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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    3den Enhanced

    I also had issue with the animations because they were appearing as enemies to independents see last 3 messages in following So BI is aware of the logics which animations are creating
  2. looking for the update :))) Thanks for the vulcan fix and yes Blastcore Edited is unfortunately causing RPT entries but there is no other mod to replace it...
  3. I have loaded but I don't see the Zeus helper modules which are mentioned in facebook post of ACE3 " And even Zeus got a little love in this update. You can find new helper modules in the Zeus interface like teleporting players, adding FRIES to a helicopter, toggle the simulation of objects and more. The modules have been cleaned up into distinct categories to make them easier to find." Anybody able to see them when using Zeus?
  4. check my comments in page 78. I had similar questions and it is clarified there
  5. one more question in case mod is installed to server, does every client need to install it as well or can they just join without it?
  6. files are ace_compat_rhs_afrf3 ace_compat_rhs_usf3 You can find them inside the optionals folder of ACE3 Either create a new mod folder for those optionals or put them inside the addons folder of ace3
  7. Thanks alot for the adjustment! I assume it is in dev. branch at the moment right? I will wait the stable release and then will test it. I hope the refactored function is takin care of the game logics :-). I had a situation where AI was stuck in area as it was thinking there is an enemy nearby. I know Christmas passed and might be late to make wishes but as topic came to enemy detection for AIs it would be also nice to have a function/command which returns good positions for a unit to attack a target. I am trying to write something by myself at the moment to achieve (via overwatch + checkvisibility) this but a BIS solution would ease many mission makers and scripters life I beleive.
  8. Am I doing something wrong or is this BIS function buggy? When I place a OPFOR static weapon (with its unit) infront of a blufor unit BIS_fnc_EnemyTargets returns nothing although blufor has 4 for the knowsabout of opfor unit. Somehow BIS_fnc_EnemyTargets ignores static weapons?
  9. Devastator_cm

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    Helicopter has nice sound but the guns need further adjustments I would say. Did you make any adjustments or just used the JSRS Mod together with AH64 Mod?
  10. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That error message is (not exact object id but same error like "etc. etc. is not defined") exactly what shows up when you hit the infamous 3FPS bug and succeed to exit to main menu or editor. I asked before in OPFOR thread regarding the RPT messages related to skeletons I suspected they were causing the 3FPS issue by me
  11. Thanks Foxhound! Can you please also add the videos to Armaholic page and maybe a link to sample mission (or host it by you instead of my dropbox?:) )
  12. it works on dedicated. Formation flight is not implemented to so you need to trigger the script 3 times if you want 3 aircraft. They might look like they are in formation though :)
  13. I am back with a new release to fix some issues and optimize the code a bit. I add video to demenstrate the behaviour when the script is used. I also add a sample mission. All can be find in first message in thread
  14. class ace_map_mapShake { value = 0; typeName = "BOOL"; force = 1; }; I expected map will not shake while I am walking but even though I have server.pbo in addons this entry in userconfig is not taking affect.. What am I doing wrong? There are no modules left on the map I forgot the server.pbo
  15. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I just wanted to say that RHS SRB shows Russian map in RHS website. http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/4
  16. Devastator_cm

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    Needs to be done at their bug tracker. Check the first post of the thread for the link
  17. Devastator_cm

    Project OPFOR

    what do you mean? You didn't get what I write. I mean split it to locations to minimize dependency because I expect OPFOR Middle East will require RHS Russia or at max RHS USA as well (due to Iraqis latest purchases). OPFOR Africa will require only Russia. OPFOR Afghanistan only Russia. OPFOR Russian Zone RHS Russia + GREF is it clear what I mean now? RHS didn't put their all bonbons into one colossal mod. Opfor is getting also bigger and bigger (it is not bad) so need to also become more modular or will be fragile in near future.
  18. Devastator_cm

    Project OPFOR

    so just to have isis or another midle east faction 3 huge mods (maybe later will come RHS Serbia as well) need to be installed. There is seriously no performance impact to have all those mods in a game? Also when a problem arises (like current 3fps), nobody wants to check the problem because game marked as "Heavily Moded" although all I need in the first place was nicely done middle east factions from Opfor Mod and not the rest. The decision is really taken to have full dependency? If yes, please inform us before hand so we can freeze current version (workshop automaticaly updates at the moment) of opfor and keep using it until it stops working :) Maybe OPFOR can have regionwise releases? Like middle east, asia, africa, russian zone? Rhs has such structure so dependencies can be kept in low level based I feel
  19. Devastator_cm

    Project OPFOR

    The decision about the future is already taken? There will be total dependency on all RHS mods? At the moment just to use nice enemies of this mod I have following -mod=@ace;@CBA_A3;@JSRS4APEX;@DerSilvers_BSAE;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@ProjectOPFOR;@task_force_radio;@ASR_AI3 Later on that command will have two more mods? More dependency brings more risk of unstability as well..
  20. Devastator_cm

    "3FPS Issue" - Call for Help

    It would be nice to get some status updates (maybe weekly?) from devs... We have no idea if any clue already found or not. Most people face the issue regularly and it is really pain in the a** especially if you are in the midle of a coop mission :( Myself I am more interested on fix of this bug than any dlc progress
  21. Devastator_cm

    12 Shades of Grey (aircraft retextures)

    Hurray! Thanks man! :)
  22. looks like I will wait with updating my dedicated server :/ As far as I understand modules are not working and the workaround of hpp is also not. So only way to use the new version is to create either a new module composition or a new hpp from scratch. Is that so?