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VILAS addons release thread

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credit is just line in readme ;)

important is not "senseless doubling" (with exeptions that some people may double US stuff or double if it is "part of bigger pack like Latin American Armies which use M81 in real" and Russian soldier model (opposite to BIS Arma2 example this one has no grenade pouch on left leg, so he is not "grenadier", cause default BIS example is "grenadier" soldier (VOG pouch on thigh) for example)

i hope some Police units or some RPG mods will have now more sources

and BMP, 2S1, M109 for "some missing now in Arma countries" mods will be usefull

we are missing "Russian-like" Militia units (Chernarussian has 1 policeman and Lada from BIS, this UAZ 451 may be something fitting Chernarus or Nogova or Kolguyev )

i will search my HD in free time, i have some WW2 stuff that may be usefull - M1919 machinegun, SVT40, Greasegun M3A1, PPS42 and such like

another example of "in my opinion senseless doubling" is for example "releasing it as "my_tag_" BMP, 2s1, M109 pack - cause it will double my existing small pack of vehicles

Edited by vilas

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Yes, i know you are asking for restrictions. :)

Im sure that vilas dont wont too addonmakers make another version of his addons - no duplicating his units/vehicles. Im thinking that vilas wont addommakers to create new staff/new addons for another faction or country.

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Thanks for releasing! That will helpful for my Policemen. But what is with the using of the textures?

The good in this pack now are mlods with no vest :)

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i forget to put easy editable texture

here are 2 JPGs

one with tie, second without (model UV editor will show placement of it)

of course using my textures as a base is okay for such purpose :



they are grey , so changing tone of color in some areas will be easier (but my textures have "Polish type of pockets with bevel and tuck" so in case of doing other countries those pockets will not be enough real, cause as i see most other countries have "straight, no tuck , no bevel cut like BDU" or triangle lapel on pocket like British uniforms, so current textures won't fit cut of pockets in other countries )

most textures to edit are in vil_police and vil_characters (there are olive versions or blue for police BDU with vest in case of any SWATs )

textures of equipment can be use without editing too

Edited by vilas

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@Vilas thank you for providing the community with MLODS. These will be very useful for my Nogovan Armed Forces Project.

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I swear I've searched both forums and dev-heaven but couldn't find the answer.

Are Vilas Weapon packs compatible with ACE2 mod?

Why they will not be added to ACE2?

I've seen only statements that Vilas will never be included in ACE2 for some reason "discussed here and on BIforums many many times".

Vilas weapons are the best Russian weapons for Arma2

Is all problems arise about putting some lines to make Vilas configs compatible with ACE damage system?

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I don't know if anyone is aware of this, but I tried using an AKMS with a solier and he turns into plastic man.


Here's the pic:arma2oa2011-04-2813-39-12-88.jpg

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Small suggestion to Vilas:

Can you please separate the Russian weapon pack's configs into their own pbo ? That in case you're OK with config contributions, would make it much easier for updating them, simply replacing the config pbo.

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I don't know if anyone is aware of this, but I tried using an AKMS with a solier and he turns into plastic man.


Is that the regular AKS pack, or the AKS_X pack?

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I don't know if anyone is aware of this, but I tried using an AKMS with a solier and he turns into plastic man.


Here's the pichttp://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b85/stitchedinhell/arma2oa2011-04-2813-39-12-88.jpg

I remember that I had this bug with an earlier addon version (not only with the AKMS). Got something to do with the animations connected to the weapons in the cfg file (not working with a later game patch). Later version from Vilas corrected this afaik.

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regarding bug - it is older version (before OA , new animations from Udaloy)now it works

separate config - agree , i will do it soon

ACE compatibility - i think that new configs from my cooperators here enable many mods compatibility (including sound mods )

so Xeno or Dimitrii can tell opinion if it enables compatibility

but i will release soon version with separate config

with general persmission to do any config anyone wants and release it (now you also can do it, which i told time ago that anyone can rework and release his versions of config )

but when config will be independent file it probably be better

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Vilas' weapons should work with ACE, but I don't know if they are balanced with ACE. There are no special considerations within the config files for special ACE functions, and the weapons themselves are balanced against Vanilla equipment.

My suggestion would be to play with the two and make a note of weapons that don't work correctly with ACE. Most problems will likely be along the lines of Vilas' weapons having recoil, range and damage values that are not in line with ACE weapons.

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Thank you Vilas.

As soon as the separate config is available I will work on a full featured ACE config. Meaning: magazines inherited from base classes so that all ACE mags work, weapon weight and dexterity, dispersion, recoil, bipods, magazine replacement for suppressed weapons, muzzle velocity changed for shorter barrels etc. :)

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victim913;1907577]I don't know if anyone is aware of this, but I tried using an AKMS with a solier and he turns into plastic man.


I had this problem too. The secret lies in the kind of written selection in O2 and model.cfg. The section must have the same letters than in the model cfg.


Selection = head

model.cfg = head

Selection = Head

model.cfg = Head

A2 differ between big and small letters. It is for O2 two different words but for us the same :). And when you mixed the BIS with vilas parts the bugs begins. Here a complicated word for better understanding in the hand selection

Selection = LeftForeArm (BIS writing)

Selection = leftforearm (vilas writing)

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i know it

but it was only in old custom anims in OA( Comb Ops since 1.5xxx version)

new version works good

configs are made by Xeno and now version with separate config is available (of course Xeno done configs, so thank him )

but if someone has new version of addon (after placing new anims from Udaloy) it should work

problems were in version which was from vanila Arma2 made before OA was released (at least in my PC)

so thanx to Udaloy new anims are since some months (at least i haven't seen problems with those new anims from other people after update of anims)

both links are in 1st post of this topic (west and east weapons pack)

so you can do any config you want , any sound , any anims any icons etc.

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Thanks Vilas and contributors.

Reporting AK config broken, missing semicolon at line 2243.

Also, vilas_aks and vilas_wwp have an extra "};" in config.cpp

Trying to binarize the configs would reveal those errors.

Edited by Robalo_AS

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1. okay, error line 2243 fixed

uploaded right now

2. west pack - few icons added, added according to request Zeiss "second sight" added

G36 get animated magazines (ammo animation)

fixed deleted by Xeno backward compatibility (VIL_FAL magazine returned, used by some units in weaponholders pack)

so also west pack is updated

3. and Polish pack updated - fixed errors in shadows of few Police units (it was bug in hands, arms in shadow lod, visible only in shadow on ground)

and fixed are ammo crates in Polish pack (now they do rearm AI soldiers on order, previously AI had problems to rearm )

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A very big THANK YOU vilas for all the work you put into these toys. And an even bigger thank you for adding the AG36 A2 :D but I noticed a bug with the weapon: in 1st person view everything is ok you can see the Zeiss optic, but in 3rd person view it looks like a "normal" AG36.

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Xeno send me update and new icons , so once again... west wapon pack goes to FTP (10 minutes and ready)... sorry for "update" ;)

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Making Vilas' weapons and vehicles properly compatible with ACE, with same features like bipod deployment and enhanced armour system would be superb and would open up a whole new world of toys to play with as an ACE user. I'm fully supportive of this Vilas and Robalo. Thank you for your efforts. :)

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if you have time and skills for ACE compatibility i can give you MLODs of vehicles packs (M113A2, BMP1, 2S1, M109, Leopard 2, old Braldey, T64, T80, more) to do it cause i personally have no time

if anyone has time and skills to do "ACE_VIL_... " vehicles addon i see no problem and i support it with MLODs , but i have no time myself for games (we must finish with Dimitrii P85 update - divided armies - cause it is still w.i.p.)

Edited by vilas

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For some reason the AK download is giving me a corrupt archive... any chance of a reupload or mirror?

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