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Everything posted by Laid3acK

  1. Angola 1996 in my case, very good visual render on this part of this big and beautiful country. Muito Obrigad' for your work and your release. A thought for Obmar and the Bush Wars Conflict Mod Team.
  2. Laid3acK

    UIcorrections Suite

    This line In the "class CfgPatches" solves the problem : requiredAddons[]={"A3_Ui_F_Tank"};
  3. With the self interaction menu, you should have this possibility: https://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/rangecard.html#22-using-the-range-card
  4. If you're talking about the Advanced Ballistics module, no it was never enabled as default, always disabled.
  5. It's like that since the first version of ACE3.
  6. No, the Advanced Ballistics module is disabled as default and must be enabled manually. As default, you have the ACE3 ballistic, the Weather and the Wind Deflection modules enabled, but it doesn't modify the AI skills. You're talking about the "Remove CfgAiSkill config changes" maybe ? https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/5091
  7. Are you playing with a @ace 3.8.3 ? Since the @ace 3.9.0, the class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval has got a value = 0.05 This serverconfig.hpp seems to be a little bit obsolete and maybe needs to be updated ?
  8. Advanced Ballistics module enabled, the BH is indicated at the end of the range card. You should have a better accuracy with a correct BH in the AtragMx. For the default ballistic, not sure about the influence of this parameter. Maybe a quick test in-game ?
  9. A clean install required with the Windows installer ? La grande classe, many thanks for your work.
  10. Not supported because this compat was for the first release by da12thMonkey. The compat for the 5-25 can be found here : http://www.rkslstudios.info/index.php?/files/file/2-rksl-attachments-pack-v2-ace3-plugins/
  11. Laid3acK

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hi RHS team, i'm going to update the compat_rhs_usf and _afrf with the Advanced Ballistics entries for the M40A5 and the ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifles, the S&B M8541 and the Dedal DH 5-25x56 sniper scopes. I would need the "Distance between center of scope and rail in centimeters" and the "Distance between center of bore and rail in centimeters", according with the last ACE Scopes Framework : https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/scopes-framework.html Could you send me those values, please ? A another question just for my curiosity, i was wondering why a different formula for the opticsZoomMin and Max (0.25 for USAF / 0.35 for AFRF), there is a particular reason for that ? Many thanks for your hard work and this great update. :) As usual, sorry for my splendid english.
  12. Because you can use the AtragMx and the Kestrel with the default ballistic and the wind deflection module (enabled by default), no problem with that. :) Here : https://www.youtube.com/user/Serouisly You have a complet documentation in this mod too : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639464956 A another guide : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tdwMRX22MyTUTOolD6fLlYAFnBQlHVQBjRod-SFzUmc/edit
  13. The Advanced Ballistics module is not enabled in those videos (default ballistic coefficients). This module must be enabled manually in the editor or with the Settings Framework. The range card is the best way to be sure of that : only one column = default ballistic. Be advised that the 3CB's bullets have got their own values, you can check it here if you want : https://3cbmod.wordpress.com/released-mods/3cb-baf-weapons/usage-weapons/ and forget the RHS's scopes with AB. My apologies for my english.
  14. Laid3acK

    Escape from Tarkov

    Escape from Tarkov Developer's 2016 Report : http://www.escapefromtarkov.com/news/id/45?lang=undefined
  15. I'm wondering if the mil dot reticle is accurate ... I suppose that it's not really a part of the GB's game design ?
  16. Laid3acK


    Salut gemini, for all guys with a bad connection, do you think that a lite version of OPEX is possible, with vanilla maps and factions only ? Congrats for your release and your work et bonne continuation pour la suite. ;)
  17. Laid3acK

    [COOP-8] Black Ops

    Great ! Many thanks. Have you planned an update for "Evade and Survive" ?
  18. Laid3acK

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Better than my splendid english, "Gyroscopic (spin) Drift and Coriolis Effect" by Bryan Litz : http://www.appliedballisticsllc.com/Articles/ABDOC108_GyroscopicAndCoriolis.pdf Could be a good reference. Honestly, i don't know the 12.7 manufacturers for the British army, but just to give you a idea of the 12.7 bullet size : http://www.igman.co.ba/en/proizvod.php?id=8 You notice that the M33 above is not exactly a US Military, it's just an example.
  19. Laid3acK

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Hello 3 Commando Brigade, i made a quick test with your beautiful sniper rifles and the advanced ballistic module enabled, you have got your own values for the bullets and it's very interesting, thanks for that. The L115A3 and the L118A1 AWC (really great the full barrel silenced) are very accurate, i just noticed a spin drift a little bit excessive, in my opinion, for the 12.7 bullets. I checked the ace_bulletlenght for those bullets with the "Splendid config viewer" and i found 32,6898 millimeters. Are you sure about this value because, normally, it's near 5 or 6 cm for this sort of bullet ? Congrats for this great weapons pack and my apologies for my english.
  20. For the vanilla Arma3's rifles, the Advanced Ballistics module enabled and Strelok Pro, you have many informations for each bullet (caliber, mass, temperature muzzle velocity shifts) and the rifles' twist rate if you open the range card in game. You have the ballistic coefficient, his drag model and the bullet length for each vanilla bullet here : https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/ballistics/CfgAmmo.hpp Please, respect the units in Strelok Pro, grains is grains, not grams, same for inches (not millimeters), Strelok Pro includes a unit converter if necessary. EDIT : with the Advanced Ballistics module enabled, don't forget the correct latitude for each map here : https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/addons/common/functions/fnc_getMapData.sqf Have a nice day and a good game. :)
  21. Official Horus AtragMx manuel, page 32 and 33 : https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/master/extras/manual_Horus_ATrag-v385.pdf Degrees in-game with the protractor, a laser designator or the Vector. :)
  22. Laid3acK

    config.bin, how to change?

    The Kegetys tools are a little bit outdated, you will have a better result with the official cfgconvert from the Arma 3 Tools. :)
  23. New build soon : http://www.groundbranch.com/2016/08/a-new-ground-branch-build-is-coming-soon/
  24. Laid3acK

    Squad (PR:BF2 Devs)

    Preview Alpha V7 : http://joinsquad.com/readArticle?articleId=106