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Everything posted by vagrantauthor

  1. vagrantauthor

    Tier 1 Weapons

    @Blitzen88 I don't know about risers, but the magnifiers flip to the side using CBA keybinds.
  2. vagrantauthor

    Tier 1 Weapons

    Hi @fingolfin Thank you for sharing your work with the community. It's stuff like this that keeps me coming back after nine years of Arma 3. Do you plan to apply your spectacular color work to the pistols? The Glocks and P320's look great in black, but they'd look greater in your browns and tans.
  3. vagrantauthor

    Tier 1 Weapons

    Hi, @fingolfin. I just want to say thank you for the work you are putting in with this mod and for sharing it with the community. This is top quality stuff and using it has rekindled my interest in playing Arma -- as they always do.
  4. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Public Service Announcement (Again): The T-14 tank within the RHS AFRF mod (classname: rhs_t14_tv) is still in a test state and cannot be or is not easily destroyed. Hitting it with anything (rocket, missile, etc) causes a message to pop up in the corner of the screen saying something like "T-14: Unlimited Test Mode" and the tank takes no damage. I have had too many of these tanks spawn while playing Liberation and destroy expensive assets without any chance to defend since it cannot be killed. Kinda cheap in my opinion. If you enjoy playing against RHS AFRF, then I recommend removing the classname above from the RHS AFRF preset found in: "KP-Liberation-0.96.7\KP-Liberation-master\Missionframework\presets\opfor\rhs_afrf.sqf" and exporting the mission to Multiplayer. Of course, this is assuming you are using the files to generate the mission yourself.
  5. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    This mission keeps me playing Arma. Thank you, @Wyqer and everyone else involved in its continued development!
  6. vagrantauthor

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Yes, I do have RHS active. I will deactivate it and see if that fixes the issue -- as soon as I find this last guy in town... Edit: Yup! Disabling AFRF fixed the problem.
  7. vagrantauthor

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Hello, @AveryTheKitty. Thank you for your work on this mod and for sharing it with the community. I cannot seem to play Arma 3 without it anymore (willfully, not technically). I think if you take the new "Spetznaz" assets added by the Contact DLC and use those in combination with other vanilla items and your Russia-reskin vehicles to make a fleshed out faction, then the Spetznaz may become something notable in game. On a related note: I want to build an Opfor preset for the latest Liberation release and noticed the vast majority of your Spetznaz units do not have the proper magazines for their weapons. They have magazines in their inventories, but those mags do not go to those guns for whatever reason.
  8. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Edited to remove content. I just realized I am still running a previous version of Liberation. I will update my mission files before offering anything.
  9. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    How did you fix it?
  10. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Am I able to add as many vehicles to this line as I want, or does it only ever reference a single vehicle?
  11. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Hello. Is it possible to give a new vehicle the "respawn" functionality without changing or removing the basic respawn vehicle? Alternatively, is there some way to make the mission detect new respawn points generated as the mission is in-progress? I am specifically interested in incorporating the 6x6 All Terrain Vehicle by Neddles (on the Steam Workshop), which has some amazing features that are not usable in Liberation without some modification. Thank you, Wyqer and crew, for all that you do! I am eager for the next version of Liberation.
  12. vagrantauthor

    NIArms Release Thread

    Forget tan anodized -- I'm interested in seeing those platecarrier faces in-game! Extra mag space wooo!!!
  13. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Guten tag! The following issue has recently begun to pop up while playing the Taunus version of Liberation (0.963a): "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Land_BarGate2/UserActions/CloseDoors1.onlyForPlayer'." This is a new problem for me. CBA is the only mod that has changed recently, and that is due to an update. I do not use ACE, but I do use Enhanced Movement. All other mods are weapons and equipment.
  14. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    It's funny that both of the missions I tend to play whenever I load A3 were originally made by @zbug; Liberation and Clashpoint. Regardless, thank you @Wyqer and all the others involved in keeping this thing alive. Your modifications to this mission have been greatly appreciated, as is the work you continue to do. Take your time, and try not to lose the love of the game!
  15. vagrantauthor

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Hello! I just recently downloaded Aegis for the first time a day or two ago. It must be good stuff, because I'm using Vanilla (and Vanilla-ish) assets that I have not used in a long time. Thank you for sharing this with the community. This is excellent stuff! There are a few oddities I have noticed as I play. I apologize if they have already been listed by others elsewhere, but I don't have the time right now to pour over 19 pages of forum posts to double-check. -The suppressors for the 5.56 are no longer accessible. The SPAR-16's, for example, can no longer be suppressed. -The black 4-five pistol has access to community accessories (like NIArms' DBAL) like its Vanilla counterpart, but the C-1911 does not even though the Vanilla ACP does. -The message "Picture \a3\weapons_f_aegis\machineguns\m200\data\ui\gear_m200_blk_x_ca.paa not found" pops up upon loading into the Arsenal.
  16. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Are resistance forces supposed to attack players even though they're well within the "friendly" threshold with civilians? We've been fighting OPFOR for sectors only to have the resistance faction take shots at us the whole time, but then other times they help us take the sector just like the change log said. Of course, we don't shoot back because we don't want to ruin our reputation with civilians, but it does kind of put us into a bad situation gameplay-wise.
  17. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    I've put more hours into the current version of Liberation. The supply crate issue I mentioned hasn't happened since. Even if it does happen again, I will probably be well enough established on the map to move them by vehicle. I'm writing this off as a non-issue. Thank you for your work.
  18. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    The crates that were in the supply depot zone where I built the storage facility were listed in Zeus. I could see their 'Empty' icons and move them about using the Zeus interface. The crates in the overlapping town, however, were not listed and could not be moved with Zeus. I was still able to move them manually to the storage facility in the neighboring zone, though. Just in case it matters, all of this took place on Takistan (downloaded from the Liberation github) at the most south-western corner of the map where a town overlaps with a storage depot.
  19. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Thanks for pointing that out. I misunderstood it to imply resources would not spawn in cities as well, but they still do. Fortunately a supply depot was overlapping and I pushed each crate to a nearby storage facility. On a slightly related note; would you happen to know why some of the supply crates can be seen and manipulated with a fully enabled Zeus, while others appear as static objects which cannot be manipulated? Since Zeus is largely disabled by default, I'm certain providing any kind of correction for this is outside the scope of your work. Still, if I can find an answer then maybe I can correct it for myself. Thank you.
  20. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    @Wyqer and crew; thank you for your continuing support and work upon this mission! Your passion for it shows. I especially love what you have done by adding the "hearts and minds" aspect. It really gives each encounter a new flavour. Having said all that, I have a bit of an issue that I'm not sure how to diagnose. I do not have the option to build anything after capturing a sector. Supplies crates are scattered about, but my scroll-menu lacks the 'build storage' option. Any clue why that might be? I downloaded the mission files from github and placed everything myself. The only files I have edited are the default parameters (geared toward small group play) and I enabled full Zeus support. I scanned through the parameters in-game before loading the mission for the first time just to make sure nothing was off from what I expected it to be.
  21. vagrantauthor

    NIArms Release Thread

    @toadie2k, I saw on your Twitter page (I believe) an image of the vanilla FNX-45 (I can't remember what it's called in-game) with the LASER/Light attachment from your P226 pack on it. Is there some way I can enable that compatibility for myself? EDIT: Nevermind! I just needed to update CBA. Thank you for doing what you do.
  22. vagrantauthor

    NIArms Release Thread

    Are there any differences between the last Patreon release of the SIG's and the public release posted in this thread?
  23. vagrantauthor

    Mag Repack

    I'm still using it in 1.72 and it works fine.
  24. vagrantauthor

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    @Wyqer, I just want to say thank you (and anyone else involved) for taking on this mission. @zbug and the others started something amazing with Liberation, and Clashpoint for that matter, and it saddened me to know it was being dropped. In a fairly short time, you've taken something amazing and made it even better! I look forward to each update. Once again, you have my thanks.
  25. vagrantauthor

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Holster placement seems to be an issue for users. Adacas originally moved it off the vest of the one variant with it and people complained, so he put them back on the belt-less variants. I suspect things will remain the way they are for the time being. I'm not saying; I'm just saying.