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This is probably the same issue that was fixed very late into OA by Ondra but maybe not merged into A3.

Another problem here he fixed/changed from what i recall may be that at mission start all units get (a little) awareness (of all vehicles?) - engine running may push knowsAbout then high enough for real unit knowledge.

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please fix


17:45:36 Error in expression <is param [0, "", [""]];
_params = _this param [1, [], [[]]];

switch (_mode) do
17:45:36   Error position: <param [1, [], [[]]];

switch (_mode) do
17:45:36   Error Type Number, expected Array
17:45:36 File A3\functions_f_mp_mark\DynamicGroups\fn_dynamicGroups.sqf [BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups], line 4526


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Would anyone be so nice and answer these few questions for me ?


Has the A-164 received a bit better engines now ? Since tanks it felt like a brick with a fan strapped to it thrustwise.

Are Neo and Wipeout more susceptible to the 20mms of gryphon and wasp ? PvP vs those jets makes me always feel like I am throwing peas at them ?


- I would download the update, but I am not at my computer for the next few days.

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14 hours ago, TheRealGrossaaa said:

Would anyone be so nice and answer these few questions for me ?


Has the A-164 received a bit better engines now ? Since tanks it felt like a brick with a fan strapped to it thrustwise.

Are Neo and Wipeout more susceptible to the 20mms of gryphon and wasp ? PvP vs those jets makes me always feel like I am throwing peas at them ?


- I would download the update, but I am not at my computer for the next few days.

Considering those rounds are meant for ground targets they might be over-penetrating and not doing enough damage? I'm not sure how air to air combat is modeled in arma but those 20mm AA guns will rip another plane apart.

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RC Feedback: Vehicle idle sound and distance. 

The Hatchback is a small 4 cylinder car. You should hardly hear the engine idling if you were standing right next to it. 

We played on a low populated server and we had 1 guy "dumping" Hatchback's in the AO all the time. A newbie using Eject.  ( Witch keeps the engine running )
You hear the Hatchback engine idling.  Sounds like its close!  Perhaps behind the building in front of you. Turns out its 100m away, behind 6-7 buildings.
Now scale this up to a 100 player server and add more cars and helicopters into the mix. And the whole AO turns into a Swamp of unnecessary and unwanted noise without a sense of direction. 


I have played  KOTH for 3 years. And THE most annoying thing about KOTH gameplay is empty vehicles with engine on.  
The problem is that many players use EJECT instead of "Get Out" by mistake... Which means the vehicle will keep the engine ON. 
Vehicles will also keep the engine running if the Driver or Pilot is killed after stopping or landing.  (Happens every 2 minutes on a full server.) 
Arma 3's soundscape is horrible. And vehicles running in the AO really shows how bad the 3D sound positioning is. 
Just think about it.. Do you really enjoy having to use F1 because there's a parked car 100m away. Try adding 2 running Hummingbirds to the mix and even F1 wont help.


Keep in mind that this is mostly a problem on Infantry servers. And the more players you have, the bigger the problem. 

But you can have 15 players on the server and they are all in the AO. If 1 Hummingbird is left running in the AO it's annoying as f... 


Simple solution. Don't allow the engine to keep running if the Pilot / Driver is dead. Or if nobody is in the driver seat.
I'm not against the idea of keeping the Vehicle ON but for the sake of gameplay & performance. We need a better solution than what we have.


In general: 3D sound positioning in Arma is HORRIBLE and to make it worse you also have terrible terrible sound engineers.

I have a tip for you that I use for audio testing. Make silent copies of the whole audio library. Then add 1 sound at a time,  weapon, Hatchback, a bird or a f.... toad.

Now use your ears and LISTEN. Is that toad 100m away perhaps a tad too LOUD. 

Ohh BTW. I love the Cyrus it sounds cool.  But that echo is real in only 1 place.. 99% of the time it's not there.  It's like "Screech" sounds from a car, doing burnouts in the sand.   


Sorry for the rant but you deserved it for your sloppy work. But I still love ya :-)


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3 hours ago, 2re Turbo said:

Simple solution. Don't allow the engine to keep running if the Pilot / Driver is dead. Or if nobody is in the driver seat.
I'm not against the idea of keeping the Vehicle ON but for the sake of gameplay & performance. We need a better solution than what we have.


You are essentially asking for a completely unrealistic feature because engine sound annoys you? 

Pilots/drivers that get killed don't take the time to switch off the engine before exitus. I hate it when AI has a flashlight and the flashlight magically switches off as soon as you kill the AI. That is not how reality works. We can argue about the loudness of engines (although choppers will always be extremely loud) but switching them off when the pilot is killed is not a solution.


3 hours ago, 2re Turbo said:

In general: 3D sound positioning in Arma is HORRIBLE and to make it worse you also have terrible terrible sound engineers.    


Way to go to get people to listen to you :|

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As i can not get the cursor out of the Nametag: The Wipeout is the most armored plane in Arma 3 and is a designated Anti Tank plane, it has a huge 30mm APHE Cannon and can withstand 2 to 3 AA missiles at times where all other jets are down after 1.

The other planes expect the Neophron (almost same ammo as Wipeout) have only HE rounds that can do good damage on planes and helis. So you probably when hitting the Wipepout or Neo with the 20mm HE do modular damage on engine or fuel tanks.

Try to see where you do damage when you hit those planes, as sometimes the plane wont land anymore, what is technically destroying it( as after Jets DLC you dont need to blow a jet up to kill it, i have seen this multiple times in PvP where 1 AA manpad can do a luckyshot and the engines are down).

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48 minutes ago, TheMasterofBlubb said:

As i can not get the cursor out of the Nametag:

It's really annoying, isn't it?

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The updated ADR-97 visuals look much, much better! Thank you for sorting them! The better textures have really pushed the gun from "demo mod" to "official content" in terms of polish.


(Still doesn't match the rail accessories or the RCO, but maybe that's more them being too light at this point. Hey-o.)

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I made a custom Warlords scenario using RHS, with US Army as BLUFOR, Russian VDV as OPFOR, and one of the GREF factions as independent. I have two issues: one is that the enemy factions are not spawning basically any vehicles, whereas in the vanilla scenario independent forces have some sort of APC/MRAP at each objective basically. Is there a way to tweak that?


The second issue is that OPFOR are not advancing at all. I had my scenario set to not by default fill slots with AI because I have the players organized into teams instead of each player being a team leader, with the intention being that players will play as a team and only recruit AI if they are playing alone or with low numbers. Do OPFOR need to have AI slots enabled in order to actually spawn and move troops?

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You can set up vehicles to be spawned at a sector by placing the vehicles in the editor on the locations you want them to spawn at, assigning them some waypoints and syncing them to the sector module (right click > connect > sync to...)


Only player/playable units are initialized as commanders, and they need to be present on the map.

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How to test/verify it specifically and what (combinations) exactly? @oukej

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7 hours ago, .kju said:

How to test/verify it specifically and what (combinations) exactly? @oukej

  • running servers with verifySignatures enabled
  • running multiple server instances on one server box, launched sequentially or all at once
  • running servers on linux / windows
  • running servers via some server management service
  • running the servers with a large amount of mods (e.g. >50GB)
    • mods signed with v2 and v3 signatures
    • using -serverMod= and standard -mod= mods
    • allowing client-side mods
  • running the servers with various start-up params
  • any specific, non-standard or abusive usage of servers you can think of ;)
  • then joining the servers with a correct mod set, wrong mod set, client-side mods, missing signatures, altered addons...
  • trying to hack it


And any combination of the above :)

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RC has been just updated.

On 12/19/2018 at 2:41 PM, oukej said:


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  • 2019-02-15 (notable changes)

    • Fixed: AI directional radio reports now again use the relative direction from a formation instead of the world direction
    • Fixed: It's no longer possible to obtain mortar bags in Warlords through an exploit in Arsenal
    • Fixed: Multiple issues in Eden Editor export to SQF
    • Tweaked: Vehicle wheel durability
    • Changed: MH-9 no longer has a painted crosshair

    • Added: A new variant of Dragon Teeth (old looking)



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On 2/15/2019 at 5:02 PM, oukej said:

RC has been just updated.


Dang, you are fixing the radio reports just 2 days after I reconfigured all the audios for it...  bof.png


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Another update to the RC!

On 12/19/2018 at 2:41 PM, oukej said:


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  • 2019-02-27 (notable changes)

    • Tweaked: Durability of vehicle wheels - the damage required for a flat tire and a fully destroyed wheel
    • Fixed: Removed Compile caching that was responsible for memory issues (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T135718)
    • Fixed: Some independent garrison units in Warlords would occasionally still carry mortar bags
    • Fixed: It was not possible to open the compass in vehicles 



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Quick question oukej.

How long does it usually take for the improvements and fixes released on a particular rev of the Dev-Branch




To make it into the Release Candidate?


And I am just asking about average time here as I know that each rev is different...


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On 4/28/2019 at 4:27 AM, LSValmont said:

Quick question oukej.

How long does it usually take for the improvements and fixes released on a particular rev of the Dev-Branch


To make it into the Release Candidate?


And I am just asking about average time here as I know that each rev is different...


There can be months of dev branch changes, but there might only be a week or two of RC branch.
There is no time when dev stuff is pushed to RC.

When BI decides that changes are enough for the next patch. They push everything over to RC branch, and then move dev-branch to the next version and again wait until enough stuff has accumulated.

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Can anyone know if the Titan Compact AP ammunition is no longer blocked by the laser?


I used to block the target using ammunition AP of Titan Compact using the laser point of drone Darter or the static designator.


So when I went to use the Titan compact with AP ammunition, I could no longer block the target using the laser.

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Any chance to see...

MG animateSource ["hide_shield",1];
MG animateSource ["hide_rail",0];

...added as Eden Editor attribute to the new MGs?

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Breathing/fatigue is broken in 2.0. No mods used, basically even pistols are unusable because of the hands shaking.

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