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1. please don't report bugs while using any other 3rd party mods, as it is outside our fixing capability, and it ussually ends up in a goose chase for us = wasted time
2. please use feedback.rhsmods.org to report these bugs

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I was wondering does the Russian navy still use the Ka-29TB assault variant of the Ka-27? or has that been surpassed by something new?

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I was wondering does the Russian navy still use the Ka-29TB assault variant of the Ka-27? or has that been surpassed by something new?

It will be surpassed with Ka-52K for now 27's are still shaking wind 

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Really? That's a confusing decision to replace a transport with an attack helicopter...but then again i ain't the Russian admiralty so what do i know hahahaha

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What about tracked amphibious? It is working for long time now :

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What about tracked amphibious? It is working for long time now :


It is not working completely. We will inform you when it is completely working.

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Bit late to the party, but just wanna say congrats on the latest release and thank you! Having an absolute blast and geeking out hard over all the new toys and features you guys have added.


I do have 2 questions, but one Is just more of me wondering..


1. Will the Russian Balaclavas come in different colors at some point?(One says Olive I assume they will eventually but..)


2. This is more of me just wondering, but would it even be possible to add the C130's feature to 'walk in back' as a passenger to helicopters such as the Chinook? Or would the arma engine not be very happy with wanting that.

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I figured out how to reproduce the bug with coaxial MG on Russian tanks with remote MG - you need to spent whole ammo to AA mg, then player as gunner will not be able to fire PKT - 2 shots, and relad will start - endlessly. If player switch to TC seat, AI as gunner will be able to operate PKT.

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I got a question if you dont mind?!

Does the Mark V SOC feature the same stuff as Hatchets SA version??(Regarding Zodiac loading and stuff)


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I got a question if you dont mind?!

Does the Mark V SOC feature the same stuff as Hatchets SA version??(Regarding Zodiac loading and stuff)


Kind of coincidence, because I just finished uploading video of some improvements to Mark V handling.



Thing is heavily WIP but basic functionality is there. Also, you can spot here GUI for all those fancy ship options that previously clustered action menu ;)

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What about tracked amphibious? It is working for long time now :

Just from the way it moves, I don't believe it is configured as a tank.

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Kind of coincidence, because I just finished uploading video of some improvements to Mark V handling.



Thing is heavily WIP but basic functionality is there. Also, you can spot here GUI for all those fancy ship options that previously clustered action menu ;)

Great video demonstration, but i have one question Feint (RQ-11 Guy :D ) he did a great script with loading the boats where ropes are created and they are pulling boats on deck and it didn`t required additional menu to be opened. Did you guys looked into that maybe? But any way kick ass job on the features dude :D you are surprising more andmore with things you have done in arma engine :D


his video

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To the RHS team I want to thank you for the paradrop waypoints. I can't believe how easy it is to use and it's really great how you guys decided to let AI jump automatically! This is going to make missions that use parajumps a breeze so I really want you to know how much I appreciate it.

I had two quick questions if you didn't mind.

1. In the editor, when I put a chopper in the sky with alt+left click and drag, I notice the move waypoints like to automatically connect to the ground after they are placed in the air. What I'm noticing is that after placing a move waypoint, and then immediately placing the paradrop waypoint right next to "move", even if I set another move waypoint in the air immediately after it, the chopper likes to land after letting us jump. How can I make the chopper stay in the air the entire time and fly back to base the paradrop? It seems like after the paradrop, the chopper ignores the next move waypoint (which is in the air) and just lands right away. I'm sure I'm missing something really simple.

2. How can I make it so the helicopter waits for me to board the chopper before moving to the first waypoint? I'm thinking I may want players to gear up at base first, then board the chopper to fly towards the drop.

Anyway, I have to say the act of flying and dropping is perfect and really simple. This is an amazing feature and I thank you a lot for it.

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1. In the editor, when I put a chopper in the sky with alt+left click and drag, I notice the move waypoints like to automatically connect to the ground after they are placed in the air. What I'm noticing is that after placing a move waypoint, and then immediately placing the paradrop waypoint right next to "move", even if I set another move waypoint in the air immediately after it, the chopper likes to land after letting us jump. How can I make the chopper stay in the air the entire time and fly back to base the paradrop? It seems like after the paradrop, the chopper ignores the next move waypoint (which is in the air) and just lands right away. I'm sure I'm missing something really simple.

It's a bug, it will be fixed in hotfix that should arrive shortly after A3 1.60 release together with some other small tweaks.


As for second question - did you tried syncing get in waypoint with helicopter load waypoint?

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Are there any plans for expanding the GREF expansion in the future? Will there only be fictional factions like the CDF or are you also thinking about adding stuff for some real world forces?


If this is the case I would like to make a suggestion: Since you already stated you consider adding a PASGT helmet, a first generation OTV (aka. IBA) would be a nice addition. They are in use with many possible enemies and allies of the Russian and US Army like the Ukrainian Army and National Guard, the Iraqi Army, the Afghan National Army and Police and the Georgian Army.


Two camouflage versions (Coyote and Woodland) would be sufficient in my opinion and give mission makers the possibility to depict many different armies with just one piece of gear. So what do you think? :)


Thanks for all your hard work!

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Are there any plans for expanding the GREF expansion in the future? Will there only be fictional factions like the CDF or are you also thinking about adding stuff for some real world forces?

There's nothing done on that direction yet. We'll show something when we have it, if we do it :)

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Can you please make UN forces as bluefor.. UN guys shoot at US soldiers...  :cry2:

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Well, just set independent to be friendly towards BLUFOR in your mission and you should be good to go.

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Well, just set independent to be friendly towards BLUFOR in your mission and you should be good to go.

^ That or group the UN guys with a BLUFOR guy with visibility 0%.

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Can you please make UN forces as bluefor.. UN guys shoot at US soldiers...  :cry2:

could be that the US forces are operating outside the UN mandate and thus to the UN forces are a threat?

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Is there any particular reason the SpecterDR in the mod is an Elcan't? Seems a bit of a strange design decision. Why are you concerned about Elcan's lawyers but not Heckler & Koch's?

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Is there any particular reason the SpecterDR in the mod is an Elcan't? Seems a bit of a strange design decision. Why are you concerned about Elcan's lawyers but not Heckler & Koch's?

it's not the first, nor the last. unless we actually have an agreement with the producer, the real logos won't be used. i believe HK logo went through unnoticed on our part, but this will be rectified


this rule should affect new content, we'll see if older one needs to be changed or not.


Can you please make UN forces as bluefor.. UN guys shoot at US soldiers...  :cry2:

nope. it's up to the mission designer how he wants the whole independent side to behave in relation to redfor and bluefor (note i have not used opfor here) or just parts of it

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Which producers do you actually have deals with? Considering how western companies work (everything goes through the legal department, won't do anything that might weaken the trademark) I can't see you getting more then a computer generated "no you can't use our logos" answer. 

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