rifleman_B", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_SL_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_JTAC_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_JTAC_H_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Carryall_MTP"];
OPEX_friendly_bigBackpacks_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_TAN_Rifleman_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_TAN_Rifleman_B", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_TAN_SL_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_TAN_JTAC_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_TAN_JTAC_H_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Carryall_TAN", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_Rifleman_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_Rifleman_B", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_Rifleman_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_Rifleman_B", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_SL_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_JTAC_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_JTAC_H_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_SL_A","UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_JTAC_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_DDPM_JTAC_H_A"];
//OPEX_friendly_bigBackpacks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_medicBackpacks_woodland = ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_H_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_H_B", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_B"];
OPEX_friendly_medicBackpacks_desert = ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_H_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_H_B", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_A", "UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Medic_L_B"];
//OPEX_friendly_medicBackpacks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_radioBackpacks_woodland append ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Radio_L_A"];
OPEX_friendly_radioBackpacks_desert append ["UK3CB_BAF_B_Bergen_MTP_Radio_L_A"];
//OPEX_friendly_radioBackpacks_snow = [];
OPEX_friendly_diverBackpacks append ["B_mas_ukl_Kitbag_b"];
OPEX_friendly_parachutes = ["B_Parachute"];

OPEX_friendly_insigna = "TFAegis";


OPEX_friendly_drones = OPEX_friendly_UAVs + OPEX_friendly_UGVs + OPEX_friendly_portableDrones;
OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets = OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets_woodland + OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets_desert + OPEX_friendly_cameraHelmets_snow;
call Gemini_fnc_getCamo;


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It's strange: could you please check on a succeeded attempt if the goods are well delivered on the delivery center ? There should be 5 items. Otherwise, could you please check if your game is up to date ? Used items are bringed by last ArmA's huge updates and should work even if you didn't buy the last DLCs (I don't have them and it's working fine). I'll proceed to new tests by the way.



I'm not sure to understand. If you are trying to increase the probability of a spawn parameter (unit, vehicle or weapon), you can simply do it by writing the parameter several times.

For example, this code means that you have 50% chance of spawning each kind of enemy armored vehicle:

OPEX_enemy_armored = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_BMP1", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_BTR60"];

If you  want to increase chance of spawning a BMP1 (for example, 75% versus 25% for a BTR60) , simply do it like this:


Tell me if that's not the answer you were waiting for.

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thanks, I don't mean the weighting of a certain type of vehicle (though this is also good to know) but I want to increase the chance that vehicles/tanks are spawned in general. Right now I hardly saw any vehicle in the mission, I'd like to have at least one encounter with vehicles per mission

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OK, I understand. So in this case you have to edit the "fnc_ambientXXXXX" files located into the "scripts\Gemini" folder. For example, in the "fnc_ambientEnemyPatrols.sqf" file:

_squad = [OPEX_enemy_side1, ["infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "infantry", "motorized"], -1, _position, 10, "patrol", _position, OPEX_enemy_AIskill, 75] call Gemini_fnc_spawnSquad;

In the code above, you can see that there is 5 times more chance to spawn infrantry squad that a motorized one. So simply decrease the amount of "infantry" to balance it.


You can find this kind of code in most of ambient and tasks scripts (into the "tasks" folder).


Another way to do it is to directly edit the script that spawns the squads "scripts\Gemini\fnc_spawnSquad.sqf". Simply replace this line:

_squadType = selectRandom _squadTypes;

By this one:

_squadType = selectRandom ["motorized", "armored", "infantry"];

With that example, you have equal chance to spawn a motorized, armored or infantry squad. But please be aware that this method could lead to unexpected situations (for example: spawning a motorized squad during a task where there shouldn't have one).


In both case, please note that the script is based on road presence (to avoid vehicles spawning into a dense forest or on a steep slope). So if your character is on a location far from any roads, you have almost 0% chance the script will spawn a vehicle.


I hope these explanations will help to customize the mission as you wish.

  • Thanks 1

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thanks for the feedback earlier


I am customizing OPEX for Tanoa using a customized enemy faction based on Syndicate (independent). I have a problem with the mission to clear out a training camp. The task is succeeded immidiately right after the assignment.  Everything spawns (enemies, equipment, etc.) but somehow the success- trigger is skipped. Is it defined via the trigger variable in the custom enemy file I use (..settings\custom)? :


OPEX_enemy_side1 = independent;
//OPEX_enemy_side2 = "east";

OPEX_enemy_detection = "independent";

OPEX_enemy_factionName1 = "Syndikat"; // e.g.: The islamic State
OPEX_enemy_factionName2 = "the bad guys"; // e.g.: the islamic state
OPEX_enemy_factionName3 = "Fuckers"; // e.g.: Daesh
OPEX_enemy_fighters = "mother fuckers"; // e.g.: islamists


I changed that from "east" to "independent" but the wording might be wrong?



edit: additionally the "kill officers" mission does not spawn any units. What do I miss? Here is my complete enemy faction file:



OPEX_enemy_side1 = independent;
//OPEX_enemy_side2 = "east";

OPEX_enemy_detection = "independent";

OPEX_enemy_factionName1 = "Syndikat"; // e.g.: The islamic State
OPEX_enemy_factionName2 = "the bad guys"; // e.g.: the islamic state
OPEX_enemy_factionName3 = "Fuckers"; // e.g.: Daesh
OPEX_enemy_fighters = "mother fuckers"; // e.g.: islamists

OPEX_enemy_AIskill = [0.50, 0.70]; // [lowest possible level (0.00), highest possible level (1.00)]

OPEX_enemy_flag = "FlagCarrierTKMilitia_EP1";

OPEX_enemy_names = ["Ahmed"]; // e.g.: ["John Doe", "Jane Doe"]

// UNITS (below classes MUST be under the same side as defined in the FACTION section)
OPEX_enemy_rifleman = "I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F";
OPEX_enemy_teamLeader = "I_C_Soldier_Para_7_F";
OPEX_enemy_grenadier = "I_C_Soldier_Para_6_F";
OPEX_enemy_MG = "I_C_Soldier_Para_4_F";
OPEX_enemy_AT = "I_C_Soldier_Para_5_F";
OPEX_enemy_AA = "I_C_Soldier_Para_5_F";
OPEX_enemy_marksman = "I_C_Soldier_Bandit_5_F";
OPEX_enemy_crewman = "I_C_Soldier_Para_3_F";

OPEX_enemy_transportTrucks = ["I_G_Van_02_transport_F","I_G_Van_01_transport_F"];
OPEX_enemy_fuelTrucks = ["LOP_UKR_KAMAZ_Fuel"];
OPEX_enemy_transportCars = ["I_G_Offroad_01_F", "I_C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_M1025_D","I_C_Van_01_transport_F"];
OPEX_enemy_combatCars = ["I_C_Offroad_02_AT_F", "I_C_Offroad_02_LMG_F", "I_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Landrover_M2", "I_G_Offroad_01_AT_F"];
OPEX_enemy_zodiacs = ["I_C_Boat_Transport_01_F","I_C_Boat_Transport_02_F"];

OPEX_enemy_ships = ["C_Boat_Transport_02_F","C_Scooter_Transport_01_F","O_T_Lifeboat"];
OPEX_enemy_armored = ["LOP_UKR_BMP2D", "LOP_UKR_BTR70"];
OPEX_enemy_MGstatics = ["UK3CB_BAF_Static_L111A1_Deployed_High", "UK3CB_BAF_Static_L111A1_Deployed_Mid"];
OPEX_enemy_GLstatics = ["UK3CB_BAF_Static_L134A1_Deployed_High"];
OPEX_enemy_ATstatics = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_SPG9", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_AT4"];
OPEX_enemy_AAstatics = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_M2", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_ZU23"];
OPEX_enemy_mortarStatics = ["I_G_Mortar_01_F"];
OPEX_enemy_AAbatteries = ["LOP_ISTS_OPF_Igla_AA_pod", "LOP_ISTS_OPF_Static_ZU23"];
OPEX_enemy_artilleryBatteries = ["RDS_M252_AAF"];
OPEX_enemy_commonHandguns = ["rhs_weap_pp2000_folded"];
OPEX_enemy_specialHandguns = ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F"];
OPEX_enemy_commonRifles = ["arifle_AKM_F", "arifle_AKS_F", "arifle_AK12_F","rhs_weap_m4a1_carryhandle","rhs_weap_m16a4_carryhandle"];
OPEX_enemy_specialRifles = ["UK3CB_BAF_L1A1"];
OPEX_enemy_GLrifles = ["arifle_AK12_GL_F"];
OPEX_enemy_MGrifles = ["LMG_03_F","BWA3_MG3"];
OPEX_enemy_precisionRifles = ["srifle_DMR_03_F","srifle_DMR_06_olive_F"];
OPEX_enemy_sniperRifles = ["LOP_Weap_SVDS","rhs_weap_m24sws"];
OPEX_enemy_ATlaunchers = ["rhs_weap_m72a7", "rhs_weap_M136"];
OPEX_enemy_AAlaunchers = ["rhs_weap_fim92"];

OPEX_enemy_handGrenades = ["HandGrenade"];
OPEX_enemy_smokeGrenades_white = ["SmokeShell"];
OPEX_enemy_explosives = ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag"];
OPEX_enemy_binoculars = ["Binocular"];
OPEX_enemy_toolKits = ["Toolkit"];
OPEX_enemy_medikits = ["FirstAidKit"];
OPEX_enemy_radiosShortDistance append [];
OPEX_enemy_radiosLongDistance append [];
OPEX_enemy_cacheCrates = ["AmmoCrates_NoInteractive_Medium"];

OPEX_enemy_commonUniforms = ["U_I_C_Soldier_Para_4_F", "U_I_C_Soldier_Para_2_F", "U_I_C_Soldier_Para_1_F", "U_I_C_Soldier_Para_5_F"];

OPEX_enemy_commonVests = ["OGA_G_Vest_6", "MCB_Vest_4","PH_MBSS"];
OPEX_enemy_beltVests = ["V_BandollierB_oli","V_BandollierB_ghex_F"];
OPEX_enemy_grenadierVests = ["LOP_V_6Sh92_Vog_OLV"];

OPEX_enemy_tankCrewHelmets = ["LOP_H_Shemag_BLK","rhs_6b28_green_ess"];
OPEX_enemy_headgears = ["LOP_H_Shemag_BLK", "LOP_H_Shemag_OLV", "Tiger_Boonie","H_HeadBandage_stained_F","H_Cap_brn_SPECOPS","H_Bandanna_camo"];
OPEX_enemy_officerHeadgears = ["Scorpion_Boonie", "H_Bandanna_cbr","H_Bandanna_surfer_blk"];

OPEX_enemy_balaclavas = ["G_Balaclava_blk", "G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F"];
OPEX_enemy_bandanas append ["H_Bandanna_camo","H_Bandanna_cbr","H_Bandanna_surfer_blk"];
OPEX_enemy_glasses append ["G_Squares"];
OPEX_enemy_sunglasses append ["G_Aviator","G_Sport_Blackyellow"];

OPEX_enemy_commonBackpacks = ["B_Kitbag_rgr_Para_8_F", "B_Kitbag_cbr_Para_5_F"];


OPEX_enemy_commonUnits = [OPEX_enemy_rifleman];
OPEX_enemy_specialUnits = [OPEX_enemy_grenadier, OPEX_enemy_MG, OPEX_enemy_AT, OPEX_enemy_AA, OPEX_enemy_marksman];
OPEX_enemy_units = OPEX_enemy_commonUnits + OPEX_enemy_commonUnits + OPEX_enemy_specialUnits;
OPEX_enemy_boats = OPEX_enemy_zodiacs + OPEX_enemy_ships;
OPEX_enemy_motorizedVehicles = OPEX_enemy_transportTrucks + OPEX_enemy_transportCars + OPEX_enemy_combatCars;
OPEX_enemy_statics = OPEX_enemy_MGstatics + OPEX_enemy_GLstatics + OPEX_enemy_ATstatics + OPEX_enemy_AAstatics + OPEX_enemy_mortarStatics;
OPEX_enemy_facegears = OPEX_enemy_balaclavas + OPEX_enemy_bandanas + OPEX_enemy_glasses + OPEX_enemy_sunglasses;


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Hi Gemini


It's still a problem when ordering medic supplies we only get "special Purpose" Box. I should have reported this a while back but.... sorry :) we doesn't always need to order it.... Not a hugh problem either. We can spawn it if we really need it. 


And also the AI at the mission "protect the village" doesn't all attack. At least 20 of the attackers doesn't go to the village, but stay in the area around where they spawn (or at least where the spawn arrows are). Might need a timer with the surrounding area if they decide to have tea :) 

Still love it, and still run it, but we avoid the protect mission that we used a lot. 
(it's the same on at least altis and tanos)

Do you prefer feedback here or at the armaholic page? 


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The default setting for OPEX_enemy_detection is "EAST D", not only "EAST". This variable is used by this command so in your example it should work with "GUER D".

For the second issue, I think it's because you didn't set OPEX_enemy_side1 and OPEX_enemy_side2 variables properly. For resistant side it should be, according to this commandOPEX_enemy_side1 = resistance and OPEX_enemy_side2 = "GUER". If you try to modify OPEX default settings, make sure you are replacing default values by values of same types (variables, strings, arrays...) otherwise the mission won't work properly.



I didn't forget but I didn't had time to fix it yet, sorry. I'll try to do it during this week-end. I'll check the issue about the "protect the village" task too.



Please priorize bug reports here on the official topic or eventually on Steam pages. Armaholic page is only existing for advanced users that don't want to use Steam, I'm not checking this page very often.

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OPEX has been updated to version 1.242.



  • Fixed: penalties for abandoned vehicles/bodies into hostile territory are now applied properly
  • Fixed: proper crates are now delivered when ordering medical or food supplies
  • Fixed: some AI ambient animations (FATA)
  • Added: drones at Lythium's HQ
  • Optimized: conditions to succeed/fail task "07: Defend the village"
  • Updated: contributor's board (thanks to "Un Metalleux Sympa" !)


Edit 2018.07.24


OPEX has been updated to version 1.243.



  • Fixed: on complete edition, player can now heal himself with a first aid kit (by double-clicking on the item into the inventory)
  • Fixed: crates are now spawn properly again in medical center and canteen at mission startup
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hello gemini 

problème sur FAtA la base disparait est ce normal ?

dernieres versions des opex 


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Hi Aka76, sorry I have to reply in English because it's the only authorized language in this forum.


There are 2 or 3 people that have already reported this issue but I'm still not able to reproduce it on my side. And the majority of players don't seem to have this issue either. Are you using the latest version available on Steam ? Also, try to reset the mission from the whiteboard in the Tactical Operation Center to see if the issue persists on the next game.

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sorry for my post in french, my english it s not very well:)

yes i restart game and no problem but when die and respawn base, base is empty.


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First of all I should say that I really love this mission. It's truly a masterpiece!


However, I'm having a small issue with it. I don't know why I get a really low FPS on this in SP (around 30). I haven't tested in MP yet but I'm assuming it's worse if my past MP experience is any indication. My PC isn't all that powerful so it's partly because of that.


Can you please optimize the mission a little bit more? Or at least tell me if it's possible to increase my FPS using the existing mission parameters?

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Hello, thank you for your message. On what map are your trying to play OPEX ? The biggest ones like Lythium are requiring more CPU ressources but some others like Kunduz are smoother.


From my experience, OPEX runs fine on MP if it's hosted in a dedicated server.


OPEX could be optimized in many ways but it would require too many time. I can only suggest to use only default settings (e.g.: ambient patrols set to "normal") or to manually edit and delete some objects into the HQ (like fences or ambient AIs).

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On 8/16/2018 at 8:00 PM, Gemini said:

Hello, thank you for your message. On what map are your trying to play OPEX ? The biggest ones like Lythium are requiring more CPU ressources but some others like Kunduz are smoother.


From my experience, OPEX runs fine on MP if it's hosted in a dedicated server.


OPEX could be optimized in many ways but it would require too many time. I can only suggest to use only default settings (e.g.: ambient patrols set to "normal") or to manually edit and delete some objects into the HQ (like fences or ambient AIs).

Sorry for the late reply. I just saw your message!


I play the Tanoa and Altis versions.


But apparently it was my bad. Turns out my laptop had somehow switched to power saving mode lately. That also explains why I was getting a slightly worse performance elsewhere (I thought it was because of the Encore update!) I feel like a complete idiot right now! :down:


It's still a bit slow around the base but once I leave everything goes back to normal. (before it was slow everywhere)


Thank you for your time and this amazing mission!

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Great news, thank you for your feedback !

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Thank you for creating such an amazing mission. I absolutely hate most Arma missions because they are so poorly thought out. I never thought fighting with the french army could be so fun. This has provided me the ultimate SP experience. I started playing this after Antistasi. I think I've been spoiled by some of the features over there. I'm hoping you can answer some questions with frustrations I'm having in OPEX.

Friendly AI:
[Ammunition] Friendly AI seem to have a low amount of starting ammo. What is the best way to make sure they have plenty of ammo for a firefight?
-I know I can manually swap to that AI and go rearm it at the armory (SUPER TIME CONSUMING)
-I know Arma has a default rearm system (Doesn't seem to work)
-Antistasi has a custom rearm script that eliminates all frustration and makes the AI rearm on a command. (Does OPEX have something similar that I'm missing?)
[Medics] Friendly AI medics seem to only know how to do their job when micromanaged.
-AI Medic will not heal itself unless ordered to.
-AI Medic will not heal friendly soldiers unless ordered to.
-Antistasi has a custom medical script where the AI will even try to drag you to cover and heal you without orders. (Curious to know the best route for medics)
-Friendly AI seem to be very aggressive in search and destroy of enemy forces. I like that.
-Enemy AI can seem to be very stupid at times. 
-Is there a suppression and morale system built into the AI in OPEX? If I fire a ton at them will they lose stats? Does smoke and bushes block their view?

Other Scripts:
Command & Control [C2] - Doesn't work, has some of the scripts that would make AI rearming better and easier.

Just looking for insight to make my experience less annoying.

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Hi Gemini. I hadn't played OPEX in a while but I started playing again a few days ago and I must say that the mission seems to work flawlessly in SP now. You've really done a good job with the new features and with eliminating any bugs. Anyway, I just wanted to ask if you have any plans to port the mission to any additional maps? Personally, I would love to see it ported to Malden.

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Thank you very much for your message ! 



Friendly AI seem to have a low amount of starting ammo. What is the best way to make sure they have plenty of ammo for a firefight?

AI teammates should have enough ammo at mission startup. Don't be abused when they're shouting "I'm running out of ammo", it's because there's a script that modifies their loadout when the mission begins. It seems it's a famous issue caused by ArmA's engine, I'm not sure I can do anything about that but if someone has an idea, please feel free to share it.



I know I can manually swap to that AI and go rearm it at the armory (SUPER TIME CONSUMING)
I know Arma has a default rearm system (Doesn't seem to work)

Antistasi has a custom rearm script that eliminates all frustration and makes the AI rearm on a command. (Does OPEX have something similar that I'm missing?)

OPEX doesn't have custom script about infantry rearming at this time. But alternatively I can suggest to demobilize your out of ammo teammates and to enlist new ones into the delivery area.



Friendly AI medics seem to only know how to do their job when micromanaged.
AI Medic will not heal itself unless ordered to.
AI Medic will not heal friendly soldiers unless ordered to.
-Antistasi has a custom medical script where the AI will even try to drag you to cover and heal you without orders. (Curious to know the best route for medics)

This is about ArmA's AI and it's not because of OPEX. But the medical system included in OPEX should allow you to call the medic by reporting you're injured with the radio (code 5-4 I believe).



Enemy AI can seem to be very stupid at times. 

I think we all agree that ArmA's best feature is not the AI :f:



Is there a suppression and morale system built into the AI in OPEX? If I fire a ton at them will they lose stats?

OPEX doesn't bring any new feature about that, it's vanilla built.



Does smoke and bushes block their view?

Well, I'm still not able to reply to this question despite I'm playing OFP/ArmA since more than 15 years... It seems sometimes yes (unless it's only luck ?), sometimes no (or maybe they really see me through).






Thanks for this new message too ! Well, I was waiting for many feedbacks as possible to fix last bugs players may encounter. It seems that a few ones have still some issues but I start to think that it could be caused by a bad game/mission/mod installation. So if the mission is now stable enough, maybe I could consider to port OPEX to other maps. Now I just need some free time to work on it :smile_o:

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Anything 'random' in Arma 3 is always welcomed. ^^

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Thank you for the response. I figured most of my issues are from default Arma. I've been around since the first Arma title.


I need a few clarifications.
-I get AI that say No Ammo. When I swap to that AI they have no ammo. They run out mid firefight. What is the best way to arm them in a firefight?
-Or why does OPEX not allow scripts like Command and Control to work?
-Can AI mods work with OPEX? Does OPEX modify the default AI in any way? It feels like the friendly AI are much more aggressive and fight the enemy better.

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@holyorangejuice To reduce AI's Terminator-style accuracy try Robalo's ASR AI mod. However beware that (like many other AI mods) it may hamper or even destroy mission design, particularly if they're heavily-scripted. As for simulating suppression, try the TPWCAS mod.

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 - In that case it's strange, they should have enough ammo. Could you give more details about your game (OPEX version, map, light or full edition etc...) so I could try to see if I can reproduce the issue.

 - I don't know how Command & Control works so I'm not able to say why it's not compatible with OPEX.

 - OPEX already includes R3F's AiComTarget script that improves a bit AI's behaviour. At this time, this script is automatically disabled in case bCombat, ASR AI3 or VcomAI mods are detected, to avoid possible conflict. If you want to use another AI mod that may cause issues, please tell me.

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It seems that most AI soldiers spawn with approximately 5 mags for their assault rifle. I find that with default options on Altis or Kunduz they use up a good chunk of that ammo in a simple firefight. If it becomes longer then they run out. I guess 5 mags isn't enough for a long battle.

I'm not sure the difference between ASR AI3 or VCOM AI 3.0. I've tried VCOM yesterday and it was a ton of fun.

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A big thank you for this mission, I go back to arma3 and I was very happy to find OPEX. One question, do you intend to add a goal as in a campaign, end up finding an enemy general and eliminate it, once all weapons caches found or after winning x missions or 90% missions after x number of missions or conquering the island, this is in my opinion the only thing missing to get into OPEX.

  thank you



Un grand merci pour cette mission, je me remets a arma3 et j'etais super content de trouver OPEX. Une question, avez vous l'intention d'ajouter un but comme dans une campagne, genre finir par trouver un general ennemi et l'eliminer,une fois toutes les caches d'armes trouvées ou après avoir remportes x missions ou 90% de missions apres x nombres de missions ou conquérir l'ile, c'est à mon avis le seul truc qui manque pour s'imprégner dans OPEX.


merci à vous

Edited by FallujahMedic -FM-
English only on the forum
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