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to few AI can be managed by server SW, we still live with that HC. Was a nice workaround some...100? years ago. But it is time for a capable server that can utilize server HW monsters and even clusters to be able to have maps complemented with masses of AI.


What is wrong using your old phone/car/wife? Why you want a new?


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You are saying it like it is 100% given any new iteration of a game is definitely better than previous, when the truth is it is often full of old bugs.

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Even though killzone_kid semi-ragequit a couple years ago, it's probably still the closest to a dev-response you'll get regarding this topic. 😆

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By the way,

6 hours ago, The Man Without Qualities said:

Will there be a ArmA 4 before 2025?

Will there be an A4 at all?

BI came to conclusion that OFP/ArmA is dead and just not telling us?

Any dev involved in anything that smells like a new engine?

all of your questions will never be answered by devs, because even if they're doing the Arma 4 Project, they can't say anything about it until BI unveils it. KEEP IT MIND.

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10 minutes ago, The Man Without Qualities said:

even no response by devs is telling very loud...

I doubt that any dev would honor your very rude behavior (which I'd ask you to stop) with a reply to your question.


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Not to mention none of this is any way related to the thread we're in.


(BTW, there is one engine with that new engine smell, but we don't know when and where it will appear next. And we certainly won't hear about it here.)

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2 hours ago, Dedmen said:

I doubt that any dev would honor your very rude behavior (which I'd ask you to stop) with a reply to your question.


Well, at least I got ANY reaction, not just ignored(when I asked polite), so mission accomplished.

I will spend the next 5 years guessing the hidden hints behind 🐿️

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19 minutes ago, The Man Without Qualities said:

Well, at least I got ANY reaction, not just ignored(when I asked polite), so mission accomplished.

I will spend the next 5 years guessing the hidden hints behind 🐿️

Being you must be horrid. Everybody is lying to you. Or conspiring against you. CONSPIRING!

  • Haha 2

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The Syndikat camo uniform (I_C_Soldier_Camo_F.p3d) has pocket flaps from the pants clipping through the jacket. There are 4 specifically clipping.



Which looks especially bad on retextures:



Can this please be fixed? 🙂

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On 9/16/2019 at 9:44 AM, R3vo said:

New songs are missing their duration value and theme value.

Durations will hopefully be added with the next update

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If only there was a soundLength scripting command to get the length of given sound with..........

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Is it just me or does x setDamage 1 turn items invisible now?

I like to use that trick to place weapons, etc as decoration, but doing so now turns them invisible in 3den.

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On 10/1/2019 at 5:07 AM, lexx said:

Is it just me or does x setDamage 1 turn items invisible now?

I like to use that trick to place weapons, etc as decoration, but doing so now turns them invisible in 3den.

I use the same trick and I just checked, but it seems to be working fine for me, Bags dont seem to want to stick around but everything else seems to work. so not a global issue. curious as to what the issue could be.

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Yeah, seems to be working again now. No idea what the issue was that caused this.

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1 hour ago, dyrmoon said:

Yes, but it is very demanding on fps.

Yes, very.

If you absolutely have to look for #explosion, nearestObject is better.

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