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It has probably been reported earlier, but it's something ive just noticed: the houses that in the Editor go by name Stone House (big, grey) have bugged balconies: walk to the left side of the balcony and your avatar goes into some kind of jumping loop. This happens both in Girna and Agia in that type of building.

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FIX: louder sounds for characters

Does this mean fatigue is louder as well?

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Did a small test with new updated helis and it is very nice flying BUT Blackfoot speed is slow

Ghosthawk can go faster than Blackfoot - GhostHawk goes 295 km/h and Blackfoot hardly 250 km/h - even Mi-48 goes faster 290 km/h

Real Comanche's Maximum speed: 175 knots (201 mph, 324 km/h) , Cruise speed: 165 knots (190 mph, 306 km/h)

Kudos to Pettka for taking them to PIMP-MAH-CHOPPAH. I believe there might be some unfair, unsportsmanlike connection between Blackfoot's configuration and guess-who-flies-what in our regular helicopter race. I keep wondering why Karel lost the last one...

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Does this mean fatigue is louder as well?

This should relate to the sound characters make while moving, specifically from 3rd person.



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Kudos to Pettka for taking them to PIMP-MAH-CHOPPAH. I believe there might be some unfair, unsportsmanlike connection between Blackfoot's configuration and guess-who-flies-what in our regular helicopter race. I keep wondering why Karel lost the last one...

Blackfoot is supposed to be faster since it is a NATO main attack helicopter and also it should keep up with Ghosthawk

Pettka pls add 60 km/h to Blackfoot's speed and it's ok (ps dont be lazy)​

Edited by RobertHammer

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is it possible, to make all smoke/dust particles, from driving vehicle, explosions, stay longer? Maybe it is done performance wise, but in reality, especialy after explosion, the smoke stays much much longer, then in game. Especialy at building destruction. Just watch some city battle videos from Syria, tanks shooting building, lots of dust and stay quite long, so it is hard to see anything behind it.

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is it possible, to make all smoke/dust particles, from driving vehicle, explosions, stay longer? Maybe it is done performance wise, but in reality, especialy after explosion, the smoke stays much much longer, then in game. Especialy at building destruction. Just watch some city battle videos from Syria, tanks shooting building, lots of dust and stay quite long, so it is hard to see anything behind it.

Wholly agree

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(ps dont be lazy)​

The short answer: No :icon_twisted:

The long one: Have you seen the weather outside in the Czech Republic? 36 centigrades and still counting :icon_twisted:

There is some issue regarding to possibility of increase the speed (AI won't be able to fly it correctly, nothing too important, just getting to some different place) that I may find time to address, but I won't promise anything :icon_twisted:

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The short answer: No :icon_twisted:

The long one: Have you seen the weather outside in the Czech Republic? 36 centigrades and still counting :icon_twisted:

There is some issue regarding to possibility of increase the speed (AI won't be able to fly it correctly, nothing too important, just getting to some different place) that I may find time to address, but I won't promise anything :icon_twisted:

I was doing outdoor sports on saturday when we had 38° outside. Your argument is invalid 8I.

But really, as long as you would be able to set specific speeds on waypoints to coordinate helicopters, different top speeds wouldn´t be such a problem. Maybe speed should be a distinct waypoint option for vehicles, at least for aircraft?

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In unit editor, "(AA)" and "(AT)" text is cut off for Missile Specialists in drop-down list, so one cannot differentiate between the two.


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I love the ejected shell casings on standard particle quality now, but I wish they would hang around a little longer (like at least 5 sec or so, or have that time user-adjustable for cutscene/intro generation...;))

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Did a small test with new updated helis and it is very nice flying BUT Blackfoot speed is slow

Ghosthawk can go faster than Blackfoot - GhostHawk goes 295 km/h and Blackfoot hardly 250 km/h - even Mi-48 goes faster 290 km/h

Real Comanche's Maximum speed: 175 knots (201 mph, 324 km/h) , Cruise speed: 165 knots (190 mph, 306 km/h)

This problem is not new. It exists in the stable branch current version.

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Or maybe differentiate speeds between AI and player?


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ADDED: Distances added to target and get in menu

Thank God. It's infuriating trying to get AI to board a vehicle via the 'get in' menu only to discover that the first one listed in the menu is not the vehicle closest to you, but is in fact the one you left back at the start. The ideal solution to this problem would be that the vehicle nearest you, or even the last one you were in, was the first in the list, but this method is good enough for now, I suppose.

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Yeah, a simple sort by distance would work wonders (might be taxing?)

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Okay I feel really late in noticing this but what happened to the lens flares on the lamps and vehicle lights?

example: http://www.arma3.com/images/screenshots/large/arma3_screenshot_08.jpg

i wondered this the other day to be honest? is it HDR related??

---------- Post added at 21:17 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

You can tell who is who by the class name in the right upper corner, but you are right.

i made a ticket regarding this issue :)


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That effect was removed several updates ago. I kind of miss it too.

was there a reason why it was removed?

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So I've seen Greenfor textures for the KA-60 and the Bluefor APC in their respective PBOs. Are we going to see those added to greenfor in the upcoming patches?

It'd be nice for greenfor to have an air unit that has a weapon as well as some IFV/APCs.

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So I've seen Greenfor textures for the KA-60 and the Bluefor APC in their respective PBOs. Are we going to see those added to greenfor in the upcoming patches?

It'd be nice for greenfor to have an air unit that has a weapon as well as some IFV/APCs.

Greenfor/ Altian Armed Forces are not even close to as powerful as opfor and Blufor in resources and assets.

---------- Post added at 00:27 ---------- Previous post was at 00:25 ----------

Anything they have that is from NATO or CSAT is either borrowed/ stolen from NATO or CSAT.

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