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Everything posted by jus61

  1. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

  2. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Error: http://hastebin.com/kicibizezu.tex
  3. I have a problem with Exile Mod and ACRE 2. Can Help anyone? It works but I can not use items such example Water Bottle RPT Log: 14:59:23 !!!! WARNING ONEACHFRAME POSSIBLY REASSIGNED !!!! IT APPEARS THAT A ADDON OR MISSION HAS POSSIBLY FAILED TO CORRECTLY USE THE BIS STACKED EVENT HANDLER FUNCTIONS FOR ONEACHFRAME!
  4. Error in my RPT (TANOA): 18:33:56 Error in expression < RETURNRANDOM);} else {_nul = [1] SPAWN MusicT;[["WLA","CustomSounds"]] call BIS> 18:33:56 Error position: <MusicT;[["WLA","CustomSounds"]] call BIS> 18:33:56 Error Undefined variable in expression: musict 18:33:56 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\Cutscenes\Cut0_Intro.sqf, line 24 18:33:59 Error in expression < {missionnamespace getvariable "PPos"}; _p }; NEARESTLOCATIONNAME = { private> 18:33:59 Error position: <_p }; NEARESTLOCATIONNAME = { private> 18:33:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _p 18:33:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\SharedFuncs.sqf, line 71 18:33:59 Error in expression <PLAYER; _nearestCity = nearestLocation [_t, "NameCity"]; _nearestCity2 = nearest> 18:33:59 Error position: <_t, "NameCity"]; _nearestCity2 = nearest> 18:33:59 Error Undefined variable in expression: _t 18:33:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\AmbientFortress.sqf, line 319
  5. I have a problem with Exile Mod and ACRE 2. Can Help anyone? It works but I can not use items such example Water Bottle RPT Log: 14:59:23 !!!! WARNING ONEACHFRAME POSSIBLY REASSIGNED !!!! IT APPEARS THAT A ADDON OR MISSION HAS POSSIBLY FAILED TO CORRECTLY USE THE BIS STACKED EVENT HANDLER FUNCTIONS FOR ONEACHFRAME!
  6. jus61

    [ACE, MP, COOP/PVP 46] PA Insurgency

    19:45:25 Error position: <_unit addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_tournique> 19:45:25 Error Missing ; 19:45:25 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\f\ace3\ACE3_MedicalAdvancedConverter.sqf, line 42 line 42,52,62 19:45:20 Error in expression <ast > 0.6)) then { tf_guer_radio_code = _opfor; }; }; > 19:45:20 Error position: <_opfor; }; }; > 19:45:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _opfor 19:45:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\f\radios\tfr\tfr_serverInit.sqf, line 36 19:45:20 Error in expression <(resistance getFriend east); _bluefor = tf_west_radio_code; _opfor = tf_east_rad> 19:45:20 Error position: <tf_west_radio_code; _opfor = tf_east_rad> 19:45:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: tf_west_radio_code 19:45:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\f\radios\tfr\tfr_serverInit.sqf, line 28
  7. The description of the mission is always displayed in English if well in the Stringtabel.xml also German is specified? Sorry me English ;) UPDATE: Has anyone else this error?: 14:49:58 Error in expression <andom (count _this)); _element = _this select _id; _element> 14:49:58 Error position: <select _id; _element> 14:49:58 Error Zero divisor 14:49:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\fnc\core\fn_getArrayRandom.sqf, line 18 14:49:58 Error in expression <c_getArrayRandom) select 0; _distance = PO3_pos_curr distance PO3_pos_prev; if( > 14:49:58 Error position: <PO3_pos_curr distance PO3_pos_prev; if( > 14:49:58 Error Undefined variable in expression: po3_pos_curr 14:49:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\fnc\position\fn_getNewPos.sqf, line 33
  8. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Please MHQ (Mobiler respawn) on / off parameter insert
  9. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Update: 12:48:40 Error in expression <s _target; }; } forEach _possTar; _unit fireAtTarget [_target]; }; }; if ((count> 12:48:40 Error position: <fireAtTarget [_target]; }; }; if ((count> 12:48:40 Error Type Number, expected Object 12:48:40 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\scripts\flak.sqf, line 40
  10. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    Erros in me RPT: 12:25:58 Error in expression <elect _forEachIndex)); missionNamespace setVariable [_paramName,_x]; publicVaria> 12:25:58 Error position: <setVariable [_paramName,_x]; publicVaria> 12:25:58 Error Reserved variable in expression 12:25:58 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\f\common\fn_processParamsArray.sqf, line 21 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12:26:20 Error in expression <Mission loaded"; / Headless execVM "Scripts\passToHCs.> 12:26:20 Error position: </ Headless execVM "Scripts\passToHCs.> 12:26:20 Error Invalid number in expression 12:26:20 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\init.sqf, line 435 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12:26:30 Error in expression <(resistance getFriend east); _bluefor = tf_west_radio_code; _opfor = tf_east_rad> 12:26:30 Error position: <tf_west_radio_code; _opfor = tf_east_rad> 12:26:30 Error Undefined variable in expression: tf_west_radio_code 12:26:30 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\f\radios\tfr\tfr_serverInit.sqf, line 28 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12:29:13 Error in expression <om _r; _yranpos = random (sqrt( (_r*_r) / (_xranpos*_xranpos) )); _marker setMa> 12:29:13 Error position: </ (_xranpos*_xranpos) )); _marker setMa> 12:29:13 Error Zero divisor 12:29:13 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\RCP\RCPfuncs.sqf, line 126 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// http://hastebin.com/xukivixoca.coffee
  11. Hallo Terox! Would you publish the missions Fils?
  12. jus61

    Dynamic Combat Generator

    Also comes a Tanoa Version??
  13. = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\userconfig\task_force_radio\radio_settings.hpp Download: https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/tree/master/arma3
  14. 11:21:03 @KBS_Server | @KBS_Server | false | NOT FOUND | | | -serverMod=@Server" :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  15. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

    These configurations you should still with insert: Day Duration ( "4", "6", "8", "12", "14", "16", "20") Shorter Nights ( Enabled / Disabled) Revive ( "Only medics can revive", "Everyone can revive", "Everyone can revive using a MedKit", "Disabled" ) Civilians ( Enabled / Disabled) ....
  16. jus61

    Insurgency - Tanoa

  17. Liberation Server:
  18. I once started a server with the VcomAi. If anyone has interest to play here is the server IP: Free Addons: @CBA_A3 @TFAR @KSK 2035 - Tropic @Arma Enhanced Movement @ShackTac User Interface @C2 - Command & Control (V1.4.5) Game Info Liberation 0.924 Tanoa ( Apex-Dev. ) PS: @genesis92x has all rights to the server and can the AI Optimize
  19. Can someone help me? Have the following error: Error in expression < while { true } do { group_owners = [[lhdofficer, "Server", owner lhdofficer, > 8:51:28 Error position: <lhdofficer, "Server", owner lhdofficer, > 8:51:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: lhdofficer 8:51:28 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.tanoa\scripts\server\offloading\offload_calculation.sqf, line 5 offload_calculation.sqf: if ( isNil "group_owners" ) then { group_owners = []; }; while { true } do { group_owners = [[lhdofficer, "Server", owner lhdofficer, 0, 0, 0]]; { _owner_name = group_owners pushback [_x, name _x, owner _x, 0, 0, 0]; } foreach allPlayers; { _currentgroup = _x; _group_owner = []; _idx_group_owner = -1; { if ( ( _x select 2 ) == groupOwner _currentgroup ) then { _group_owner = _x; _idx_group_owner = group_owners find _x; }; } foreach group_owners; if ( count _group_owner > 0 ) then { if ( side _currentgroup == WEST ) then { group_owners set [_idx_group_owner, [_group_owner select 0, _group_owner select 1,_group_owner select 2, (_group_owner select 3) + (count units _currentgroup), (_group_owner select 4), (_group_owner select 5)]]; }; if ( side _currentgroup == EAST ) then { group_owners set [_idx_group_owner, [_group_owner select 0, _group_owner select 1,_group_owner select 2, (_group_owner select 3), (_group_owner select 4) + (count units _currentgroup), (_group_owner select 5)]]; }; if ( side _currentgroup == CIVILIAN ) then { group_owners set [_idx_group_owner, [_group_owner select 0, _group_owner select 1,_group_owner select 2, (_group_owner select 3), (_group_owner select 4), (_group_owner select 5) + (count units _currentgroup)]]; }; } } foreach allGroups; publicVariable "group_owners"; sleep 5; };
  20. v2 Does it work with Tanoa