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I'm not sure, but if you projectile have are head - he is guided. Because i have seen the heads on AA missles(titan AA). And grenades and rockets have reactive engines.

The RPG-32 is an RPG in all sense of the word. In other words, it does NOT shoot guided missiles, but rocket propelled grenades. The rocket fule burns out while the projectile is still in the launch tube. Therefore, the projectile is NOT a missile, it is NOT guided, and it follows a ballistic arc. The RPG-32 should NOT have any guided shells, and should most of all NOT have AA shells.

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it does NOT shoot guided missiles, but rocket propelled grenades

I know that. That's why they change old AA rocket to HE granade(for RPG-42).(Named still like AA, but you can see change in model and GUI, and in-work).

Edited by Anachoretes

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NLAW is a missile not an RPG (rocket propelled grenade) :p

Should have said "launcher". I know that the NLAW is a rocket; MAAWS/CG is a rifle, RPG-7i is an RPG. :)

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The ammunition doesn't have an engine, though, it's an RPG. And no one would try to use an unguided RPG to shoot at an air target

You never saw Black Hawk Down ?

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You never saw Black Hawk Down ?

Actually, I did, but that was more or less shooting a stationary target.

Maybe I should have worded it differently: Of course you can try to shoot an air target with an RPG, and in fact, I think a lot of RPG-7's have been fired at air targets. However, this is more of an improvised thing against low-flying, slow targets or stationary targets (choppers dropping off troops). An HE warhead will do for that purpose. It's the thought of a dedicated AA-RPG that seemed strange to me.

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Any plans for making PCML a disposable weapon like its real life counter part, the NLAW? This will do well in balancing it against the unguided Alamut and make it more authentic.

There is a mod that already does it, plus adding PLOS guidance system, called TMR. Was hoping at least disposability makes it to Vanilla. Hopefully even the guidance system, but I guess that's a bit far fetched right now.

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Heard there might be a large update today, of it's the new Unammed vehicles someone please make videos!

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Heard there might be a large update today, of it's the new Unammed vehicles someone please make videos!

Where did you hear that? Updates don't usually occur on saturday and sunday.

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Heard there might be a large update today, of it's the new Unammed vehicles someone please make videos!

Someone's Dev Build reverted back to the default build and so Steam is redownloading everything from the stable build. Unmanned vehicles wouldn't be 4.1GB and not on a Saturday. I do wish, though...

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Someone's Dev Build reverted back to the default build and so Steam is redownloading everything from the stable build. Unmanned vehicles wouldn't be 4.1GB and not on a Saturday. I do wish, though...

Steam has been doing that a bit eh?

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You never saw Black Hawk Down ?
Both RPG "kills" during the Battle of Mogadishu were very, VERY lucky... It took years for the taliban to learn how tu use them effectively against the Russian Hinds, and they then taught Aidid's men in Somalia...

To fire an RPG towards one of the 160th choppers, a lot of preparation was needed... First, if you try to shoot in the air an RPG while standing on the ground you will kill yourself with the backblast: Aidid's men learned to dig holes in prepared spots, and then had to move on that spot and fire from that same spot, so that the backblast wouldn't kill the shooter... Another method was shooting from the roofs, while aiming the backblast towards the outside of border of the roof: this meant becoming a really easy target though...

It was also very dangerous to fire an RPG aiming a chopper because, with 5 crewman in the helicopter (and other helis in the air at the same time), the smoke trail was seen pretty much every time, the shooter position called to the gunners 90% of the times, and the shooter fired upon with the on board miniguns: even if you did fire the RPG without killing yourself, you would probably end up killed by the same chooper...

And, in the battle of Mogadishu, Night Stalkers used Black Hawks and Little Birds: the latter were never shot down by RPG fire (were never shot down by gunfire eithert), while the Black Hawks were absurdely sturdy, much more than we think: an RPG on the main frame of the chopper would just give a jolt to it, and the MH would just continue as nothing happened; one of the choppers that brought supplies to the stranded men on Wolcott's (the first) crash site, returned with no problems whatsoever with more than 500 bullet holes in the frame... The RPG frame hit actually happened during the Mogadishu battle, one of the choppers (not Durant's od Wolcott's) was hit on the frame by an RPG, the pilot felt the jolt and continued like nothing happened (can't remember the pilot's name right now)...

The RPG had to actually hit the tail rotor, in the hopes of disabling it... This is what got the two MH-60s on the ground: loss of tail rotor...


EDIT: Read Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden if you're interested: it's based on tapes, videos, radio recordings, interviews, official battle reports, and on-site research... Bowden even managed to talk with some Somali fighters and a lot of Delta operators...

Read it, becuase it's worth it (especially if you're interested in the real story behind Black Hawk Down the film, great film BTW)...

Edited by Gliptal

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RPG seem dam effective on helicopters to me shame we lost so much kit to pilot error compared to the russian losses far more were downed by mujhidean but they did have stingers , from the wiki check em out



USAF Roundel June 6: The shootdown of an US Bell OH-58 Kiowa killed both servicemen onboard: First Lt. Mathew (Mat) Fazzari of Walla Walla, Wa, and Captain Scott P. Pace of Brawley, California. The incident happened in Ghazni province

USAF Roundel August 6: A NATO CH-47 Chinook helicopter being flown by the 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment and 2nd Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment[50][51][52] was shot down by the Taliban using an RPG with 30 American and eight Afghan casualties,[53] as well as a dog. It was the

USAF Roundel July 25: A CH-47F Chinook was shot down by an RPG near Camp Nangalam in Kunar Province. Two coalition service members were injured

USAF Roundel October 12: A US Army CH-47 Chinook helicopter had just landed and had been off-loading when an RPG was fired into the cargo bay. An Afghan interpreter was killed and seven ISAF servicemembers and an Afghan Border Police officer were injured.

RAF Roundel August 20: A British CH-47 Chinook (S/N ZA709) was shot down in the Sangin area of Helmand province. The crew survived.

USAF Roundel October 27: A US UH-60 Black Hawk was shot down in Wardak Province, with no fatalities.[135] Taliban forces claim to have used a Rocket-propelled grenade. The 10 soldiers on board were rescued.

USAF Roundel July 2: A US UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter was shot down by RPG and small arms fire south of the Afghan capital in Logar province. The pilots were able to land the aircraft and evacuate everyone on board before it caught fire, another helicopter returned later and destroyed the wreckage with precision fire.[138]

USAF Roundel May 30: A US CH-47 Chinook was shot down, in the upper Sangin valley, killing five American, one British and one Canadian soldiers. Until July 25, 2010, officially its downing was attributed to small arms and rocket-propelled grenade. It became clear that it was downed by a MANPADS as the Coalition forces generally downplay or even deny any SAM attack by Taliban insurgents[146][147][148]

USAF Roundel June 28: A US CH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down in Kunar province by Taliban commander Qari Ismail, killing all 16 US Special Operations servicemen on board. The US military says it was shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade. The helicopter was on a rescue mission for Operation Red Wings a team of four SEAL members, pinned down by Taliban gunmen.[162][163]

USAF Roundel March 4: Two CH-47 Chinook helicopters were hit by RPGs and gunfire during Operation Anaconda. Two were killed in the first helicopter, which was dropping off a SEAL team. The second Chinook came in later that day to try to rescue the crew of the first CH-47, and subsequently was shot down, killing four.

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Well, I've never experienced that.

It appears to be relatively rare but Im hearing it more and more. I have experienced it twice. Earlier this week being the latest time. I havent let it redownload because my internet isnt the fastest and 1gb = 1-1.5hrs dl time. I simply dont have the time for all of that.

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im not so sure the dev build should be continued when the game has been released.

the reason being that it just doesnt seem right, i can understand during development but not the final.

im going stable as soon as the game comes out. otherwise you will be playing a final game that will be changed every day.


A2:OA had a very successful beta patch feedback system, with it's own forum, a thread for every release (they weren't released every day mind you) and a more functional issue tracker. As it was the beta patches pretty much became the de facto stable for most modded mp servers because the new additions and fixes were oft requested by them. Since the beta patch ran as an addon it was very modular for clients unlike the current system used by steam where it's all or nothing with a big download to revert. You can check it out as it's still going.

If Dwarden is doing the same beta patch feedback system after release I can only applaud it. The current one (this thread) I cannot see continue as it's too convoluted with little seemingly being accomplished based off feedback.

Edited by L3TUC3

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i will try to ;) if heartattack or head explode illnes not claim my scalp sooner

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It appears to be relatively rare but Im hearing it more and more. I have experienced it twice. Earlier this week being the latest time. I havent let it redownload because my internet isnt the fastest and 1gb = 1-1.5hrs dl time. I simply dont have the time for all of that.

It happend to me twice as well and it sucks since I also have a tiny pipe.

I also hope they come up with a way to have both stable and dev-build at the same time (like in A2:OA). For me it takes average ~1 hour download to switch between them.


Edited by KeyCat

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I guess it's one BIG hitpoint!


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I've been having some issues recently with my joystick throttle in that it's rather temperamental in responding to my analogue input. The joysticks' pretty new and as far as I'm aware isn't faulty (I only really use it for Arma, so but my calibration screen shows no errors) and only started happening in the last couple of patches. Anyone else experienced anything similar?

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May I ask, why does a tiny quad-rotor UAV have 5 hitpoints, but a jet has just one?

Probably because the uav inherited the helicopter template, and the jet's a WIP.

I'm venturing a guess that both are unfinished really.

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Probably because the uav inherited the helicopter template, and the jet's a WIP.

I'm venturing a guess that both are unfinished really.

Pretty much what I was about to say :L

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Wounded or injured animations have not been mentioned in the latest live steam or the other various information outlets, is that because there wont be any?

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Wounded or injured animations have not been mentioned in the latest live steam or the other various information outlets, is that because there wont be any?
I don't recall them ever having been hinted at by devs for Arma 3.

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