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DLC- What do YOU want?

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Maybe a mix and match uniform/body part creator so mission makers can easily create new armies and modders can add new textures to the wizard.

OPFOR technology is always impoverished, but really the thing that most people call for is various gameplay enhancements and engine updates. BI could make a whole expansion out of just sound system upgrades or vehicle/structure damage systems.

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Agree with new OPFOR factions. They are way too underpowered, especially when it comes to air power.

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Modern civilian and military emergency response characters and vehicles, perhaps with modern buildings that can used in existing maps call it the RPG pack or something. ;)

I also agree that the OPFOR is somewhat over powered in areas, however I do not agree that it should be fixed in a DLC, the ideals presented by Dr@gon sound interesting too, aside from the French do not seem to do anything for anyone aside from themselves when it comes to war, so I can not help but agree that we should keep them out of this war too.

Edited by callihn

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aside from the French do not seem to do anything for anyone aside from themselves when it comes to war, so I can not help but agree that we should keep them out of this war too.

You got this information from where?

But yes, I agree with everything Dr@gon reccomended, esspecially the Germans, Chinese and Asian Guerillas.

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You got this information from where?

Stereotypes, I'm sure. Just like the joke "Why does the French flag have white in it?" :rolleyes:

Or just like how all Canadians do is play hockey, drink beer, and eat Moose with Maple Syrup...

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here's my idea, a dlc that stops people from making dlc threads.

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What I'd like to see is something that I think I've told BI staff before. That would be the beginnings of a hand to hand combat engine that could become the basis for an entire new line of games based on the original ArmA2 engine. While we only need something like a basic bayonet and knife hand to hand combat system, this alone would be enough to create something like a Nepoleonic War Pack if a horse calvary system could be made (with the ability to tow and crew historic artillery pieces with horse, mule, or oxen. Basic systems have already been made in OFP, ArmA, and ArmA2 in the past so this is not impossible or unrealistic. The main things that would be needed to be modified would be a waypoint setting that caused platoons/squads to move and maintain a perfect formation coupled with the ability to do volley fire from such a formation. Further spin-off games from such a system could include a Wild West game and an American Civil War game or addon pack.

Now... expand this idea further into a more sophisticated hand to hand combat system for a variety of weapons (swords, maces, spears, axes, atalatl's, bows, crossbows, pikes, etc...) and BI could create a truly breathtaking series of games similar to the Total War series but with the first person perspective. With such a system everything from the campaigns of the Roman Legions to the Viking Campaigns, or something really new like the Mayan Wars of Ancient Meso-America (which are truly fascinating), could be pioneered. The sky's the limit as to what such an engine could bring to the First Person Shooter genre of gaming. The Total War series was a a great success. It's only common sense that somene would create a hybrid of a strategic system like the Total of War engine and combine it with a FPS system. The ArmA2 engine with its vast and beautiful landscapes would be the logical choice to create such a pioneering game.

While it would be a major undertaking, getting the BI team to try creating a basic knife/bayonet system would be a start to see how they like the idea. I was skeptical of such ideas myself until I played the old Civil War mod for OFP a long time ago. It rapidly became my favorite mod with many elements that truly created a first person combat experience unlike anything else (such as seeing enemies charging you with their bayonets fixed while you're trying to reload a muzzle-loading rifle thus creating more then a little sense of intense drama).

So anyways... other then that, I would agree with others that a logical upgrade would be an expansion to all the OA stuff with more British, German, American, and Czech vehicles and aircraft. Maybe even just an armor & air pack for the European forces. I know that everyone was very disappointed that a Challenger 2 tank was not included with the British forces. That in my opinon, was a major shortcoming in that pack that otherwise was a fairly well-rounded pack.

Other ideas include mod packs that nobody has ever done such as a Colombian Civil War/War on Drugs pack or a Mexican military vs. Mexican drug cartel pack (that could largely use current BI models retextured and modified slightly). Northern Mexico maps would be easier as Colombia would involve serious Jungle maps that are not easy to make.

Another idea would be a civilian SWAT pack and urban map suitable for SWAT missions maybe with stuff like enterable static airlines that could also be used for counter-terrorism missions.

I could go on and on and on but I think the ideas posted above would be of definite interest to the majority of players in the ArmA2 community.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Team Leader of the Lost Brothers Mod

Edited by Miles Teg

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I'm going to repeat myself for the Nth time, hoping it gets noticed by BIS: I'd like to have official unified content for OFP, ArmA 1 and ArmA 2 - with all equipment, troops, islands, all buildings (from all games) - all at the ArmA 2 OA quality and feature level.

This is not for the sake of nostalgia (well, not only): BIS obviously looks at ArmA as a development tool that we, the community use to make missions, addons, etc. I certainly look at it more like a development tool than a game. So in that vein, I'd like to have a single common set of resources with official support. I know of OPFIP, CAA1, etc, but they're not official packs and no one supports them anymore after Q has left. It's sad, because they're very, very good - so I'd like these to be picked up again by BIS, their original creator.

As I said in the past, I realize that this would be a lot of work, but I'd be willing to buy such a pack. And it's not very likely that I'd buy other random troops or weapon packs - the British DLC is nice, I'm glad I have it, but I don't want more Canadian troops, French troops, etc.

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I'm going to repeat myself for the Nth time, hoping it gets noticed by BIS: I'd like to have official unified content for OFP, ArmA 1 and ArmA 2 - with all equipment, troops, islands, all buildings (from all games) - all at the ArmA 2 OA quality and feature level.

This is not for the sake of nostalgia (well, not only): BIS obviously looks at ArmA as a development tool that we, the community use to make missions, addons, etc. I certainly look at it more like a development tool than a game. So in that vein, I'd like to have a single common set of resources with official support. I know of OPFIP, CAA1, etc, but they're not official packs and no one supports them anymore after Q has left. It's sad, because they're very, very good - so I'd like these to be picked up again by BIS, their original creator.

As I said in the past, I realize that this would be a lot of work, but I'd be willing to buy such a pack. And it's not very likely that I'd buy other random troops or weapon packs - the British DLC is nice, I'm glad I have it, but I don't want more Canadian troops, French troops, etc.

Isn't this what CWR2 team is working on?


In fact, I know for CWR for ArmA, BIS even assisted in that project. So go check it out.


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You got this information from where?

Some remnants from Anglo-Saxon media subsequent to the French decision not following the US in Irak, I guess ...

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the ideals presented by Dr@gon sound interesting too, aside from the French do not seem to do anything for anyone aside from themselves when it comes to war, so I can not help but agree that we should keep them out of this war too.

Sounds as well informed and on the same IQ level as Bushisms.

My favorite Bushism : "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." Sept. 29, 2000

Thankfully this community is mainly formed by well educated and open minded people.

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haha damn thats gonna flame some of the yanks on this forum, you guys should learn to not take shit so personally, at least us aussies and brits can pull the piss out of each other without someone ending up butthurt.

OT: what the game really needs is more opfor units, give us a VDV division please.

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I just want more big and more diverse maps for OA and more new buildings.

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Robots...giant killer robots. And a moon map. And a campaign to conquer the universe from the moon.

Failing that...Russians in Takistan would be a good start. Maybe the Peoples Liberation Army of the PRC. In Takistan....in fact that would serve another purpose, but theres a thread in offtopic about that. :D

And a quality, professionally built mega campaign. Cold War Crisis style in Takistan, but bigger.

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haha damn thats gonna flame some of the yanks on this forum, you guys should learn to not take shit so personally, at least us aussies and brits can pull the piss out of each other without someone ending up butthurt.

OT: what the game really needs is more opfor units, give us a VDV division please.

Good thing I'm not 'murrican

I agree with more opfor stuff. some of the better launchers the russian military has to offer, some new vehicles, aircraft, etc

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I want a much longer campaign.While the OA and BAS campaigns were good they were WAY too short.For $39 I expected a much longer campaign in OA.Very disappointed.

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Spoon boy: Do not try and complete the campaign. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Spoon boy: There is no campaign.

Neo: There is no campaign?

Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the campaign that ends, it is only yourself.



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Spoon boy: Do not try and complete the campaign. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Spoon boy: There is no campaign.

Neo: There is no campaign?

Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the campaign that ends, it is only yourself.



That's the best thing I've heard all day.

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How about to show middle finger for a certain British company and make a Chinese Army themed DLC, with a (few) South-east Asia themed map?

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Perhaps a Sahrani Island, updated for ArmA II? Shouldn't be too hard and probably could be included free in a patch. Maybe even with SLA/RACS units.

I don't think it would be a big problem. After all, BIS did officially help create the Cold War mod for ArmA 1.

I can pay 30 euro fors sharani in a2co...

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I do not get the point in requesting forest camo for the US ARMY. People do not realize the fact that the uniform the ARMY is using is the ACU, Army Combat Uniform, with the Universal Camo Pattern, meaning that the same uniform is used in every possible enviroment.

"The ACU uses a new military camouflage pattern called the Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), which blends green, tan, and gray to work effectively in desert, woodland, and urban environments."

You can use the US Army in Chernarus by all means, only problem is the vehicles that are painted with sand colors. The ACU is used everywhere: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/M249_with_M4_stock.jpg

So, only the vehicles need repainting.

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ACU is being replaced. the army has recognised it's failure somewhat and a regiment that was due to be shipped out to Afghanistan was given multi-cam uniforms.

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Yup, but I would love the OA humvees in woodland camo. I like how BIS did the BAF DLC, with multiple camo patterns.

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