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Everything posted by interectic

  1. yeah i can't seem to find it on there unfortunately. thank you though!!
  2. No i guess not, i apologize if i I posted in the wrong area. I have messaged him but I don't think he has seen it yet
  3. Anyone have the lions of Kandahar campaign files? Thanks in advance.
  4. interectic

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    does this increase the ai engagement distance and/or ability to engage at night without nods?
  5. interectic


    Thank you very much!
  6. interectic


    I was just asking the question to see if he would know. That's fine and I can wait but it never hurts to ask. I appreciate your feedback along with everyone else.
  7. interectic


    so do you know a fix to this currently?
  8. interectic


    the zombies still had the googles and i do not know if the string changed
  9. interectic


    just tried and it does not work
  10. interectic


    Anyway to stop the zombies from having goggles and glasses?
  11. interectic


    I can not find this antirad_uniforms you have mentioned? I looked in the ravage.pbo for it. Any idea?
  12. interectic


    Any way of determining what clothes will protect against radiation and is their a way to make this mod work with Drongos spooks and anomolies?
  13. interectic

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Hi all, just curious where in the mission file i go to change where the starting fob spawns and can I make a second main base? Thanks
  14. interectic

    3CB Factions

    oh ok well have you had experience using sangin for alive?
  15. interectic

    3CB Factions

    does this mod work well with alive?
  16. Just curious if anyone has any any issues with using 3cb factions with alive. I know they aren't a faction that is on the supported list as of right now. Also has anyone had issues with the opfor ai not moving on the A2 sangin map. I would use the A3 version but it isn't indexed yet. Thanks yall
  17. I am looking for an IED script like alive where the ieds spawn when a player goes into that area. I know there are a few random ied scripts out there but ones the ieds spawn then that's it.
  18. interectic


    Anyone else having an issue where when a player gets in a vehicle it turn to a civilian one? The enemies don't shoot unless you get out.
  19. Anyone know a fix to when my friend and I are playing OPEX and when we enter a blufor vehicle at base the vehicle changes to a civilian vehicle. This makes the enemy not shoot at us. We are playing as blufor as well. Any advice would be great. Thanks.
  20. Yeah that didn't work. Vehicle still changes to purple
  21. I have looked all over but I haven't found an easy or direct tutorial on making a random player spawn at the beginning of a mission. I want to you this in multiplayer where the players are randomly scattered around the map. Please help!
  22. I'm currently having an issue where arma 3 sync wont open because of a java runtime error where it cant find the path. I tried everything and it still wont work. Can someone please help?