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Everything posted by jus61

  1. RicoAMPL You must restart your server every 4-5 hours
  2. jus61


    Error: 19:07:22 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. r3f_uniformes 19:07:22 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. ace_tacticalladder @cba;@ace;@ADV_ACE_C;@ACRE2;@Gemini;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF_ACE;@RHSUSAF_ACE;@Project_OPFOR;@R3F_Armes;@R3F_unites; https://pastebin.com/pdkDQHGd
  3. If the game is saved to the server restart?
  4. https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/blob/master/Missionframework/kp_liberation_config.sqf#L109
  5. https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation Discord https://github.com/KillahPotatoes/KP-Liberation/wiki
  6. The VCOM AI only works with Vanilla Arma AI ????
  7. jus61

    GSTAVO's Weapons

    Bikey is missing
  8. jus61


    Server Online: Name: SCS Malden by www.killahpotatoes.de IP: TS: ts3.killahpotatoes.de Mod: Community Base Addons Advanced Combat Environment ADV-aceCPR RHS: GREF RHS: Armed Forces of the Russian Federation RHS: United States Forces ACE_Compat_RHS_GREF ACE_Compat_RHSAFRF ACE_Compat_RHSUSAF Bundeswehr Mod Bundeswehr Mod Compatibility Advanced Combat Radio Environment 2 Advanced_Urban_Rappelling Free Mod´s: JSRS SOUNDMOD Enhanced Movement Enhanced Visuals
  9. Server is Online: Mod: @RHSUSAF @RHSAFRF @RHSGREF @ACRE2 @CBA_A3 @ADV_ACE_CPR @ace @ACE_Compat_RHSUSAF @ACE_Compat_RHSAFRF @ACE_Compat_RHS_GREF @Advanced_Urban_Rappelling Server: IP: Name: Patrol Operations by www.killahpotatoes.de TS: ts3.killahpotatoes.de
  10. allowedVoteCmds[] = // Voting commands allowed to players { // {command, preinit, postinit, threshold} - specifying a threshold value will override "voteThreshold" for that command {"admin", false, false}, // vote admin {"kick", false, true, 0.51}, // vote kick {"missions", false, false}, // mission change {"mission", false, false}, // mission selection {"restart", false, false}, // mission restart {"reassign", false, false} // mission restart with roles unassigned }; Server.cfg
  11. jus61


    Will they publish this mod on Steam?
  12. https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/projects
  13. https://github.com/Wyqer/kp_liberation/projects