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1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

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160th SOAR Mod for ArmA III

*Updated 1/16/2015*

SOAS MOD Team (in no particular order)

- swissMAG

- WarLord554

- WaCkO

- abates56

The Special Operations Aviation Studio is proud to bring you guys the aircraft from the US Army 160th SOAR. This pack has been expanded since this thread was started, including our MH47G. We have been working hard on every aspect of this MOD, including attention to detail on models, textures, features, etc. All to hopefully deliver a top notch aircraft pack.

Base Core Airframe Models

-MH60L Standard (Doors animated and can close, custom INTERNAL cargo seating)

-MH60L [FRC] (Custom "feet hanging" cargo door seating, doors perm open, Fast Rope Capable)

-MH60L [CRRC] (CRRC deployable Variant)

-MH60L [DAP] (Will be STRICTLY gunship. No cargo seating, cargo area has ammo crates/belts depending on which weapons systems are deployed. They WILL have M134D door guns/crew. Will be equipped with the ESSS Wings/Weapon Pylons)

-MH60M Standard (Doors animated and can close, custom INTERNAL cargo seating)

-MH60M [FRC] (Custom "feet hanging" cargo door seating, doors perm open, Fast Rope Capable)

-MH60M [CRRC] (CRRC deployable Variant)

-MH60M [DAP] (Will be STRICTLY gunship. No cargo seating, cargo area has ammo crates/belts depending on which weapons systems are deployed. They WILL have M134D door guns/crew. Will be equipped with the LASS Wings/Weapon Pylons)

*All non-DAP -60's will have full fastrope support, FFV, and limited, realistic slingload capability*

MH6M [FRC] (Fast Rope Capable Littlebird)

AH6M Gunship (Weapons pylons)

MH6M SCOUT (A bonus prize for you guys. A scout version with cargo doors, Kiowa "Style" Flir scout camera atop rotor hub, recon, laser, etc. Only Pilot/Co Pilot cargo)

MH47G [sOC] (Fully Mission Ready, "Heavy" SOCOM MH47G. M134D main door guns, M240 Rear Window Guns, Rear Ramp .50cal M2B Gun)

MH47G [sOC] II (Same as above, except SOCOM MK47 MOD 0 40mm Auto Grenade Launcher replaces rear ramp .50cal)

MH47G (Standard variant without ramp guns)

MH47G [CRRC] (CRRC deployable Variant)

*All MH47G's will have full fast rope support, rear ramp "cool" cargo FFV positions, and slingload capability*

Players service menu options *(As of right now, still WIP)*

- Equip/Unequip MH60 and MH6 pilot doors (All -60/6 models, including L, M, and DAPs/Gunships.)

- Equip/Unequip MH60 Fuel Probe (All -60 models, including L, M, and both DAPs.)

- Equip/Unequip MH6M Flare Countermeasure Devices (Possibly, need to discuss with JS/Saul)

- Equip/Unequip MH60 Door Guns (Possibly, need to discuss with JS/Saul. Will also allow Gunner Windows to be animated open/close)

- Full DAP/-6 Gunship Weapon Systems (Interchangable), including:

* M230 Chain Gun (-60 DAPs only)

* GAU-19

* M260/M261 Rocket Pods

* DAGR/HYDRA Rockets

* M134 GAU 2/A Aircraft Mounted Minigun (Possibly, may do the gun pod version)

* Several AGM144 HELLFIRE Variants, with different attack modes

* AIM9 AA Missiles


* Anti Ship Missile (TBA)

* Next Gen Systems (TBA)

* External Fuel Tanks (-60 DAPs only)

- Interchangable Skins (Including, but not limited to):

* SOAR Black (US Army Stencils/Tail Numbers)

* SOAR Black (Sterile, no markings)

* US Army OD Green (US Army Stencils/Tail Numbers)

* US Army OD Green (Sterile, no markings)

* Dusty versions of all, which will also make cockpit dusty

* Several bonus skins, including all BHD inspired, several custom graphics, desert camo variant, etc

Various animations, including pilot doors, cargo doors, gunner windows (possibly), fuel probe, suspension, rotors, cockpit components, and whatever else isn't tied down

* Possibly animate the m130 Chaff/Flare dispensers to allow arc adjustment. Will test development on a fully automated countermeasure suite, that will automatically adjust flare arc/direction based on incoming threat direction. Will also have full manual flare deployment with several fire modes*

SOAR Aircraft are some of the most technologically efficient in the world. Mission survivability is vital to us. We have discussed and will development/test every possible countermeasure option the engine will allow, including electronic jammers, lower IR/stealthy signatures, and much more

Fully interactive cockpit on ALL aircraft. Still in development phase, more on features will be released later

Custom animations for

* Get In/Out pilots and cargo

* Door gunners, with ability to stand "mounted on gun", or "safe" and sitting in seat

* Cargo troops seating, including "feet hanging"

FLIR capabilities on all equipped aircraft. Including Day camera, NV, thermal, Laser designator. Full targeting systems for DAPs/-6 Gunship

Will attempt to simulate "Terrain Following Radar" for pilots, adding complete darkness low level capabilities in all terrains

Completely NV compatible cockpits, and will include custom lighting and glow gauges

Cabin Lighting, Landing Lights, Collision Lights, IR Collision Lights

Completely new, custom flight models for ALL aircraft, which will be tested extensively

Standard/Advanced flight model compatible

Each helo will have two versions, one with PhysX enabled, and one without. This makes everyone happy, and gives mission makers all deployment options, for example ship landings and storage

SOAR helos will have fully animated, folding rear stabilator/rotors for transport anywhere in the armaverse, via proper transport planes. Will also give mission makers cool backdrops in their scenes

Will include a HQ "Static wreck" version of -60s and -47s, for all those BHD/OP Anaconda missions ;), will also include a couple working guns on these simulating reserve power. This will allow crew/troops to defend the bird for a short time, and adds tacticool factor. Also will have submerged wreck variants of all aircraft

Complete custom sound suite for all aspects (engine, rotors, all weapons, interior, etc)

Many more misc features including:

- IR Lasers/Eotech 553 Sights on door guns

- Fully working, visible turbine engines

- Fully animated rotor bend

- Fastrope compatibility

- Slingloading compatibility

- Rope ladder compatibility

- much, much more!!!

Full SOAR Pilot/Crew Gear

- HGU56/P (Pilot Helmet, no mask)

- HGU56/P [NVG] (Pilot Helmet, no mask, NVG battery)

- HGU56/P [M] (Pilot Helmet, mask)

- HGU56/P [M/NVG] (Pilot Helmet, mask, NVG battery)

*Will include many variations, with different colors/camos/patches/stencils/etc*

- HGU56/P Oxygen Mask (Glasses Slot possibly). No function yet, just for looks and all those high altitude pilots ;)

- Full SOAR Flight Suits

*Will include many variations, with different colors/camos/patches, etc*

Crew Aviation Vest Loadout (TBA)

Crew/Pilots will use my MK18 Block II SOPMODs (Featured in future SOCMOD update)

I'm sure I'm missing something, but stay tuned :)

Special Operations Aviation Studio

US Army 160th SOAR MOD

"Death Awaits In The Dark"

*WIP Pics*




- MH-60M DAP


- MH-60M Blackhawk




- MH-60L



- MH-60L DAP


- Blackhawk CAAS Cockpit


- MH-6M



- AH-6M Gunship

*Coming Soon*

- MH-47G

*Coming Soon*

Edited by WarLord554
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Those are looking pretty rad--really interested to see what you come up with. :)

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Really really nice, i would love to have those in game

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Hell yeah here we go we have the MH-60 and the DAP version ! i will follow this thread ;)

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Looks good. The MH-6M uses the Apache style tail (Scissor tail rotor) and has 6 blades on its rotor rather than 5.

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Looking very nice, been hoping for some Black Hawks :)

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I definitely need to get the KC130 in game so that future helicopters can refuel also

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Good eyes buddy ;). The little birds haven't gone through their transformation yet. But no small detail will be left out


Your reading my mind brother. I intend to make them fully compatible with community aerial refueling. Also going to include "transport" versions for cutscenes, possibly compatible with a tow tractor or similiar, see if we can't load them up into your beauties ;)

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Nice work, man. Can't wait for the release.

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These reminds me of the addons created by BAS , keep up the great work.

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Nice bunch of heli.

One question though, are you going to add much more dispersion while firing the GAU 19 or M134 (there is no dispersion in A3, it's kind of useless while you're trying to shoot soldier)?

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Quick question, will the Blackhawk allow for sitting on the floor like the Dukes Helo pack in Arma2 or will it have benches?

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Yes that was one of my favorite OFP mods :)


The M230 will have movement, it will be limited ofcourse, but you will be able to engage pinpoint targets just like a regular gunship gunner. Experimenting with advanced targeting and HUDs and may have option to "slave" the gun to your helmet HUD. Many advanced features being tested


Absolutely! Passengers will have custom cargo seating just like his did.

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Finally 160th SOAR! Looking forward to it!

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  Wiki said:
Finally 160th SOAR! Looking forward to it!

Same, I was waiting for a good version of the Blackhawk for A3. :)

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The inlet barrier filters over the intakes aren't necessary. The entire Army has been moving away from them, and 160th has the budget to replace engines if necessary. Either way they were getting to be more trouble than they're worth. The 701-D engines also have more titanium in it's overall makeup so it's stronger and lighter. This includes compressor blades, so they aren't eroding nearly as much, combined with doctrine changes for mode-of-flight stuff.

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Flight Lizard is right. By and large we haven't used EIBF since Iraq, which may be in large part due to altitude/heat. Plus the inlet particle separator built into the engine is usually more than enough anyway. Usually.

(Disclaimer: I mean "we" as in Army Aviation as a whole)

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Yes you guys are correct, it has been a big debate for me, however I thought they looked pretty mean, so I left them. :) I have higher quality models on standby, we will see what makes the cut.

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  fullerpj said:
I definitely need to get the KC130 in game so that future helicopters can refuel also

Agreed, but dont make it your priority, you should focus on the current aspects of your mod and add new aircrafts when the current ones are stable and youre satisfied of the work youve done :)

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Very nice. All this current military tech thats being created by modders nowadays might bring me back to A3. Right now I'm content with just messing around in A2 still....that being said I wish Yura woulda finished that 60L DAP aircraft. This makes me wish there was one for A2 (a 160th one, not just a regular 60 with HF and rockets)

Keep up the good work though, these puppies are looking pretty slick

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