Heatseeker 0 Posted December 24, 2007 I finally got a break from x-mas and its released . I know you guys worked your asses to meet xmas release and to me this is a great xmas present. Download almost finished, finally!! I wish a merry x-mas to all CWR members and thanks for your hard work . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hypno toad 0 Posted December 24, 2007 This game is really dropping my FPS. But it is still fun though, I cannot wait for the full version, because I never got a chance to enjoy OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakerod 254 Posted December 24, 2007 Great job so far. I do think that the new editor in ArmA is better than the ofp one though. I get lag for some reason using this one when looking at the map. Also I don't think the pilot has wound textures. Other than that great job. Ive been having fun roaming around Malden and will be playing Ambush pretty soon because that mission in the demo held my interest for 3 months and is still my favorite mission of all time. Awesome Job! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R-Hammer 0 Posted December 24, 2007 Quote[/b] ]is there a quick and easy way for me to get all the arma menues back? Remove file cwr_ui.pbo from CWR\Addons. (Thnx to Mc.Maker) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LT.Schaffer 0 Posted December 24, 2007 I also get that...Right when the guy says: "Wait here Sgt.....CTD I got on ctd direct after that, when i drove the jeep of the road. Once i restarted ArmA/CWR and loaded a save everything works flawless. Â The CWR-stuff looks absolutely great, can`t wait for the release of the final. funny i just tryed it again and it works fine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Planck 1 Posted December 24, 2007 Quote[/b] ]-Topas' shiny concrete appears in all places with that concrete (including e.g. the south-eastern island). This was my fault, I removed a texture from the rvmat that was causing a strange shadow to be cast on the surface. Although it solved that problem, it brought another. Have reverted to previous state now for this. Planck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando.fr 0 Posted December 24, 2007 Very good job guys, it is very cool to see OFP back Merry christmas to CWR team and for Arma/OFP players too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted December 24, 2007 i cannot comment too much because we are competition in some areas, in some not - so it would be not polite to give here other opinions: - thanx for Malden !!! ( but little words - please improve PASGT vests (how it locked on back) ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LT.Schaffer 0 Posted December 24, 2007 After playing the Ambush mission again... It feels like playing OFP for the first time all over again Great job bringing back the old warm OFP feeling and improving what needed improving Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misfitko 0 Posted December 24, 2007 I'm so happy to hear you guys finished the demo. I am looking forward to the full release...good times will roll again...<3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tobruk 0 Posted December 24, 2007 Gentlemen, thanks a million for all your hard work. Â It is greatly appreciated!I too get the CTD at beginning of ambush, just after cutscene ends. I turned off EAX, and I am not using lowplants mod. Â Any other ideas to fix this? Make sure you turn off eax in beta and CRW, also make sure you have hardware disabled in both. That worked for me, though the sound is lack luster, but it did not crash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Undeceived 392 Posted December 24, 2007 Hm, am I the only one still getting CTD at the very beginning of Ambush (as the commanders starts speaking) NOT using lowplants?Greets! try turning off eax. I had that issue and that fixed it. Hi Ebud. EAX already was deactivated. But it really seems to be lowplants. After reinstalling CWR (and not using lowplants) it worked (so far)!!! Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted December 24, 2007 i can only agree to what others have said... after a days extensive tests i must agree that the grass on malden is a FPS killer... that is a fact... i have tested it in every possible way i can come up with and it´s always the same result, both with and without other addons... even after i have tested only the malden island without the rest of the CWR addons (damn you have spread all the required models over a lot of .pbo´s) please try to fix this for the next version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dan ick(uk) 0 Posted December 24, 2007 Hi, 1 million THANKS to everyone who helped with this mod,It has made me get into arma 100% again, I just want to make love to my hand everytime i play it All the best Dan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
operation madman 0 Posted December 24, 2007 How do i install the patch thingy for the 1.9 patch?? it just says put it in the installation folder which i cant find! can someone just give me the location of it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted December 24, 2007 "Nice" ? "Cool" ? Guys, you gonna be kidding... yes, the island is great... awakes all the fealings from good old ofp, but it would be far better to have it as stand alone addon What's the point in releasing ported ofp crap ? M60, Carl Gustav, Jeep etc.. Placeholders for future models ? Standart arma model will be better for this. That's real disappointment to such "addons" after half a year development. A little puzzle - try to guess what game it is ? Arma or OFP ? http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/3217/70631006zp9.jpg I don't like your aggressive tone, if you don't like it then simply uninstall it instead of flaming here. May I ask what you have released for ArmA in the past 6 months? .COMmunist, Average Joe You both deserve 1WL each for quoting an image and typing in all capital letters. I let it go through because it's xmas. I have no idea actually what cause the crash in the Ambush mission, I never had any CTD in the weeks converting and modifying it. The Skirmish mission is fixed by now, used a resource which wasn't visible in the triggers. You can download the fixed version here. IMHO the grass fits perfect in the terrain, using Porto grass would look even more worse. //Edit: @.COMmunist I changed my mind after reading your post again. +1WL and a decent PR time for that comment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CameronMcDonald 147 Posted December 24, 2007 Small bug report - Self shadowing error on the Russian pilot - seems the shadow LOD is bigger than the helmet. EDIT - Loving it all. Great job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted December 24, 2007 How do i install the patch thingy for the 1.9 patch?? it just says put it in the installation folder which i cant find! can someone just give me the location of it? I right clicked on the hotfix file "cwr_on_ArmA_betapatch.bat" then selected "extract to specific file" from the right-click menu. Then I used the path C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA in order to put the file in "your ArmA installion folder". Or I think you can just drag "cwr_on_ArmA_betapatch.bat" or "cwr.bat" from the hotfix file you dl'd into the main ArmA directory(ArmA Installion folder). I think you use "cwr_on_ArmA_betapatch.bat" to start CWR with the 1.09beta patch or use "cwr.bat" to play CWR with ArmA 1.08. I'm not sure if this will help but it works for me. Edit: My ArmA installation folder for the US version is: C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA I think the path for one of the non-US versions may be: C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg147 0 Posted December 24, 2007 IMHO the grass fits perfect in the terrain, using Porto grass would look even more worse. Agreed. It gives the island a dry, autumn feeling, which I think suits the open fields and mountains well. I always disliked the lush, green of north Sahrani. This faded brown colour gives Malden more of a cold war atmosphere IMHO. I just wish there was a ghillie suit to match it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ti0n3r Posted December 24, 2007 Quote[/b] ]IMHO the grass fits perfect in the terrain, using Porto grass would look even more worse. That's true. I never thought Malden could look this good and alive (I always thought it felt a little bit empty in OFP). I just hope Kegetys will make CWR lowplants addon hehehe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted December 24, 2007 How do i install the patch thingy for the 1.9 patch?? it just says put it in the installation folder which i cant find! can someone just give me the location of it? If you have 1.09b installed you can just change the target line in the shortcut. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"C:\Program Files\BohemiaInteractive\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta;CWR -world=abel -nosplash Because.. i didnt really get Raedor's fix . Anyway i like the new Malden but im using very low terrain because of the laggy and not so atractive grass, imo Rahmadi/south sahrani grass would look better on Malden ground, atleast in shape. Ambush crashed for me the first couple times too (after the first cutscene), on my 3rd try i turned my back to the officer and other npc's and it didnt crash, ambush plays a bit bugged, but thats just how the original one does . Skirmish was fun with the closer combat and a.i. using frags, saw a.i. using binoculars too, first time i see it in Arma i think. I like this taste of CWR, the new character models and whole presentation and menus, its coming along very nicely. Now im going to crush a few more xmas trees on malden with that sweet BMP-1 . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raedor 8 Posted December 24, 2007 1. Thanks a lot to SPhoenix and others for posting issues, we'll do our best to get it fixed in the next release. 2. Thanks for all the praise. This keeps us motivated go on with our work on the next release. 3. I'm sorry if someone does not like our mod. If you have any ideas hwo to improve, we're open for help. 4. No, we are not going to keep parts of ArmA in CWR or to use "more real" values (well... sometimes we do). We're trying to get OFP into ArmA. Following what I read so far in this thread CWR would be degraded to a vehicles&units only mod (no UI, no OFP config). I'm sorry again, but it is our job to "port" OFP. 5. Yes, we are using OFPE sound files: OFP files are copyrighted by CM. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max power 21 Posted December 24, 2007 I just wanted to put forth that while I share some criticisms with some people here, that the gestalt of your achievement is outstanding. From the first seconds of loading up CWR, it's like I've been transported back in time to play OFP... but not how it was- how I remember it. When it came out, OFP was alright looking. It was thrilling, though, and the scale of it all and the chaos that was possible was beyond mind blowing and on the verge of mind altering for me. Now, looking back on it, it's an ugly mess. CWR, though, captures the spirit of OFP and improves upon a lot of the graphical aspects that are now- how can I put it any other way- repulsive. Thank you for your time spent thus far, the product you have delivered is not flawless but is excellent. One last thing: I'm not sure if those are ofp:e voice acting files or if you guys acted them out yourselves or what- but I was surprised at the quality of the acting for a community built mission. If you guys did that acting yourselves, you deserve many kudos. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted December 24, 2007 5. Yes, we are using OFPE sound files: OFP files are copyrighted by CM. Damn. Well the OFP:E sounds suck compared to the OFP sounds. Sounds like they got some brit to do a yank and he just can't get any emotion into his voice acting and sounds too robotic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted December 24, 2007 Nothing against criticism, as long as it's kept constructive and doesn't end in flaming just because someone doesn't like the placeholder objects. It's your feedback that makes CWR even more better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites