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operation madman

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About operation madman

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. operation madman

    Do you like Evolution?

    I know the person who made evolution worked very hard but isnt that enough??? It is played on 90% of active servers. I like small coop games of 3-10 players. It is more tatical and realistic. The majority of the people voted that they dont like evolution. So why not go to some good coop missions?? Saying that there is a lack of coop missions is stupit as i believe someonereleased a pack of 110 coop missions.
  2. operation madman

    Do you like Evolution?

    I am sick and tired of evolution and the missions based on it. When i played ofp. People were playing CTF all the time. And i was made as this is sopose to be played like a sim and what do people do? Play CTF Â Know the promblem of is evolution and is no longer CTF. I love coop but evolution is a single player mission. You die and just come back and pick a vehicle up and play lone wolf for the rest of the day. BORRING!! I dont want to play SP i want to play coop but you guys force me to play SP
  3. operation madman

    Swat mission (beta)

    This is a wip mision that uses no addons. It can be used in SP or MP. Here is the description: A reporter was kidnaped by the russians, and claimed that he was a spy on their military defence. And are know keeping him at there military compound. It is not in a pbo format so forgive me but i am to lazy to download one. Note: no i am not new to the editor, i been editing before on ofp before arma came out. Just never really released them. Since i never actually released them i dint bother putting pictures when you click it (sp), and intro's. I have tried putting an picture in (yes it was in JPG format) but it does not work, I am clueless why! And if someone can tell me how exactly do make an intro! I know the camera script but how am i suppose to bring it in the game somehow?? Thanks in advance for the help and i have a caimpaign i am making (African War: rescue). So if someone can tell me how i can actually make a caimpaign that will help me on that.Thanks in advance for the help Here is the download link for the mission: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QX2U1AP1 And if for some reason that is lacking a script file then download this http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UY98T0ML
  4. ^title^ I go and put it in the mission folder and renamed it to intro.sqs and added a thing in the config that will end the video. But the promblem is i go then go to the editor and hold with a shift and press the preview button in the game. And i even put that this exec "camera.sqs" script and i cant click preview if i dont have a player which i will play as but the promblem is that it does not use the intro configs i put in the arma mission folder on where it is located and it wont work. Instead the camera will follow the player and tottaly ignored my intro vid
  5. operation madman


    I have searched and found one about this but i am having a promblem on were the file location is. It said C:\Documents and Settings\WINDOWSUSERNAME\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA\clipboard.txt Yes i did put my Window user name in that slot. I am using a windows vista if that is helpful
  6. operation madman

    Really bad peformance

    Window vista Intel® Core2 CPU 4300 @ 1.80GHz
  7. operation madman

    Really bad peformance

    I have 22687KB Download speed, 256kbs upload speed and 43ms So what does this mean???
  8. operation madman

    Arma help

    How can i make an intro and outro. What are the scripts needed?? And how do i add a voice and make a mission a campaign
  9. operation madman

    Really bad peformance

    Is there a way to test my connection Speed?
  10. operation madman

    Really bad peformance

    I have a 7600GT graphics card 1 GB ram, dual core prossesor and vista.. When i play online the peformance drops.. On mission editor i can play with 30-40 in citys but in multiplayer it goes to 15-17 and lags alot and i lose connection alot and i cant zoom in without laging.. I also have anouther promblem..When you start up arma a box shows up with check marks but the last two check marks dont pop up.
  11. operation madman

    Vista Troubleshooting Thread: The one and only

    I am not sure if this is a vista promblem or not but when the game starts there is a box that appears then th little boxes get checked but the last two does not get checked.
  12. operation madman

    Xam 1.4 released

    Why is the XAM server 1.08?? I cant play in it as for some reason the XAM 1.08 one wont start!
  13. operation madman

    Xam 1.4 released

    They made anouther error with the uh60...I get an error message when i am up close to an explosion. how can i get into a server!!!
  14. operation madman

    Xam 1.4 released

    Same here i too have that bug. It is the 1.09 patch which was somthing XAM and Cold war are having a promblem as it just released a few days ago.
  15. operation madman

    Making an intro

    I herd you use a bull dozer to some how make a intro movie. Can you tell me how.