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About Drongo69

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    First Sergeant

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  1. Drongo69

    Drongo's Command Enhancement

    Thanks for the headsup. BTW the latest version can be found here (features getter garrison options and a light artillery system). I'll check if these bugs are still in the latest version and if so post an update soon.
  2. Drongo69

    Drongo's Air Support

    New releases are on my Patreon, promo stuff will be on my YouTube channel. If you want to see my latest work, check these regularly (currently planning on weekly releases of previously unreleased stuff on my Patreon). Bonus gunship video (compare this to the laughable vanilla behaviour).
  3. Drongo69

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Seriously, every time I see a patch for Arma 3 I think "What have they broken this time?" and "Will we be able to play our next coop session?". Who cares? Life and survival mods are making BIS millions! It's 2018, what kind of dorky loser needs decent milsim AI? Ha ha epic lol! No wait, actually this is an insult.
  4. The version in public is years out of date (though still years ahead of the pathetic vanilla BIS system). The version my friends are using has new shell types and other improvements.
  5. Noice, I love this script, it adds so much. It's one of those "I can never go back" features. Thanks Phronk.
  6. Drongo69

    Drongo's Command Enhancement

    Sorry, I included old files in the archive, I just uploaded a fixed copy. Please download it again from the first post.
  7. Drongo69

    Drongo's Command Enhancement

    First post updated with new version. Changelog: Dialog now displays properly on all UI sizes (thanks X39) Waypoint system updated and now has black lines from the group to each waypoint (like vanilla High Command) Reinforcements system integrated at the addon level (can still customize with scripting) Can now see individual markers for each man and vehicles in the selected group in Command New markers for marking the individual men/vehicles in a squad Can turn off reports of civilians Improved "taking fire" markers Scripted objectives and end-game module (for use with the reinforcements system) General tidy up, optimization and modernizing of code Archive includes sample army lists and a demo mission. Video overview of the new features: Edited to replace the babbling with a proper trailer.
  8. Drongo69

    Drongo's Command Enhancement

    The target button makes your squad AI shoot directly at the target under your cursor. This is for situations like when an enemy MRAP rolls up 10 meters in front of you and your AI won't engage. In short "Shoot that now!". Suppression is area fire around the target. I have never looked at fastroping or slingloads, I'll put it on the to do list. You can exclude any group from DCE by adding it to dceExcludedGroups. For example: dceExcludedGroups = dceExcludedGroups + [_myGroup]; There is an update of DCE coming soon. Some of the fixes/updates: Dialog now displays properly on all UI sizes (thanks X39) Waypoint system updated and now has black lines from the group to each waypoint (like High Command) Reinforcements system integrated at the addon level (can still customize with scripting) Can now see individual markers for each man and vehicles in the selected group in Command New markers for marking the individual men/vehicles in a squad Can turn off reports of civilians General tidy up, optimization and modernizing of code There are still some sporadic waypoint issues with vehicles for some reason (issues which don't affect infantry, helos or jets). I pray to Odin that BIS fixes the tank AI with the upcoming DLC. If AI tanks still keep turning their rear armour to the enemy and crashing into each other all the time, then the whole DLC will be worthless. My air and artillery mods are very functional and I use them every week in my coop games. But they lack the final polish for a public release. I also want to add a lot of features to DAS. So it depends on my motivation.
  9. Drongo69

    Drongo's Air Support

    I just took a look at your PM again to refresh my memory, lots of good stuff there. I am focused on bugfixing and improving DCE at the moment, but after that the air and arty will get a proper look. I'll probably have a bunch of questions for you.
  10. Drongo69

    Drongo's Air Support

    I hadn't thought of that, though I script drops in some of my missions. I'll take a look at it.
  11. Drongo69

    Drongo's Command Enhancement

    Here is a short overview of the reinforcements system. Writing your own army lists is very simple. It is really easy to set up and customize.
  12. Drongo69

    Drongo's Command Enhancement

    Drongo's RTS overview with a lot of DCE usage and intelligent commentary on the world at large:
  13. Drongo69

    Pook ARTY Pack

    Hi hcpookie. Do your arty units use unique values for their mags and ammo, or do they inherit straight from BIS values? I'd like to accommodate your artillery when I re-release my artillery addon. Not sure if the rocket stuff is doable, but the tube stuff should be easy enough.
  14. Drongo69

    Drongo's Air Support

    No, though it looks like it would have saved me a lot of hassle. Cheers mate, a lot of work has gone into it. I never stopped modding over the past few years, I just stopped public releases.