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Everything posted by Valken

  1. I tried the INDY and OPFOR FIA and both are a match to be reckon with. It works well with other overhauls to match up firepower and provides a decent workout to replay missions. I would really love to try it in coop. One fictional faction I would like to see after looking at the Syndikat Overhaul and "rebel" type SFF would be a Purge movie like Anarchist faction. It should be civilian based, like your civilian overhaul with mixed low and high tech weapons with masks from Uriki's Ballistic and Masks, Bloodwyn's hats and masks or KA's Gas Mask mod where they are enemies of all factions, maybe including civilians... well maybe aligned to OPFOR if they were modeled after the Antifa (Anti-Fascists). Agenda are anti-fascist (nationalist), anti government, anti-NWO, anti-monarchy and etc... There are already a few modern Fascists factions to fight with. I would like to see it use both Zee's and Max's female mods to add variety. It would add to psychological warfare with women in the field. You can use Max's body and add Zee's head to the mix to spice it up: Lastly, I would ask if you would consider adding female units to update some of the other rebel groups as the Kurdish Peshmerga has several females in the forces. Would be a interesting to play with that those overhaul mods. Obviously it would not be added to those anti-female, male dominated real world forces.
  2. Valken

    Winter 2035

    Finally Altis and Stratis are fun again, after Tanoa and Malden jumped to the top of the heap! Animals during winter is not unknown... though if you want to be accurate, you can add in snow rabbits with white fur as well, though probably less of it. Snow snakes... now that is SCARY!!! :D Er... I meant Snow Vipers. :D
  3. The pictures looks fantastic. Really has that old west feel. I was wondering if you would create a winter version later? It does snow in the wild west! :D
  4. Valken

    Winter 2035

    OMG we were wishing for this in the request thread! Awesome!
  5. TLDR - I voted yes because I was an early backer of ARMA 3 when it was in Alpha ONLY because I wanted to play with the engine using .kju's ALL in ARMA mod to play ARMA 2 / CO content. With all the subsequent DLC, I feel ARMA 3 is near complete and a great game. PS: I only purchased Apex for Tanoa because it fits my style of playing. I would be happy to do it again for ARMA 4 Alpha, since we can "eventually" allow port forwarding of our favorite mods into ARMA 4, allow BIS to fund the development of ARMA 4 "content" and still have input into the Engine. Heck, BIS can save time and just release a Franken-DayZ SA Fusion engine + VBS3 feature set stuffed in with a demo map, advanced OPENCL physics support, OPENAL Audio, OPENGL + Vulken API support (I am big on open formats), MULTI-THREADING AI + Script support via OpenCL (oh please Jebus!) and with evolving development tools (updated terrain building, scripting tools, 3D model import / export, sound shader editor, graphics shader editor) and I would be glad to drop Steam Early Access money right away. The actual theme can go either way - official BIS or community mod support. I personally want to see BIS go all the way SciFi this time and still rooted in hard core military plausibility with Hollywood Michael Bay style effects such an alternative 80's military universe with both aliens or ET initiated conflict. My dream game would be a huge hardcore X-Com + ARMA mixed game with eventual off (alien) planet conflict to wrap up the story. Maybe this would be a better paid for user made DLC instead but that multi-threading scripting is a must for ARMA 4 engine.
  6. Thank you Katie for all of your contributions. If the community is toxic, just get out and let it rot or until the other members help to clean it up. Your not the only one I've seen get shat on for no good reason, IMPO. It is in BIS's favor to look into these things on a bigger level as the ARMA community is VERY small compared to other gaming communities. Life is too short to let arseholes ruin it for you. Good luck with whatever your endeavors may be.
  7. I love this map and South Zagoria remake of Chernarus also. I was wondering will you ever consider adding UTES into this map since it was supposed to be SE off Cherno and perhaps remaking similar islands like the ones found in Chernarus Plus? The prison off the SW coast of Cherno from DayZ SA looks pretty cool.
  8. There is this mod on Steam Workshop but I think it needs more work: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052782388/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Hiss Tank here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=461673906 There is also this mod from ARMA 2 (really great) and love to see it ported to ARMA 3: And then this classic mod for Operation Flashpoint: Would love to see a modern updated version of Cobra as OPFOR engaging NATO, CSAT and independents for ARMA domination.
  9. Valken

    France General

    It is a pity that France was able to give those a proper life with opportunities (as best as it can) and now resort to eliminating them from the face of the earth. Not that I would pity them after what they did but it is a tragic waste on all sides.
  10. Leaked CSAT Counter Intelligence and Mother Nature Joint Operations Command reports regarding current ongoing NATO and ISIS activity in the region: Looks like Cobra is really gearing up the Weather Dominator, again:
  11. Well aren't you a bundle of joy! There goes all hope! :D Maybe some modder can create the texture layers to remap the official BIS maps to winter like the Chernarus version...
  12. Would be awesome if Bis would create Winter versions of Altis, Stratis and Malden to test the snow depth theory. Perfect Christmas 2017 DLC for us. :D
  13. That is proper looking winter map! So looking forward to the next update.
  14. Hey Ineptaphid, Thanks for the photo. Looks really good so I will try it. The only other winter maps with great terrain detail were Ural and Chernobyl Zone where they had a lot of smaller winter shrub to mask the flat snow texture.
  15. Oh man... that just brings back memories!!! Would love to see the Trouble Bubbles, VAMP (my FIRST GI JOE vehicle), Skyhawk (2nd vehicle), Water Moccasin and that cool Rattler! We already have the CSAT Viper units which can be Cobra Vipers and recoloring a pilot to Wild Weasel colors should not be hard at all!!! It's like being a kid all over again. I would kill to see a huge upgraded modern and more realistic Terrordome in ARMA! Know that I am a total talent-less hack but if there is anything I can help you with, I would be glad to when I am not travelling.
  16. Was roaming around a bunch of snow maps and one thing that bugged me was that the SNOW texture was MOSTLY FLAT with trees sticking out like sore thumbs. Hard to ever show anything was walking or driving through since the terrain never breaks up while grass can be flattened. So is it possible to create a snow grass mod or even a snow colored water mod that would sit on top of the snow texture, to create the depth? So players can be knee deep in "snow" or hide in some snow. And to show disruption if something passed through? The snow colored water mod would need to turn off the wave effect shader and drowning effect but I think it would be good enough to hid the player if they prone. Does not have to be water but some kind of object with depth. This is just thinking out loud to increase the immersion of snow effects. Sorta like an opposite of the NO GRASS mods out there. Could be applied to sand, mud or dirt as well.
  17. Hi again, I'm going to say it... OP is fine to run at ULTRA settings with his 1080 Ti because MOST of those effects are shader based which would rely on GPU power, not CPU. The only thing really affects him more is CPU plus map draw distance, and object draw distance since all that loads into RAM from the HD or SSD. I hope you have ARMA installed onto a SSD because ARMA streams in the content as you travel along the map. Also, as some others say ARMA's main bottleneck are the AI task handling (single thread) and the power of the server due to either network congestion (PING) or load (again, single threaded AI task handling). He can increase his own game performance by OC'ing his CPU but he cannot control the server's performance. Here is a recent benchmark with the new Intel CPUs that show how up OC the CPU alone can increase performance (this is with a 1080 GTX, not Ti): His 7800x CPU jumps from 54 min FPS to 62 min FPS just by OC'ing from 4.0 GHZ to 4.8 GHZ. His average is about 10 FPS higher. I run a 4970K @ 4.4 GHZ with 1060 GTX on Ultra but with 8x AA ON @ 1080p. He is fine with 8x AA with that 1080 Ti. Plenty of power. Just watch the draw distance since that loads all the objects into his VRAM. The CPU or the network server is his and our bottleneck for ARMA 3. I cannot wait for ARMA 4 which hopefully one day will multi-thread the AI task. Not going to wait for 6+ GHZ CPUs because it will take much longer. :P
  18. Valken

    JSRS Soundmod Replacements

    Just curious but can't you just talk to Toadie about this? He can rewrite his own mod to accommodate if he wishes. At the very least he might consider it. I do use Toadie's Niarms mod more than RHS or CUP FYI if you are counting whether to proceed or not. Might want to make a poll and check, or just check how many people have subscribed to his mod on STEAM WORKSHOP.
  19. You just need to download the full mod here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660460283 It will run inside of ARMA 3. There is another version that is broken up in the IF maps, I44 ported maps, the map objects and mod, which is the same as the above if you combine it. I believe that was just legacy so modders can download the maps to start to build missions. Its what I have actually so I can just load up some of the maps with objects and play with A3 mission assets but it works either way. The server keys SHOULD matchup but you never know this being ARMA .:D The commercial version is not supported anymore but it has higher resolution textures due to being previously commercial. But fear not, modders are at work to remake textures and will take time. You can also download the tons of additional addons such as Geist or LEN texture replacements but all you really need is the IF All in One Lite mod.
  20. Valken

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    Awesome video to show off the mod! Really fantastic!
  21. Old School GI Joe RAH fan here! Keep up the good work!
  22. Hey all, Its almost Halloween and I wanted to see what missions the community would recommend for both SP and MP coop? I've played almost all these author's fine horror missions: Phantom's http://steamcommunity.com/id/sig3013/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Phantom Six' http://steamcommunity.com/id/phantomous/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Gamer http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197985687678/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 but notice not many servers around to play in COOP. I know there are a lot zombie survival types including the excellent RAVAGE mod out there but am really looking for more of the COOP escape or psychological survival missions instead. Its too bad BIS never embraced an official Halloween event like other game developers. This would be a great event to test new game concepts in ARMA without alienating the community since it is once a year. If you're a horror fan, please list your favorite missions or mods so we can share in this genre.
  23. Was this mission remade for the ARMA 2 OA CRW2 mod? Perhaps someone can port that one mission now over to CUP ARMA 3? I prefer creepy over mowing down zombies also... Would be great for COOP night. Edit I stopped watching the video because I wanted to play it now. :D If we can find the old mission, we can try to port it to CUP.
  24. That looks like a great mission to play. I tried the Mothman series and it was pretty cool the first few times around also but we really need to find a server with these types of missions available. It would be a great way to introduce ARMA players into COOP.
  25. Valken


    Hi Max, Just wanted to say we really appreciate your work and sharing. Thank you and all the great mod / mission developers in our community.