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Found 514 results

  1. I want to add my own .ogg files to the addon. What do I need to add to config.cpp so that arma 3 addon builder will pack the necessary files into a pbo file? I tried creating CfgSounds class with array of specified files, but compiler ignores .ogg file specified in array, although I've enabled it in compiler options to include .ogg files in packaging. At least I don't see in logs that this file is processed. The files are in the root of the Addons\myAddon\audio folder. How can I play them later with the script? How would this work? _soundPath = "audio\file.ogg"; playSound [_soundPath, true];
  2. Hello, I'm currently trying to write a script that creates a trigger via the radio Alpha channel and that can be activated by the player. The trigger statemesnts should set another unit (hunter1) into a combatmode Red and also have a line of sideChat from the player. Here is what I have so far _trig1 = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", [0,0,0]]; _trig1 setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false]; _trig1 setTriggerActivation ["ALPHA", "present", false]; _trig1 setTriggerText "Sniper Cover - Geronimo"; _trig1 setTriggerStatements [ "this", "hunter1 setcombatmode "RED"", "player sidechat "OPEN UP!" ]; }; I keep getting an error message saying I'm missing a "]" but I cant for the life of me figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Denzo
  3. Im not too sure how to add a scroll option to access the custom arsenal ive made the code ive attached is whats in the init field for the ammo box that has unit specific loadouts [vabox, false, false] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox
  4. As title says I would like to remove handcuffs from a unit on trigger activation
  5. I cant force my unit to equip his rangefinder i read somewhere to put this code in his init field but it didn't work this selectWeapon "Rangefinder";
  6. Hello everyone, as a non-trained programmer but a motivated mission builder, I am contacting you again today with a small problem in which I am sure I am just missing a small thing. Background: I have a trait switcher in the mission where players can select a role as Medic, Engineer or Explosive Specialist. These roles are limited. I would like to set up a billboard next to the role switcher that shows which player currently has which role or which roles are actual unused. My problem: When I test in Selfhost MP, after a selected role, it gives me the role description that is stored on the slot instead of my player / profile name. In another Testplayer sot, it brings me the correct player / profile name of me but still with the current group, which is not needed and does not look good in terms of space / layout. Since my native language is German, a short explanation: String "unbesetzt" means "actually unused". Any dedicated requirements have not yet been checked, first of all everything should work. I hope that I haven't made any major mistakes from the performance side, even if there is certainly a more elegant way, but I'm glad to have created a working basis for now. Following script is actually called in init.sqf by execVm: Thanks a lot for Feedback and ideas how I could handle the "nameproblem" best.
  7. Basicly, i was in process of making mission, where players must download something from few servers. After making a script in SP, i run into a problems in MP, what a surprise yeah. So problem is idk how to update array for all clients, i tried to use (publicVariable "DataStore";) after IF and ELSE code so its cheks it and updates. Its working but only if host does that. Clients run function and dont sent updated array to other.
  8. One day I decided to test my... "teaching skills" (not sure, if I have any though, beware...) and created a scripting tutorial for absolute beginners. There are some good sources in English, but seems hard to find something like that in Polish, hence Polish and English editions. Here it is: Polish: https://skryptysqf.blogspot.com English: https://sqfscripts.blogspot.com It's short, 4 chapters, still I tried to cover important basics of scripting craft (my way of practicing it at least). The main goal is to lower as much, as possible the entry treshold for those, who want to begin the adventure with Arma scripting, but have no clue, how to. Therefore this tutorial tries to provide also informations usually omitted, assumed as known/obvious. From my experience - nothing is obvious at the start, such assumptions, as I recall, was pobably the biggest obstacle for me. It is written from non-programmer perspective, without any programming experience assumed in the audience (I hope). Chapter 1 (PL/EN) explains preliminary topics like the role of the scripts in general, the sources of them, the basic way to use them in the game. Chapter 2 (PL/EN) focuses on the learning metodology, knowledge sources, basic terms and concepts required during the work. Chapter 3 (PL/EN) describes in detail a complete process of writing working SQF script example, from the bare concept description through the algorithm synopsis, collecting required commands, line-by-line walkthrough, syntax pitfalls... to the trial run footage. Chapter 4 (PL/EN) is all about the art of debugging (how I do it).
  9. Hello, since I searched way to long to find a working keyhandler for my mission, I want to share my results with you! ******************************** Put the following code in your init.sqf: execVM "keyhandler.sqf"; in your main mission folder create a file called keyhandler.sqf and put the following code in it waitUntil {!isNull(findDisplay 46)}; (findDisplay 46) displaySetEventHandler ["KeyDown","_this call keyspressed"]; keyspressed = { _keyDik = _this select 1; _shift =_this select 2; _ctrl = _this select 3; _alt = _this select 4; _handled = false; switch (_this select 1) do { case 23: {//I key if (_shift) then { execVM "YOURSCRIPT"; }; if (_ctrl) then { execVM "YOURSCRIPT"; }; }; case 22: {//U key if (_shift) then { execVM "YOURSCRIPT"; }; }; _handled; }; It's pretty self explanatory just replace YOURSCRIPT with the path to your script. The number behind case is the key as shown in this list. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Cheers Puffin
  10. Hello, I have been trying to get this script working for the past day. I got a vehicle to only move to the next way point when a trigger has been activated. In this case when BLUFOR is inside a trigger zone for at least two minutes. However, I want them to land wait for all players to get into the vehicle until moving to the next way point. However, doing it the same way I did the original movement it only lands then take right back off regardless of the passengers being inside. In this case the helicopter is called "heli1" and the player(s) are called "player1" "player2" etc. I have also tried using the get out and get in command however, they get out but not back in. Here is the code player1 in heli1 && player2 in heli1; Is there a way for the game to get a list of all active players instead of limiting how many I can have. And how can I fix the problem of the helicopter either leaving us or not moving at all. Thanks in advance. Trey G
  11. Hi, I was hoping someone could help me setup a system to add customizations to vehicles (camo nets, bags, tracks, or change the camouflage) in a trigger. I have a mission using the spawn AI module, but I can't find a way to add customizations to vehicles through the spawn ai module, so I figured a trigger would be the next best way. In my mission, the vehicles spawn inside this trigger, and I figure you could have the trigger apply certain presets to them. I tried scripting this myself, but I'm very new to this and got stuck. What i tried was setting the trigger activation to: Any player, not present, repeatable (this is so that if a player drives their vehicle through the trigger it doesn't apply the customizations to their vehicle, only ai vehicles.) My condition field is: this && ({_x isKindOf "O_MBT_02_cannon_F"} count thisList >0); the trigger interval is 2 seconds, and the activation field is: {[ _x,[],["showCamonetHull",1,"showCamonetTurret",1,"showLog",1]] call BIS_fnc_initVehicle;} forEach thisList; I assume something with the condition isn't working, as I'm not really sure how to properly set up that. This was my test version, ideally, it would work for multiple vehicle types, like APCs and tanks. I was also hoping to maybe make it randomize the preset, like have a few presets per vehicle and have it pick one to apply, although, getting it to work at all would be nice. Thanks in advance
  12. Hey, I'm very new to scripting and am having trouble with something. I am making a multiplayer pvp/pve mission, and I want players to be able to call in an arsenal on their position when they need it. So I've used the base game "Supply drop support" to accomplish this, with the "crate init" field using this: ["AmmoboxInit",[_this,true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; 0 spawn { sleep 30; }; Now the arsenal bit works perfectly, but I also want the crate to be deleted/destroyed after a set amount of time, to prevent them being everywhere, and also limit players ability to exploit having an arsenal beside them. I've tried a few different methods to do this, and looked online quite a bit, but can't figure it out. Im certain its something small I'm messing it up, but either way i cant figure it out. i've tried putting things like "deleteVehicle _this" and using a "_this setDamage 1" to break or delete the crate, with no luck. the error messages also dont make much sense to me, so any help is appreciated. (In the "sleep" area is where ive been putting the delete commands) As a side note, if anyone could help me easily delete the normal contents of the crate via scripting that would also be appreciated
  13. Hi, I'm pretty new to scripting/coding and have largely been stalking the forums and repurposing other people's codes to get stuff to work for my personal missions. I have a tank control script that works perfectly in single-player/when there is only one player per side, but when there are 2 people on the same team, it seems to give control of the created group to the other person. I'm not sure how to fix it, I've looked online but can't seem to find anything. I could always go back to having a unit recruitment script but for my dedicated tank pvp mission I thought this would be better, so any help getting it working would be appreciated. (if it makes any difference, I'm hosting this as a multiplayer game from my PC) the script is this, placed in the init of each vehicle I want the script to apply to. this addEventHandler ["GetIn", { _tank = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 2; If(isplayer _unit) then { createVehicleCrew _tank; crew _tank select {!isplayer _x} joinSilent group player; } ; }] ; this addEventHandler ["GetOut", { _tank = _this select 0; _role = _this select 1; _unit = _this select 2; If(_role != "cargo")then { If(isplayer _unit) then { {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach crew _tank; } else { deleteVehicle _unit; }; }; }]; this is the script I have in the vehicle respawn modules expression field: _this select 0 addEventHandler ["GetIn", { _tank = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 2; If(isplayer _unit) then { createVehicleCrew _tank; crew _tank select {!isplayer _x} joinSilent group player; } ; }] ; _this select 0 addEventHandler ["GetOut", { _tank = _this select 0; _role = _this select 1; _unit = _this select 2; If(_role != "cargo")then { If(isplayer _unit) then { {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach crew _tank; } else { deleteVehicle _unit; }; }; }];
  14. Leopard 123

    VBS 3 Script

    Hello, does anyone know a way in VBS to prevent soldiers leaving a vehicle when the vehicle takes too much damage?
  15. Hello everyone, I've been playing arma for about 11 years now and I've seen some pretty cool AI mods, however, I've noticed a lot of the really well functioning mods and scripts that were an absolute asset in ARMA 2 haven't been succesfully ported over to ARMA 3 and I wanted to remedy that. With that said, I wanted to create an AI medevac module that takes seriously wounded troops off of the battlefield and back to a pre-determined base/ area. For revival or death (50/50 percentage based on location of damage and severity). I know it can be done since there were a few good ones for arma 2 (especially the 9 line medevac module) any advice and or tips for me as I undergo this? Anyone want to partner up? Thank you all in advance for the comment's, suggestions, berations etc...
  16. I'm basically looking for a way to make members of a squad respawn at a specific respawn position when there is more than 1 respawn point for the team. Let's say I have 3 respawn points or respawn modules for the BLUFOR team and I want my 1st and 2nd AI squads to only respawn at "respawn_west" (so at the first respawn point). How do I make this possible? I tried to sinc the AI squads to a respawn module, but it didn't work as intended. So I thought that there might be a script that makes the AI squad do that, but I have no idea how I can implement that. I'm fearly new to scripting and I know very little on how to make scripts. Does anyone have an idea on what I can do?
  17. 1- place a unit (player). 2- place an object, let's say FM Radio. save the scenario, then go to its folder "\documents\arma 3\missions\name_of_your_scenario" 3- Create music folder "music" and put your music file or the sound file inside this folder. 4- Create "description.ext" file in that folder which is you scenario folder. open it and paste this: class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class sound1 { name = "sound1"; sound[] = {"music\YOURSOUNDFILE.ogg",1,1,18,1,1,1,0}; //The 18 indicates the distance at which the sound will be heard; titles[] = {}; }; }; Go back to the editor "eden" and double click the object and write this in its init field: this say3D "sound1"; That's it. Many thanks to Feuerex who helped me a lot with his videos. Press "Like" button if you like this post. Resources: The mission file.
  18. Hello all. I am trying to make a mission where the players have a video display on their HUD as if they are holding a phone. I know to start with BIS_fnc_playVideo But I am not sure where to get this onto the HUD for a phone sized option instead of all over. I have the video set up and playing on the "TV", so I hope that's just the hard part over with. I appreciate any advice.
  19. Im trying to have a task succeed after assembling a ar-2 darter drone, wats the best way to accomplish this?
  20. "So gory, that Bohemia Interactive once banned it from the Workshop!" "The most badass mod you've ever used." Adds various elements of gore to ArmA3 such as blood splatters, blood sprays, blood pooling, bleeding, gibbing, and other misc details. For Multiplayer: Servers and clients must run the addon. Steam Workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=667953829 Github: https://github.com/zooloo75/BloodLust/ Requires CBA! The addon must be running on the server and all clients. YOU MAY NOT RUN BLOODLUST ON A MONETIZED SERVER WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! Support my endeavors with a generous donation using the "Donate" button below. Donations go towards coffee/beer and stuff. Thank you for your generosity! 🙂 Changelog:
  21. What's up Arma community! Throwing this out there because I am terrible at this and stuck with getting a conversation scripted. Below all the posted scripts I describe how I am currently experimenting with it What I am trying to do is get an interactive conversation flow between the player and an NPC with the scroll menu and different response options, like in Arma 2. BI has a pretty decent conversations page for this exact subject, with lip synch and all, I have copied it and made only minor tweaks to make it more readable for myself, and for my sound files to play. The example mission is here if someone who knows this stuff wants to take a look or if someone wants a good starting point for conversations in their scenario ----> Google drive example mission What works - I have kbTell working fine, so I know the code and folder set ups are ok, and my sound files play just fine. What is the problem? - when using kbAddTopic nothing! No errors!, no RPT log suspects, no stuttering... but also no functionality 😔. It must be something I am doing wrong but I cannot for the life of me debug it or figure out why. So here we are. It would be super cool to have AI conversations with player choices, especially for the SP crowd My directory - kb --------------- folder with bikb and sqf sounds ----------- folder with a few test samples in .ogg that are confirmed 100% to work in game description.ext mission.sqm Scripts - Description.ext class CfgSentences { class event1 { class talk { file = "kb\talk.bikb"; #include "kb\talk.bikb" // avoids a double declaration }; }; }; kb\talk.bikb class Sentences { class sentence1 { text = ""; textPlain = "Shuuuush"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_1.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer" }; class sentence2 { text = ""; textPlain = "Go Away"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_2.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer" }; // these sentences are EH options for later class response{ text = "response"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option1 { text = "op1"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option2 { text = "op2"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option3 { text = "op3"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; // the Interrupted sentence triggered when the conversation menu is closed without answering (e.g using backspace) class Interrupted { text = "SideChat text"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_3" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer"; }; }; // Needed parameters. class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = { hour }; startWithConsonant[] = { europe, university }; kb\talk.sqf I am also not entirely sure how this one works, I am somewhat scripting literate (after so many hours trial and error) but I don't know if I should replace all the private _variables with the planned interlocuters or...??? that cant be right can it?, idk!? 😟 /* -------BI notes I kept-------- here we will be storing all the sentences from which the player will choose (left side menu) if there is only one option in the array, the sentence will replace the "Talk to" action name we want the player to be able to approach his buddy and talk to him via the action menu. we need to check: if the player is pointing at his buddy if the player is not answering any of his buddy's sentences if the player has not told him hello already then we add that array to _convMenu - the parameters are mostly self-explanatory: ------BI Params--------------- (do these have to be replaced?) _this: Object - the player receiving the sentence. Must have had this particular script assigned via kbAddTopic Player, AI player talking with or both?? _from: Object - the unit that told the sentence _sentenceId: String - the sentence the player is reacting to. Defined in .bikb in class Sentences _topic: String - topic name used in kbAddTopic */ private _convMenu = []; if (_from == officer && _sentenceId == "" && !(_this kbWasSaid [_from, _topic, "sentence1", 999999])) then { _convMenu pushBack ["menu text", _topic, "sentence1", []]; }; // here we make the unit say the proper sentence based on the one he just received // switch-case-do is used here but it is only one solution to manage sentences (if-then etc could do) switch (_sentenceId) do { case "sentence1": { _this kbTell [_from, _topic, "a player response?"]; }; case "sentence2": { _this kbTell [_from, _topic, "????"]; }; case "responses": { // the player will have 3 answers to choose from: _convMenu pushBack ["op1", _topic, "option1", []]; _convMenu pushBack ["op2", _topic, "option2", []]; _convMenu pushBack ["op3", _topic, "option3", []]; }; }; // return the sentence list pool _convMenu; the above is kind of hard for me to make sense of honestly with all the scopes and the switch-case-do wizardry. I have the player named nomad and a BLUFOR AI named officer. I have two triggers one for kbTell and one for BIS_fnc_kbAddTopic When I trigger kbTell all is good, would be great if you only needed to fire off some sentences and be done. ["the topic", "Cfg of topic"] spawn BIS_fnc_kbTell - no issues all is good But with kbAddTopic no such luck here using the following on player only, officer only, both, as objects or as strings, and for any of the methods below: X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb", "kb\talk.sqf"]; X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb"]; X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb", "compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "kb\talk.sqf"]; what I mean by X --> (player, nomad, officer, with and without"") from trigger, from unit init, from a script. Nothing Again no errors or anything to start chipping away at like usual. Here are the resources I have already tried and poured many hours over: Conversations official Biki, 99% of what I have is from the source already, read many times over kbAddTopic Jezuro's old posting HateDead's old posting IndeedPete's pretty cool conversation system that I may just have to adopt if I cant figure this out. Also where I got the sample sound files. Youtube, but kind of like the BI fourm threads a lot of the stuff is outdated Google of course Prayer and hope Anything you guys have would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you so much!
  22. I am aware that BIS_fnc_endMission exists and that there's a good level of parameters to customize the ending; however I am wondering if there is a way to change the font itself and remove the glitch overlay. Since it's vietnam era. I'm trying to keep the tone as much as possible, so the possibility of inputting a typewriter type font is the favored outcome.. I assume that it might require a call BIS_fnc_dynamicText function, but my understanding there is only a limited amount of in engine texts that I would be able to use. I'm also suspecting that I might need to create a transparent image layer, but I haven't figured out how to work that in. I'm wondering if anybody has any ideas that could solve this issue.
  23. So I'm trying to make a mission that allows players to dress as civilians to gather Intel close to enemy positions without being attacked. I saw a script that was something like: this setCaptive true; (in my player init) The use a trigger with: currentWeapon player == primaryWeapon player; (In the trigger conditions) and: Player setCaptive false; But it doesn't work. I can drop my weapons and approach the enemy but they still fire at me. I don't know how to script but I think that instead of currentWeapon player, I need some way of scripting "if player has no weapon" then setCaptive true. Any thoughts?
  24. Next to already revealed an known https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_3:_New_Scripting_Commands_List There are more script commands now :) + fixed http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=12324 + only discussion related to new or changed Arma 3 Beta/Dev Scripting allowed
  25. A quick warning, my knowledge of scripting is on par with that of a rock. I'm trying to make a mission for myself and a group of friends who are all new and just want to have a good time. Most of my questions I've been able to figure out through youtube videos and forum posts. But no matter how many different times I try, I can't for the life of me figure out what to do when someone pulls up notepad++ outside of Eden editor and shows me a paragraph of code to put in. I was wondering If someone more knowledgeable than me on the subject could help walk me through how to keep player inventories when they respawn.