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BIS, random question. Can you guys make the item Radio, worth something more? Maybe like, give the Radio frequencies of up to 1-10 and be able to switch between frequencies and if you chat in direct chat, anyone ont he frequency will hear you coming through their radio where ever it's located on a soldier? As far as i know, (Correct me if im wrong) the radio controls the AI module that allows you to send commands and directives to your group, and that's about it.

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Thanks for the workaround!

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BIS, random question. Can you guys make the item Radio, worth something more? Maybe like, give the Radio frequencies of up to 1-10 and be able to switch between frequencies and if you chat in direct chat, anyone ont he frequency will hear you coming through their radio where ever it's located on a soldier? As far as i know, (Correct me if im wrong) the radio controls the AI module that allows you to send commands and directives to your group, and that's about it.

This is actually a quite huge feature request. There is a mod for it I think.

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This is actually a quite huge feature request. There is a mod for it I think.

Oh, well if it's that big of a thing than never mind.

EDIT: Ok, so i hosted a client side server, as in from the server menu, and my friend could not join. He tried both Manually and Via. Steam Join. Neither worked. It didn't show up on the server list when he searched it, and it said Server not responding when he try the Steam Join. We switched, he hosted the server, and i tried. Same results. Can anyone figure out the issue here? It needs to be fixed. It's happening on current stable build.

EDIT 2: A few other problems while were at it, Action menu being open, and you have a guy in your sights, he has you in his sights, you click to shoot, but unfortunately for you, the Action menu wants to switch to a pistol, and by that time, since you can't move, he's moved, and there's probably 12 bullets in your ribs.

Another problem is Steam Overlay opening by itself, with the same results as "EDIT 2", getting shot dead because pressing shift only, and not Shit + Tab open Steam at random, causing un wanted interrutions of gameplay, but only in desperate situations that get you killed.

Edited by DarkSideSixOfficial

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I've figured out BI's biggest dark secret... They've been working with the CIA, the Illuminati! They're the puppet masters in control of the world governments!

A warning to anyone out there reading this, BI has mind reading capabilities. Quick! Put on your tinfoil hats before it is too late!

But seriously, BI. How did you know I was thinking you guys should change the NATO uniforms' velcro? Nice work. :P

Oh btw, the CTRG UBACs are using the new Normals, may want to fix that.

Edited by Nightmare515

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Infraction for trolling incoming... ;)

(Just kidding. Moderators can't even give devs infractions. :eek:)

Warning, danger, infraction inbounce, infraction inbounce :icon_twisted:

There definitely wasn't any other trolling in any of the changelogs :icon_twisted:

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I get this error when launching arma


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Getting much crashes (fault adress physx.dll and one arma3.exe fault address after opening map), already 4 today. Gathered dumps here:


Didnt got a single physx.dll crash with previous official build. Now getting those once in 15-90minutes. With both official build and dev-versions. Issue started in dev-versions before this latest official build was released.

Someone got crash instantly after shoothing fortress with some laucher with AI unit inside. Something collision related when stuff get destroyed?

Edit: And the playtime dont matter. Crash can often appear few minutes after mission start in editor.

As smaller issues. This error is sometimes displayed. I think there is some random conflict when AI units are deleted:

Error in expression <i" from 0 to _fadetime step _delay do {
_grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele>
Error position: <_grpIconColor set [0,(_grpIconColor sele>
Error Undefined variable in expression: _grpiconcolor
File A3\modules_f\marta\data\scripts\fnc_effect.sqf, line 35

Also this error is displayed randomly at mission start (having support module connected to player):

Error in expression <_module != count _oldSynced) then {call BIS_SUPP_refreshMainWindow};
if (!(_x >
  Error position: <BIS_SUPP_refreshMainWindow};
if (!(_x >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_supp_refreshmainwindow
File A3\modules_f\supports\init_provider.sqf, line 12
Error in expression <", _x] call BIS_fnc_logFormat;
call BIS_SUPP_refreshMainWindow;
} forEach >
  Error position: <BIS_SUPP_refreshMainWindow;
} forEach >
  Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_supp_refreshmainwindow
File A3\modules_f\supports\init_provider.sqf, line 30

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 16:50 ----------

Now got Windows\system32\d3d11.dll-fault address crash, instantly after hitting CSAT AA-vehicel with rocket from titan launcher. There was also no launcher locking sound effect.

Edited by SaOk

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Oh, and in Steam Offline mode i get this in the main menu and before every start of a mission


kind off annoying

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I´ll recieve every day a couple of PhysX.dll Crashes, but i gived up already as i saw how often and since when (Beta-today^^) the ticket was posted and still occurs

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I just finished playing for 3 hours and no crashes here.

GTX770, driver version 340.52 PhysX version 09.13.1220

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setTimeMultiplier //Time multiplier for in game time. //e.g. setTimeMultiplier 60

TimeMultiplier //Returns actual game time multiplier value

atm. not yet documented on BIKI but the setTimeMultiplier is similar to the time multiplier settings you may see in DayZ

also it shall be server-side only in multi-player and it works in single-player

Is this available on stable branch yet?

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Is this available on stable branch yet?

Nope, i think with the next coming Patch, but works in dev-branch, tested myself

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The current DEV-version have been crashing today near 10 times. Could say the physx-issue is happening much more often (~once in 15 minutes) than before. After returning now to official build, no issues so far (even expecting the crash once in 1-2hours).

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I've just tried to apply a custom texture to the offroad, however that failed. I could apply it to the civilian repair offroad (so there is no typo or path error in the mission), but when I change the unit to the default civilian offroad, it only has the default random texture. I can also not animate the repair stuff away (this animate ["HideServices", 1]). I can't explain that because the model does have hiddenselections properly defined, otherwise the random default textures wouldn't work after all, so it should work but just doesn't. Anyone here that can say something about that?

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The repair offroad is excluded from randomization so it's guaranteed to function as intended.

The regular randomization.sqf seems to run during or after the initline. You can disable the color randomization with a setVariable, but the animate seems to do zilch.

Putting everything in a trigger works or use a relatively long sleep it works.

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I'm a ghost, I can walk through walls. :popup: :581: :laugh: :rotfl::smash:

Edit: This does not normally occur in the game, and become more than what it has been impossible to reproduce. :shrug:

very difficult to qualify as an error


EXE rev. 126281 (game)

Edited by Metralla

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This move in the video looks very legit to me. NOT. Looks familiar to the typical AI special "proned through massive stone formations to stick out with the head and shoot you"

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yeah, clipping bug, but I think this doesn't need to be fixed. If you really manage to hit a windows so perfectly with a chute, then you should positively be rewarded with this bug. :thumb:

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But would be cool when this overall clipping into buildings and rocks/when look around on MilitaryTowers the body starts to clip through the object (the freefall 15 meters is for free) would be fixed in future, but not on Year 2019 or something like that ^^

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But would be cool when this overall clipping into buildings and rocks/when look around on MilitaryTowers the body starts to clip through the object (the freefall 15 meters is for free) would be fixed in future, but not on Year 2019 or something like that ^^

Well it was introduced bit over a year ago when they changed the rotation axis. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18947 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19487 I hated it since they did it because every clipping got worse because now you got stuck and "falling" on everything. There was some clipping before that but it wasn't that bad.

Just one example I filmed 11 months ago

Edited by St. Jimmy

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The current DEV-version have been crashing today near 10 times.

I've been having the same issue with the latest DEV version. Hopefully the next daily release will be better.

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