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Tweaked: The debug console can now be configured with the "enableDebugConsole" root mod parameter 


Does this mean that enableDebugConsole[] = {"yourid"}; doesn't work any longer and to use enableDebugConsole = 1; again?

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Gun cross should be easy to implement, though. Just make the gun point a bit above the aircraft centerline and draw a fixed graphic on HUD in the proper spot. Using the "watermark" as a boresight is weird.

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1 hour ago, ArYxRayx said:


Does this mean that enableDebugConsole[] = {"yourid"}; doesn't work any longer and to use enableDebugConsole = 1; again?

No, array variant should still work. This new enableDebugConsole param is for use in root of a mod. If there is no mission option for debug console, it will look in the main config or mod config. If you have admin mod for example and would like console to be available to everyone with this mod, you can add enableDebugConsole = 2; to your admin mod. Default value is 0. 

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Tweaked: The debug console can now be configured with the "enableDebugConsole" root mod parameter 

This is so handy, thank you.

The amount of times I have gone to test a mission on my local dedicated server and forgot to enable the debug console and end up swearing at myself whilst shutting every thing down, editing the mission and restarting everything. Now I just have a mod installed on my development profile, job done.

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That's a sweet easteregg to added there! ;)



Warning! Spoiler!






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- I am the commander of a vehicle.

- I have a UAV terminal connected to a UAV.

- I order my driver to go somewhere.

- Now I take control over the UAV.

- My driver stops the vehicle and won't do anything until I give the order to move again.

- As soon as I hop back into the UAV, the vehicle stops again, etc.


Am I the only one with this problem?

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Added: A new "muzzleImpulseFactor" magazine parameter (range 0 - 1 to tweak the recoil force on vehicles) 

Thank you for this addition. Do i understand it correctly that value 1 is the standard we currently had? Does this act as modifier to the "default" recoil force (based of some undisclosed function involving the projectile damage values) ? Because if yes, that would mean recoil force could only be reduced (infinitely), but not increased at all.

Is there a way this could be changed to be a simple factor, without limit?  The recoil force depends on the damage properties of the projectile, which is not good for when the damage needs to be lower, but recoil visually higher.

I made a ticket a while back. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121475


Alternatively and preferably even, the impulse should just be a raw value for recoil force and the contrived dependency on projectile damage properties removed. Because if it is just a factor, then everytime damage properties are adjusted one has to readjust recoil as well.


Also, is the recoil still exclusive to shotShell simulation? Or has this been changed?



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1 hour ago, x3kj said:

Thank you for this addition. Do i understand it correctly that value 1 is the standard we currently had? Does this act as modifier to the "default" recoil force (based of some undisclosed function involving the projectile damage values) ? Because if yes, that would mean recoil force could only be reduced (infinitely), but not increased at all.

Is there a way this could be changed to be a simple factor, without limit?  The recoil force depends on the damage properties of the projectile, which is not good for when the damage needs to be lower, but recoil visually higher.

I made a ticket a while back. https://feedback.bistudio.com/T121475


Alternatively and preferably even, the impulse should just be a raw value for recoil force and the contrived dependency on projectile damage properties removed. Because if it is just a factor, then everytime damage properties are adjusted one has to readjust recoil as well.


Also, is the recoil still exclusive to shotShell simulation? Or has this been changed?




Great suggestions! Is muzzleImpulseFactor factor tank barrel and how does it connects with the rest of the tank hull recoil? Does muzzleImpulsefactor affect gunner reticle or his sight?

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10 hours ago, en3x said:


Great suggestions! Is muzzleImpulseFactor factor tank barrel and how does it connects with the rest of the tank hull recoil? Does muzzleImpulsefactor affect gunner reticle or his sight?

It's a factor - I Tested it on RHS tanks with value 100 & tank fall over when shooting to the sides. Though bear in mind that I was told it's better to keep it in 0-1 range and usage of higher values is commenced on own risk. I can later post formula for current recoil force if you are interested in it

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I would like to learn as much as I can. If you could post formula that would be great.

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3 hours ago, reyhard said:

It's a factor - I Tested it on RHS tanks with value 100 & tank fall over when shooting to the sides. Though bear in mind that I was told it's better to keep it in 0-1 range and usage of higher values is commenced on own risk. I can later post formula for current recoil force if you are interested in it


Thats awesome! So the vehicles can actually feel the force behind the cannon shooting now! Fuck yeah

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On 24.6.2017 at 0:37 PM, xxgetbuck123 said:


Thats awesome! So the vehicles can actually feel the force behind the cannon shooting now! Fuck yeah

This was already the case long before, but the recoil was determined only by the projectile "damage stats" - so not really tweakable.


On 24.6.2017 at 9:17 AM, reyhard said:

I can later post formula for current recoil force if you are interested in it

That would be great, thanks

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Anyone else having trouble with guided weapons since the 1.72 ? I feel like everytime a DAGR, GBU or any other guided weapon is fired (when locked), it just goes straight like a rocket without guidance.

I'll post a vid if needed.

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7 minutes ago, KiTooN said:

Anyone else having trouble with guided weapons since the 1.72 ? I feel like everytime a DAGR, GBU or any other guided weapon is fired (when locked), it just goes straight like a rocket without guidance.

I'll post a vid if needed.

Same here. Even "next target" feature is not working on 2 crewed helis/jets (mods).

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9 minutes ago, Vasily.B said:

Same here. Even "next target" feature is not working on 2 crewed helis/jets (mods).


Have these been upgraded to the new Sensors? CUP at least hasn't yet (Update due soon)

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16 minutes ago, KiTooN said:

Anyone else having trouble with guided weapons since the 1.72 ? I feel like everytime a DAGR, GBU or any other guided weapon is fired (when locked), it just goes straight like a rocket without guidance.

I'll post a vid if needed.


8 minutes ago, Vasily.B said:

Same here. Even "next target" feature is not working on 2 crewed helis/jets (mods).

Hi  there!
Tried on Stable version and our internal version. Its working. Could you provide me more information and video please? :)



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On 6/23/2017 at 5:16 PM, lexx said:

- I am the commander of a vehicle.

- I have a UAV terminal connected to a UAV.

- I order my driver to go somewhere.

- Now I take control over the UAV.

- My driver stops the vehicle and won't do anything until I give the order to move again.

- As soon as I hop back into the UAV, the vehicle stops again, etc.


Am I the only one with this problem?

Nice catch! :)
Reproduced and sent for fix.

Thank you.

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Hi @Karloff


SInce your around here, did you have time to answer some small questions?




Is it possible for a jet to select and lock a target that is send via the datalink? So far, all my attempt were a fail.


Is it possible to add the turret stabilization from the TGP/drone turret to chopper turret? At least the AREA mode. It would really usefull and I don't know how to do it with script. :/


Do you know what are the difference between all the Next Target Bind? We have like 4 of them without any explanation...

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49 minutes ago, S3blapin said:

Is it possible for a jet to select and lock a target that is send via the datalink? So far, all my attempt were a fail.

It is possible. However the vehicle has to have such capability configured via a "data link sensor" (Arma_3_Sensors#Data_Link). At this moment - in a trial - only the anti air platforms have it.


49 minutes ago, S3blapin said:

Is it possible to add the turret stabilization from the TGP/drone turret to chopper turret? At least the AREA mode. It would really usefull and I don't know how to do it with script. :/

There's no scripted way of doing that. The stabilization atm can be added via config property directionStabilized, however that will force the gunner into an non-switchable turret stabilization. Many players didn't like that. 
TGPs use different technology (class pilotCamera) that offers a superior control and has a better, switchable stabilization than normal turrets. 
Once again this is something we'd love to improve but sadly that doesn't mean we will.


49 minutes ago, S3blapin said:

Do you know what are the difference between all the Next Target Bind? We have like 4 of them without any explanation...

Next target (in vehicle) is the only one relevant at this moment.

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@Karloff, sure, i'll get you a vid as soon as I get home, so far I only got a screenshot :

http://hpics.li/a315aa0 (the bright thing above the target is the DAGR flying away)


Repro :

- Get yourself a Comanche, a AR-2 (both airborne) and some kind of target (a wreck in my case)

- Edit the gunner so he has a drone terminal

- Play as gunner

- Connect to the drone

- Paint the target, lock the turret

- Switch to the gunner, lock the DAGR, fire

The missile goes straight, although it seems to explode when near enough from the target.

This makes me think it doesn't have any guidance, although the lock works fine.

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53 minutes ago, KiTooN said:

@Karloff, sure, i'll get you a vid as soon as I get home, so far I only got a screenshot :

http://hpics.li/a315aa0 (the bright thing above the target is the DAGR flying away)


Repro :

- Get yourself a Comanche, a AR-2 (both airborne) and some kind of target (a wreck in my case)

- Edit the gunner so he has a drone terminal

- Play as gunner

- Connect to the drone

- Paint the target, lock the turret

- Switch to the gunner, lock the DAGR, fire

The missile goes straight, although it seems to explode when near enough from the target.

This makes me think it doesn't have any guidance, although the lock works fine.

I see, reproduced. Problem is with Drones and its Laser targets. Sent to our programmers. 

Thank you very much! :)

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23 hours ago, x3kj said:

This was already the case long before, but the recoil was determined only by the projectile "damage stats" - so not really tweakable.


That would be great, thanks

So recoil assumes that hit = 13 equals to 0.5kg (so i.e. hit = 650 equals to 12.5kg). After that, force is calculated by following code force = mass * shotInitSpeed & it's applied to the vehicle as a vector opposite to the gun direction. On top of that there new parameter which is a factor to it. I hope that it clears some stuff up ;)

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The new carrier objects look amazing. Could you guys make the towing tractor an actual vehicle? Please? It doesn't even need to have any towing functionality out of the box (though that would be amazing), that could be done by mods or scripts. 


Also, I saw mention of new soundtrack, but I can't find any new songs in Eden.

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Towing tractor as a vehicle would be so cool! But, afraid it won't become a transport.

Also, it would be very good to have orchestral music in game, not just as a Deluxe-edition exclusive. It is sounds splendid and would fit well!

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