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Everything posted by Valken

  1. Valken

    Maverics Proving Grounds

    Did anyone see this trailer from other websites: Engine looks pretty good and appears to a next gen Battle Royale type game. I hope ARMA 4 would be at this level of fidelity!
  2. Valken

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    This was exactly the first thing that crossed my mind when I read the update report and I loved the older "Real Armor" mod. It is really one of the best set of functions especially for anti-tank platoons or soldiers to understand the weakness and strengths and makes each encounter or victory more enjoyable. Noted on the decorations and we are patient for when everything eventually becomes normalized across vanilla and modded ARMA 3.
  3. Valken

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi RHS team, With the new Tanks DLC coming out soon, will RHS update with the advanced armor system from BIS and integrated into the existing RHS adjustments? Or are the two already compatible? Same for the external tank decorations functions?
  4. I would like to know this too or can the AI detect players are unconscious and revive us? For the popping sounds, press ESC, ACE config when in a mission and adjust the cookoff duration or turn it off.
  6. I tested in VR with NATO and OPFOR facing each other firing squad or WW1 style. I did unload all other sound mods including screams and yes it is working but I could barely hear them, even as a civilian standing next to them. I did switch all the guns to silencers and it was better. I then did a back to back with this mod vs Laxxman's Scream (still works), Dynamic Shouts, Unit Voiceovers and Project SFX. I could hear all of them so I think you may consider to adjust the playback volume to be a tad under the basic gunfire volume. I think the rifle gunfire eruption covers it up. My SFX volume is at 100%.
  7. Hi TPW, I wanted to ask is it possible to increase the user defined units to more than 3 - blufor, opfor and greenfor? Can we have 2x user mod units per team instead? I noticed we can combine default + 1 user unit into a side, but I wanted an option to add 2x user units into side to simulate joint operations. For example China and Russia on one side vs Nato vs Indy. Or is there a limitation due to the number of units or squads from the arma engine?
  8. Yes those are STATIC poses and I love your ACE implementation. Thought it would be easier to setup poses for picture taking via ACE like your mod than to setup each unit in the editor. Real time 3d posing looks better than editor! Keep up the good work.
  9. Good to see you back LP! I just tried it and it appears to not be working? Or the sounds are super muffled. I can barely tell. It would be good to see this updated along with GL5 FX Dubbing portion. The radio still works.
  10. Would you be able to also make this mod add functionality to the other animation mods such as Cookie's or Rismarck's poses? Or do they have to code the ACE or menu config themselves?
  11. I had this problem for a LONG time right about BEFORE the x64 version came out and occurred even more in x64 than x32. It was memory leaks for me and you need to make sure of the following things: Make sure your C: or whatever HDD/SDD that the SWAPFILE is set to has ~ equal FREE HD space as you have RAM Make sure you have at least 16 GB of RAM, and do a clean boot into Windows or the OS before you play ARMA. Close all background tasks such as web browsers, torrents, video and audio player and etc... Make sure the HDD or SDD drive where "My Documents" folder is SET to also has a ton of free space because ARMA 3 sets and saves your profile in the "My Documents/ ARMA 3/ PROFILES" folder. It is usually the C drive but I moved my folder to another HDD for backup purposes. The game logs the RPT file in there and can eat up space if you open and close ARMA a lot. Or just do what I do and set the -nologs checkbox in the ARMA 3 Launcher. I previously had 16 GB of ram and still crashed out after 45 mins to 1 hour of play due to LOW HDD space for the swap file. I have since fixed it by literally upgrading to 32 GBs of RAM. Seriously this fixed my low HDD space problem for ARMA 3 x64. Other game engines such as Unreal Engine or Photoshop has the same problem if you have LOW HDD space for the swap file or no swap file. It is just the way those engines are built and work in Windows. Not sure if it has the same problem under Linux or Apple OSX but for Windows 7, the above fixed my problem until I upgraded my RAM.
  12. I agree with a lot of the old timers here but we have to be realistic that BIS has to grow as company to keep supporting ARMA 3. That means new consumers good or bad to fund that path of support. We live in a BIG real world and all kinds of people = young, old, smart, not so smart, good, bad, and douchbags as well... Just deal with it because seriously, we can't waste our time policing it every minute. I like Steam but disdain their community also because I've grown out of that high school thinking only to be thrown back into it. The mentality there is a big turn off... for me. I think the solution is actually to allow server rankings or tagging to filter through all the unwanted stuff so like minded folks can congregate. That is one solution - to have communities within the Steam community or outside of it. I did join a few KOTH and LIFE servers just to see what it was about... and when I find a community server I like, I favorite it. Maybe we should just do that share for liked minded folks and leave the rest to everyone else. No one can not use this function to hang out with their friends. This would be an ideal democratic process.
  13. A or E :D PS: Are these your mods as it is very similar but under a different name: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LAYLAISDEADsorry/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  14. Valken

    co10 Escape

    I think it is VCOM or any other AI mod. If the AI mod takes over a lot of units, you will get freezing because all of ARMA 3's scripting including AI runs on ONE CPU or THREAD! So you can try adding a headless client to run the AI which will make the game much better. Or drop VCOM or adjust the settings so it is not so heavy. I play on Outkast's Escape servers and they use ASR AI (on the unsung) and it works fine albeight it is super hard since the AI is super accurate! Not sure if that was true during the Vietnam war but would not want to experience that in real life to find out! :D So try a headless client if you wish to stick with VCOM (excellent AI mod) or another AI mod that is lighter on the cpu.
  15. Would it be possible to write a config so when CUP and RHS is loaded, CUP vehicles would inherit the RHS values so it would baseline both mods? Wouldn't that solve any perceived armor and ballistics discrepancy?
  16. Valken

    A3 Launcher

    It happened to me before. What I did was "backup" that 107410 folder by renaming it. So all the content stays intact. Then you can move it to another folder, like your SSD. Or you can make a copy of all or part of the content back INTO the 107410 folder, then re-subscribe to the mod. It should check it and update it if need be. That is assuming your link to Steam is working because the ONLY reason your PC would forget about all the mods is if your HDD or SSD with the mods is going bad. Otherwise, it is more than likely STEAM WORKSHOP or their servers having problems in your region. For big mods, I would copy it as a backup to see if Steam can find it. I hated waiting over 48 hours to verify all the workshops mods that still exists on my SSD. It is a pain until Steam is setup for delta patching for ARMA.
  17. Thanks for those suggestions Gunter. I will see what I can do with it. Edit - I wanted to update I think ACE3 has my request built in now! I was playing a SP/COOP mission in SP. My AI squad died except me and I manage to get to the last objective to rescue the AI guy. Problem was that I clicked rescue and nothing happened. I then used ACE3 Interaction on the AI, joined his team, then promoted myself to leader. Then he did exactly what I told him to do. I will test this again on other SP / COOP missions with AI and ACE3 only as I did have GL5 loaded at the same time. Just wanted to share this for others looking for this feature to test as well.
  18. BIS has stated they are making the Fusion engine (ARMA 3 + DayZ SA + upgrades) and it will be the next engine for the next game... ARMA 4 would be our guess what it may be. It could be DayZ 2.0 for all we know and if we can mod it like ARMA 3, I would buy it just for that alone!
  19. I searched this thread and cannot find what I am looking for, so can someone advise an AI mod similar to Group Link 5 where I can recruit in game NPC AI into my squad, command them, and release them back, but without the intelligence portion so I can use the default AI in SP missions without changing the mission behavior too much. I do NOT want to spawn additional AI. I just want to recruit the existing AI NPC, blufor or civies, into my group and command them. This is both a game and role playing feature I want to use for immersion sake. I actually wish GL5 would be updated as the AI part still works, but the FX section needs updating. I do use C2, and ACE3 so something compatible or even an addon function to either of those mods would probably be better since I can then also use other AI mods such as ASR AI.
  20. Valken

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    I think you can set VCOM AI to turn OFF for the IND faction or OPF faction so assign the zombies that side and try your mission again.
  21. Would have been awesome to have a universal ballistics / armor mod like the REAL ARMOR mod but built in by BIS or least a system that can be updated by the community.
  22. Did you enable filepatching from steam launcher or the command line? You have to copy the TPW_MODS.HPP file into your x:\Arma 3\Userconfig\tpw_mods\ folder then enable filepatching to read the values.
  23. That problem is an ARMA engine limitation. There are only so many active lights it can turn on at anyone time, so if you have many streetlights, then turn ON, ADD or SPAWN other lights like car headlamps, flashlights or houselights, it will "cycle" all the lights creating the strobe effect. You can sorta minimize this by downloading and using this mod from Armaholic or Steam http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=33584 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/1223309664 Then set the lights to Ultra+. It will increase the amount of lights allowed at any one time. Should not be a big performance hit if your GPU is very good. But once you hit the limit, all the lights around you will "cycle" strobe again. Nothing we can do to fix this unless BIS increases the hardlimits of the lights or upgrades to a future engine. It is a shame because other game engines are heads and tails above the ARMA engine in terms of lighting and particles.
  24. Valken

    A3 Launcher

    Before you go and unsubscribe all of your mods do this: Find your X:\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\ folder where the X is the Drive Letter it is installed on. The rest of the link points to the actual folder where all mods are downloaded into by STEAM. There should a lot of numbered folders inside of the 107410 folder. You can then set your ARMA 3 Launcher to auto ADD all the mods from the 10740 by watching it. Some mods should show up with names or nearly the same names intacted and some will be listed as numbers since all mods from steam are placed into a number folder. Mods that show up with names only if the author/uploader had configured a mod.cpp text file INSIDE that folder with name= "modname"; line. Otherwise, you have to figure it out or just look up the number on steam work's arma mod page. If you have all of your mods, just run it this way until the launcher gets fixed. I had this problem before due to some routing issue, not on my end but STEAM's end, which did not download the mod list for some reason on startup. I think it was BIS Wizard that fixed it for me. It was ongoing for a good 6-8 months!!! Actually, my Arma 3 Launcher has been recently "finding" all 2000+ steam mods in the launcher lately so I think there is a network issue on Steam's end.