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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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Thank you Chairborne, you will be missed here for sure. I hope we see you back after a break.

Ciao ragazzo

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One more with great passion and knowledge leave this community :drinking: I wish you all best and I hope to see you back soon :respekt:

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44 minutes ago, Muecke said:

Thank you Chairborne, you will be missed here for sure. I hope we see you back after a break.

Ciao ragazzo


This, pretty much, in spades!

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I took a year off too and came back to new bugs and challenges... :)


We all need some time off and breaks...


You will be sorely missed... you will be be welcomed back with much respect and love when you choose to return!!!!

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it looks we lost a few for the same reasons over the years. 

People get tired and loose interest. but like he said "there is no game like arma3" .


any how, thanks for all you gave Chairborne. 

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Thank you Chairbourne for all your work and having the patience to answer my questions.

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45 minutes ago, dr death jm said:

it looks we lost a few for the same reasons over the years. 

People get tired and loose interest. but like he said "there is no game like arma3" .


any how, thanks for all you gave Chairborne. 


I tend to think of ArmA series as USMC: You improvise, adapt, overcome and embrace the suck )))

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I know everyone else has said the same..but, Chairborne, your contribution to our community went above and beyond and you have left an incredible legacy of things for us all to enjoy into the future. 



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Thanks for all efforts you put in and good luck to you in the future.

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Entire BIS community thanks you for your great service and have a good luck in your life :)


Goodbye, Chairborne!

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention please...


We just updated our CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addons for Weapons and Vehicles.
Get what you need on http://cup-arma3.org/download


Version 1.10.1

* CUP_Weapons_ACE_compat - Fix ACE Explosives UBC
* CUP_Vehicles_ACE_compat - Update requiredAddons
* CUP_Vehicles_ACE_compat - Rename ace_rearm_supply to ace_rearm_defaultSupply - close T2290

* CUP_Weapons_ACE_compat - Removed unnecessary ACE3 requiredAddons
* CUP_Weapons_ACE_compat - Tweaked: Launcher backblast
* CUP_Vehicles_ACE_compat - Refuel and Rearm config entries instead of copied actions (ACE3 3.11.0)


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4 minutes ago, CUP said:


I know this is completely off topic but I swear I cannot be the only person who heard Caboose in his head when they read that


Thanks for the ACE compats anyhow :)

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Chairborne, thanks a lot for your work! Hope to see you back one day!



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Hey CUP Devs,

I enjoy your Mod very much in my SP and MP missions, and most recently in two ATTOW strictly private scenarios ( one is a "Terminator themed" RAVAGE mission, the other an ALiVE COIN Campaign) which include the use of CUP content alongside other mods via the ORBAT tool. IDK if you have already tried out the ALiVE Mod's ORBAT tool, but I have done so and built my very own Terminators and Human Resistance and also, for the other mission, ANA and ANP factions, out of CUP and other mods.

While the Terminator and Human Resistance units merely use some CUP clothing, your content really is the backbone of my ANA and ANP faction. Would you allow me to publish this new faction (with the usual credits for your work and ofc with dependency on your mod) to SWS, thus enabling people to play my "Rise of the Machines" and "Bundeswehr in Afghanistan"missions?

Kind Regards


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On 03/11/2017 at 3:01 PM, Wiki said:

Bug report:


-In the LAV-25, passenger seats 0, 4 and 5 have the same spot (front left). When I use this moveincargo [lav25, X] (with X=0, 4 or 5), the unit is at the same spot. Hence, the command {_x moveincargo "lav25"} foreach units groupname has a problem, as there are 2 units not in the vehicle.


Ok, in fact the seats 4 and 5 are turrets now.

So, here is my question: how to have the units seated and not stading up in the open?


Hey guys, my question still stands.

For now, the guys in turret are always out of cover.

Is there a way to force them sit in the vehicle?

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On 12/7/2017 at 8:16 PM, tourist said:

While the Terminator and Human Resistance units merely use some CUP clothing, your content really is the backbone of my ANA and ANP faction. Would you allow me to publish this new faction (with the usual credits for your work and ofc with dependency on your mod) to SWS, thus enabling people to play my "Rise of the Machines" and "Bundeswehr in Afghanistan"missions?


What you are allowed to do it publish your own addon if it is dependent on CUP. i.e. you are not allowed to take any files from CUP and use them in your own addon, but you can reference e.g. uniforms in CUP in your mod.


I hope that clears it up.

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On 12/7/2017 at 9:40 PM, Wiki said:

For now, the guys in turret are always out of cover.

Is there a way to force them sit in the vehicle?


Is there a ticket for this on the issue tracker ?

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Thanks for your great work, Chairborne. CUP is the reason I bought ArmA3 and still play it.

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THX alwarren for the explanation - I'm glad to hear you see it that way as "referencing" is exactly what those ORBAT faction configs do. You have to load all the original addons to "see" the new factions, because no pbo's from e.g. CUP have been changed or included in the ORBAT pbo that I have built.


Best Regards



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22 hours ago, Alwarren said:


Is there a ticket for this on the issue tracker ?


No as I don't think it's a bug.

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Good evening Ladies and Gentelmen

The Community Upgrade Project (CUP) is still looking for helpers to further improve our mods.

What we need:
- Skrip/Config Gurus
- 3D Wizzards
- Terrain Magicians
- Insane people in general

What do you get:
- A lot of #350
- Unnecessary Tags, mostly when you sleep
- No fame
- A lot of shitstorms why the mods are so big

What you seriously get:
- All the above
- Access to a metric ton of data, information and knowledge
- A wide range of useful contacts to Legends of the Armaverse (Marvel just bought the film rights to "Legends of the Armaverse" for #350)

What you are working on:
- Whatever you want, whenever you want... Sort of...


Did we catch your interest? Visit us on our discord for more information!

Also, some stuff we are working on:


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