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Jungle Wars: Island of Lingor

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ahmedjbh, Lt Gunner & others - thanks for your donation & support!

I have a beta version of units, if anyone is willing to test them and give me feedback drop me PM.

Current to do:

- make all classes so we can use them for Domination and stuff like that

- decide on a primary rebel weapon (fn fal? ak? sv58?)

- make new realistic sounds of Mig-21 and fix the "gun-elevate" sound rpt error

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This may have been posted already and may have nothing to do with your map.

I have never noticed this problem until I downloaded your map and MBG_nam map. The jungle is rendered wonderfully around me. I do not have any problems with lag or slowdown anywhere on the map. If i look out in the distance the only thing rendered are trees, no ground cover (grass, bushes). It seems to be about a 30-50 meter circle ,around my unit, that everything shows up. Also, as I move around the grass bushes will render up around me, again at about 30-50 meters out. I have my viewdistance set to 500. I have dropped every mod ,but lingor and the ones required to run it.

This is bad, because I can place units in the distance and see them as clear as day ,but up close I can't because of the jungle.

I have never noticed this on my other maps. I also have the Lowlands jungle map and this does not seem to happen.

I am running A2+OA, lastest 1.56 patch, Latest CBA 0.7.1 (also happened with 0.7.0) and the correct versions of ibr_plants,brg_africa and MBG_buildings2.

Any ideas?


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in almost all countrys with jungle or africa - they have FN Fal , Ak47 , Akm , RPK (47) and Hk G3

Edited by RobertHammer

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You already seem to have a good idea of what the history of Lingor is, why not look to that for inspiration? Who did the government support in the cold war? If it was the US, give them FALs or M16s, if it was the USSR, give them AKs.

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Simply a awesome map!

Incredible! Had lots of fun the last hours with it.

I hope for your planned units, ACE-Mod configs will be added too (IIRC you can check in configs if ACE is loaded and then use the ACE-Values/ACE-Weapons and so forth - if you don't know maybe drop Sickboy a PM)

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Government pilot is doing an extremely low flyby ;)


PRACS_Mig21 / "GAL SkyJaguar" Skin by IceBreakr

.. while ARL faction's Migs are fully armed and ready to break government airspace over Maruko:


PRACS_Mig21 / "ARL Ocultos" Skin by IceBreakr

Edited by IceBreakr

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I vote USSR weapons for the rebels. Black market has more of those old style weapons then US. But maybe give officers/higher ups the US weapons? (FN Fal/M16)

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Id like to see the FAL rather than the AK personally, theres a lot of factions running around with AKs, and if the mission designer wants AK's instead of FALs its not too hard to swap out.

And those MIG skins are absolutely badass!

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I use FN Fals and AKMs right now. In talks with FN F2000 for Venator PMCs so I don't have to use that crappy fake XM8 stuff ;)

Edited by IceBreakr

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those Migs are damn sexy and i can't believe that pilot is prepared to risk one of those machines with such an irresponsible manouever!!

gr8 skins buddy.

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Thanks so much IceBreakr and assosiates. Awesome Island ...

not much to add but, but the only thing that could be beter is the lighting on the hole scene meaning the standard licht amount could be greater here to get that "hot jungle feel" i get if i play Isla Duala. Maybe its something the mission maker can change themselves then ill just have to make sure every mission has that option :)

btw i made a small article on our website aboutyour work:

Jungle Wars: Island Lingor @ BG-=XTRA=-

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FYI, in case anyone here is interested, we've ported Benny's Warfare to Lingor :yay:

It is v.264 because v2.65 is still too buggy and v2.66 is is taking a while to be released as Benny is still ironing out some new features and bug-fixes.

BE Warfare v2.64 on Lingor is now being tested on our dedi ( [uTF]Urban Task Force #2 ). Apologies for the shameless plug ;)

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Another masterpiece, thanks IceBreakr!


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Hopefully you'll be able to start making mission soon. Lingor Units pack is coming together, update:

- ARL and GAL troops are done

- Mig-21MFs for both sides are done

- with help of Vilas I've added new police and FAE specops (Fuerzas Especiales Antiterroristas) unit. 90% done.

- Venator PMCs have a new weapon FN F2000 with AIM sight and underslung grenade launcher. Special tnx goes to mchide for the hard work. Tweaking them to be less obvious on the streets (no helmet, just cap?). Two units: light (escort, undercover) & assault (fatigue,proper dress).

- suprise unit is being tested and tweaked

Edited by IceBreakr

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Great news IceBreakr

Can't wait for the MiG-21MF, troops and spec ops

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- Venator PMCs have a new weapon FN F2000

Very good news, thanks a lot.


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Aweeesome. I need these units. Then I can finally make some proper missions on Lingor!

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FN F2000? Wow, never used that in ArmA2 but would love to.

Will have fun making missions with these units you listed ^^ -Cackles evilly-

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While these are still WIP, can we see some variation in the shirt colors maybe??

Would really help these units alot. And maybe not the same text on all their hats? Different hat colors too would be nice, maybe just two. Tan and Black, maybe an OD green hat on one unit too.

Otherwise, these are so awesome.

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