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Everything posted by ArmaMan360

  1. Ok around 4-5 months in the making. I present to you my dream..... Al Inteqam (The Revenge). A series of perpetual and 'repeatable' CSAT missions all arranged randomly. Inspired by Patrol Ops, BMR Insurgency among others. But much simpler, quicker and SP. I would encourage budding mission makers to rip this mission apart via Eliteness program and look at how I have achieved this.Its as vanilla as possible. The task files are commented for a better explanation. Always use Notepad++ or the great Atom with latest Arma 3 plugin for opening sqf files. Its my time to give something back to the community :) Features: 1. Random Missions on random locations 2. Support modules 3. Random time and weather 4. Random chance of vehicles, and heli enemy patrols 5. New mission types 6. Field Headquarters 7. Auto cleanup after mission end (as cleanup during an ongoing mission wont allow you to rearm at dead bodies) 8. Enemy tracker action to reduce hunting time of remaining few AIs 9. AI Recruit 10. Civilians in towns 11. Oh and most important.. AMAZING FPS ;) Currently the missions are: 1. Capture Town (Uses towns as locations) 2. Capture NATO Base (Uses Military bases all over Altis and some fortifications as mission spots) 3. Destroy asset ( Will select an asset from a pool to be destroyed - Transformer, Radio Tower, Drone, Artillery unit. The arti unit may occasionally get utilized by the AI) 4. Assassinate (Eliminate enemy officer) 5. Stop the convoy (4 vehicles will form a convoy in Column formation where ends will have defence forces and middle 2 will be the deal. I mean the trucks to take out) 6. Kill the Snipers (A bunch a' snipers have wandered in to the Altis wild. Take em out) 7. Secure the intel from crash site (Beware of light reinforcements) 8. Rescue our brother (Rescue POW) 9. Destroy the mortar squad (A mortar squad has been spotted in Altis. Take em out) 10. Defend the town (A lightweight defense scenario featuring towns) 11. Skirmish (Join CSAT patrol in the wilderness. Be on the lookout for any enemy.) 12. Dog Fight (Yeah now we talkin. This is quite easily my favourite. The music, the enemy, The mission countdown, the moving task marker everything is special) 13. Caught (The enemy has found our base and conducted a rigorous operation. Wait for further orders and PRAY) 14. Like a Ghost (Reach the Rendezvous point through heli and armour patrols. No enemy infantry) ..... will keep adding unique mission types and not the cliche'. Before you play. Read this: 1. Added the awesome Bon's recruit AI script. 2. The mission will have you start in front of a flag. Use it to HALO drop wherever you need to once assigned a mission. If Dog Fight is assigned, rush to an airport. 3. Crate with Virtual Arsenal right in front at mission start so that you can choose your favourite loadout :) 4. At the end of each mission you will be teleported back to starting position with a random time. 5. I am MP illiterate. Wont be able to convert this to MP by any chance. I love SP and the convenience of playing a mission over days :) 6. Given my work schedule, please do not be angry if I dont reply to your queries quickly. 7. The reveal addaction is not a cheat, but should be used only to see that last annoying enemy left in town ;) 8. Artillery, Transportation and CAS support available. But has cooldown. 9. Each mission will have a random AO size between 2 extremes which I personally dont wish to disclose. Wont be fun to know beforehand, but I assure you its not extremely huge, nor tiny, but decent. If you insist on its knowledge, then send me a message. 10. There is no caching done here. Its not needed with such scale. I dont like the idea of a nano second lag when units spawn back. Spoils the atmosphere. 11. Spawned units are given a decent area to patrol, so even the knowledge of the AO size wont guarantee that they will remain only inside ;) This mission is a huge achievement for me being new to the scripting scene. Had to manually and carefully place 4 types of markers. 1st for towns, 2nd for military bases, 3rd for sniper spawn points, 4th for Convoy spawn spots. In all 95 markers on the beautiful and behemoth Altis handpicked and tweaked which literally took days. Got to learn a lot in the forums here by some amazing and hugely talented people of the community. Especially JSHOCK, R3VO, SHUKO, PERSIAN MO, GREENFIST, RYDYGIER and LARROW who helped me in shaping it the way it is and the future of Al Inteqam. But JShock 's extreme patience here kick started my interest in developing this. I want the community to enjoy this. MODS REQUIRED: None :biggrin: Google Drive (V 1.4.2): https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8jSob5bHbEBQldCdkd1TjBBR2s&usp=sharing Steam Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=606946272 Community stuff utilized: 1. JShock's extremely simple unit spawning and AO deletion functions 2. Shuko's legendary SHKpos and SHKbuildingPos scripts 3. Enemy left counter snippet by R3vo 4. =ATM= Airdop by pokertour (edited to suit this mission) 5. Several other snippets by amazing people like Persian MO, Greenfist, Larrow, Rydygier and everyone else. WIP: 1. Giving detailed information to each task. 2. Adding atleast one unique mission with each update 3. Create a more 'living' base Update V1.4.2: Changelog: Minor bug fixes. Update V1.4.1 hotfix: Changelog: 1. Fixed: Like a ghost mission wouldnt spawn any enemies. Possibly due to new Arma 3 update 2. Removed mission "Escape" for the time being till its fixed and bug free. 3. Several bug fixes. Update V1.4: Changelog: 1. New mission type "Like a Ghost" which will now fire the first time you play the mission 2. Optimized "Eliminate Arti Squad", "Defend", and "Caught" missions 3. Hopefully fixed: Loadout bug 4. Fixed: AI mates unable to teleport with player 5. Edited HALO script to be extremely lightweight Update V1.3: Changelog: 1. New mission type "Escape" which will fire the first time you play the mission 2. Cleaned up the mission files to remove unnecessary code 3. Fixed: Sniper mission bug where mission would complete at -1 kills UPDATE V1.2 Changelog: 1. Made changes to Destroy mortar squad. Should be tough now 2. Added the recruit AI option at the base flag 3. Replaced the virtual heli transport module with an actual AI heli at base as requested by community UPDATE V1.1: Changelog: 1. Headquarter entities are now movable (But still deliberately left invincible) 2. Lightened up the player's starting loadout a bit 3. Reveal addaction should now not show its name at the screen center by default (Thanks to tortuosit) 4. Removed dependancy on RHS units hence this should fix the task auto-complete thing.
  2. I need a script which I can call from Radio Alpha to see if any units are left in a town. They sometimes run to the remote corners of the marker area and you gotta spend 40 minutes finding that last guy to clear the area. I tried a lot of different approaches but they would turn the markers on permanently. I just want to have a brief idea of where they at for 5-6 seconds. I came across a script that would highlight a small block of area as enemy side colour so one can easily find guys there without exact pinpointing their location. But its code is so loooong I fear lag. Hence I want it to run only when I execute radio call. Any simpler way of revealing enemy units expected positions? to the, lets say, nearest 50 mtrs? Thank you :)
  3. By the way Larrow, I am using this inside a "for "_i" from...." line and towards the end there is a sleep of .6 seconds before the next loop. However it's giving me a "Generic error in expression." message. This is the snippet from the sqf: for "_i" from 1 to _numFootPatrols do { _configGrp = _footUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _rndPos = [_pos, 1, (_area select 0), 2, 0, 30, 0, [],[_pos]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = [_rndPos, _center, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> (_configGrp))] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_grp, getMarkerPos "m1"] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack; {_x enableStamina false;} forEach units _grp; sleep 0.5; _grp setVariable[ "callBack", [ 1, 0] ]; //fnc_patrols params { _x addEventHandler [ "Killed", {params[ "_killed" ]; if ( { alive _x }count units group _killed isEqualTo 0 ) then { _callBack = group _killed getVariable "callBack"; deleteGroup group _killed; _callBack call fnc_patrols2; }; }]; }forEach units _grp; sleep 0.6; // generic error here }; Thanks
  4. Thank you very much Larrow. I know this is a pretty old thread, but could you please show me the way to somehow incorporate safepos in this to safely spawn vehicles within a marker at random spots? Oh and btw, I am using your script for the following spawn function and its causing a tremendous amount of lag. What gives? The call line is: [20,3,2,0,0] spawn fnc_patrols; fnc_patrols = { _numFootPatrols = _this select 0; _numVehPatrols = _this select 1; _numArmorPatrols = _this select 2; _numMechPatrols = _this select 3; _numAirPatrols = _this select 4; _footUnits = ["BUS_InfSentry", "BUS_InfTeam", "BUS_InfTeam_AT", "BUS_InfSquad","BUS_SniperTeam"]; _vehUnits = ["B_MRAP_01_hmg_F","B_MRAP_01_gmg_F"]; _armorUnits = ["B_MBT_01_cannon_F","B_MBT_01_arty_F","B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F","B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F"]; _mechUnits = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F","B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F"]; _airUnits = ["B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F"]; _center = createCenter WEST; _mrk = "m1"; _pos = getMarkerpos _mrk; _area = getMarkerSize _mrk; for "_i" from 1 to _numFootPatrols do { _configGrp = _footUnits call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; _nul = _area pushBack markerDir _mrk; _nul = _area pushBack ( markerShape _mrk isEqualTo "Rectangle" ); _rndPos = [ _mrk, _area ] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger; //_rndPos = [_pos, 1, (_area select 0), 2, 0, 30, 0, [],[_pos]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _grp = [_rndPos, _center, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "BLU_F" >> "Infantry" >> (_configGrp))] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; [_grp, getMarkerPos "m2"] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack; {_x enableStamina false;} forEach units _grp; sleep 0.5; [_grp,_rndPos] spawn { _gp = _this select 0; _rndPos = _this select 1; while {true} do { sleep 6; if (({(alive _x)} count (units _gp)) < 1) exitWith { deleteGroup _gp; [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] call fnc_patrols }; }; }; sleep 0.05; }; for "_i" from 1 to _numVehPatrols do { _nul = _area pushBack markerDir _mrk; _nul = _area pushBack ( markerShape _mrk isEqualTo "Rectangle" ); _rndPos = [ _mrk, _area ] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger; //_rndPos = [_pos, 1, (_area select 0), 2, 0, 30, 0, [],[_pos]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _configGrp = selectRandom _vehUnits; _patrolVeh = createVehicle [_configGrp, _rndPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _patrolVeh; _group = group _patrolVeh; [_group, _pos] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack; sleep 0.5; [_group,_rndPos] spawn { _gp = _this select 0; _rndPos = _this select 1; while {true} do { sleep 6; if (({(alive _x)} count (units _gp)) < 1) exitWith { deleteGroup _gp; [0, 1, 0, 0, 0] call fnc_patrols }; }; }; sleep 0.5; }; for "_i" from 1 to _numArmorPatrols do { _nul = _area pushBack markerDir _mrk; _nul = _area pushBack ( markerShape _mrk isEqualTo "Rectangle" ); _rndPos = [ _mrk, _area ] call BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger; //_rndPos = [_pos, 1, (_area select 0), 2, 0, 30, 0, [],[_pos]] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _configGrp = selectRandom _armorUnits; _patrolVeh = createVehicle [_configGrp, _rndPos, [], 0, "NONE"]; createVehicleCrew _patrolVeh; _group = group _patrolVeh; [_group, _pos] call BIS_fnc_taskAttack; sleep 0.5; [_group,_rndPos] spawn { _gp = _this select 0; _rndPos = _this select 1; while {true} do { sleep 6; if (({(alive _x)} count (units _gp)) < 1) exitWith { deleteGroup _gp; [0, 0, 1, 0, 0] call fnc_patrols }; }; }; sleep 0.5; }; }; Thanks again. :)
  5. JUNGLE WARFARE!! Situation: Inteqam (Revenge) in the Wildlands is a persistent sandbox SP Wasteland mission based on the lush Bystrica with logistics, free-roaming and base building/survival elements where you, a covert OPFOR operative, were handed over to the ruthless FIA rebels towards the end of Al Inteqam (The prequel mission also available on steam workshop/drive). The AAF, however, has surprisingly come to aid you in this time of trouble and sent in their teams spread sporadically all over the map. Seeing a chopper sent in by NATO to provide additional monitoring, AAF too have injected one of their own to balance the equation. You have just managed to take out the guards and are without any equipment. Bruised and battered from the melee ordeal... General Tips: - A Base Building Factory, an empty heli and and empty tank will spawn on a random location (On destruction, all 3 of these will respawn elsewhere after a delay). - You can recruit guerrilla units at the flagpole installed at Rebel Camp. - There are a total of 6 teleport poles spread throughout the map which will help you and your group members to teleport to any other pole location. Respawn-able vehicles are present near each pole. - At regular intervals, the AAF will send in a cache which will be marked on the map and supported by a smoke grenade. It will have 3 each of random weapons, items and magazines. Final Words of Advice: - The teleporting flagpoles are relocatable via logistics. - To make the most of your inventory, empty weapon crates can be spawned at the base building factory so that you can save some stuff in them and carry them wherever you may like. Mark useful crates locations on map for easier navigation. But be careful, if the vehicle carrying the crate/flagpole is destroyed, so will the crate. - Respawn-able empty Striders are placed on undisclosed spots on the map. - Every dead enemy group will respawn somewhere on the map after a set timer. - All the empty vehicles are set on a “respawn to original spot†timer once they are either destroyed, or deserted for more than 500m. - And last but not the least, you have an addaction where you can repair all nearby vehicles within a range of 50m. But it has a screen fade effect so beware of using it near enemies. - Allied group will be deleted once the player is killed - Instead of loading the cache drop in the truck and going all the way back to the base, spawn a crate with the base building factory and take it along. Stuff it with all you think you will need and then equip your self somewhere safe. - You can tow vehicles and take them wherever you want. Just place the vehicle you want towed behind the vehicle which will tow and you will see an addaction - Helis can lift vehicles and crates. Just hover the heli over the target object or vehicle and an addaction will appear. The ideal height should not be about 5-10m I guess. Summary: 1. Wasteland in SP 2. SP Respawn 3. Base Building 4. Logistics 5. Combined Arms (in a way) 6. Cutscenes and cool music ;) 7. And lots ...and I mean Lots & Lots OF UNADULTERATED FUN.. Needs: CUP Terrains Complete *Hope you all enjoy this as much as I have loved making it* :D Download: Google Drive Steam workshop Update 3: 1. FIXED: The mission got broke due to updates. Fixed with the help of the amazing community member Rydygier. Update 2: 1. Added "towing" and "lifting" logistics ability to the vehicles. 2. Included unit caching to increase FPS considerably 3. Added a new rebel camp for recruiting Update 1: 1. Assigned NVGs to allied and enemy guerilla units 2. Optimized enemy spawn area to make encounters more possible 3. Allied team mates will have infinite magazines as it is assumed they will re-arm like humans. Its a good compromise I guess. Special Thanks to: - Amazing people like RYDYGIER (wouldnt have been possible without your spawn codes brother), JShock (like always), Greenfist, Shuko, R3vo, Larrow (the wizard), Haleks, R3F Logistics team and the entire bis community that have supported my work till now through their scripts, snippets etc.. :)
  6. ArmaMan360

    [SP Wasteland] Inteqam In The Wildlands

    UPDATE: Jungle survival is BACK!! - The mission was broke. Now its working all well Thank you Rydygier, without your help this was impossible :D
  7. ArmaMan360


    Haleks, the CBA link in your OP is mistakenly linked to Ravage's first page :)
  8. Thanks R3vo.. How have you been mate? :D
  9. I am back to Arma after a long break and would like to know how to change the default enemy side with the combat patrol module. Thanks.
  10. Hey guys.. Thanks. No intros involved. However I have solved this after help from the amazing community member Tajin. So apparently there was something wrong with the way the mission pbo was packed by the game. So I used Eliteness and converted the mission folder into a pbo and it worked ! Hope it helps someone :)
  11. Ok so I have made a mission where it plays perfectly well in the editor, so I export it to the SP Scenarios. But when I play it in via the scenarios screen, the mission files don't seem to execute. its a very weird problem. Any ideas?
  12. To be more specific, I have different files for spawning enemies, empty chopper, tank, and cache drops along with their respective markers. Everything works in the editor. But when I play it via scenarios, no enemies spawn and none of the empty chopper, tank etc spawn. I can be sure as their marker is also not their. Here is the mission file.. https://ufile.io/vfo36
  13. ArmaMan360

    help with charge script

    Probably removing those disable lines from the top should be a start? And I am assuming that the AI are from different sides so they should automatically chose a random target. Right?
  14. Guys I could use some love here... No homo..
  15. ArmaMan360

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader

    Helo Rydy.. I am elated to see you are working on HAL... As much as I am excited to test it, I am also equally involved with my job and other freelance work. I wish to fire up my HAL missions again asap :D Thank you..
  16. I am looking for a way to whitelist categories rather than individual items. Example, allow only clothes and other items like binoculars, NVG, Compass to be available in the virtual arsenal and not the weapons. How to?
  17. Nevermind got it to work :)
  18. ArmaMan360

    Black Sky Global Patch

    Wish you had released it earlier. I got pissed off and deleted every community map I had... :'(
  19. ArmaMan360

    game crash out of memory RPT ..after patch

    I am facing similar problems like the author and its effing annoying :/ Its none of the errors as mentiond on that page. Its just pure windows does not have sufficient memory thing.. aghhh Oh and I am on a 64bit laptop...
  20. ArmaMan360

    [SP Wasteland] Inteqam In The Wildlands

    UPDATE: - Increased the count of infantry and helis - Removed the flares at night feature - Other minor optimizations
  21. ArmaMan360

    [SP Wasteland] Inteqam In The Wildlands

    Minor update: - The cache drop, heli and tank now have some patrols around them - Further optimizations