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ArmA II: Operation Arrowhead discussion thread

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It would sweet if they released the demo on the 30th when they answer all the community questions :thumbsup:

I do wonder what map we will get though..didn't Arma 1 have a Sahrani 'Lite' for the demo? Maybe we'll get a small section of Takistan.

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;1634353']Check this out: http://www.bisimulations.com/photopic/5473329223184866209

From OA to VBS2 :)

Damn' date=' why didn't they use these pics as any of the covers? (or pics like these)

I just seen a Operation Arrowhead "New Mechanics" Video from GameTrailers and...


ULB (or FLIR system) looks quite orgasmic! So, I'm gonna buy it for the new interface, ULB system, new AddOns and new (better?) campaign.

But I think you should've created an AC-130 script, like in Call Of Duty 4... It could have been great in a simulation game!!

Who says they haven't? :rolleyes:

Edited by SASrecon

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guy on the left has "interesting" camo.. :p

Is that tiger camo?

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If i see good , the guy on the left with M14 with Aimpoint - got MultiCam Combat Pants and the Tiger like camo top????

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I played the new Seal Team Six 4 Campaign yesterday and i saw an AI opponent go into a building, go up the stairs, and take Position at a Window to shoot on my Squad, I follwed him and was able to watch this. So yes the AI is able to use Stairs, and sometimes they act really clever :eek:

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I played the new Seal Team Six 4 Campaign yesterday and i saw an AI opponent go into a building, go up the stairs, and take Position at a Window to shoot on my Squad, I follwed him and was able to watch this. So yes the AI is able to use Stairs, and sometimes they act really clever :eek:

We all know they capable of using stairs but doing it on their own and not being scripted by mission maker or by a mod is where i've never seen it happen.

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We all know they capable of using stairs but doing it on their own and not being scripted by mission maker or by a mod is where i've never seen it happen.

This. ^

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from what I've seen, I'm even more excited to see this release. I'd love to see Benny's Warfare take advantage of the dynamic town creation for online game play. That would be awesome if the postprocessing could be managed reliably for all clients.

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We all know they capable of using stairs but doing it on their own and not being scripted by mission maker or by a mod is where i've never seen it happen.

Like I said in my post on the previous page... that's a good thing.

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Like I said in my post on the previous page... that's a good thing.

With the current AI engine, it is a good thing I suppose as random house moving doesn't enhance immersion or believability. Some overhauled urban/interior default coding would be welcomed by me at least however. Giving AI some basic understanding that they are indoors and that using windows to shoot out of would be better imho. All structures should be built with AI in mind from the ground up.

At the very least, the AI's inability to see/shoot thru certain glasspanes needs to be fixed -watching 2 AI units have a staring contest with each other 2 feet away is pretty disappointing.

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This. ^

I've seen them climb ladders and use stairs just by giving them guard or seek and destroy waypoints.

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I just did a simple test i place myself and 1 ai next to the comms tower went into high command gave the ai a move there order, he sprinted to the ladder climbed it and moved around the tower to waypoint i gave him

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I just did a simple test i place myself and 1 ai next to the comms tower went into high command gave the ai a move there order, he sprinted to the ladder climbed it and moved around the tower to waypoint i gave him

Now try order a group to a certain spot and you get a defferent result :p

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Now try order a group to a certain spot and you get a defferent result :p


Now i understand why you all want AI changes :j:

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Each object has AI path and "stop points"... on each "stop point" there can be only one AI. If you order complete squad to same point than you are "xy" (sorry not an insultion) not AI. Its like in reall life: how would it look if squad of 6 soldiers would be on same window ?

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Each object has AI path and "stop points"... on each "stop point" there can be only one AI. If you order complete squad to same point than you are "xy" (sorry not an insultion) not AI. Its like in reall life: how would it look if squad of 6 soldiers would be on same window ?

Then they would find nearby windows ._.

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Ai is not "perfect" in all BIS games...

Any news on Operation Arrowhead?

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Then they would find nearby windows ._.

yea, or at least the highest rank or whatever can go to the room and the rest of the guys follow, staying back, maybe 1-2 guys in a big squad stay outside guarding the building or whatever.

I mean, it's possible, and I don't understand why the micro-AI isn't capable of doing such things...

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yea, or at least the highest rank or whatever can go to the room and the rest of the guys follow, staying back, maybe 1-2 guys in a big squad stay outside guarding the building or whatever.

I mean, it's possible, and I don't understand why the micro-AI isn't capable of doing such things...

I may be wrong but I believe it is because these structures are not built from the ground up with AI in mind. All windows need to be tagged and id'ed as a known object to the AI with some preset behaviours built in such as crouch or lean facing out as well as knowing when the enmy is now inside the house and it's time to reorient to CQB.

I don't think the AI are at all aware that they are inside of a structure and that requires a new behaviour skill set. Same goes for when an enemy is inside, the outside force takes no new action save for the cut-scene in which they'll smartly toss a grenade in :D

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You serious?

The smoke grenades are poking through the scar, the texture around the signpost and the road looks plain and murky and the fire doesn't look very realistic.

This picture also looks like the graphics settings are low :j:

A picture where more is going on would be more adequate like http://lh5.ggpht.com/_8IERBUA8YgM/S_Ur_krpeHI/AAAAAAAAAOk/2oLOr-WqL24/Posters_2010_posters_H6.jpg or http://lh3.ggpht.com/_8IERBUA8YgM/S_Ur8Fd9JAI/AAAAAAAAAOQ/8tzFBZY8LSc/Posters_2010_posters_H1.jpg

I'm probably gonna print out the second one and use it as my cover :D

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I really like those posters, especially the first. Would have been awesome to see something similar for the cover art for OA, or just as promo pictures for it, but c'est la vie. :)

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Like I said in my post on the previous page... that's a good thing.

Yeah i read your post but i dont agree. Check out GL4 it has it working pretty well. If you have a group of soldiers patrolling a area they will randomly(based on chance i guess) seek through houses they encounter. The "problem" with GL4 is that it has so many parameters and if you set them wrong they could easily break your mission.

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