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Because this! launcher don't produce so blast's.

Have you actually shot one ?

Sure, there's different types of RPGs... Recoilless rifles like the Carl Gustav have massive backblast. I know, I fired one, and I stood some two hundred meter behind one being fired, and you could still feel the blast. Like this.

Real missiles with rocket engines tend to have less backblast, but they still do.

And yeah, I know your answer now... "it's a game", "It's future tech", "We don't need it".

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Because this! launcher don't produce so blast's.


Or this.

(For reference, MBT LAW = NLAW)

Edited by Alwarren

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I don't care about NLAW, if i can see how

. Maybe, you talking about the damage, because i'm not. Edited by Anachoretes

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Have you actually shot one ?

Sure, there's different types of RPGs... Recoilless rifles like the Carl Gustav have massive backblast. I know, I fired one, and I stood some two hundred meter behind one being fired, and you could still feel the blast. Like this.

Real missiles with rocket engines tend to have less backblast, but they still do.

And yeah, I know your answer now... "it's a game", "It's future tech", "We don't need it".


Or this.

(For reference, MBT LAW = NLAW)

Isn't NLAW soft launch capable? I'm not saying that it doesn't produce any back blast, but it it shouldn't be lethal up to tens of meters like normal RPGs either.

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indeed, the new personal gear sounds are some of the best and balanced ever heard in a game, the overall volume too is low for the moment though. I have to turn everything almost to maximum to get the real immersive sound.

However, the personal sounds should be the same in 3th person view or the immersion is broken, now it looks like your character is few meters away.


Even if things improved since the Alpha I still think A2's (stock) soundscape provides more immersion over all. As an example when taking fire, in A2 you can hear the ground hits, bullets "swizing" nearby etc. along with the enemy weapons firing. Currently in A3 you hear mostly bullet cracks but very little of the enemy weapons firing even if range is only 200-300 m. I've tried to increase the number of audio channels up to 128 but hear no change.


Edited by KeyCat

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13isLucky - thanks for checking but definitely as reported for me. No addons. It's really odd. Start as an auto-rifleman and that MX SW is fine. Drop it and go to NATO ammobox and aquire a MX SW and no adjust on the zero. Pick up the original one and it's adjustable. Didn't want to create a ticket til got some verification..

Noticing the same thing. Also doesn't stack with the in-box versions.

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Isn't NLAW soft launch capable? I'm not saying that it doesn't produce any back blast, but it it shouldn't be lethal up to tens of meters like normal RPGs either.

It is, yeah. But it's an exception, as far as I know. The usual recoilless rifles and RPGs (RPG-7, Carl Gustav, LAW) have tremendous backblast.

I don't care about NLAW, if i can see how this RPG shoot. Maybe, you talking about the damage, because i'm not.

And that should show there's no backblast ? The area behind the shooter isn't show, unless I missed it ?

Edited by Varanon
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to the discussion about the cloud issue, i hope you don't use lowest quality setting for the clouds ...

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I don't care about NLAW, if i can see how

. Maybe, you talking about the damage, because i'm not.

Huh? You can clearly see the backblast in this video, and you can see the soldiers evacuating the backblast area of the NLAW. So why do you say these launchers don't produce backblasts?

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The backblast is indeed way too overdone!

It is too thick and especially much too white.

By the way, Alamut= RPG-32 .

how it looks like shooting. Note how there is a modest amount of smoke. This smoke however is much thinner and has a rather grey color. A slightly lighter and thicker version of the current exhaust particle effect would match the real backblast very well!

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Isn't NLAW soft launch capable? I'm not saying that it doesn't produce any back blast, but it it shouldn't be lethal up to tens of meters like normal RPGs either.

The NLAW is one of the few RPG's that can be fired in a room, but there is still significant backblast which is why you don't stand behind a shooter with any sort of RPG. There's numerous videos no YouTube that demonstrate this. RPG-7's are reputed to be launchable from a room, but if you look at this video, you will see that in spite of little obvious backblast the guy behind the RPG-7 is flatly knocked out.

Every launcher produces backblast. With different amounts of pressure, but all of it will be able to knock you out.

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how it looks like shooting. Note how there is a modest amount of smoke. This smoke however is much thinner and has a rather grey color. A slightly lighter and thicker version of the current exhaust particle effect would match the real backblast very well!

You can clearly see the big backblast at 0:10 in the link purepassion posted.

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You can clearly see the big backblast at 0:10 in the link purepassion posted.

Yup, the backblast, as in a physical force, itself is certainly there, that's nothing to debate! The new particle effect for it in the game, which the changelog references, is wrong however :/

The backblast particle is indeed way too overdone!

It is too thick and especially much too white.

how the real RPG-32 looks like shooting. Note how there is a modest amount of smoke. This smoke however is much thinner and has a rather grey color. A slightly lighter and thicker version of the current exhaust particle effect would match the real backblast very well!

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@petek: Erm... yeah, scratch that. I dropped and picked up one from the box and there's no zero, so go ahead and make that ticket.

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The area behind the shooter isn't show, unless I missed it ?
So why do you say these launchers don't produce backblasts?

I trying to help with smoke produced by grenades engine. Backblast is another story. Before this patch RPG don't have any launch effects.

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Today's dev-version have stucked twice to SP mission loading screen, without crashing + dumbs. Second time there was short buzzing noise. Also getting suddent 2400 vehicle spam in my mission that I didnt get yesterday, but today and wednesday. Still that could be some flaw in my mission too. I counted the 2400 vehicles with "count vehicles" so those vehicles can be anything. Havent seen what those are and where its happening. :confused:

Edit: The second stuck with buzzing, I caused myself. Had forgotten in one buggy test loop.

Edited by SaOk

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I use trackir and noticed when looking over the left shoulder the head of the character isn't attacked correctly to the body. I hope they fix that bug. :butbut:

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Oh - little bird 1st person rocket sounds are still awful with reverb

Yes, sorry that one snuck in to the build at all. Should already be resolved internally.

It's related to a new, incorrectly configured, filter for the sounds of vehicle interiors.



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Thanks RiE

Kept making me think of the old "Bionic Man" sound effects (If anyone's old enough to remember it!)

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I use trackir and noticed when looking over the left shoulder the head of the character isn't attacked correctly to the body. I hope they fix that bug. :butbut:

Do you mean that the head is invisible and there's just an empty socket? 'Cause that one goes waaaay back...

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Yes, sorry that one snuck in to the build at all. Should already be resolved internally.

It's related to a new, incorrectly configured, filter for the sounds of vehicle interiors.



Is this also the case for the damage alarm on the helicopters?

Because the alarm sound is almost inaudible in the first person view but works correctly in the third person.

Thanks :)

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Please add some clouds...

Okay let's try this again...

Old flat shading boring clouds:


New colorful gorgeous shaded clouds:


Now we're back to the old crappy clouds. Why? They feel like such a massive step backwards in terms of quality and shading.

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Okay let's try this again...

Old flat shading boring clouds:


New colorful gorgeous shaded clouds:


Now we're back to the old crappy clouds. Why? They feel like such a massive step backwards in terms of quality and shading.

exactly, i can watch skies like that, everyday from my window. Sun light, affects the clouds.

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