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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Cheers kman! Let me know how it goes.
  2. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Thanks for the update! If you use this setVariable ["APW_initRadioTrig",true]; then the script should create all the triggers itself so no need to create them manually (if it doesn't then it's a bug that needs to be fixed). Creating triggers manually may interfere with the script too so probs best avoided at this stage. That's really weird that it doesn't work though, I tested exactly that setup on my own dedi last night several times and it ran flawlessly. What I might do is create a basic scenario and include that in the script so I can try to narrow down exactly where everything is going wrong. In the meantime, could you fire your test mission over via PM and I'll give it a look? If there's an issue now, hopefully it won't take too long to solve. The script is way more robust than it was in terms of dedicated compatibility.
  3. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Cool, thanks. And this is with the RC update too right?
  4. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Thanks for the feedback guys. @law-giver - I'm hoping that's expected behaviour. I've set it up so the addaction to request CAS only appears when CAS isn't directly contactable through Radio Charlie, so if you'd already called the CAS before being killed, you should still have Radio Charlie to contact it. Using Radio Charlie, you should be able to check its status and also (once it is on station) get an "Abort CAS Mission" option which will send it back to base for rearm and refuel (with appropriate timings for these - rearm / refuel time is user defined). To put it another way, once you call CAS and it's on its way, you can use Radio Charlie to contact it up until the point where its mission is complete (either out of fuel, out of ammo - if you have the RTB on no ammo option enabled in the setup file, or the mission has been mission aborted by the JTAC). While you have Radio Charlie to contact the aircraft, you won't see the "Request CAS" addaction. So the addaction will only be there when it's either RTB, rearming and refuelling, unavailable, or awaiting tasking - during this time you can use the "Request CAS" addaction to not only request CAS but also get an update on the status of the air unit. I'm hoping this way of doing things makes sure that if several people are using the aircraft at once, the aircraft carries on doing its thing even if one of them is killed or disconnects. I figured I'd hide the Request CAS action whenever it serves no purpose as it keeps the action menu as uncluttered as possible. Is that the behaviour you're seeing? If not, looks like I've still got some work to do!
  5. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Version 1.1 (release candidate - do not mirror) For the guys having issues with multiplayer, give this version a whirl. Had to change a lot more than I was expecting so it's ended up being a fairly substantial update. Should be pretty much good to go but I'll do a provisional RC release first just in case anyone doesn't like the changes. Again, I have no unit to test with so any feedback is really appreciated. Here's the release highlights: Rewrote script for full MP compatibility Reduced radio trigger usage in favour of "CAS Interact" menu Added status report option All players can interact with CAS once it is on station provided they have necessary item Removed superfluous game logic objects Reduced time between choosing to mark with laser and confirming mark All variables now synchronise properly across clients and server CAS status now remote to server, strikes still local to client Increased airpower engaging timeout Fixed: JIP not being able to request strike / call for CAS Fixed: script hang if the player who called for CAS leaves before mission is complete Fixed: script hanging if player leaves during a strike request Fixed: "Game Logic" showing in chat Fixed: Addaction not working on respawn
  6. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Thanks so much for the feedback guys, keep it coming. I've done as much as I can to make it MP compatible on my own, but given that I don't play in a unit or anything, it's hard to pick it all up. I'll get these issues fixed in the next run (won't be long). So far I've got: "Game Logic" showing in chat (fixed) Addaction not working on respawn (fixed) "Already requested" message showing after respawn (this probably won't be because it's stuck in a loop, more likely because the aircraft is on station still - why you can't request strikes though I'm not sure and will look into) (fixed) Anything else? Update: MP-compatible version inbound...
  7. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Yeah I noticed that coming up recently, never used to. I'll see what I can do to fix it on the next coding frenzy.
  8. Thanks accuracy, and cheers again for your feedback! Yes that's correct, I could switch undercover unit's side depending on their cover but that would cause a whole host of issues, especially for units in groups. Or it would mean creating an AI mod effectively that controls what each enemy unit can see which would mess with compatibility and break a lot of stuff I suspect. So for now, it just sets units as captive (but with a lot of fancy stuff going on behind the scenes to determine when the unit is captive or not).
  9. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Update: Version 1.0 Release highlights: Add multiple ordnance types for a single strike Choose to manually track targets / select targets to track Better detection of target markers RHS smoke grenade compatibility ACE3 advanced chemlights compatibility When marking multiple targets for an airstrike, the aircraft no longer looks for targets that are already marked for the current strike Automatic detection of dusk and dawn. Quicker voice procedure Numerous bugfixes and code cleanups (plus the script will reset itself after a short time if there are any errors, preventing issues where the script would get stuck indefinitely)
  10. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    No worries at all! Didn't mean to sound like I was telling you where to go - just thought you might not have heard of that mod. Thanks for the suggestion though, if I can think of a good way to fit it in down the line, I will do.
  11. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Thanks! At the moment, I've got no plans for that kind of thing as it's already pretty well served by other scripts and the idea was to move away from physical aircraft with their rubbish AI. Although that may change if Jets DLC does something cool with the AI! Check out Advanced JTAC TAB module mod - still works well and might suit your needs a bit better.
  12. Incontinentia

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Wondering if one of the RHS devs could help out with something. ALiVE works out the hitpoints of a vehicle from the config file, however the following RHS vehicles don't return any hitpoints: [ "RHS_AH64D","RHS_AH64D_GS","RHS_AH64D_CS","RHS_AH64D_AA","RHS_AH64D_noradar","RHS_AH64D_noradar_GS","RHS_AH64D_noradar_CS","RHS_AH64D_noradar_AA","RHS_AH64D_wd","RHS_AH64D_wd_GS","RHS_AH64D_wd_CS","RHS_AH64D_wd_AA","RHS_AH64D_noradar_wd","RHS_AH64D_noradar_wd_GS","RHS_AH64D_noradar_wd_CS","RHS_AH64D_noradar_wd_AA","RHS_AH64DGrey", "RHS_AH1Z","RHS_AH1Z_GS","RHS_AH1Z_CS","RHS_AH1Z_wd","RHS_AH1Z_wd_GS","RHS_AH1Z_wd_CS", "rhsusf_m1025_w_m2","rhsusf_m1025_d_m2","rhsusf_m1025_w_s_m2","rhsusf_m1025_d_s_m2","rhsusf_m1025_w_mk19","rhsusf_m1025_d_Mk19","rhsusf_m1025_w_s_Mk19","rhsusf_m1025_d_s_Mk19","rhssaf_m1025_olive_m2" ] For some reason, (count (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "HitPoints")) always ends up as 0, which isn't the case with all other vehicles. Do any of you guys know a way to get the hitpoints for these vehicles from their config?
  13. As someone who has learned all he knows about scripting by fannying about in SQF for the past couple of months, I've got a question for the more advanced scripters out there. I was intrigued by this statement in the ACE3 Medical AI notes: I've searched around and found a few nibbles of information here and there (and there's no documentation as yet that I've found on CBA about state machines) but nothing that really provides a decent comparison between an SQF script with a series of looped functions based on lazy evaluation of conditions, and an FSM that does the same. Is there a noticeable difference in performance or are FSMs just a different way of achieving a similar goal? And if there isn't much performance difference between the two, then what is the most efficient way of squeezing performance out of a complex script? Assuming your functions are as clean and fast as they can be, what are your best practices for making them run with minimal impact? I'm referring here to scripts with complex conditions which will run on a number of units or objects repeatedly (for reference, I'm trying to turn this into a full-blown undercover simulation and more efficiency means more responsiveness for more units).
  14. Duda, thank you very much for sharing that - looks extremely useful. This will presumably not work on spawned functions or will it?
  15. Wow - thank you so much for such a detailed answer @baermitumlaut! That makes a lot of sense and I can imagine is extremely useful for lots of scripters out there. I've been wondering for a while about finding a reliable way to scale code execution without having to find a sweet spot between responsiveness and scheduler performance. Thanks again, really appreciate the response.
  16. Incontinentia

    IR Illuminator

    The point is that there are situations where even NVGs don't properly illuminate the environment enough as there isn't any ambient light to intensify. New moon, heavily overcast nights make even NVGs unworkable. In that situation, it's better to have an infrared light source to help the NVGs do their job properly than it is to use a visible spectrum light for all the same reasons that people use NVGs in the first place. These things exist in the real world, so there clearly is a need for it. There is a point and it's a valid one.
  17. Works perfectly for me...
  18. Incontinentia

    Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

    Much as I agree with the High Command thing, you're wrong about VR. Proper VR in Arma would be a whole new level of epic. Don't knock it until you've tried it...
  19. No - I mean Windows 10 page file.... that said, I'll do more testing as I suspect it's going to hit me a little bit later on.
  20. @dwarden, I am sure you are already aware of this / it's already been investigated, but I kept getting this 3FPS bug whenever I teleported anywhere in SP and sometimes randomly when I didn't. Looked into my virtual memory allocation and saw it was 4 GB. I've increased this now significantly (to 32 GB) and haven't any weird flickering objects / unrecoverable FPS drops since. Unfortunately I've already overwritten my last RPT when I had the bug but thought it was worth passing on regardless. Using the latest perf binaries.
  21. I spent ages looking for that! Thanks marceldev. Haha thanks for the recommendation, I'll look forward to some screaming. Yeah that makes sense and was kind of what I figured... although mysterious concepts like state machines had me wondering if there was some magic out there to get max performance for both a mod and the game, which was starting to seem a bit unlikely. Now I've read the link above re CBA state machines, it seems like maybe there is. @baermitumlaut - sorry to grab you out of the blue here, but is there any chance you could elaborate on what the magic is behind the CBA state machine over a regular BIS FSM and why it can do the same with less performance impact?
  22. Incontinentia

    Project OPFOR

    Hi Keeway, just to let you know I haven't reproduced the stutter just yet (although I've been doing a lot more coding than playing recently) so unless I can reproduce and send you an RPT, forget I mentioned anything! That said, I can confirm Boko Haram doesn't work with ALiVE and doesn't seem to have groups defined in the ORBAT creator either which is strange as these usually pick up any groups a faction has, even if they aren't compatible. Thanks again for your awesome work.
  23. Wow - loads of useful information there @dedmen, thank you. This particular script is only ran a handful of times at the very beginning of a mission but caching units in a variable has made that process much quicker. Is there anywhere other than here that you would recommend for flashing a cheeky bit of code to someone? I'm not in any units and can't really do MP and I guess that's where a lot of scripters get feedback...
  24. Interestingly, I compared the two solutions (had to alter yours slightly to work on multiple factions) and the original was 88ms versus 145ms - when I tried swapping it out there was visible stutter each time the function loaded. The alteration was: ("(getText (_x >> 'faction') in _factions) && {isClass _x}" configClasses _cfgVehicles); Baffling!