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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    Discover and Identify

    Very nice write up! On a side note, I'll add that @kenoxite exploited the connection between camouflage/sensitivity and unit class inheritance tree in WW4 Ext. Here's his post from 2015, explaining Ext implementation of this: Ext values for sensitivity and camouflage are defined in ww4ext_inf_cfg.pbo\definitions.hpp.
  2. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    First off: late congratulations, you're the hero we need, but we don't deserve :D Second: yesterday me and few of my buddies had some fun with CWR3 in multiplayer, but we had following problems with the missions: 1. For slots higher than number 3, you may get empty briefing and spawn as seagull. Experienced in missions: Hostage Rescue, Lost Squad, Oil War, Seize The Base. 2. In mission Conquerors - being a tank commander with AI driver, you're unable to tell him how to move. You have to switch to driver. (doesn't matter if player is also a group leader) 3. In mission Return to Eden (and that issue will probably manifest in many OFP missions) - player may find himself with no AT weapons left to finish Shilkas, especially if he managed to get spotted by tanks (and took those tanks out). The reason is simple - in OFP M72 LAW was a reloadable weapon with three spare rounds in typical loadout. CWR simulates LAW as a single-use weapon just like it is in real life. I wonder if it's possible to add backpack with spare launcher to LAW soldier, as a way to balance between OFP and A3 take on LAW? Anyway, I know - it's beta, issues are expected, but I guess you may want to hear those. Good luck!
  3. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Nostalgia Pack

    Are these meant to be played in multiplayer? I couldn't find them in a mission list on local (listen) server, nor when we put ONP on a dedicated server* (with CWR+CUP loaded too, obviously). They are visible fine in singleplayer scenario list. *I forgot - with dedi server you have also issue of pbo being not signed. We turned off signature verifying, but that was of no help - lack of signatures shouldn't prevent me from hosting missions on local server anyway (I think).
  4. krzychuzokecia

    Popup Target hitmarker

    Wow, that's amazing @pierremgi Is this target HUD available somewhere already, or not yet?
  5. krzychuzokecia

    Multiple install 1.96, 1.99, 2.01

  6. krzychuzokecia

    Esports in Arma?

    Bek 'n de day (which means OFP times) there were CTI (Capture The Island) leagues, and also CTF (Capture The Flag) leagues. CTI dudes moved to Arma, and this mode is still quite popular, but I have no idea if there's any "e-sport" form of it running around. BIS tried "competetive" MP with End Game mode of A3 (similiar to CTF of old) and Argo spinoff, but both of those have failed. Organised Arma gaming seems focused more on co-op/mil-sim stuff, while game modes which require "competetive" FPS skills (KOTH being best example) seem to thrive in an anarchy. At least from my completely "outsider" perspective.
  7. krzychuzokecia

    Multiple install 1.96, 1.99, 2.01

    I have one Arma: CWA 1.99 installed via Steam. Then I have 1.96 installed from physical media (CD), and (using my 1.96 serial number) another CWA 1.99 installed from BIS "standalone" installer. This second (non-Steam) installation is where I have 2.01. It wouldn't be a problem if 2.01 dudes just refrained from modifying vanilla game data, but oh well...
  8. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    @barccy I wrote to you on Steam. For anyone else who needs this file: Laser's Navy SEALs - Charlie Sheen and Michael Bienh not included :(
  9. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Texture Templates

    WW4 Texture Templates Hello all! Today I'm presenting a set of files that may be useful for many addonmakers - begineers or not. These are texture templates for WW4 mod, that allow to make a fairly detailed textures for WW4 models. While WW4 Modder Resources contain most thing that You would need, they lacked good templates for vests. Due to this most of the WW4 retextured vests are of "camo-all-over" nature like on picture below. See the difference? I've wanted to have some more details, like visible webbing or PALS. Also I couldn't find any template for PASGT vest. So I've jumped into GIMP and made what I wanted to have. Most of this work is quite old, earlier versions of these files were used to make units for Revan's Brotherhood Rising mod, but now I've revamped them a little bit and released to public. I hope some of You will find them useful. Download here. To edit the .xcf files GIMP is needed - for those who don't know it's a free but very useful (and powerful) image editor. Get it here. When You're done save as .png or .tga, and then conver to .pac using Your converter of choice. Included are: 1. Uniforms: BDU - containing also webbing for units without vests BDU with baseball hat - that was made by Sanctuary later and never got into Modder's Resources Pullover - useful for civilian-looking insurgents. 2. Vests: 6B23 - Russian style vest with webbing inspired by RD-54 and Neva LBE IBA - early version with OTV shell with PALS/MOLLE PASGT - contains ALICE webbing for Your Cold War purposes. Credits go to Hyakushiki (author of the models which Sanctuary used as a basis for his work), Sanctuary ('nuff said) and Jklv (who made "wrinkle" textures for IBA and 6B23). I've just put it all together, made PASGT template, cut the details (straps, webbing) and so on. Uniform models have lapels deleted so on-body webbing (without vest) will look nicer. For more clothing parts and camo patterns check aforementioned WW4 Modder Resources. You may also find useful a camo patterns made by SomerenV. Also, there are some more templates in my cooker, namely Ranger Body Armor (Blackhawk Down!) and IOTV variant of IBA. Oh, and the best part - it's all open-source! :)
  10. krzychuzokecia

    Quick question

    Arma 3 doesn't support Steam Cloud. Arma 3 Tools have Steam Cloud though, as it's needed for publishing files on Workshop. If you have A3 on laptop, you can try to publish your mission on Workshop (as a private file), then subscribe to it. If you're able to open Arma main menu on laptop, then try to play your own subscribed mission - game will download it, and you'll have it on your laptop HDD.
  11. krzychuzokecia

    Quick question

    @JohnKalo He doesn't have game installed on his laptop - he's playing it via game streaming service GeForce Now - essentially, he watches a vid of himself playing game on a virtual machine that he has no access to otherwise. @Varhastra With GeForce Now, when you save a mission in editor, it is saved only on that single instance of virtual/cloud computer you're connected to. However, when you log out of game, this instanced virtual machine is lost forever - and so are the files you "saved". The only workaround for this, would be publishing the mission to workshop in Eden Editor, but then I don't know how you'd download it on your laptop without having A3 installed.
  12. @ww2weasel it'd be all easier to read (and copy into notepad) if you'd used code function for scripts!
  13. krzychuzokecia

    2035 Central Africa

    Finally in Arma 3 we can bless the rains down in Africa!
  14. krzychuzokecia

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Just wanted to say thanks to whomever is responsible for Firing Drills documentation. That alone made me happy, but information about making this process even easier in 2.02 simply made my day!
  15. krzychuzokecia

    Forward Scan Sonar for ships

    Ooh, the circular sonar looks nifty! Few months back user @h4wek made a script that makes submarine come to live - now I wonder how close we are from having a hunt for HMS Proteus in Arma 3! (Even if in real life you don't hunt submarines with scan sonars!)
  16. krzychuzokecia

    Krzy's OFPL Additions

    BWP-1 A simple retexture of CSLA BMP-1 in Polish camo, intended as a additional prop for missions made with OFPL and WP Soldiers addons. Addon contains BWP-1 IFV, retextured OFPL crewman in black tanker overalls, and it is compatible with most OFPL Events special effects. Credits: CSLA Studio - BMP model and textures, used with permission (huge thanks!) Offtime - models and textures for OFPL crewman and Jon Doe unit kit Corran - insignia of 11th Armoured Cavarly Division Krzychuzokecia - textures, config Requirements: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance (v. 1.96) or Arma: Cold War Assault (v. 1.99) WP Soldiers 0.55 Llauma's and Ag. Smith's Facestex 2 JAM3 Known issues: Commander viewports are opaque (issue present in CSLA BMP) Commander sits too low in his hatch (issue present in CSLA BMP) Driver's hatch collides with viewports when open (issue present in CSLA BMP) BWP Crewman mapping is slightly misaligned End-user agreement: This is not an official addon - You're using it at Your own risk! Authors, nor Bohemia Interactive, take no responsibility for using this addon. You are forbidden from using any part of this addon, or entirety of it, in your own projects without authors written permission. Additionally it is forbidden to use this addon for monetization purposes including, but not limited to, monetized servers, websites and video content. Downloads: Mirror 1 (ModDB).
  17. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    ...there's also third cutscene/mean to go to work, but I'm not spoiling anything now :D Veterans know it already, newbies are kindly asked to play OFP and get some good 'ole schoolin' :)
  18. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Yeah, well... maybe you did :P I always took Jawa back from mechanic!
  19. krzychuzokecia

    Forward Scan Sonar for ships

    That's really amazing quality of life improvement, it really should be in the base game! Maybe there's possibility to have panel appear in those "detachable" windows under square bracket keys? Ones that show cameras and GPS in vehicles.
  20. krzychuzokecia

    Cold War Rearmed III

    Oh please, let those paper-mache T-80s appear in your mod, they are awfully amazing, and amazingly awful! (and uber-nostalgic)
  21. krzychuzokecia

    [GM] Cold War - Nogovan Armed Forces

    Those are actually very nice HK32s R0adki11! I hope at some point you'll also be able to acquire some proper Nogovan CJ-5 :D
  22. krzychuzokecia

    co10 Escape

    You'd just need to script guns to not hit anyone, but break all the glass. And when all the windows are shattered, enemies give up.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    [GM] Cold War - Nogovan Armed Forces

    @R0adki11 I'm not really criticizing, this sort of mish-mash is not ideal from logistics point of view, but it happened at least for some real life countries. Also, G3+PKM combo would be more interesting than most of other GlobMob adaptations were G3 is usually paired with MG3. Now, the real cool thing to do would be giving infantry HK32 - IIRC you toyed with such idea back in OFP times. Quite obviously there's no HK32 in GlobMob, but maybe it can be achieved with magazine proxies? If GlobMob have them for G3s (I'm not sure). @Broseph_Stalin90 Not really in case of Yugoslavia. They had Soviet 7.62x39 M43 intermediate cartridge for their individual arms (SKS and AK derivatives) all along, but when it comes to "support" weapons for full-power rifle ammo Yugoslavia first used 8mm Mauser (M76 AK-based DMR and local MG42 derivative), and adopted 7.62x54 only in late 80s (replacing MG42 with M84 PK derivative, and M76 with M91). But as I said earlier - what R0adki11 made is not unheard of, I'm pretty sure Kenya (for example) uses G3 as standard infantry rifle, and PKM as standard GPMG (lately they got some M4s and M240s from US via various assitance programs).
  24. krzychuzokecia

    OFP videography

    Hey, Apoc, good to see you back!
  25. krzychuzokecia

    [GM] Cold War - Nogovan Armed Forces

    Looks very nice, even though I wouldn't want to be NAF armourer/logistic - 7.62 NATO G3 and 7.62 Russian PKM in one squad, would make me go crazy! :D