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ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

Will you buy Arma 3 (Steam exclusive)  

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  1. 1. Will you buy Arma 3 (Steam exclusive)

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And you can also disable the automatic update feature!

Disable update of Steam itself? Where I can do it?

So instead of jumping arguments lets short think about steam errors.

Did you try and reinstall steam? Or maybe only the game? Do you have an updated actual Windows Version? (> Windows 7)?

You can try and copy the game folder somewhere else and let steam redownload the game. Check your inet connection also.

I use Win7, hadn't reinstalled Steam, because there will be too much time spent on it, together with reinstalling the whole HL2 group I have.

All I can say is that steam is a software, and software has errors but it is really rare. I think the bigger problem is windows or your PC hardware when drawing realistic scenarios.

Exactly. Software has errors so why should I use even more of it? Windows errors, the game errors... Isn't it enough? I don't want to have some more software the errors of which can corrupt my gaming.

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You will have to live with it, simple as that. Don't agree? Don't play. No other way.

Damn, I hate people that say like this. Why do you think we are there complaining, mister sherlcock holms? Because we will not play with it!

Face it, Steam it's a pain in the arse. Make arma 3 steam exclusive it's the stupidiest things I have read from BIS.

I mean W*** *** **** you have to give the ability to the user to choose. You are forcing us into a system that we dont want join.

And you, steam users, you should stay with us and fight with us, because to you don't change a shee if Arma 3 will be released also boxed without necessary to use steam to activate it

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Whatever. Don't know why I am trying to argue with people that doesn't matter at all to me over a decision that already has been made which the results are far from been seen.

I can only imagine what\how those people will be playing in the next few years. Outsourcing have been a trend for some years (decades!) in all industries sectors and that is what Steam is offering for gamming now. Games are getting more and more expensive and complex to make, devs can't afford to spend time re-doing the wheel when there is a good and ready to go solution for such problems.

If Steam was THAT bad, we wouldn't see so many small\medium studios trying their luck with Greenlight.

All are selling their souls to the devil!! :-D

Some people are making a drama of this without real knowledge of the development and technical reasons, although they are been stated in the development blog. They are refusing to listen.

Edited by Down8

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Steam extern: "All the Armaverse belong to us - resistance is futile!" - Steam intern: "Dadidam, another one bites the dust...I am good or I am god?" ;)

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Which parts of the EULA are you talking about, specifically?

Regarding the non-refund policy: have you ever tried returning a retail game after opening the shrink-wrap?

Some pieces of choice.

Valve may also collect aggregate information and individual information. "Aggregate information" is information that describes the habits, usage patterns, and demographics of users as a group.

"Individual information" is information about a user or user’s machine that is presented in a form distinguishable from information relating to other users but not in a form that personally identifies any user or enables the recipient to communicate directly with any user. Valve may share aggregate and individual information with other parties without restriction.

To make use of the Software, you must have a Steam Account and you may be required to be running the Steam client and maintaining a connection to the Internet.

Steam may need to automatically update, pre-load, create new versions of or otherwise enhance the Software and accordingly, the system requirements to use the Software may change over time.

For EU Subscribers:

You agree that this Agreement shall be deemed to have been made and executed in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and that it is subject to the laws of Luxembourg

On the refund policy in my country you've got 7 days to return any product in good shape (even unwrapped) with proof of purchase, i heard UK user complaning this policy violate their sale of good acts either, in Germany a law suit against valve is in progress.

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ALl I can say that none of these scenarios I have read of have ever happened to me or a person I know, and that some of them are so unrealistic that I might feel that people should maybe rethink or give more detailed explanations.

Hey man, nice attitude - "If I didn't experience it, then it doesn't exist". And hey, another nice one - "I'm the majority and you're the minority, so STFU and GTFO. Nice, man, really nice.

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i've slowly been using steam and i find it unobtrusive, and quite handy. now i hope BIS removes the DRM and steam requirement a couple months after launch like usual, but i think Steam is a good choice. still waiting for arma3, hope it rocks.

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Hey man, nice attitude - "If I didn't experience it, then it doesn't exist". And hey, another nice one - "I'm the majority and you're the minority, so STFU and GTFO. Nice, man, really nice.

That's a long way from what he's saying, what's not nice is you trying to put unpleasant words into someone's mouth because they don't share the same opinion as you, please cut that out right away.

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The only thing that comes to mind is "hipster",misinformation and lack of flexibility by the part of some.

Flexibility is not an option against big corporation, as consumers we have to stick together if we don't want to get shafted. You choosed your camp good for you then. See the Total Biscuit video about pre orders for example.

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Hey man, nice attitude - "If I didn't experience it, then it doesn't exist". And hey, another nice one - "I'm the majority and you're the minority, so STFU and GTFO. Nice, man, really nice.

I think some of you anti-Steam guys need to cool off and stop getting so emotional about this.

Tremanarch merely asked whether anyone could give him a good reason why he should be against using Steam, and apparently none of the given reasons have convinced him. How exactly does this affect you?

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now i hope BIS removes the DRM and steam requirement a couple months after launch like usual, but i think Steam is a good choice. still waiting for arma3, hope it rocks.

Won't happen. Once a game goes Steamworks it becomes intrinsic to the game, built as part of it.

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I'm not a big Steam fan at but I think we should all try and get used to it, it has been 2 years since I've used Steam and from what I've seen, lots of changes has taken place for the better. Secondly, it looks like Bohemia was left only with Steam as a viable option if they want to release A3 this year, if there was a better option they'd probably take it so it's not like BI is wantonly choosing Steam to piss some people off.

*edit* Bohemia did mention that this move will make some existing player upset so I bet it wasn't exactly the easiest decision on their part.

Edited by JeffersPang

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zoog I'm fully aware that "alpha" or "beta" doesn't mean "demo". Guess most people would prefer to enjoy a great A3 demo version instead of getting only a crappy/buggy pre-release version of A3. Hope that makes it clear for you! :)

I see. Personally I expect a demo or maybe even "free weekends" or "guest passes" which is all easily possible with Steam. But it's all just guesswork though :)

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I'm not a big Steam fan at but I think we should all try and get used to it, it has been 2 years since I've used Steam and from what I've seen, lots of changes has taken place for the better. Secondly, it looks like Bohemia was left only with Steam as a viable option if they want to release A3 this year, if there was a better option they'd probably take it so it's not like BI is wantonly choosing Steam to piss some people off.

Exactly - there was no other option (as Marek Spanel said the game must be released this year) , people must respect the BIS decision

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At the end of the day it's just a question of ideology

Some people wants to retain full control over what happend to their PC other don't mind

Before we had the choice, now we have to choose our side

I totally understand BIS decision but it's actually a sad day really

Edited by jibemorel

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Boy is this thread hilarious.

I didn't think there could be so many uninformed people in one place.

Obviously I didn't read through the 30 or so pages that sprung up over night, but I can see most of the people complaining have no used Steam in years. I don't see why someone would be against convience.

Oh and I've seen a new excuse for the first time. People are thinking it's going to impede modding? LOL. Guess you missed that Steam has Steam Workshop which promotes modding and gets it out to a larger audience. It's not exclusive to workshop, you can still have Armaholic, just like Skyrim still has Skyrim Nexus. All it does is make it easier for those who want it to be easier. Steam has never restricted modding, that is damn funny.

I can't go on. It's clear that some of you are just TOO ignorant to ever have their views change. Have fun not playing ArmA 3 on an easier and more convenient platform!

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Obviously I didn't read through the 30 or so

Just read the latest page you'll see there are much more importants issues that what you can/cannot do with the steam client. Or maybe you missed them on purpose.

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Damn I just came out of hospital and this is very surprising.

I´m not really contra steam, but I experienced quite some problems with it.

It would be very nice if a BIS dev could answer these questions


This! Exelent post AlexVestin.

These are genuine concerns. The answers to these might be what saves ARMA III for me and many others.

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tremanarch, I apologize, but when you say something like "There might be people which have problems but I dont see how a possible minority should dictate how things go for the majority?" i have the right to feel kinda bit oppressed as the member of forementioned minority, don't you think. I totally understand your point of view and kinda agree with it, but it doesn't make my experience less frustrating.


I'm not an "anti-Steam guy", I just don't like it and pretty worried if I will be able to play Arma3 :)

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Valve may also collect aggregate information and individual information. "Aggregate information" is information that describes the habits, usage patterns, and demographics of users as a group.

"Individual information" is information about a user or user’s machine that is presented in a form distinguishable from information relating to other users but not in a form that personally identifies any user or enables the recipient to communicate directly with any user. Valve may share aggregate and individual information with other parties without restriction.

Emphasis mine. I can't say I see a problem with people recieving anonymized information about my gaming habits. It's anonymized, so how does it affect me personally in any negative way?

To make use of the Software, you must have a Steam Account and you may be required to be running the Steam client and maintaining a connection to the Internet.

Steam is an online service. What do you expect?

Steam may need to automatically update, pre-load, create new versions of or otherwise enhance the Software and accordingly, the system requirements to use the Software may change over time.

This is standard legalese for any software that updates itself.

For EU Subscribers:

You agree that this Agreement shall be deemed to have been made and executed in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and that it is subject to the laws of Luxembourg

Not really sure what exactly this entails, so I can't comment on it.

On the refund policy in my country you've got 7 days to return any product in good shape (even unwrapped) with proof of purchase, i heard UK user complaning this policy violate their sale of good acts either, in Germany a law suit against valve is in progress.

I'm talking about games, specifically. At least here in Germany, retailers like Gamestop will not accept returns on games where the shrink-wrap has been opened. A quick Google search tells me that the same is generally true in the UK and the US.


I'm not an "anti-Steam guy", I just don't like it and pretty worried if I will be able to play Arma3 :)

Sorry, that was obviously a false assumption on my part. ;)

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@Enad. Good post.

I've been waiting on ArmA 3 since circa "January of 2011" (when the first trailer came out). Then the E3 / Gamescom of 2011 even got me more excited after seeing all those great videos; also, they announced the release in the Summer of 2011 that the simulator would be released in the Summer of 2012 (expectations are now set High). In the Spring of 2012, BIS announced that the Alpha would be released in June right after E3. That time frame came and went. Jay Crowe announced at E3 that the Alpha was going to be released after Gamescom. It never happened. At Gamescom, they announced that the Alpha would be released before Christmas and that the complete simulator would be released in the 1Q of 2013 (one month left in the quarter, btw). It's been one big tease :rolleyes:

I assume that last Fall (with Ivan and Martin in jail) that they decided there was "no way" the multiplayer side of the game was going to even be close to being ready for 2013 (also, I assume the name change of the Island / reformatting the Island slowed them down). So, they made the decision to use Steam to get the simulator out in 2013 by using Steam to control the Multiplayer side of the game. BIS got in a "pickle" by announcing over and over again that the "Alpha" was 'on the way' - and then it never came to be a reality. It ended up being a PR nightmare. Sure, we are use to Video Games being delayed for months and even years, but if BIS would have announced in February that the game was delayed until 2014, I would have been pulling my hair out. :crazy_o: Sure, I'm having a blast with ArmA 2, but those videos from the past Summer have me hungry for the simulator.

Side Note: I first had an inkling BIS was in trouble with ArmA 3 when I kept hearing about all these games being released / worked on "All at once." Carrier Command - Take on Helicopters - DayZ - ArmA Tactics. Don't they only have like 20 or 30 employees at BIS? How could they take on all those games with such a limited staff? And then having release dates of all those games so close together? I'm still skeptical that ArmA 3 will be released before E3. I hope it's released before Gamescom....if not, then it will be next Fall right before Christmas season.

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I can't go on. It's clear that some of you are just TOO ignorant to ever have their views change. Have fun not playing ArmA 3 on an easier and more convenient platform!

It not that some of us are "ignorant", it just we really didn't want any 3rd party software being part of an installation. It's completely fine if it was only for users whom bought and install it from the online Distribution software client. However buying a physical copy of the product and having to install the 3rd party software is something I hate having to do.

So going on and calling other people "ignorant", "stupid" or such is something you should avoid doing. Not everyone agrees with you. Even BIS knew some of their fans will not like the decision they've made.

Since we expect this will upset some of our fans, I'd like to take the time to honestly explain our motivations.

Take that sentence as a reminder that not all the anti-steam junkies are "ignorant".


An as for BIS decision about it, I'm disappointed that even DVD users have to install steam. I was honesty hopeful that my favorite games are still going with the DVD or Online choices of availability. Even simcity is doing the same but with much more strict policies.

I suppose it's a good thing that there's an offline mode, But the fact that majority of the games I'm waiting for is now saying "offline mode" available scares me.

Here's my question to anyone at BIS

You provided a small FAQ about it, one of the questions said this:

I don't want any of the benefits Steam brings me, so why should I care?

A: There was a very real chance there would be no Arma 3 this year otherwise.

Do you really mean only by this year? or, No Arma 3 at all?

Hell, take as much time as you like making the game. Anyone who is rushing you can pipe down and wait, for good things take time. I was willing to wait for another year for this game to be released and another month or so for my giant robot bunny in the game, and I'm still willing if it also means it could help a small possible chance of it changing the idea.

Edited by Haystack15
Way to many reasons, Gammar, added thoughs, more rant, mom yelling, cat's moaning, cellphone dying, Global warming ect..

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To all Yay-Steam!! guys:

You asking for reason why we don't like steam. And it was given several times already, but I'll repeat - despite my personal unpleasant experience with it, the major problem (at least for me) is the idea that I do not really own something I gave my hard earned money for. Isn't this reason enough?

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