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Everything posted by froggyluv

  1. froggyluv

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Dont have access to Dedi so yes I just Host a Lan and play MP missions there. Using both Altis and Utes both worked fine before the last update but now both do the same quick ending. Before i was using a variety of mods but have since removed all cept FOW and CBA Heres the rpt https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xfdfv5ocjdb7ul/Arma3_x64_2021-11-08_12-38-41.rpt?dl=0
  2. froggyluv

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    No it just says Mission Completed and that’s it - the way it would in an editor if you set an End trigger to Opfor Not Present in a radius and the enemy hadn’t spawned yet
  3. froggyluv

    Field of war [CTI] [SP/MP]

    Just started getting into this mission the other day but something happened since you updated it in that as soon as you start the mission it ends immediately with a Mission Completed
  4. Do you mean specific faction or specific classes?
  5. froggyluv


    Huge fan of the Cuban culture being a little bit of a rumbero myself.. everything looks of exceeding quality
  6. froggyluv

    [Alpha] Tiger

    Neat i never heard of them
  7. froggyluv

    [Alpha] Tiger

    Libertad Mod??
  8. froggyluv

    No Save Game in Prairie Fire Campaign

    They do not support nor respect the SinglePlayer as much anymore as compared to the original OFP days. Its shortsightedness thinking everyone loves Co-Op... a shame but is what it is
  9. froggyluv

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Glad to hear cause I really wanted to play that mission out -mostly because im a sucker for sand dunes. It just seemed liked whatever I tried with that drone i find a way to fail.. Anyways good luck with your venture -hope theres some free roaming fun with real feelings of accomplishments ie Promotions, Medals etc..and maybe a Press corp to avoid as they could be a factor in how the world perceives the action there
  10. froggyluv

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    If i can make one suggestion after trying the Dunes campaign - please please please get rid of the Mission Failed Type scenarios if one things go wrong. I just started that campaign and I guess I didnt keep the Drone quite high enough and BOOM! -Mission Failed -go set it all up again....This is the anti-OFP scripted type gimmick that plagued us im not sure where it started -maybe Arma 2 if one squad member died? Remember Steal the car of After Montignac -those missions were all about things going FUBAR and then then strategizing your way out of it. Automatic "stay in the mission lines or Lose" is just not the OFP way. We need sandbox -if things go wrong -its really not that hard to create mission derivatives
  11. froggyluv

    Western Sahara CDLC Unofficial Discussion

    Gotta admit - love the setting!
  12. Johnny has released The Kraken!!! I love this stuff - best village immersion yet
  13. froggyluv

    Orglandes, France 1944

    OMG - this map is stunning....Hell i just wanna go walk around those woods let alone actually get a chance to pitch some battles there Greedily waits... Edit: didnt know it was available right now lol
  14. AI are pretty eager to shoot -youll see them shoot thru walls on balconies etc where they shouldnt even have the ability to push their gun thru that physical barrier. Of course i cant guarantee that it would work but id love it if they did -possibly with forced face direction or having them orient away from center of building
  15. Man these look stunning. Youll have to forgive me as I know nothing about Arma building design but i do know that the more House Positions -generally the better. Is it hard and or possible to add positions directly next to murder holes as well as all the windows? AI mods can kinda take over from there to an extent if the position is baked in
  16. Was wondering what determines whether an AI can successfully navigate around a mine or not? Obviously besides the Mine Sweeper tool -sometimes AI spot ground mines and either times they dont. Is this a dice roll/raycast tied into their subSKill Spotting/spotTime skill setting or does it have to do with the type of ground terrain its laying on etc? Same goes for Tanks and Apcs with road mines -it seems utterly random whether they spot one or not
  17. froggyluv

    Any Idea of Mine Detection?

    So thanks for the RevealMine -that will be useful. So id like to me able to modify a Squads chances of detecting mines based on their Behaviour Safe, Aware, Careless, Combat etc.. as well as their travel speed, as well as vegetation and lastly the Classtype of the detecting units. For instance Id use a VietCong Recon Scout have the higher ability to detect mines and traps so that every squad would want them. SO basically if a squad does not have a mine detector - im thinking i can just use revealMine by my other determining factors above to make traversing the landscape alot more interesting
  18. More JBoy madness -ya see, this is exactly the kinda stuff I was hoping id encounter in SOG vanilla -Vietnam war was visceral violence yet you need mods to feel that. Good stuff again JohnSton
  19. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Or also adding a Stamina drain to it kinda like an adrenaline move so if you keep repeating it your tired and also Aiming should be temporarily reduced
  20. froggyluv

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Took the latest for a spin in downtown Saigon - with just a couple Garrison and Patrol waypoints -Very impressive !
  21. Hey Devs I see your still updating things like AI checking if their Flashlights are on -were you ever able to allow player to order his AI to disable them thru orders or command? Also can you please take a look at AI's overuse of Binoculars especially during combat? Makes no sense to have your Recon guys running around CQB with nothing but Binocs in their had -renders them impotent
  22. Obscure I know but I remember a picture on the box in which soldiers were aiming out of factory windows. If anyone has that please let me know
  23. Yeah thats a huge mod that effects ALOT of infantry variables -just getting it to play nice with current day Arma would be a task let alone trying to incorporate (i doubt snkman would appreciate it either)
  24. Well only VCOM mod do I believe has AI Enhanced Movement included and possibly Roll as well - id post a suggestion to the VCOM guy he's pretty friendly and has incorporated fan requests into his jawny before
  25. Its a good idea -thought bout doing that once myself - until i lost all motivation to code... Trick i guess would be check for when the animation is played and then add a timed stamina penalty. You also might want to see if they use the moves in succession and add a larger penalty. Always thought things like AI rolling and what not needed to have an accompanying penalty so they dont get too spammy with it