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Dragon Rising has been released

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Careful guys - I received an infraction for talking about other games, even so it was a reply to another post about this other game. Apparently this thread is strictly for discussion of OFP : DR only.

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Just got through 1 and half missions of the campaign.

It's pretty terrible.

1) The graphics are bad. Actually, I could get past the low res textures if the lighting system wasn't so horrible. It's hard to see most of the time unless it's night, and then suddenly everything is lit perfectly. The washed out red/yellow feel of the first mission reminds me of the first GRAW games that suffered from extreme HDR problems. All the bragging by DR supporters here and on their forums about draw distance are full of crap. It's 10x worse then ArmA2 and vehicles are blocky up until about 80-100 yards from you before they pop into their normal detailed form. The trees and vegitation are the worst part. It's looks like stuff from the original OFP except lower res.

2) The movement is clunky, slow, and it makes me almost physically sick to constantly have that stupid gun (that is glued to the screen as you run) bobbing up and down in it's static position. It's even worse when you sprint. Everything feels very tight and not in a good way. I've yet to figure out how to crouch. I'm sure it's possible but there is no tutorial so I'll have to dig through the options to find it.

3) Speaking of tutorials, it's laughable. During the first mission these help deals pop up, pausing the game. That's all good. Except they say stuff like "Now use the fire support menu to issue an artillery strike"....so I'm sitting there like... "which button brings up the fire support menu?" There are about a dozen of these tutorial like tips except they don't actually tell you how to do anything. It's just them giving you commands without any explanation of how to actually carry out those commands. I mean, come on. It's obvious why they did it this way though. They didn't want to rewrite the pop-ups for PC gamers because they'd have to change what buttons it says to press. Typical port junk.

4) And that precisely describes this game. It's a straight port that just reeks of console junk. The interface is laggy and typical of console games. The graphics are obviously suffering greatly because of being a port. The controls are limited a lot because of console limitations. Probably the worst part though? It runs off a checkpoint system and they are placed way too far apart.

Notice I said 1 and a half missions earlier. That's because I got halfway through the 2nd mission, about to blow up the sunburn missile, and I catch a bullet in the head because my teammates refused to follow orders to clear a house out. Dieing is fine. I understand that. But since the checkpoint was way back before you even engage anyone I'm stuck having to redo the same scripted junk of moving over a hill, sniping 2-3 bad guys, moving up, sniping 2-3 bad guys, rinse and repeat. It's utterly boring, overly scripted, and unsatisfying to the point where I didn't even feel like trying again. Again, this is a holdover from being a console port. No free saves is terrible. It's freakin 2009. We've had quick saves in every PC game since forever and you can't have it in 2009 on a console?

5) Ok so how is the gameplay experience itself outside of the graphics? The sounds are ok. Nothing special. There's almost no weapon bob when sighting your gun. You can snipe in full auto through the scope no problem. The interface to switch guns is your normal center mouse scroll. That's fine, except that it's very laggy. Things pause for like 2 seconds between clicking to select a gun and your character actually starting to switch to it. The command radius is a good thought but it's overly complicated and you can't move and use it. In essense to issue an order you have to stop completely, expose yourself to fire if cover isn't nearby, and scroll through 5 seconds of menus to find what you want. The fact that you can't issue orders on the move severly handicaps an otherwise good system.

6) So how's the story-line so far? Boring. There have been zero cut-scenes, zero insertions (you just magically appear at the mission start), and the only things you do know are learned in the slide show history of Skira Island shown pre-campaign (the same video intro that was released weeks ago, turns out it wasn't made as a promo, it was in the game). Perhaps things will turn around? But based on what I've read, this lack of interaction and immersion follows through the entire campaign.

Overall the game has a total corridor shooter/COD feel. I compared it to the original BIA games pre-release based on what I'd seen (never expecting it to compete with arma2) but I take that back. BIA had better graphics (4 years ago), smoother movement and order systems, better gunplay, and much more immersive combat. OFP really feels like COD open world and that isn't a good thing. You are always narrowly guided down set paths only to run into enemy outpost after enemy outpost that you must clear before strapping COD style demo chargers to random equipment that must be destroyed.

The truth is, making this an open world game was a complete waste of time. It's not put to use. They might as well of made 2x2 km square mile zones to let you fight each mission in. You'd of never known the difference. You can't leave the AO. You never travel across the island in missions, so you never get that vast dynamic world feel. Objectives are just strung together checkpoints you follow. And if you don't follow them you can't complete and trigger the mission correctly. So this takes the open world element completely out of the equation. You can't really flank a few clicks around an objective to give yourself a better approach because then you screw up the triggers.

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I spent months on the other OFPDR thread telling people to give it a chance and I wish I hadn't now. They were right. The game is nothing but an extremely watered down console game that has no correlation at all with the original OFP games.

It looks, plays, feels, and acts like a COD game. You know, I'm not gonna mention any names, but I'd love to see some of the OFPDR supporters who bashed and bashed ArmA2 while talking up OFPDR as the greatest game ever come back and comment now. I doubt they will though. ArmA2 is 10x the game even with it's flaws.

Edited by bonchie

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now that modders have crack open the files, the big question change to "how to repack it", and it isnt as easy as "going back the way you come" AFAIK

Edited by 4 IN 1

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Well, everything is sounding rather disappointing. Sounds like OFPDR is nothing like was promised during development. Oh well, I said I would wait for the demo, and still intend to.

Speaking of which, any news on the demo? Or is the CM team still reeling from their champaign hangover?

-Student Pilot

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I'm not that interested in this game anymore

Too many limits and nothing like the vids cm released

i don't like the graphics either

watch this...too many vehicles, must the reason for 63 unit limit thing:



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WOW, you're view distance is so...wow...

I just checked vid from youtube about the vehicles and everytime the dude runned more further there were guns on the air and when the d00d got closer the vehicle appeared up from nowhere..:lol:

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I'm enjoying OFP:DR, even if people are calling it a sequel to the original Ghost Recon.

I'm finding myself RUNNING AWAY from engagements quite often, something very few tac-shooters have been able to get me to do. I think this is because I often either can't see or can't aim well enough at the enemy. Plus, normal mode requires numerous shots to take down an enemy if you don't score a headshot.

The combat feels very natural and intuitive to me.

For one, the FOV is closer to what OFP:CWC - OFP:E had, and that means greater immersion, for me.

I prefer the 360 version to the PC version. The keyboard control scheme is confusing compared to gamepad.

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I'm seeing people on other forums talk so much bullshit comparing ArmA 2's graphics to DR's. They can't even tell the truth, they'll make up lies. I'm not even exaggerating, this is one thing a guy said: "ArmA 2's engine is so bad that it has to load the map every half mile." What? That's such an incredibly stupid lie it doesn't even deserve a rebuttle. Another lie was "you cant destroy any buildings in ArmA 2."

They even say the overuse of bloom and HDR in DR is "amazing lighting" and "advanced next gen effects." I'm starting to think they've gone crazy and are trying to prove to themselves that they didn't waste 40 bucks. If a person is going to compare games at least tell the damn truth and admit both of their faults.

Edited by randir14

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While I just registered today, I am certainly not a stranger to OFP (the one and only true Operation Flashpoint: CWC/Resistance) and ArmA I and II. I think a lot of gamers on other forums who are unfamiliar with ArmA, as in those bashing ArmA don't realize both games are very different and therefore shouldn't be compared.

A friend of mine recently bought a copy of DR and I was able to play on a little. My first impressions were remembering the days of the original OFP: CWC and this new game DR were the pace of the game and overall feel.

Although DR does factor in 'critical-hit' dynamics and a command system, it doesn't really have an atmospheric feel to the original OFP or ArmA series. There isn't that same type of immersion I had when playing those games.

Visually it's a nice game to look at, but I really can't say I would associate it with the original one that was released eight years ago. So at least in my opinion I don't consider it a sequel, but a different game entirely. Just my thoughts.

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It looks, plays, feels, and acts like a COD game.

Nice, long, well written post! Only complaint I have is this. Don't be cruel to CoD. At least the CoD titles made by Infinity Ward are good at what they do ;)

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Omg the graphics CM, what a hell have you done?! Claims it should enhance the feeling of war my ass, it has absolute ZERO authentic war-feeling, it is a joke, talk about taking the wrong road when planning this game.

Anyone actually liking the graphics?! And the animations suck beyond words too, I was hoping this game would be kind of like AmericasArmy in worst case but holy cow it doesnt even reach there.

The AI has its up and downs, more downs I have to say, not the most advanced ones but hey with no features its easy.

Im disappointed. :mad:

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Anyone actually liking the graphics?!

Apparently yes, I got some guy on YT telling me that ARMA 2's vegetation looks like from Nintendo 64 era compared to DR's.

To be honest I can't think of anything that looks better in DR, let alone vegetation (read 2 tree models and 3 bushes).

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Apparently yes, I got some guy on YT telling me that ARMA 2's vegetation looks like from Nintendo 64 era compared to DR's.

..and he just had to mention a console, well thats the first impression you get when starting Dragon Rising :p

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Apparently yes, I got some guy on YT telling me that ARMA 2's vegetation looks like from Nintendo 64 era compared to DR's.


How can anyone even say that with a straight face..

But I guess the "Sionists" have been blinded by the publicity stunts and even though they see that DR looks horrible they are brainwashed to ignore it.

Edited by h -

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Apparently yes, I got some guy on YT telling me that ARMA 2's vegetation looks like from Nintendo 64 era compared to DR's.

To be honest I can't think of anything that looks better in DR, let alone vegetation (read 2 tree models and 3 bushes).

Its pointless even trying to argue with console only gamers to be honest, especially on YT seen they are all shouty, sweary, spoilt kids! I think a lot of their impressions of Arma 2 have come from youtube where people with sub-par rigs, slowed down even more by fraps, have posted videos which to be fair dont show the game in the best light with the stuttering & low detail, if some of them were to see the game running on mine, or some of the other more powerful PC's people round here have then they would have a different opinion! Whereas the flashpoint 2 videos on YT are as good as its ever going to be, which isnt anything special in 2009 (I wont deny 2 or 3 years ago I would have been pretty damned impressed by it)

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Hey guys!

I agree this may be a little too much and it's not a very fine piece of work either, but it gave me some laugh. What do you think?

http://imgur.com/qDcHH.jpg (pic >100 KB)

PS: Not my work, found on CM forums

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Hey guys!

I agree this may be a little too much and it's not a very fine piece of work either, but it gave me some laugh. What do you think?

http://imgur.com/qDcHH.jpg (pic >100 KB)

PS: Not my work, found on CM forums

haha that is epic. Operation halfasspoint. Idiots only. Dam straight.

Should say PC version too...oh wait its just the same. "Press enter." :rolleyes:

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One thing is see a lot is about how franchises are ruined, eg Ghost Recon, R6. I must be the only person to have played them all as they came out and extremely enjoyed every single one of them. Sure theres been differences, but as consistently great games you cannot fault them.

The same certainly applies to the OFP/Arma/DR situation. There have been changes, change can be good. Why can't everyone just enjoy the games for what they are?

Both games are let down by scale. Somtimes Arma can be way too big, and DR way too small. Although this does make for some great moments in both games. Tank charges with aircraft support rock in Arma, but going building to building in a small town in DR rocks also. Switch it around and "OMGZ this gamez broken I cant see far enough, Cm sucks/ Bis sucks, why cant I go in the house". Neither game is perfect, so don't pretend they are.

And a short word about player numbers, BF2 is nearly 5 years old, And consistently has 1250 full servers going 24 hours a day, thats about 80,000 people. More than Cod4 and WaW get on Xbox Live and PSN.

While the game is not to everyones taste ( personally I love it) , that is certainly a feat everyone should respect, and all developers should be looking to achieve for their own games.

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i'm enjoying it as well , it's not as bad as many people claim , the battles are very inmersive and quite fun , there are many great deatils in the game that Arma 2 would want for itself , you can open doors, shot at glasses in windows, the AI shoot while going to take cover on the run ,hide behind obstacles and windows,the reload animations are superb, all this without any lag, with great view distance and no texture problems, it's the same concept with other flavour.

Ah , and you don't have to spend a lot of money in a new computer to play it :rolleyes:

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you can open doors

Well in ArmA2 you can close doors again and in DR when they are opened they can never be closed again

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Almost forgot that in times the DR MP worked i managed to get a cool screenshot of DR physics. Just to be sure i went to CM forums and shoveld it into the face of everyone bashing arma2 physics. This thing is even not possible in the old OFP without scripting lol. See for yourself:


The image is resized from 1600x1050 to 1024x640 to match the 100kb quota.

May I add that that vehicle was dead, completely static left on a tiny wall and i actually used it to get protection from enemy grenade fire :D

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DR tries to be from two genres, tactical shooter and twitch shooter, without being enough of either so you can't play it tactical, and you can't play it run 'n' gun because the weapons are too inaccurate for that and as you die too easily for a run' n' gun play.. Also, many of the missions "brake" if you go about your own routes instead of stricktly following the waypoints.

For me the game comes across as a mismash of GRAW and FarCry2 (not the graphics of the latter though)..

The completely idiotic mission desing with their retarded "Our helos take off in 2 minutes so those AAAs should be destroyed by then" stuff just makes the game infuriating rather than enjoyable..

How can you be tactic in any way if you have to run 'n' gun as fast as you possible can so that you can beat the time limit..

I also had to watch in horror in one mission (I had to extract some POWs) as I came over a mountain and gased upon a empty factory area or something (which was our pick up point) and made sure it was empty by using binocs (it was about 400-500 meters away), I then took two steps and suddenly a group of soldiers and a chopper materialized into the factory area from thin air. And the enemies also materialize 2 meters in front of you in some MG nests (and other cover) if you happen to come to the nest from different direction than the mission designer intended..

This game so seriously does not have the spirit of the original real OFP :mad:

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DR tries to be from two genres, tactical shooter and twitch shooter, without being enough of either so you can't play it tactical, and you can't play it run 'n' gun because the weapons are too inaccurate for that and as you die too easily for a run' n' gun play.. Also, many of the missions "brake" if you go about your own routes instead of stricktly following the waypoints.

For me the game comes across as a mismash of GRAW and FarCry2 (not the graphics of the latter though)..

The completely idiotic mission desing with their retarded "Our helos take off in 2 minutes so those AAAs should be destroyed by then" stuff just makes the game infuriating rather than enjoyable..

How can you be tactic in any way if you have to run 'n' gun as fast as you possible can so that you can beat the time limit..

I also had to watch in horror in one mission (I had to extract some POWs) as I came over a mountain and gased upon a empty factory area or something (which was our pick up point) and made sure it was empty by using binocs (it was about 400-500 meters away), I then took two steps and suddenly a group of soldiers and a chopper materialized into the factory area from thin air. And the enemies also materialize 2 meters in front of you in some MG nests (and other cover) if you happen to come to the nest from different direction than the mission designer intended..

This game so seriously does not have the spirit of the original real OFP :mad:

Okay, I guess now I can understand what Ohara said earlier about the limitation of limiting the total entities and using spawning and despawning in creating missions.

As I remember someone else said, you are not playing to beat the mission/task given/AI, you are playing to beat the mission designer

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